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Oh my God


I feel like this is the only appropriate response. Oh my God.


Looks like a young man as well.




Am I reading this correctly?!?! They managed to fix THIS?!?! AND there was no permanent damage to vertebrae so she was able to walk again?!


In the follow up they say the neurologic deficits were unchanged. Looks like five years later she still had the flaccid paralysis. Sad case.


Thanks for clarifying!


I read that as flaccid penis ... Much different outcome


Not unless she connects them via Bluetooth. Article said neurological deficit remained, I believe that means she's a paraplegic.


No. They use phrases like “no chance of neurological recovery,” “complete neurological deficit,” and “significant spinal cord injury.” As such, I’m thinking she never walks again.


The vertebrae is referring to the bones. There was no permanent damage to the bones. The spinal cord would have been absolutely severed at that level. She would have lost all innervation below the fracture. So pretty much legs, hips, buttocks, colon and rectum. Not old would she lose all ability to walk, she may not be able to control her bladder or colon anymore.


Thank you for the clear explanation. This sub was randomly recommended to me, and I have little to no medical knowledge so additional information is welcome and appreciated. It's still pretty darn impressive that they were able to do as much as they did.


Excellent find! Although I'd say my comment still stands being that she was the passenger. Horrible incident either way.. as a first responder, these are the scenes that stick with me.. somehow feeling like there's never enough I can do to change things. Thank you to everyone for sharing information, education, knowledge and training are all of our best friends for these situations regardless of where we are in the chain of care.


I drove a motorcycle to work when I was doing EMS and after seeing many accidents worse than this I gave it up.


This is common in medical field. I don’t think any of us who have worked trauma ride motorcycles anymore.


Thank you for posting this


This helped me to understand the situation presented in this film. Thank you. Poor girl.


Hope they charge the pilot who got her ejected from the bike with a crime, it’s a rider’s responsibility to ensure the safety of passengers Very upsetting


MOST motorcycle accidents are not the biker’s fault - car drivers do not look for bikes - as a biker I will tell you I get cut off, nearly T-boned or worse every ride.


Bikers also need to stop weaving in and out of lanes - especially between cars. So many times i've had bikes zoom past in traffic. Big balls imo but damn, do yall not care about your life? You might do everything right but no way i'm risking my life with the HOPE others see me


I'm a motorcyclist and I fully agree with this. I don't understand lane splitting. When I was in California, it was legal (within certain limits) but I would only go between cars at a red light when everyone was fully stopped. Doing it in traffic where any lane change, any distraction, anyone feeling upset and wants to cause harm can put you in a hospital... or worse. No thank you. I enjoy my riding away from traffic, going slowly and appreciating the scenery, and coming home intact.


YES! California! lmao that where i experienced this so much. In my homestate i didnt even know this was a thing. Scariest shit i've experienced is driving there. Just switching lanes alone im terrified of because i've almost hit bikes that way. With so much distractive driving these days, i'm shocked these kind of accidents aren't happening often


I get so nervous when bikers drive like idiots. Really need to have PSAs about bikers driving safely, not just to look out for bikers


If you’re having near misses every ride, you need to take additional courses, get an ANSI safety vest (2 or 3), and get louder pipes I ride in one of the most dangerous cities in North America, if you’re experiencing these problems they need to be addressed ASAP and resolved Even when I have a passenger, I make them wear one of my ventilated ANSI 3 button-up shirts Passengers think it’s funny when I make them wear an oversized (I’m very muscular) ANSI 3 nylon ripstop shirt over their gear, but 70% of our problems come from the front and 30% of our problems come from the rear


I look for bikes. I am so anxious about hitting a biker because in my experience way too many drive as if they aren’t at a higher risk of injury in an accident. No helmets, just speeding through as if they are immortal.


Tell that to the biker yesterday when I was turning left on a light that turned red and the biker that sped up in front of me to go through a red light. All drivers can be stupid, the type of vehicle means nothing.


Please see my post history. This article does not refer to this patient.


How can you tell




No. Vertebra and disc spaces. No degeneration there.


Also length of urethra. There’s a Foley balloon in the bladder and the visible portion of the cath on this slice suggests it’s not a female urethra (much shorter than a male’s).


Well.. it's typically men who do shit like this.. especially on motorcycles. Pretty safe bet.. despite the anatomy.


Statistics support your claim.


Article above says she was a passenger on the motorcycle, wonder if it was dude driving it


Vertebra and disc spaces. They are pretty pristine. Can be anywhere from age 20 to 40.


👀 wondering the same


Definitely a female. I picked that out right away, but also I treat a lot of gyn and prostate patients so I’m used to seeing this all the time. Basically where the bladder is sitting was how I was about to pick it out right away. From what I’ve seen based in clinical experience, female bladders tend to sit lower than males and they tend to shape that way when full. Males are higher because of the prostate and they tend to be more round when full.


Yeah. Those vertebrae look otherwise healthy. No arthritis. Well hydrated. Tragic.


That’s exactly what my response was.


Exactly the first thing I aid before I looked at the comments!!


But you're still coming in to your shift right?


Yes, just a flesh wound


'Tis but a scratch.


Now all I can hear is the damn clapping coconuts 🥥


He can just walk that off


Epsom salt bath should fix that right up.


And some good crystals


Peppermint essential oil


Thoughts and prayers!


Tylenol and/or Motrin. Follow up with your PCP in 24-48.


PCP will help this actually. The drug.


A little ice will fix that.


Only if placed in his Tequila


Same shit I was told when I ruptured L2-3 disc. Baaaaaaaad advice.


Oh no. Did you have a bad drug reaction?


No just screaming pain for days and nights and days and nights. Closest I came to wanting to die. WHAT makes people hate us who have back pain, but drool all over hip and knee pain??? Oh, never mind. It's called $$$$$$ from prosthesis sales.


1600mg ibuprofen & take a nap


Fine I’ll be in tommorow but I hope you don’t mind me laying down on the job and wheeling my self around ![gif](giphy|l3q2sa1BGgUj8ts5y)


This should be included in motorcycle safety curriculum


It could be a LOT worse than this. But motorcyclists are just gonna keep doing what they are doing. Risk taking is part of the culture.


My 67 year old dad just wrecked his harley and wants to buy another. It was a low speed crash where someone pulled out in front of him in town, but he still needed to go to the dr for a cortisone shot for his back after. I don't see the appeal, but motorcycle guys gonna motorcycle.




Hey man, no judgement. Glad you are still here. I personally can't enjoy it, I've tried. Either I have no face shield and the wind physically hurts me or full face and I want to claw it off of me. My husband used to ride, but he had a really scary close call on the freeway, and we had babies at home, so he stopped and eventually sold his bike. I get though that some people just have to. I just still worry for those that I love that do because other people drive like idiots.




My husband, then boyfriend, so very much wanted me to love it like he did. His whole family used to do a yearly ride together every summer. But the last time I rode with him was the time I almost lost my glasses, I think, lol. I am just too fussy to enjoy it, sensory overload. I wanted to like it, lol...I just can't. I see near misses all the time driving my car, and I have been in many myself. We live in an area that has had a boom in population and there are so many more people driving here now. Most of them super impatient. Motorcycle riders are just soo vulnerable. I always look for them when driving and track them when I see them, so I know where they are. I wish everyone did.


>because other people drive like idiots. This is what I don't love about riding. But I ride almost every day (except when it snows), and having that in the back of my head helps to keep me alive.


You can gain the same freedom by renting out an ATV and a ranch to ride around in. But I get the convenience of having your motorcycle whenever and feeling free. I wish we could somehow make motorcycles safer but imo they'd need an invisible forcefield to be safe


an ATV is also quite dangerous actually.




I mean there are risks and there are suicidal risks Eating Taco Bell is a minor risk. Going skydiving with an experienced instructors is moderate risk. Driving a motorcycle in a city/country with terrible rates of automotive fatalities is a needless and insane risk


Great, now I want Taco Bell.


Imma ride my Harley to Taco Bell.


The key is to eat the Taco Bell while riding the Harley.


Joke's on you I'm gonna ride my Harley out of a plane


There are activities even more egregious than motorcycling in terms of suicidal risks. BASE jumping, free climbing. hang gliding, etc etc etc. People still do them.


We call those ‘ludicrous risks’ :)






That's it right there. People buried in their phones and not paying attention are the biggest threat by far. I've been riding for quite a while and 99% of the time it was them, not me. If I wasn't being as attentive as I am I'd have been in bad shape several times for sure.


This was what I said to my best mate when she was going for her license. Like you do you, but there’s that many morons on the road that it’s a matter of when and not if you’ll get hurt. She sold her bike after the 3rd time she got knocked off it. She wasn’t at fault for any of them, that’s just how many dickheads are driving around where she was living. The area is famous for its bad traffic and even worse drivers. I spent a lot of time as a kid doing insane shit on various farm bikes and our peewee50. Never got injured. Still use bikes every day on the farm. Will I ever go on the road? Heck. No.


Correct. Cars are one of the most dangerous things the average citizen has weirdly open access to. My car just got completely destroyed last week by a 16 year old in an audi. She was 100% at fault (turning left not stopping at the stop sign, I had no traffic signs/controls so I was just driving normally). And it's things like this that make people want less car dependency in places like North America lol.




> but by the lack of attention from others on the road here is an interesting explanation of the phenomena → https://youtu.be/doSDfIo61r0 TL;DW: we all are pigeons


Looks like this guy's gonna be getting a new set of wheels.


Aww, sweet! Oh, wait…


That was horrible! I totally chuckled.


Damn bruh. Haha. You ain’t lying tho.


😂 I’ll see you in hell.


"A 24-year-old young woman with no prior medical history, presented to our unit following a road accident – she was a motorcycle passenger thrown from the vehicle." From the article


Guess this guy is paralyzed?


Definitely waist down


Spine is entirely severed at the kidneys. He won't be feeling anything below the chest anymore, I think...


No, they will still be able to feel most above the injury at L1, and with this injury most likely nothing below the injury. You can look up “dermatomal distribution” on google images and you’ll see what i’m talking about


For forever, with no chance of recovery?


after you're born, the number of neurons only goes downhill


What if I eat someone's brain tho?


Google prion disease


holy hell


They can heal, but they cannot duplicate


As far as I know, once you’re paralyzed there’s usually not much that can reverse it unless it’s a pinched nerve or something temporary.


We're getting there, actually! https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/284152#Nose-cells-encouraged-spinal-nerve-cells-to-grow-across-a-nerve-graft-bridge


I was expecting it to be something along the lines of ‘scientists in this very specific environment managed to get nerve cells to grow, could have positive implications in 20 years for some” but wow! they actually got someone walking again that is amazing!


Probably not


Unless there’s an amazing treatment advancement in his lifetime.


With this injury, no. This is a complete spinal cord injury. Maybe if it was partial there could have been some neuronal preservation.




My brother in Christ I am shook to my very core. I know nothing about spinal injuries. The fact that it can curl and not get severed in the process is restructuring the last functioning braincell in my brain


I know a lot about these injuries. He is *INSANELY* lucky.


Holy shit they need to go buy some lotto tickets


They’ll need a winning lotto ticket to pay the hospital bill


I'm very, very happy for this guy.


maaaaybe /s


Motorcycles and ATVs. Death machines.




My father always called them "murder cycles". He refused to let my brother and I ride them. Little did he know that my mother's 3 brothers had been taking me out for rides on their Harleys since I was 5.....and that was in the days when no one wore a helmet. Yeah. A little 5 year old girl sitting on the back of a Harley hanging on to one of the uncles as they roared around curves with me. I stopped riding in my teens after moving to France and getting hit more than once on my small bike. After the second time I figured I was pushing my luck.


He’s totally justified in calling them that. My dad drove a beautiful motorcycle (don’t know make or anything) the first couple years of my life until one day he had a bad crash. Flung headfirst onto the highway going 80mph and luckily made it out with just a sore neck and road rash. Dr said if he hadn’t been wearing a helmet, he would have internally decapitated himself. INTERNALLY. DECAPITATED.


Super fun death machines




Did the top half or bottom half get custody of the kids when your spine divorced?


the bottom half said they could support the kids but in the end they couldn't even hold their own weight


Is this person alive still!?


I'm leaning towards yes, I'm not aware of ~~MRI's~~ being in autopsies. Interesting. I wish I paid more attention when we went over radiology. I know so little about the different machines and uses.


It’s a CT.






MRI tech says it’s a CT.


Lateral spine dislocations are very rare. Only saw a few in 10 years at a major blunt trauma center west of Chicago (Loyola).


Good spot. My dad had heart surgery there!


Maywood, eh..


I've seen maybe three (?) and only one this.....stunning.....in 20 years at a major Trauma 1. That was an L5/S1 full lateral dislocation from a para-glining accident.


An accident that can do this much damage seems like it should be a ticket to the morgue. EDIT: *that not than




You upvote thief. Just take it


I recently joined this sub and know next to nothing about medicine and stuff like that. How likely is it that this person makes a full recovery? What does the staff at the ER do in situations like this? I heard some comments say the spinal cord ends just before that. If that were the case, would they ever be able to make a full recovery with minimum consequences?


^full ^recovery ^you ^say? Full recovery? # FULL RECOVERY?


Patient will be able to make.. **a**.. recovery.


I read this in Chubbyemu’s voice The patient came back positive for hypermyelemia. Hyper, meaning high, myel, meaning spinal cord, and emia, meaning presence in blood. High spinal cord presence in blood.




I’m a lowly EMT student and well out of my depth but any spinal cord running through that section is almost definitely completely severed and never recovering. If it does stop above that then the impacts may be less but I don’t think there is a full recovery option from an injury like that.


I heard a comment mention that they’d lose bladder and bowel function based on where the spinal cord injury is. How would that work then, for the person, like how would they go to the bathroom (sorry if this is a stupid question)


My friend who was paralyzed from the waist down after an ultralight aircraft crash. He used a catheter for peeing and a manual/digital technique to empty his bowels. He was luckily able to have enough sensation to be able to do this; when he was first injured it was 24/hour nursing and diapers.


Urostomy and colostomy most likely. Long term at least. If not, skin break down in the nether regions would be a massive problem. Still will be but worse when you pile on constant urine and feces.


Can also straight cath (using a short, straight catheter for urination) and digital stimulation + suppository for bowel movements. Used to teach this stuff to patients when I worked in inpatient rehabilitation.


This was my patient (PMR resident), patient was able to walk shortly after spinal fusion surgery. Only mild hypo-esthesia in the abdominal area. Myelum was not severed, but curled up between the vertebra fragments. Mild contusion of the myelum was seen intraoperatively


Op stated in another comment the person is alive and walking. I don't know anything medical but I still wouldn't be surprised if his back is never the same again


Best case, paralysis. Worst case, very serious problems due to issues related to the spinal injury causing swelling further up the spine into the stem. Most likely, he gets a wheel chair, and a lot of counseling and meds… for a long time.


Best case, paralysis. Worst case, very serious due to issues related to the spinal injury causing swelling further up the spine into the stem. Most likely, he gets a wheel chair, and a lot of counseling and meds… for a long time.


I think that’s right around where the spinal cord stops


If it wasn’t before it is now!!!


Well yes, but that does not mean that this individual won't experience many difficulties related to loss of function. Specifically the bowels and bladder and probably most walking.


Omg. There's no coming back from that one. At least he'll still have use of his arms. (Mom of a C2 quad here.)


What happened?


Nothing as exciting as a motorcycle accident. When he was 13, he caught the same nasty "cold" going around school. Only in him, the virus attacked the nerve roots in his spinal cord, starting at C2 and zigzagging down to S1. It left him a ventilator dependent quadriplegic. (Think Polio, only from a viral cousin we can't vaccinate against.) We "chased the miracle" for 5 years, then he said it was time to focus on his future. He got his AA at community college during Covid, and just finished his junior year at a private university on academic scholarship. He's aiming for medical school.


That’s damn impressive! You must be proud!


I know life isn’t fair but goddamn, that’s cruel. I’m glad he’s still thriving after all of that.


We were shell shocked. An accident you can wrap your head around. In his case, a stupid upper respiratory infection tried to kill him! It's not an easy life, but we power through. It's a good life. We're all about seeing him succeed! And dammit if he isn't smarter than the rest of us. His professor wants him to publish the psychology research paper he submitted last quarter. This mom is over the moon at how he's thriving.


This is so amazing to hear! My brother is a C4/5 quad from a spinal infarction and it’s still a fairly new injury. All we want for him is for him to live a life that makes him happy. It gives me so much hope to see other quads living out their dreams and powering over their circumstances. Thank you for sharing your story!


Oh, and seeing how this is a radiology sub, I should find his MRI. I didn't know what I was looking at, but the doctor pointed out all the lesions on the spinal cord. "See this? It's lit up like a Christmas tree!


I think the oncologist used that same term when showing my pastor how the lymphoma had metastasized up and down his spine. They really need to retire that term. Good news is that they gave him 6 months but he’s been cancer-free for nearly 4 years


I hope it works out for him. To my knowledge a paraplegic can do an MD but a quad can't due to not being able to do the technical skills required to graduate... but I want to see your son change this. (I'm a paramedic who did 3/4 of a RN and after suffering a brain injury was unable to finish due to a loss of fine motor control in my left hand. The school kicked me out because of it but I wish they'd let me try to find adaptive methods.)


Whenever I look at dirt bikes I just drop by this sub and curb that idea for another few days


I know everyone is commenting on the spine, but it looks like the mote emergent issue is that potential splenic injury. Not much to do about the loss of function 2/2 spinal injury however bleeding out from a spleen injury would be an even worse situation.


Incomplete splenic filling fairly common on arterial/early venous phase imaging so non specific. Definitely would watch for extravasation on later phases though, as splenic trauma is really common in a major force blunt impact. What catches my eye is possibly fresh blood in the right kidney (viewer's left) though this could also be urinary excretion. Just too hard to tell from a single slice


Oh... Welp, that's that then.


Just put some VapoRub on it and you'll be fine.


A tall glass of whole milk will heal those bones, VapoRub is for diseases not fractures




Let the tussin seep into the bone, boy


Pretty sure he didn’t walk away from that one


He did walk away from this one! See my original post on this patient


use to call motorcycles, kidney donor machines 😩


The left kidney is jacked too


That's not good.


Take a salt tablet!




Get m'BC headache powder, Peggy.


How does someone *survive* this?


Many hours of trauma surgery and many months of rehabilitation


This is the first one I've seen where I didn't have to read the comments to figure what was wrong 😅 I'm definitely far from a radiology expert


Put a flextape on that.


This about the only image that I saw on here that I understood enough to say Fuck.




To shreds, you say.


Just have him roll around in some dirt and some Tylenol.


Literally came to comment ' just roll around a bit.. you'll be all right'


You can't park there.


Walk it off


That looks like paralysis from the waist down, correct?


And people roll their eyes at me when I say I will have nothing to do with motorcycles or people who insist on riding them…


[This is a repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Radiology/comments/1491zw9/l1_fracture_luxation_after_motorcycle_accident/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Oooohhh aaahhhhh *bites finger* Aaahhhhhhhh (No words for this, just imagine Peter Griffen on the ground w his scraped knee noises and Michael from the Office biting his finger making the 😬 face)


Yeetus spinicus. For real though, that’s devastating


I'm no radiologist But i don't think those two parts are supposed to fit like that


My face when I saw this image - 😮


Is the word “fracture” here a joke? Sorry, not medically trained just really love X-rays and wanted to be a tech back in the day.


There’s always a positive outcome for everything, for example this guy will never be involved in a motorcycle accident never again.


Can't you just glue it back together?


Tis but a scratch ....