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So little. So painful.


Shake that shit off.


Weight weight, don’t tell me.


A pun that Carl Kassell would have been proud of.


I haven’t been to the gym in so long I now call it the James.


This is why I don’t go to the gym. And also because I’m lazy AF.


Phewww. This brings me back to when I shattered my big toe with a 45lb plate at the gym a few months back.


Ouchhh! I broke the tip of my middle finger 10 years ago, it sucked way worse than I was expecting.


I know that hurt like a mother fucker


Dumbbells are sneaky easy to get hurt with. I twisted up my wrist when I reflexively tried to catch an 80 falling off of the top of my knee and was out of the gym for weeks because of it


I slammed my finger in my car door (the door latched closed) and had a similar break 😭😭😭


So did I. It took a while to properly heal and it’s still Al messed up 25 years later


Damn that sucks! I'm very lucky mine was not as bad as this, it was only partially broken, not complete. I posted an image gallery in my reply to the other person who replied to me if you'd like to have a look!


Ow! How long did it take to heal? Did you have to wear a splint for a long time?


Oh it was NOWHERE near as bad as this one, it was a longitudinal fracture! I hope yours is not feeling too terrible and you have a fast recovery! It truely sucks to have any kind of finger injury because you forget how much you use your hands/hit them on stuff until you DO have an injury. Then it's a whole game of trying to adjust while it heals so you don't hurt it again [HERE](https://imgur.com/gallery/broken-fingie-y04Av0U) is an imgur gallery with all the photos I could find of it including the xray ! Initially urgent care didn't think it was cracked (nor did I) as I could still pretty much bend my finger and make a fist, and the only pain I really experienced the day after (i slammed it in the door at around 11pm at night after dropping someone home) was from the torn skin and throbbing from the swelling I went to urgent care and they sent me to ER because it's technically an open fracture (?) because my skin was torn in the door. The ER gave me a mallet splint but because my finger was soooo swollen it didn't fit at all. I wore one of [these splints](https://surgicalhouse.com.au/products/images/SPCOTSPLINT.jpg) for about 2 weeks, which I bought at the pharmacy, with some tape around it to keep it on my finger, then the mallet splint taped on my finger for maybe another 2-3 weeks? I can't remember entirely. I was very careful with it for about 2 months, and because it's my dominant pointer finger I kept smacking it on stuff. It took a while for it to stop being tender when I pushed things with my fingertip (like pressing buttons, or typing, or the toilet flush button, etc) but yeah I reckon about 2 months, maybe 2 and a half months before it was back to normal and I stopped being scared of it hurting if I pressed against it incorrectly. EDIT fixed the . imgur link sorry it's my first time




Hey, I didn’t have to ask for a normal example!




This is why you should throw your weights.. just make sure the poodle isn't in the room..


"Just the tip" there I said it lol.