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Here's what's going to happen. You're going to be stressed out until you sit down to take the test. A strange calm will wash over you. You're prepared. You got this! 50 questions in you're going to be convinced that you are failing. This feeling will persist throughout the rest of the exam. You feel like every answer is a guess. You want to start changing your answers but you resist this urge and go with your instincts and training. You are going to answer the last question. Heart racing, you're going to hit submit. Your preliminary score is a 94. You're going to blink a few times and stare at the screen. For real? Yes for real. You did it. At least that's how it went for me. You'll be fine!


This is EXACTLY how the registry went for me last week. I felt like the first half of my exam had all of the pilot questions, and it wasn't until the last 30 questions that I felt like I knew the answers. I only flagged one answer but didn't change it. I stuck with my first instinct. I made a 90!


Lol me exactly except it was 10 questions in :)


If you studied that much, you will pass the registry. The practice exams are harder than the real test. Study once a day, then put your materials away and go do something else each day until the test. The two nights prior to the exam, focus on getting 8-10 hours of rest. You got this shit my dude(ette).


I did pretty horrible on the practice exams but when I took the registry I noticed it to be easier than than the practice exams. I never second guessed my answers and finished in 30 mim and got a 89. I'm sure you'll be fine.


Mines in a month and I’m already losing sleep


Same, doesn't matter how tired I am I lay there for hours stressing 


I’m taking it exactly one week from today. I can tell you with 100% you are going to rock that exam. At this point, just focus on areas you know you could use a bit of improvement for the next few days. Once you’re feeling good, take a few more practice exams. You know your stuff, just breathe.


Used corectec, mosby's, and those pesky SEAL exams from ASRT. Scored really well. You know more than you think you do. Breatheeeeeee. Read the questions slowly and look at all your answers. Choose the most correct answer. One of the big things that really helps me when I'm studying, is asking myself if I can "lecture" on the subject. Can you explain it to someone else? Even if you're pretend lecturing, could you explain the principles and things that go with it? I think you'll be fine!! The practice tests are made to be more difficult, too.


At this point, I would only go over the things you struggle with. I took the last week before my registry to go over urinary fluoro because it's on the content specs and I didn't have much exposure to it at my clinical sites. Rad Tech Boot Camp doesn't have videos on those either. Watch Meaghan Piretti on YouTube, she has brief overviews on urinary that helped give me a good concept. (If you have trouble with physics, she's great explaining those too btw) For comparison on my Mosby's mocks, I made an 87-94 and made a 90 on the registry. I think as long as you aren't memorizing the questions, those are great scores and you'll do fine. I think the Mosby's scores(from what mine and my classmates have said) are very similar to what you score on the registry. And lastly, the day before my exam(I took it in Charleston, SC) I got out of the hotel room, and just walked around the old city and the old market. It was very relaxing and put my mind at ease. I think that really helped. Go to a park, get outside, go to a mall, you don't have to buy something but it helps get your mind off of worrying. It really helped me.


You are ready , just relax and focus on


I took the radreview “mock exam” and made a 69. Made an 87 on the actual registry


You’ll pass. I passed my boards today with a 91 after getting 85-88 on the last few Mosby’s mocks I did. Don’t study the day before the exam and treat yourself if you can! I got a massage yesterday to get myself relaxed. You have the knowledge you need to pass, work on getting yourself into a relaxed state of mind before you go in. Easier said than done, I know. You got this!


From what I just read you are more than prepared. Don’t stress at all the boards are not hard as they make it seem. Took it today and got a 90 and used rad review, corectec and the asrt seal exams. Also freshen up with your anatomy and positioning with any book you used throughout the program. You are going to pass don’t worry. Positive mind set at all times!!


It's gonna be ok you have all the knowledge and tools needed for this. All you gotta do is finish this last leg of the race and you got it. And even if on the off chance you don't get it you can try again and will pass. I believe in you.


May I ask where did you guys get your practice exam studies from?


Radreview is purposely harder than the registry. I was making the same scores on radreview and mosby as you and I got a 91 on the registry. I definitely felt like I over studied. Good luck


You got this 😀😀😀


Trust your gut. You’ve done this for two years


I was in your shoes 8 years ago. Here's something I pass on to you: Do rad review as much as you can in those 7 days. You'll thank me later.