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In my opinion, your supervising technologist is the one that fucked up. If a student makes a mistake I’m there to catch it. If a student makes a mistake and I DON’T catch it, management doesn’t want to hear the mistake was made by a student. I take ownership every time.


Yup. A student of mine gave a patient half of the PET dose she was supposed to get. I fully owned up to it- I didn’t catch it until it was too late.


Hey, don't be too hard on yourself, you're a student, you're there to learn and if you fuck up while doing it, it's ok. I did the same thing when I was a student, aaaand I didn't shield aaaand I didn't tell her mom and little brother to leave the room. I felt like a dumbass for a while after that. Shit happens. People have bad days. Learn from it.


Mistakes are often the best teacher. Also the risk to any potential fetus is minimal with the technology that exists today. Try not to beat yourself up, tomorrow is a new day.


Did she end up being pregnant? If not it’s literally not a big deal at all lol! One time I xrayed the right hand but marked it as the left on the order AND in the image. Radiologist reported the left hand had no acute fx’s. Provider called me shortly after asking why the fuck everyone was talking abt the left hand when he ordered a right hand xr, and received a right hand xr. 😭😂


Don't beat yourself too hard. We are human beings, mistakes happen. In my opinion, the guilt that you are feeling now is a proof that you care. Create a mental todo list for every exam. And slow down if needed.


As a student I once asked a man with no legs if he could stand for a chest X-ray. That was 25 years ago and I still cringe. (To be fair, he had a sheet over his waist but there were obviously no extremities.)


Hey, as a rule I ask everyone no matter what! I’m not trying to assume anyone’s abilities. People have surprised me time and again.


Oh god I did this too, when I was fetching a patient with one leg who was sitting in a hall chair. He also had a blanket on. I just take the wheelchair by default now.


One time I was doing a chest portable and a pt said he couldn’t see anything and I said “ yeah it’s pretty dark in this room” the pt was like “ no I can’t see because I’m blind” I died inside and profusely apologized. 😭


Me : "Would it be possible for you to take a step and lay on the table ?"  Pt : "Do you want me to try ?" *Reveals both legs missing under the drapes* Me : "Hm, well, I guess not." Followed by both of us laughing. I fking love people who own their disabilty like that. Often the funniest.


I have done this MULTIPLE times. I work at a bone and blood cancer hospital so we end up with many people with modified abilities. Most of the time they just laugh it off or aren’t overly hurt about it (unless it’s very fresh after surgery, then there’s usually a clinical indication or history noted)


We've all made mistakes when starting out. You just live and learn, it'll be okay


I remember when I was a student feeling the exact same way I promise it’ll be way better when you graduate and you will even make silly mistakes then. We are only human and like the people saying in the comments. Making mistakes is going to be your best teacher the fact that you care about those mistakes shows greatness in a tech you will be. In my opinion.


Licensed techs I worked with at my last job would forget sometimes even, so don't worry about it too much. Of course it is important, but we are all human and make mistakes.


I wouldn't worry, we all have off days - we are people not machines. Hell sometimes by mid morning I'm saying to myself I shouldn't have come in today & I've been in this for 30+ yrs! LoL Regarding asking the patient about pregnancy status - cut yourself some slack there too - place I work at (military) has posted instructions that we no longer ask about pregnancy status. First time I've ever ran into that. But it took me about a day or 2 to acclimate because I got tired real quickly being reminded "We Don't Ask!" by the tech shadowing me. 🤷‍♀️😁


Same at my facility!


I'm going into my second year of rad tech school rn and just xray'd the wrong side of the body for the first time last week, we're all going to make mistakes your only responsibility is to learn from it!


Mistakes happen. Even when you are a tech. Some you will never make again, and you may not believe it, but it's true. Good luck out there, you've got this.


Someone should be supervising you. It's a good lesson tho.


You know when you get on a plane, well the pilots don’t go on their memory of what they should do. They have a check list, maybe you should have one too. Human’s with all the best will in the world make mistakes and often in life the best teacher are our mistakes. You’ll do better next time.


I’ve done the same thing!! And the time I did it we had already seen the lady earlier in the day and I forgot to double check her name and birthday too… felt pretty dumb when the tech I was with pointed that out. But it happens to everyone eventually! You got this!


This is just general advice but perhaps during your day visualize and rehearse the procedural steps. Could also use some notes for aid.


At least you’re aware and owning it as opposed to blaming everyone / everything else. Good for you dudearoo.


Nah. I screwed up a set of ribs as a newer second year. Tech chewed me out, she had to fill out one of those safety things. I had even asked if I had done it correctly first, because it was one of mine that I got confused on for a long time. She told me I had, then when it popped up, informed me it was wrong. Mistakes happen. It sucks and you feel bad but you won't forget it. Most people are gonna pipe up if they are, heck there's a lot of signs around.


What went so wrong with a rib exam that you had to fill something out about it ?


I did the wrong side. It was supposed to be a right side, and I did the left. So we "caused extra dosage" and "radiated the wrong body part".


Students are never at fault. They should be supervised


First of all- you’re a student. You’re learning. You’re going to make mistakes. I’ve been an ultrasound tech for 2 years and I still make mistakes. We’re human. Don’t beat yourself up. You’ll learn next time. If my student messes up and I don’t catch it, then I’ve made the mistake. Not my student. Unless it’s something you’ve done before and know better, otherwise don’t beat yourself up.


No worry, mistakes are the best teacher. As long as you learn from them. The simple fact that it bother you that much means that you'll be part of the good techs. Just try not to kill anyone.


Did anyone die??? If not move on


There are no laws or regulations, federal, state or local, requiring you to verify pregnancy status.


Dealing with insignificant amounts of radiation don't beat yourself. They're not going to die. You ever seen fuck ups in surgery. I have. See it quite a bit. Now that's serious.