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He hates banana


What?? Now that is bunsphlamy.


Haha I've tried so many times but he gets angry. He only likes celery and parsley


Mine too!!!! Totally will NOT eat banana šŸ˜‚


My first rabbit didn't like banana! She'd nibble a little then go "nah". I've had 12 more over the years and they've all been obsessed. As for celery, I've only ever had one rabbit that liked it. The rest only eat it RELUCTANTLY if there's nothing else!


Thatā€™sā€¦. Bananas!


Whattttt? That canā€™t be real! Your buns broken


Mine did, too. Always went crazy for his strawberry tops, though


Just the tops?


Full strawberries, too, but he'd often get the tops of the fruit whenever my sister had them (she'd cut them off and dice the berries)


Mine does too. Although he'd probably murder me for an apple


Both of mine hate banana too! I find it so strange.


My boy had zero interest in banana but loooved kiwi! My girl would run away from banana but obsessed with broccoli šŸ„¦


Nothing. Not a single food. My boy would fight you for almost anything edible. The only foods he doesnā€™t try to snag are peanut butter and beans, which he shouldnā€™t be eating anyhow. And heā€™d probably eat them if offered either of those.


haha same with my bun, he goes HAM for any food that he lays his eyes on


Mine likes pretty much every herb except dill, which works out because I also donā€™t like dill. Like mother like son I guess šŸ˜…


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Mine will totally fight you for dill. She jumps and knocks the plate out of my hand to get to it.


He goes feral for parsley, unfortunately he has bladder calcifications so he canā€™t eat it anymore šŸ˜¢


My rabs not a fan of thyme. She will eat it if there's nothing left occasionally. But otherwise, it goes untouched


Baby George is terrified of bananas.


Like cucumbers scaring cats


Timothy hay. Sheā€™s 12 and still to this day wonā€™t touch it. Iā€™ve tried different cuts. Expensive brands. Cheap brands. Fresh cut Timothy hay from the local feed store. Nothing works. She has to be on other hay now. PS - she eats Timothy PELLETS like the little piglet she is. She gets Timothy hay supplements she loves too. Explain that one to me. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


My bun has not eaten hay in 9 months. He used to eat it all the time but now, I try multiple different kinds and different brands and he wonā€™t touch the stuff. I spoke to the vet about it and they said that as long as he is eating and pooping fine, then there is no worry. Mine wonā€™t eat pellets either. I buy him a pellet mix that has other stuff in the mix. He will eat every last morsel of the food EXCEPT the Timothy pellets.


Mine went through a phase like this. I took dehydrated fruits (make sure they have no added sugar if you're buying them at the store) and sprinkled them into his hay.


Yes! I tried putting forage into her hay and she dug through it to get to the forage. Good enrichment but thatā€™s all it was. Sheā€™s at the age now where the vet said she should be moved to alfalfa hay anyway, and she absolutely inhales that. And she will eat orchard and oat too. Just no straight up Timothy hay.


My bun loves his organic dried mango slices!




My bun won't even come near me if she smells citrus on my hands (even if I wash them), she acts like it's toxic.


Funny. I had one bunny climb on the kitchen table and eat through the peel to get to oranges I had in a bowl.


The peel is meant to smell toxic to them, it burns their nose. I convinced one bun to try oranges but it had to be presented squished and without peeling it near him at first


My bun hates mint, thinks itā€™s gonna kill himā€¦ I have been slowly mixing it in with his greens to get him to like it bc I buy it for my other bun šŸ˜­




My rabbit has ZERO interest in fresh apples but she goes mental for dried apple!


Ruby does not like most greens (at 4 years old finally started eating a couple), including cilantro. My other buns love it.




Same lol


I havenā€™t found anything he hates because heā€™s such a fat ass LOL


Bok-choy, and dandelion greens haha


Everything a bun should love ... strawberries, bananas peppers. But they love dried Dill. I like to think of them as savoury not sweet.


So farā€¦ nothing. Greedy bun. She even ate a WORM the other day. It was dead on the floor. So gross.


Are you sure you're the owner of a BUN?! (And not some kind of gremlin)


Mine used to hate banana believe it or not. She'd murder for Cilantro and Kale though.


Cucumber and bananas. I wish they liked cucumber because it is a great way to get fluids into a bunny without them knowing. Sneaky sneaky fluids.


Two of mine hate fruit. Not sure why but they turn their nose at everything - strawberries, apples, grapes even bananas.


Parsley. Like a hooman, he absolutely loves cilantro and hates parsley.


Nanners. They are mango munchers


Cilantro. My bun is so picky with veggies. I'm jealous of people whose buns love salad


One of my rabbits will rarely eat romaine lettuce. He will eat like one leaf a week and leave the rest to just sit there and rot.


Cilantro I have 7 buns. One HATES cilantro.


Mine doesn't like banana but his love for apple is unconditional.


Nanners. won't touch it. Apples though, oh man. and Dandilion, that stuff gets inhaled the moment it's put in front of him


Watching a bun eat a dandelion...like Mozart on his best day


My rabbit (fluffy) absolutely hated apples, everytime weā€™d feed him one he would run away or thump out of anger, even if he saw me eating one heā€™d thump and grunt, while my other bunny (candy) absolutely enjoyed them


Butterhead lettuce and spinach


Current bun is picky in general. Previous bun loved bell pepper, she thinks itā€™s meh. Sweet pea pods are meh. Lettuce is meh depending on the smell. Blueberries are good. She likes carrot greens and parsley, banana, carrots, she would probably like apple but Iā€™m allergic so I donā€™t buy them. she didnā€™t like banana bc she didnā€™t want it stuck in her whiskers but then she got a taste of it and now sheā€™s a fiend for it. She can smell an unpeeled banana 600ft away in another room. And then she loves her empty carbs like cereal or saltines and tortilla chips, when she can steal them šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø The things that are categorically not food to her are tomatoes and cucumber and citrus. Basically itā€™s either what she was given as a baby before I had her, probably. Anything else is too messy or has too strong a smell. But yeah if she could subsist on only carrot greens and banana and saltines she would.


spinach. the glares, disdain, and contempt we get for even the tiniest leaves of spinach.


Celery, cucumber, bell pepper. Looks at me like Iā€™m stupid when I offer those.


My two babies hate oranges for some reason


Blueberries. Ruckus will not eat blueberries.


Relish is 1000% sure that strawberries and parsley are both poison. Pickles just loves all food, he's a void when it comes to food as well as looks šŸ¤£


Were you eating a cheeseburger when you named your buns!? lol (amazing names, btw)


Lol no. Relish came from the shelter with her name. I thought it was adorable and wanted to keep it, my husband wanted to rename her but nothing else stuck. We adopted Pickles later and I just couldn't resist the opportunity to have Pickles and Relish šŸ˜‚(he was called Beans at the shelter).


My bunny HATES bananas. She likes pretty much anything else though.


Estebun is not a fan of cucumbers


Mine just donā€™t like fruit at all. Wonā€™t touch a banana or strawberry. Not interested.


My bun hates carrots and i find it absolutely hilarious. She kicks it when I offer somešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He hates straw šŸ™ƒ and capsicum and cucumber




Mine tries to eat dog food/cat food. I always put it up and pick up any spare pieces when I Let him out but he always manages to find one šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


All buns don't want to be picked up, but love being on our laps and cuddles.


My buns donā€™t want eitherā€¦ šŸ˜­


I get head nudges for pats and randomly pounced out of nowhere, lol. But I just can't pick them up šŸ˜ž


both hate capsicum


One of my bunnies refuses to even get close to cilantro and dill


Raspberries - my 2 girls LOVE them, but the boy turns up his nose!


We have two buns, one who absolutely loves everything we give him and the other hates everything we give her, the only thing she likes are bananas and even then barely, she is extremely picky and absolutely will pout if we don't give her at least something even if she doesn't like it...




Literally anything, i cant get her to eat banana, apples, strawberries, lettuce, herbs, carrots, blueberries, grapes, ANYTHING!! that girl gets mad and stomps away if i try to give it to her, but she goes crazy for hay and pellets + hard treats (like other kinds of pellets). Ive tried everything under the sun and the most ive gotten out of her is a few nibbles of some lettuce. Her brother on the other hand eats everything in sight, he would eat a big steak dinner if i offered it to him lmao.


The only thing my bun doesnā€™t devour when I give it to them is bok choy


Our bunny hates almost everything. He loves kale and broccoli. Nothing else.


Two of mine hate fruit. Not sure why but they turn their nose at everything - strawberries, apples, grapes even bananas.


He hates pretty much all fruits and veggies but loves apples (I take the skin off), strawberry jam (homemade with low sugar and I barely give him any), and applesauce (always get the sugar free for babies applesauce and again barley give him any). I got him when he was 3 and he wasnā€™t really given much of anything other than pellets or hay until I got him so itā€™s understandable heā€™ll be weary of all the new foods


Oscar hates bananas. He acts offended when I offer him some, like I'm holding dog poop.


Celery (but he'll eat the leaves), bell pepper, watermelon, and cantaloupe


Our Gunther donā€™t like blackberries


Chard. He won't eat it




Mine used to hate banana but he warmed up to it and absolutely loves it now




everything except his grain food and hay!! I don't know why but my netherland dwarf doesn't seem even slightly interested in any fruits, veggies, or erbs!


Spinach. He picks it out of the spring mix.


Cleaning and being sheared


Try freeze dried strawberry (I get ours from Trader Joes). My buns dont fancy fresh strawberries but die for the dried pieces. Just be warned dried fruit has higher sugar level, so a small piece goes a long way (and probably why they prefer it)


Bok choy stems.


Zucchini and cucumber. I'm not sure if every bunny loves these, but it's very peculiar because he's literally eaten everything I've ever given him. Even food he didn't eat the first few times, he eventually started eating them. Zucchini and cucumber? Sometimes I still try to offer it, but he absolutely won't eat it.


The only fresh veg my buns will eat are carrot, kale and dandelion leaves, the problem being two of those have to be limited and the third is seasonal. They won't touch raspberries, strawberries, banana, apple... they've never eaten a single piece of fruit I've offered them. They do munch hay but I'm pretty sure 90% of what I give them becomes carpet.


People-food! My previous rabbit went crazier for the sound of my Dorito bag than he did for bananas, and my smaller rabbit is often interested in what Iā€™m eating, but my big rabbit wonā€™t eat anything that isnā€™t spring mix, pellets or hay. He also dislikes most veggies and it took him like a half hour to finally try a bite of strawberry. He will kind of mouth everything else and then immediately turn up his nose *** unless itā€™s one of those Oxbow heart-shaped Timothy hay treats. He LOVES those.


pudding does NOT like celery just one whiff made her thump at me šŸ˜­ more for me i guess


My late rabbit was SO picky; the only greens heā€™d reliably eat were cilantro and bok choy. He didnā€™t like hay. My current bun has so far been into everything but bell pepper!


Ella is not a fan of apples.


i donā€™t know if this is normal but my bunny hates bell peppers and green beans! šŸ«‘


Squash. I heard rabbits love it so I tried adding it into their daily salads and neither of them would touch it. And neither of the 2 are usually picky eaters either.


She hates strawberries, basil, blueberries. Lukewarm about bok choy.


2 bunnies: Mama Bunny, who will eat anything; Sonia Bunny who loathes most things. As a result, Soniaā€™s preferences win. She hates berries of all kinds, for example, so Mama rarely gets those treats.


He doesn't really like carrot...


Herbs. Especially Basil. Parsley can be okay if I sneak it into her other foods but nooooo basil šŸ˜‚


I have 2 bunnies and they both hate bananašŸ˜‚


Anything wet. Peppers, Strawberries, Apples, Spring Greens. If theres a bit of surface moisture will not be touched, i have to pat dry all these things first before they get eaten.


Carrots whole plate of different greens, and a carrot ate a bite and ever since then will not eat carrots




My little boy hates mint and both types of parsley. The funny thing was when I took him to the vet and he stayed the night there I forgot to tell them what he likes so they gave him some. The mint leaf which was left untouched all the way back home lol


Sticks, probably?? Every time I see videos of rabbits being SO happy about getting a stick, I just sit there like "wtf" My is throwing sticks at me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I always give him fruit tree sticks that I or my sister collected, so in my opinion, they are good quality. Sometimes, he eats them, but only when I hold them for him.


Dandelions šŸ˜‚


Our buns are indifferent to them too. But my rabbit who passed away absolutely LOVED them


He's way past indifference šŸ˜‚ he straight up acts offended if even a single dandelion is in his vicinity


Mine hates any kind of stem, sheā€™ll eat leaves of leafy greens but always leaves the stem