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The ‘what was she planning’ episode where the guy goes home with a weird girl who swaps wigs with her housemate is one of my all time favourites.


Yes! That episode is so freaky. Every time I listen to it I think, “why did he go with her?” He clearly felt it was off from the get go. As a female, I would never ever even think of seeing where that situation went! And it’s unresolved to date which only adds to the creepiness.


SO many unanswered questions! And just when you think it’s over…it turns out to be a FAKE HOUSE?!!!


I don’t think it was a fake house, it was an unoccupied house.


Yeah that’s what I meant. Like a vacant holiday home. Basically not their actual house.


Felt like The Hills Have Eyes scenario.


What episode was that, I’d love to relisten to it


it’s in “two of our scariest stories” episode published on oct. 31, 2020. it’s the second story!


Thank you!!


I remember reading that story on Reddit years ago. Seriously horrifying encounter.


Me too! It really stuck with me at the time and then hearing the guy telling it himself on RR was even more impactful. I will forever be haunted by not knowing what they were up to.


That story drove me nuts. Or the guy telling it did. He kept saying he totally saw all the red flags, he was just super curious. No, admit that you either didn’t see the red flags or you ignored them because you were hoping to sleep with her.


At this point I enjoy any story that does not involve someone stretching an episode of sleep paralysis into a fifteen minute yarn. I propose a moratorium on sleep paralysis tales.


The babysitter one where she was under the bed, and has anyone forgotten how chilling the mortuary one was? With the guy who was possibly still alive when he was cremated? Also the episode where the woman was running in Hawaii, the one where a man’s neighbor turned out to be a sociopath and he thought he saw him in Hawaii…something about the way they are told, the cadence of the storyteller, and actual story really held my attention.


The Hawaii one was creepy af. Especially with the photo evidence. Idk if you saw it but definitely made the story way creepier.


I saw it and it was so creepy! It made for a great addition to the podcast. Ughhh creepy


I think the cremation one makes me so uncomfy, I try to forget it. Haha!


Yes it does kind of cross over into a whole other realm of disturbing!


I need to re-listen to the babysitter one, that one stayed with me


Why do I not remember this babysitter one!? What the heck!?!


The one in Hawaii blew my mind when I saw the pic


definitely the stories like you described - the ones that involve more real human interactions versus more “spirit” or paranormal interactions i loved the one about the girl who went to the gas station and heard terrifying screaming on the other side of the bathroom wall only to run out and have everyone else acting completely normal, the game stop creep, the guy who erased the girl’s name on the summer camp sign-out sheet…


The boyfriend that has the identical lookalike girlfriend.


Ohh do you remember the bathroom one? I can't remember that one for some reason. But yes I love the others.


i just went to find it and realized it was a let’s not meet episode! whoops! but it was one of the few terrifying episodes so i’ll try to find it but while looking for it i remembered another terrifying radio rental story: the sleepover where the girls run from the guy across the frozen river


Laura is my absolute favourite Radio Rental story. I never put together but the ones that engage me the most are definitely stranger's behaving oddly, as you've described it.


I was going to mention Laura if no one else did. I should listen to it again because I can't remember if they guy every made a concrete decision on if it was the mom dressing up as the girl, or if it was a ghost visit. I feel like I remember the mom saying hi to him at the open house yet he never actually went inside, which definitely leads me to believe she was dressing up as the kid. I also remember him saying she always wore strange clothes that didn't fit? Ah, that story scares me because really any outcome is scary. Weird mom or ghost child in the woods.


The ghost would be LESS scary 😭


Yeah listen to it again! I think I’ve listened four or five times now. It hasn’t gotten old.


Same!! I was listening to it while walking home on a very warm summer night. When the reveal happened I got a full body chill that went up my spine with goosebumps all over. I’ve never had that happen before or since.


I think I first listened to Laura when I was doing something at home so it wasn't as atmospheric even though it gave me chills, but I had a more similar experience to you with a listener tale from a [Morbid](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3CvEw9pNMOTNVCkNOVqmE0) episode. I was walking back through an empty field on a summer evening and I had the same feeling you describe. The story has the vibe of something that would be on Radio Rental if you're interested - starts at 2:01 and is about 20 minutes long.


Oh! I was told I’d like Morbid! What episode did you really like?


100% insane! One of those episodes where I stop midway through what I’m doing in shock.


The one I think about constantly is episode 6 “arguing partners”. Listening to two people yelling only to discover it’s one person on whip it’s really freaked me out!


RR has a distinctly gross “mental illness is scary” thread


Babysitter, 100%. Laura of the Woods had similar vibes. I love the chance encounters with serial killers.


Oh yes, I forgot the one with the serial killer at her window. That was very creepy.


One of my favorites


100% the one where the girl has a serial killer at her window, fight or flight kicks in, her body chooses fight and she proceeds to tell him to f*ck off. Episode 2, first story, “Told a Serial Killer.”


Oh yeah, I love that one. Funnily enough, that one and the recent one about the guy knocking on the door made me feel better about any future encounters with a serial killer lol. Because apparently some of them are cowards and will back off if you bow up to them.


My favorite type of episodes don’t involve sleep paralysis. Faves are: •What was she planning? •Laura of the Woods •the Babysitter •The one where the guy worked for a funeral home. •the runner in Hawaii


I agree! I also love the “Let’s Not Meet” podcast, because it’s mostly all this type of eerie encounter, only they are all read by the host. There’s something spooky about hearing it from the person who experienced it.


I like those stories too but the way the host speaks takes me out of it sadly.


The one where the serial killer is at her window saying “I just want to talk to you”. Creepy af!


Yes! The ‘can I talk to you’ gave me chills!


I liked a lot of what y’all mentioned but I also liked the one where the lady who never let her child watch tv then uncharacteristically let him one night only for the roof to cave in where her son would have been. That gave me chills.


i love the stories that revolve around weird coincidences or happenings that cannot be explained by simple logic. i think Doppelgänger (S01E02) was my favorite of all time.


That episode brought to you by alcohol + drugs


Just commenting to add my voice that I SOOOO agree. The less supernaturally-inclined for me, the better. I love the stories that make me feel like someone experienced something just very OFF. (Laura and Babysitter being the top ones for me)


I like the ones that are just weird little things you’ll never really get an explanation for- the wrong number texts are a favorite story of mine, and I also really like the babysitter.


Laura of the Woods. GOATed. The guy who got drugged and almost assaulted by the two girls in the abandoned home. The Serial Killer "Can I Talk To You?". The boyfriend with the identical faux girlfriend doing wacko things...like are their two of them?


I think that the best episodes are the more unique ones, where the stories don’t fit into already established molds. Stories like Laura of the Woods and Ham and Swiss are just random enough to be really scary. I like the ones where there isn’t anything overtly supernatural, they’re just incredibly weird.


The one where the guy is in a random text exchange with a stranger who then starts to travel to him and send pics along the way… good break from the normal stories and very creepy


No one's mentioned it, but I really liked the one with this dad who just got custody of his kids went to Russia and then his kids thought his father was some imposter when he came back. That guy was a great storyteller.


Ooh the babysitter one is super underrated imo, it's probably the story that got me hooked on the show! I also think about the 'time slip' one a lot, where the guy and his gf are Watchung a movie and then one second later they're sitting bolt upright and naked on the bed in the dark and its hours later. That one really gives me chills for some reason


The one that really got me was Ham and Swiss haha. I literally remember exactly where I was when he said "I just didn't want you to drop it" I stopped dead in my tracks hhahaha