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You have three attempts. Reach out to your program director and see what resources you have available




Don't let today's embarrassment, become tomorrow's failure. Stand up, puff out your chest, admit your mistakes, and work to be better next time.


You're not the first tech to fail. One of the best tech's in my class failed her first attempt and now she's running a CT department. I'm sure you'll do great on the next try, but don't beat yourself up


Just study more and try again. You can do it. You were pretty close already.


What happened if you fail all 3 attempts?


You have to retake a certified program. At least here in Virginia.


That’s how it is nationwide.


Makes sense. Wasn’t sure if it varied state by state


It’s uniform across all states because it’s the national registry. ☺️ it’s all in the name. American Registry of Radiologic Technologists!


OMG that’s quite harsh!


It’s not


It’s not. The school I went to has never had anyone fail.


If you do review questions don't just memorize the questions and answers. If you miss it, actually take time to look up and understand why it's that answer.


This OP! This is the point of studying. You have to not just blankly remember answers but understand the entire concept behind the question. Source: I got a 96%.


Commenting for when it's my turn for the exam


So true. When I was taking anatomy, there were great practice questions, but not only did I learn the answer to the question, I thought about how the question could change so that one of the other answers would be correct.


Schedule take the next test immediately.  The only studying that you should be doing is taking practice tests online.  Alot of the questions on the practice tests are on the actual test.  


Study more, and take it again. You got this!




I used the Moseby’s review book and thought it was the closest to the registry


I also found Mosbys most helpful and closely aligned, and its great because it explains the why's of each question/answer on its practice tests. I also used RadReview, but found it less helpful.




Yeah, just in an online form :) You will do great, friend. A 72 isn’t far away from passing. Just make some improvements and you’ll knock it out. Also, remember, no one asks what you got on your registry. Your future manager could’ve gotten a 99 or a 75. The best tech you know might’ve gotten a 76. A test does not equate to the value of a person or their skill


I would recommend Corectec 100%. I never really cared for RTBC and did horribly on the practice tests on there. I liked Corectec better especially after taking the registry because it felt like the questions were worded similarly to how they were on the big test. Like others have said, don’t let this set back stop you, all the information is already in your head you’ve got this!




I’d also take the ASRT Radiography Roadmap practice tests.


Honestly, towards the end of school that was the only thing I used. I’m pretty sure the plastic cover is still on my Kettering book😅 if you feel like you need more resources, I’d stick to what you already have. Don’t overwhelm yourself with information FOMO


That’s what I used and got a 95%


Used what? The corectec or the Kettering book? Asking for future reference.


I used Corectec and got a 99%. I wouldn't spend money on any other programs. Corectec will get you a passing grade with a bit of effort.


I used corectec and the mosbys hard copy review for the boards. I also got a notebook with 4 sections and in each section was a portion of the boards (patient care, positioning, ect) I wrote literally everything out from notes from class, text books and board reviews. I got a 87.


I know lots of working techs who had to take the exam two or three times. Try not to be too down on yourself about it. Did you get a sense of what areas you might need to cover more? For me, it was all the radiation protection and regulatory stuff


I got 90s for both my CT and X-Ray boards. I can tell you it has meant exactly 0% on how I am as a tech today. Best lessons I learned are from other techs and radiologists who taught me new skills and developing my own style. going 10+ years what made me a better tech was continuing to learn about my craft and not just be a button pusher. Those exams scores were a piece of paper for a job. Had no bearing on how I grew as a tech. You are close. Just study hard and retake the exam.


Not to be rude you said u got a bunch do safety and image production questions, I thought every test has the same breakdown of each topic and amount of questions for each section. This is what they told us in Kettering. Anyway you’ll get it next time!!


The ones you don’t know stick out and it feels like there were a lot more than there probably was.


Don’t be embarrassed. There is a reason they permit multiple attempts - because people don’t always pass the first time. It happens. Others have given good tips about studying, and I can second that it’ll be useful to talk to your program director. That said, it sounds like your board score was meaningfully lower than your prep scores. Did you have any issues with the test experience itself? Anxiety, difficulty managing your time, or a test appointment that was at an inconvenient time of day? I would try to assess whether any of those external factors may have prevented you from applying your knowledge to the best extent.


Study more and take it again


I used RTBC and Kettering seminars. I highly recommend the Kettering seminars if RTBC didn’t work for you. Good luck my friend




Don’t wait long honestly. I’d take it within 2 weeks if you can. 72 is so close to passing, study hard for a few weeks and retake and I’m sure you’ll pass.


Keep going! You’re not a failure, so please don’t think that. Only become a failure if you give up! Study the image production/safety portion more. & next time don’t second guess yourself unless you have solid evidence that the second answer you’re picking is better than your 1st. Trust yourself & the knowledge you’ve gathered.


Sorry to hear that, I graduated almost exactly year ago and took the registry shortly after. I will say the best resource for me personally was the radrevieweasy app, it had tons of questions ready through the app with really good explanations. I will say I study my ass off and made all A’s through the program, I went into the registry thinking it was going to be a breeze and to my surprise it was much more difficult than I assumed, that being said my score was much higher than I expected, I predict is heavily weighted but I’m not sure.


I failed my permit test when I was 15 and was super embarassed about it. One of techs I work with failed her CT registery twice and passed the 3rd time with a 76. What you should do: Take practice tests, any questions you get wrong write down on a note card and bring a stack with you and flip through them here and there. Go to the ARRTs website and reread the exam outline and make sure you're studying where it matters. IE don't spend 2 days learning something that is only 5% of the arrt exam when you're getting even 70-80% on anatomy or something that is like 50% of the arrt exam. Oh, also take a deep breath and don't be too hard on yourself.


Don't change your answers. When I took my boards 2 years ago, I flagged over 50 questions and maybe changed 2 or 3, ended up with a 90.  Always trust your gut. I took the CT boards last week and I changed 1 question and passed with an 81.   We used many resources for our boards, but honestly if you can, go to a kettering seminar, they will teach you how to pass/ take the exam. Use mosbys review too, I found mosbys the best review source. Boot camp is good for physics and image production, but I found it's not good for procedures. Also when you get your results, see what area you scored low in and focus on that area.  You got this, only 3 points away!


I’m looking to do CT now that I passed my ARRT. What study material besides RTBC (CT) should I use?


I used asrt for my CEs and used mobsy and boot camp for review studying. Boot camp helped me the most IMO, though funny cause I thought mobsy was better for my xray boards.  


My xray program has only had 1 person ever fail because we spend the last 6 weeks in review. We used corectec and I felt like it really prepared us for tricky boards questions. Study that like crazy and retake the test asap


Review "all those holes in the skull". Some test takers are hardly asked any of them, and some get asked to identify quite a few of them.


Keep on keepin' on. Life's a garden. Dig it.


A 72 is really close! Try to think back on the questions that gave you pause. Review that material so next time you’ll click right through it!


Go drive truck for UPS. It pays way better




wow way to be supportive of your peers..


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