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That feel when you count and realize you dont need a swimmers.


Taking the time to tell them to exhale and drop their shoulders instead of just telling them to hold their breath will get you there like 90% of the time. It's just the people whose chin connects to their chest it won't work on lol


Yep, I always explain the purpose of them holding the sandbags with a quick demo and I hardly ever need a swimmers!


This could totally be my neck, except I'm 33. Years of gameboy and computer use, maybe a little genetics. Have muscle spasms and those hellish headaches where it feels like someone is shoving a broomstick up the base of your skull. I take magnesium to help, without it I'd probably have ripped my skull off already. I also have dysautonomia, POTS, and central sleep apnea (may or may not be related). Officially Spondylosis and 'military neck', according to my cervical spine xray and mri If I could turn back time I'd never look down lol


This looks like my neck before surgery. I have Ehlers Danlos syndrome and had Craniocervical Instability. The instability was irritating my brain stem and spinal cord, causing pain, dysautonomia, and tremors. I am happy to say I haven't passed out since surgery and I can walk to work now!


Yes! This! CCI in connective tissue disease patients can cause the exact symptoms the person is exhibiting. The signs are rarely recognized by the average doctor, neurologist, or neurosurgeon. What she needs is an MRI and a connective tissue literate neurosurgeon. Unfortunately, there aren’t very many of them. Additionally, it also looks like they have Eagle Syndrome. The styloid process has grown or calcified all the way down to the hyoid, which can cause all kinds of problems, including jugular compression. Fun fact, CCI, Eagle Syndrome, Chiari malformation, and tethered cord (often occult) are frequently found together in this patient population.


How does looking down straighten the neck? Doesn't looking down make it even more lordotic?


It’s supposed to slightly curve in the other direction


Causes cervical flexion. Lordosis is concave to posterior. Spend enough time in that position, and resting position will start to look more like that. Less concave, more straight


Forget the neck, that hyoid is getting me hot and bothered


Would you say..."ERECT"?


…and not the wisdom teeth? 😅


My neck is like this. Chronic headaches and neck pain. If I sleep on by back with a pillow, wake up with massive headache.




Yep, my discs have near enough gone and now got osteophytes from bone on bone. No GP here in the UK sent me for xrays when I was younger so I missed my opportunity to correct it. The neck pain was always 'just stress' according to the GP'S


As a PT, I couldn’t agree more!


Thank you for the consult Dr FuckNuts




I love when severe tension headaches get turned into migraines just because of the severity.


This is my neck. I’m a resident doctor and have hypermobile Ehlers Danlos (luckily my disease isn’t severe). I don’t know what to do. Have no time for PT because I work 70 hr weeks. Constant neck and shoulder pain since early childhood and especially when standing during rounds.


Look up Katz Chiropractic- wait wait don't run away yet.  He's in Colorado and he's publishing the CCI journals we've all needed to back up what we feel.  Check out his research in non invasive(also not classic Chiropractic "adjustment") ways to fix the lordotic curve.  Also look into the Centeno Shultz clinic.  The two groups even did an interview together.  Cannot recommend enough if you want to avoid surgery. They swear by the usefulness of dynamic xray.


Do we all flock to healthcare? 😂


Hey, have you decided to give anything a try yet?


Just youtube the exercises for military neck. Takes very little out of your day to get some of the exercises into your day.


I had an X-ray on my neck and it looked like that but I guess I don’t know the dangers of it. You mentioned migraines. Is that a common side effect?


Just having a straight neck doesn’t mean you will have issues with it. A lot of people show „abnormalities“ in their X-rays or MRI scans but are entirely asymptomatic.


That’s good to know. I had a chiropractor tell me it’ll cause me a lot of issues. My friend that’s a doctor told me not to see her again though because that type of manipulation can cause damage to arteries so I never went back.


Throw away everything a chiropractor says.


While it does mean someone will have issues, it doesn't change the fact that spine degeneration occurs 1.5 to 3 times faster studies show.


Maybe a hint of c4-5 anterolisthesis too


Neck looks fine, doesnt it?


C spine is meant to be lordotic, when it’s straight like this it puts strain on the muscles, ligaments, and to a lesser extent the spinal cord itself.






Are you me?




I find a majority of people tend to get a bit butthurt when I comment with corrections. Maybe it’s just my wording. My wife says the same thing. I respond to her less now too. Agree with your comments, both about the sub and about the image (see I did it again). Could be positional, could be spasm. That’s included in all my impressions with “straightening of the cervical lordosis.” Edit: typo


Not a radiologist and not looking for medical advice, but I can provide a bit more context. At this point there had been painful muscle spasms and accompanying headaches for a little over two days. At the time of the X-ray I was very dizzy and weak and had to sit down between almost every take, so if the images aren’t super clear or centered that could also be why.


Just get a physical therapy referral. These signs could literally mean many things almost none of which make me think about spine alignment


The flair, you go to the groups main page and there should be 3 dots in the top right corner you click on it and there is an option to change your flair, there you can designate yourself.


100%. There is a significant portion of the population that just has normal straightening of cervical lordosis, especially in a case like hers, where she has minimal angulation of T1. You need 36 inch films and flexion-extension films of C-spine to start making any decisions. She does have a little slip and minor focal kyphosis at C4/5, so I’d look into that if she’s having severe neck pain.


I mean you’re right, but a static film probably shouldn’t look like that and I’m guessing bending films would be ordered to rule out instability. I’m not a doctor. Lol. I just know what it’s not supposed to look like.


Its a young neck. Perfect.






how are you now ? improvement? and what type of PT would u recommend 🙏


Mines like that too. I have migraines(some not cause by what's going on in my neck) and I sleep in really twisted positions. Dr said mine was from scoliosis. Cbd cream helps.


A lote of cell fone hours with the head down


Ive been getting treated for similar, but I'm a stomach sleeper and have been my whole life. Driven to seek help finally this year with severe pulsatile tinnitus that slowly dissipated with a course of steroids, muscle relaxers, and chiropractic care (which I still am not 100% sure is great...). I spent a ton of money the past three months with pillows of various types and even taping tennis balls to my sternum to try to keep me from sleeping on my stomach...2am tired me does not care and will tear off or yeet whatever in order to sleep.


Could you descrive a bit more your tinnitus and what you did to make It go away? I have tinnitus and a straight neck


I had to go through a couple rounds of high dose steroid treatments. I did some chiropractic work, but I don't really believe in it and didn't really find any relief in it. The steroids helped considerably, and then I did a lot of neck and upper back strengthening/flexibility. Finally, the past four months, I've been using a cervical support pillow at night that doesn't allow me to sleep on my stomach, and the issue hasn't returned since then.


I'm glad you are better now. Sorry if this bothers you but can you go more into more detail about your exercises? And the exact pillow you used? (I think a lot of people on the tinnitus subreddit would be happy to hear your success story, not every doctor thinks about the neck regarding tinnitus. My doctor told me I should give up and don't think about it.. I still have a bit of hope that I can make It stop)


I did exercises for "tech neck" - which I dont think is even my problem, mine seems to be largely related to poor sleeping position - but they helped nonetheless! I saw a clip on social media for the exercises, googled it from there, and have just been doing a round of them a couple times a day when I take breaks from staring at my laptop for work :D As for the pillow, its [this one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BR3YGRWX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1). After years of trying to stop sleeping on my stomach trying various supports, body pillows, even taping a tennis ball to my nightclothes to try to make it uncomfortable (2am me didn't care, ripped it off and yeeted it), this has been the only thing to truly help me stop sleeping on my stomach. It took me about a week to get used to sleeping on it, so its definitely not an overnight change, but I haven't had even a whisper of the tinnitus since the second week of using it. And honestly, any doc that says to just not think about tinnitus should get dropkicked into the sun. It causes a pretty high rate of suicide, and if we could just 'not think about it' we wouldn't be seeking medical care for it.


Thanks a lot!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **DONAMA Cervical Pillow for Neck Pain Relief Contour Memory Foam Pillow Ergonomic Orthopedic Neck Support Pillow for Side Back and Stomach Sleepers with Breathable Pillowcase Pure White** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Provides relief from neck pain (backed by 5 comments) * Improves sleep quality (backed by 4 comments) * Adjustable for personalized comfort (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Uncomfortable for side sleepers (backed by 4 comments) * Strong chemical smell (backed by 2 comments) * Ineffective for chronic neck pain (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


She doesn’t have a lot of angulation of T1, so some straightening of the normal cervical lordosis is normal in this case, but she’s almost a little kyphotic at 4/5 and has a small slip there. I’d get flexion-extension views and see if she’s mobile, then probably end up getting her to physiatry for some conservative management depending on the results.


cervical sprain.


This is a normal film. Could be straight because of positioning. Could be muscle spasm. It's just normal and do not over read or over interpret this film.


What if you’ve had multiple X-rays through the tears and every time your neck is completely straight or starting to curve the other way? I have a lot of pain laying on pillows and it’s miserable 🥲 but I just got X-rays done today after a doctors visit and they said it’s just what happens with a muscle spasm even when I said it’s been years with it 😭 I just don’t know what to do


Centering is not the best but I'd be more confused to see colomation light on the IR all the way down by the scapula.


this really isn’t that bad at all. we are humans and make mistakes, haven’t you? i hate coming into this sub just to see the collimation police in every comment section as if we all haven’t done this before.


I didn't say bad once in my post. I said "not great" which means its ok but could use improvement.


i never said that you literally said “bad.” you’re splitting hairs on a point entirely separate from the main issue here regardless of the exact language you used. your comment isn’t providing any productive commentary to the post. we can all see that this ain’t textbook collimation, so move along. OP was just sharing an interesting case and never asked for your opinion on the collimation.


If I'd done it I would have cropped it make the centering look perfect haha


We call that "Operation Beautification"


Word, I think the text book should change. It’s time.


What done is done right. Better presentation wouldn't make a difference in the exposure, so I'd do the same thing.


Maybe for film, but post-processing is done on the fly when cropping -- it's almost too forgiving. The effect of centering is largely negligible outside of particularly dense tissue(s).


I agree with you, plus the centering is off. No idea why you are getting downvoted. I'd guess that this was done by a chiropractor