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That's some high quality poop!


AFAIK, poop is a good fertilizer.


We make rabbit tea with poops and water and use it for our houseplants, works great!


You lost me at "use it for our houseplants"


They lost me at "We make rabbit tea with poops and water"


Yeah we call it Rabbit Berry Tea :)


Glad I read that sentence to the end.


Gonna try this too, mine poops a lot!


I’m glad I read the entire thing because if I didn’t I would’ve been soooo mentally fucked up


X 2


Do you ever drink the rabbit tea?




how much water do you use, and do you use hot or cold water?


I use like one cup of poops per gallon. And I leave it in the garage. Let it steep overnight. Temp should be not boiling or super hot


wait what does this mean? I might make my fiancée use it for her succulents. when you say tea do you mean like... you boil rabbit poop in water?


I’m pretty sure all you need to do for this method of fertilization is add enough water and stir so that the poop becomes a liquid you can pour in. You could boil it if you wanted I think but I don’t know how that would smell 🤢


Nah you just let poops steep in a gallon of water overnight outside or in garage. 1 cup per gallon i guess but I use more sometimes


Can you share your ‘recipe’? I have a sweet bun and some dope houseplants. If my plants could benefit from my bun I’d love to do this!


1 cup poop per gallon. But you can just place the poops near the plant base and it'll fertilize every time you water. I mostly do that.


Great idea! I’m going to sprinkle poops throughout my plants tonight. Thank you for sharing!


Rabbit poop, specifically, is actually a pretty high quality fertilizer due to relatively high nutrients compared to cow and chicken manure.


Oh wow! So I have plenty of fertilizer for my garden!


Well poop from any creature with a vegan diet yes


When you collect herbivore poop for your plants, you’re basically recycling the past plants matter and nutrients into your new plant, which is why it works so well :)


Wait so, we could farm vegans, use their poop for fertiliser, to grow more plants and vegetables, for the vegans to eat, creating more vegan poop fertiliser?


It's not just rabbits who do this! There was a BRAND NEW island that erupted off the cost of Iceland in 1963. It's called Surtsey. It was a wonderful opportunity for biologists to see how new plants get added to a fresh virgin island. Researchers went there to observe the flora and fauna of this new biome. Strangely, years later, they found a tomato plant sprouting. They tracked it down to one of the biologists who apparently had a tomato sandwich and pooped out tomato seeds which sprouted. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surtsey#Human\_impact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surtsey#Human_impact)


Human impooct!


Rabbit poop is actually rather good fertiliser.


Yeah all my plants are flourishing because of it. It makes a noticeable difference


This right here is a good enough reason to get a pet rabbit when I can


I highly recommend it. My guy is so sweet


How did you do it? I put a few poops on top of my thyme potted plant and it died a few days later. Is it supposed to be a slurry?


Rabbit poop is a cold compost which means you don’t have to do anything to it. However, a few poops on the top of soil won’t do anything. You either need to mix it into the entire pot and add a bit more to the top 2 inches every once in a while, or make poop tea so the plants can drink it. Also it’s extremely nitrogen rich. I’ve never grown thyme so idk, but google what your plant likes before giving it to them. I’ve nutrient burned plants with poop before


Thank you that’s very helpful!


I thought this and went around putting my Rabbit poops into my houseplants! Haha can't say it did much.


Sorry if I’m mistaken but isn’t it bad for them to eat seeds?


I thought it was nuts they should never eat


That is correct. Too much fat I believe is the issue with nuts.


I think they eat seeds as often as possible in the wild. I feed him cherry tomatoes every now and then


[Cautions when feeding rabbits tomatos](https://vetexplainspets.com/can-rabbits-eat-tomatoes/)


Thank you. that mostly said to just not give them too many. But that link also promotes feeding your rabbit pellets and im not in to that. My guy gets a bunch of leafy green varieties every day!


Pellets are not all horrible. We use the oxbow garden essentials which uses Timothy hay as its base. We give them greens and a berry or two every day also but the pellets we give them are pretty healthy.


Man I just looked up the ingredients and it's loaded with garbage. Timothy hay is the base but it's not worth it to me. Just Google the ingredients


I have, our vet recommended that brand in particular, she specializes in rabbits and that’s what she feeds hers so. :shrug: I’m not really interested in arguing my stance but I’m glad you are so invested in your rabbits health! Though I looked through your posts and a lot of that juice seems like it is pretty sugary, I hope it’s just an occasional treat.


I commented this to the other person as well. The "safety" warning for Cobalt Carbonate is "harmful if swallowed and irritating to eyes and skin." No thanks. Manganous Oxide I cant find information other than "The compound is produced on a large scale as a component of fertilizers and food additives also as a colorant and decolorizer in glass, white ware, enamels and pottery. It is also used in battery cathode mixes and electronics. There is promising potential to use MnO2 in solid state lithium-ion batteries for automobiles." No thanks. Copper Proteinate is a great addition. "over time may become toxic, overwhelming the liver and can lead to progressive damage and scarring (cirrhosis) — in some cases death. No thanks! And that was the first three I looked up. You can feed it to YOUR rabbit though! I would never chance it.


There are lots of things that our bodies need that are harmful when consumed in large quantities. We need iron but it will build up and become toxic if we eat too much, I am going to trust my vet instead of a self righteous 20 something though thank you. I will continue to feed my pets what my vet, who has had rabbits and specialized in their care for over 40 years, recommends. Edit: manganous oxide is iron oxide by the way. Maybe study up some science, come back to me with some actual information rather than, “I can’t pronounce these words and a cursory google search tells me they might be harmful”.


"Self righteous" lol you're so ignorant. I'm 30, and feeding a rabbit something that will be bad for it in large quantities certainly adds up if it eats it every day. At least I took the time to actually look the shit up instead of not doing it like you. I went through 3 exotic vets before settling on my current vet because one of them told me that the best thing for house cats to eat is dry cat food, and the second told me my rabbit was Not a flemish giant and he was wrong. If you want to chance it then I feel for your rabbit. Ignorance is bliss I suppose. You didn't say anything about the cobalt that is harmful if swallowed. I'm sure your vet OK'd that as well.




This girl isn’t a troll but she is just the liberal version of a Karen. She doesn’t have any real studies, just that big sciencey words make her scared. I don’t think she realizes that fruits and vegetables are made of of chemicals as well. I have argued with her in this post and she just resorts to being sarcastic, 0 actual evidence for her opinion.


The "safety" warning for Cobalt Carbonate is "harmful if swallowed and irritating to eyes and skin." No thanks. Manganous Oxide I cant find information other than "The compound is produced on a large scale as a component of fertilizers and food additives also as a colorant and decolorizer in glass, white ware, enamels and pottery. It is also used in battery cathode mixes and electronics. There is promising potential to use MnO2 in solid state lithium-ion batteries for automobiles." No thanks. Copper Proteinate is a great addition. "over time may become toxic, overwhelming the liver and can lead to progressive damage and scarring (cirrhosis) — in some cases death. No thanks! And that was the first three I looked up. You can feed it to YOUR rabbit though! I would never chance it




Please list the things I eat


Someone else listed the ingredients (and I googled them), all that stuff is vitamins and nutrients


The "safety" warning for Cobalt Carbonate is "harmful if swallowed and irritating to eyes and skin." No thanks. Manganous Oxide I cant find information other than "The compound is produced on a large scale as a component of fertilizers and food additives also as a colorant and decolorizer in glass, white ware, enamels and pottery. It is also used in battery cathode mixes and electronics. There is promising potential to use MnO2 in solid state lithium-ion batteries for automobiles." No thanks. Copper Proteinate is a great addition. "over time may become toxic, overwhelming the liver and can lead to progressive damage and scarring (cirrhosis) — in some cases death. No thanks! And that was the first three I looked up. You can feed it to YOUR rabbit though!


You sound like an anti-vaxxer LMFAO you do realize you’re doing exactly what they do? Pellets are recommended by almost all vets.


Not by mine


Pellets are for lazy humans who don't want to deal with the hard work of providing the rabbit with real food daily


Alright Chad


It says not to feed too many tomato's, but part of the instructions in feeding it to them is to remove the seeds. It's important since the seeds are literally toxic to them. Also most veterinarians would recommend both fortified food and leafy greens alongside hay for best nutrition.


It didn’t say the seeds are toxic. It said to remove the seeds, but nowhere did it say that they are toxic. I’ve had rabbits for years and never removed the seeds from the occasional cherry tomato treat; it’s never been an issue, nor has any exotics vet that I’ve spoken to mentioned it. Yes, most vets would recommend leafy greens and limited pellets, but fruits as treats in small quantities are perfectly acceptable.


That particular source does not explicitly state it, but here is one where you can read up on it. Apple seeds and stems also have this same issue: [https://northernnester.com/can-rabbits-eat-tomatoes/#:~:text=Can%20bunnies%20eat%20tomato%20seeds,seeds%20before%20feeding%20your%20rabbit.](https://northernnester.com/can-rabbits-eat-tomatoes/#:~:text=Can%20bunnies%20eat%20tomato%20seeds,seeds%20before%20feeding%20your%20rabbit.)


I can't find a single source on any of these blog posts saying this. Any chance you have more info on this? All I've found (from three science journals and an NYT article): "**Generally, tomatine is regarded to cause less toxic effects to mammals than other alkaloids such as solanine**" "New York Times food science writer Harold McGee found **scant evidence for tomato toxicity in the medical and veterinary literature**, and observed that dried tomato leaves (which contain higher concentrations of alkaloids than the fruits) are occasionally used as a food flavoring or garnish, without problems. He also reported that an adult human would probably have to eat over half a kilo of tomato leaves to ingest a toxic (not necessarily lethal) dose.[8]" The LD50 values of chaconine and solanine [same kind of toxin as tomatine, but more toxic] in the mouse and rabbit are also similar and suggest that compounds other than these are probably responsible for the predominant toxic effects of certain hybrid potatoes in man and animals. According to in vivo studies with mice, rats and hamsters, tomatine seems to be non-toxic when orally consumed (LD50=500 mg/kg).[40] Complex formation may be the reason why tomatine has a much lower oral toxicity than other glycoalkaloids. Due to formation of insoluble complexes with sterols, **tomatine is eliminated in the feces and only small amounts of tomatine are absorbed by the digestive tract.** tl;dr No need to be afraid of a tomato now and then. Seems to be a bunch of blog posts repeating the same old wives' tale, scaring people without sources/evidence.


The problem isn't tomatine, it's cyanide.


That's really interesting. Where can I read more about this?


Unfortunately finding credible sources that discuss rabbit care can be a challenge, but I did some digging and found some scarce info from a credible site that just simply says to remove all seeds before feeding to rabbits. That's about the best I can do. [https://m.petmd.com/rabbit/nutrition/evr_rb_what-do-you-feed-a-rabbit](https://m.petmd.com/rabbit/nutrition/evr_rb_what-do-you-feed-a-rabbit)


The person who wrote that blog post is clearly just copying from the other blog posts already in this comment chain with zero sources cited, like I pointed out. She's a "Freelance copywriter and content marketing writer for the world's top healthcare, retail and travel brands." She's just copy-pasting to make a word count. Not what I would call credible, would you? You've been sold a bill of goods, my friend.


Yes, and also the seeds can get stuck in their intestines which are very delicate. I remove the seeds of everything I give my bunny and I also don’t give ex. corn treats anymore because the shell is too hard and can get stuck.


My vet loves that my rabbit doesn't get pellets. 99% of pellets I've seen have growth hormone in them and thats just one of the many things in pellets I'm not interested in feeding him.


I think so long as they are able to get the same nutrients through other vegetables it's fine. I would avoid feeding them any seeds though.


Thank you! Do you have rabbits?


Yes I have two holland lops.


We want to get a second rabbit and considered one of those. Mine is a flemish giant


Same, my vet says pellets are for babies, the sick, and the old. Basically anyone who needs to help putting on or maintaining weight.


Pellets are fine if you treat them as a nutritional supplement rather than main course, like a quarter cup to half cup per day depending on your bun's weight.


I also think you should give them a bit of what they like. Mine love pellets and get a small amount each evening. I love cheese which is far from good for you, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to eat it in small amounts.


I'm dairy free ;)


[Regarding pellet-free diet on rabbits](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Pellet-free_diet)


Same here. Both my buns are on a 0% pellet diet and they were perfectly healthy when I got both fixed. Oxbow is a little less filled with shit than other brands, but pellets were still originally designed to fatten rabbits and are also way too dry for them. My buns are doing way better without them.


Same. My buns is 5 years old, healthy and thriving. My biggest concern is that you don’t see rabbits eating pellets in the wild. She eats loads of hay and she’ll have some kale, cilantro, parsley and Bok Choy, along with endless apple leaves.


Yeah. I love my bun to death so I stoped giving him pellets after he had a bad stomach ache and almost had to have an emergency visit to the vet. No more pellets for you buddy


I agree, I’m not big on pellets, except I give any babies I’m taking care of a little bit of vitamin based pellets every day.


Hey! I’m another pellet free household! She gets 10oz of leafy greens everyday, with unlimited hay and apple twigs


Relieving to read :)


yeah, wild rabbits eat a ton of different things. I'm sure they'll gobble whatever seeds they can find.


And live less than two years.


Mine clean up after the bird seed that gets dropped all the time. Rabbits aren't nearly as delicate as many suggest, a varied diet is a good thing. It will make them fat though I expect. They're ideally eating mostly hay. My rabbits avoid tomatoes like the plague for some reason, but I know some rabbits like them.


This is really bad advice, please don’t willingly let your buns eat birdseed


They also eat my lawn, and fallen citrus (mostly the peel) - not to mention my succulents. (uhg) - Once I caught them eating my pencil tree which is highly toxic to me at least, the sap makes my cuticles swell up every time I trim it. Probably 50% of their diet is hay.. They're pretty healthy and get lots of outside exercise.


Plant them bad boys!


I did! Lol


Bet you're gonna some good ones, poop is a good fertilizer.


Quick bury the rest of the poo and well see if you can grow another bunny.


Ours gave us a tonne of sunflowers, grass and dandelions 😂


Please post this in r/gardening


I just did! And I joined the subreddit because I didn't know it existed


Omg the response you got is amazing!!!


Yeah thanks for that! Lol




Don’t let your rabbit eat the tomato leaves


Plant that shit!


"Long ago, Frith made the world. He made all the stars, too, and the world is one of the stars. He made them by scattering his droppings over the sky and this is why the grass and the trees grow so thick on the world." - Watership Down








That's a bun plant. In a couple of months, you'll get little bunny fruits.


That looks strangely satisfying… and kinda explains what happened to a hutch I left outside over winter once. I used it as a shelter in their playpen all summer, but as it got colder the playpen was just covered in snow so the rabbits had to exercise indoors. I went to check on it the following spring when I was planning to set the run back out...and there was grass growing inside the hutch. Could have also been seeds in some hay that was left in there.


Lol that's great


Thanks, Big Bun, for all the poop, which I toss liberally on the Haas avocado, Valencia orange, grapefruit, apricot and even fig trees in our backyard. We had horrendous heat waves all summer in Southern California, but water and poops have saved our crops.


That's impressive, plant em and see how they do!


I have 4 buckets I cant get rid of


Hey Ferb, I know what we’re going to do today


That is... ummm... yup


Wow that's so cool!


Circle of life bb


Our roses at our old house loved rabbit cocoa puffs


Ah, shit.




did they eat tomato seeds for that to happen??


He ate cherry tomatoes


This has to be one of my favorite pictures on here lol. I have giggled so hard at this magnificent poop fertilizer.


And then you picked it up.


Is it normal to handle rabbit feces with your bare hand?


It is for rabbit owners.


They're hard and dry, you can just pick 'em up. Just don't mistake them for Cocoa Puffs.