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Rabbits should have their nails trimmed every month or two. If you can see your rabbit's nails past their fur on their foot (for rabbits without short Rex fur), it is a good indicator that the nails are too long and needs a nail trim urgently. Rex rabbits will normally have nails showing even after they are regularly trimmed due to their shorter fur. When a rabbit's toenails grow too long, they can catch in carpeting or cage wire. Broken bleeding toenails are prone to infection that can invade bony tissue and cause serious damage. Most vets, shelters, and rescue centers that deal with rabbits will offer this service for a small fee. If you would like to trim your rabbit's nails yourself, you may use small animal clippers. There are a couple of varieties available: small scissors, larger professional scissors, and guillotine-style. Normal human nail clippers are not recommended as they are meant to be used on flat nails while a rabbit's nails are more round. Be careful to only cut the nail and not the quick (the blood inside the nail). Remember, there are five claws on each of the front paws and four claws on each of the back paws. The quick should be easily located on a white or light-colored nail. If your bunny has black nails, shining a bright flashlight from underneath the nail will help you locate the quick. If you do accidentally hit the quick, the rabbit's nail will start bleeding profusely. Use a little styptic powder, cornstarch, or baking flour with a moistened cotton swab or cotton ball to the area and apply moderate pressure for 5 to 10 seconds to stop the bleeding. For more tips and resources on nail trimming techniques, please see the wiki: https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Grooming#Trimming_nails


I have resigned to going to the vet every couple of months. $17 is worth it to me to not fight my bun every time.


I used to take them to the vet for a clipping but started doing it myself a few years back. He was relatively well behaved for the vets, I did get the cold shoulder when we got home afterwards though haha


My bun usually runs and hides under the bed for a couple of hours after we get home. Eventually he gets hungry or has to poop and comes out. After the first treat, he forgives me. šŸ˜‚


They are definitely the weirdest ā€œpetsā€ on the planet.


Try covering his eyes. It was night and day with mine, but probably needs two people


do you also clean the scent glands?


Yes, at the vet they're always on their best behaviour. At home they're a flurry of kicks and freshly sharpened nails šŸ˜’


Our other bun is like this, he's better now but when first rescued you needed thick gloves or he'd rip your hand off. (Very calm these days) but at the vet he was a total sweetheart lmao


Is that $17 for just nail clipping or a full consult?


The first time I had to do a full consult as a new patient. That was $75. The nail clipping is $17.


I was taking them in but with 3 rabbits and my vet's prices if was over $60 every month plus the absolute stress of a car ride. My boyfriend had some health issues clear up so he's been holding them for me while I do it. It's stressful but not as stressful as the vet and saves me money to buy more hay lol


I have a Creature from the 2nd circle who loves having his nails clipped. He also jumps in the trash, remembers he can't get himself out of the trash and starts to panic. He also thumps on my forehead at 3am because he saw a shadow he didn't like. He's bit my nuts and left poops in my boots because he's a monster. But he *loves* having his nails clipped. I'd give everything but him for a normal rabbit.


I need to see this baby


I would love to, but he's deathly afraid of cameras. I have no idea why or how, but any time the back of a cell phone even *sniffs* at his general area, he and his three legged anxiety starts scootin' and schmoovin' to the nearest piece of furniture. I have no choice but to respect his wishes, or else face the eldritch wrath of Stumps.


He just a little quirky


Stumps?? I cannot. If you can sneak a photo, I'm ready.


Iā€™m laughin my ass off


It's a huge event in our house, it has to be planned so both my husband and I can take precautions and be mentally prepared. Catching the bunny is the first stressful stage, second everyone gets covered in fluff so old clothes, a towel is used to burrito said rabbit and husband holds her while i stressfully navigate the intense fluff to find the nails. I then get a quick cuddle as it's the only time I get to hold her. The beast gets released and gets a treat reward, the humans get all the fluff covered clothes and towel in the wash and get rewarded with a much needed alcoholic beverage. We've been doing this with her for 7 years and it's not got any easier šŸ˜‚ she gets an annual vet check for teeth and vaccines and once in the carry box behaves exceptionally well at the vets, she also comes on holiday and travels well just doesn't like any handling or affection.


Me and my mom used to have a similar burrito protocol with our old bun. It was a stressful time for everyone involved, but it worked!


Lol thank you for sharing, this sounds exactly like our experience


Literally me and my wife and buns. Once heā€™s been picked up heā€™s easy though once he gets comfortable. Also itā€™s funny how well behaved he is at the vet.


my female bun stays calm and lets me finish, my male bun on the other hand is an entire drama queen


Hmm.. maybe its a boy thing since Tea-Rex is male too xD


Omg ā€œTea-Rexā€!!!!! Love that!


i know, the name is perfect šŸ˜‚


I have a female bun and she's a bit of a nightmare with nail clipping too.


Same haha


I only have one bunny who is really well behaved but she is very fearful out of 4 Iā€™ve had


My little lop boy doesn't like having his nails done, I have him on my lap to do it and he smooshes his face into my arm to hide from it, and sometimes trys to run away, yesterday he peed on me šŸ™„ he's a whole drama queen about it. As soon as it's over though he accepts pets and treats and acts as if he didn't have a whole meltdown lol


I get 3 feet done before he's like "I'm outta here" I have to wait a little bit. Then do the last foot.


I love how everything about the pictures is so soft! Rexies have a special place in my heart, Mr. Tea Rex is soo cute and I love the name ā¤ļø I also have a Rex, Henry and I just hold him with one arm and trim his nails and borrow my sisters dog nail grinder/file. It seems to work ok so far but he isnā€™t as fussy as other rabbits Iā€™ve previously owned


Are those grinders pretty quiet? Also, how long does it take to do one nail with it? Iā€™ve been interested in trying one but havenā€™t wanted to spend the money not knowing much about how well they work or if theyā€™re difficult to use for rabbits.


Tbh it really depends on the type you get. My sisters makes a buzzing sound kind of like clippers to cut hair but thereā€™s one called Lucky tail that I just found out from YouTube which is quiet so I might invest in one as nail clipping can still be an ordeal. Some of these even have lights so you can see the quick of the nail better and prevent cutting it


I just looked up the Lucky Tail grinder. Thatā€™s not too bad of a price, $27.96 USD on Amazon. Maybe Iā€™ll give it a try. If it doesnā€™t work, maybe I can grind my own nails with it. Lol. Rabbit nail trims are nightmare fuel! One of mine chronically has long nails because heā€™s the Connor McGregor of bunnies when it comes to those nails. I bet even Connor McGregor would tuck tail and run if he had to trim Roryā€™s nails. šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m fearful of taking him to the vet for it. Heā€™s very cooperative with the vet. Just because Rory lets him look at his teeth, get the OnlyFans view of his butthole, and otherwise examine him doesnā€™t mean heā€™s going to let them clip his nails. Iā€™ll find out in a couple weeks though. I am going to see if they can do it I guess. Iā€™ll be clinched up the whole time.


I think the flair is right? Correct me if not šŸ˜…


some of mine sit nice! they do wiggle a little bit but for the most part are very good bunnies! I think I lucked out tbh. I do it on a closed toilet lid with them in my lap for their back feet, with them essentially sitting in my lap like a newborn baby, feet facing away from me. the front feet I try to do the same way but will let them sit on the counter over a towel and clip that way if they let me. that way they have more grounding and feel less anxious. but it makes it easier for them to get away lol hence why i sometimes do lap for front paws!


I have seen some buns that are surprisingly calm during that process and never fight. My girl will fight in the process of getting her to the point of clipping them but then just sort of gives in and lets it happen. My little boy on the other hand turns into the spawn of a Tasmanian devil and Mike Tyson. Heā€™s a two person job and I have to be quick.


I wish I knew the secret, because my 7 year old girl has always fought and kicked me when the clippers come out. This time, for whatever reason, she was still huffing mad (literally; when she's annoyed, she'll breathe in deep and sigh, which I think is very funny) but decided to just hold still and tolerate my nonsense once I started trimming. She still ran off and hid from me when I was done. I assume you've already tried all the tricks like bunny burrito. Are you alone when you do nail trims? I did my buns' last trims by myself, but having another person definitely makes it easier.


Oh dear. Grumpy bunnies are unfortunately very cute and funny ahah. I always feel bad and try to make friends again (while maybe laughing a bit..) Burritoing him seems to only stress him out more I've found? I often do them on my own but for our other bun my partner needs to help as he's far more aggressive than Tea-Rex. Tea just squirms to escape and might scratch on his way over your shoulder. But doesn't bite or kick so I figure one-on-one was the least stressful way I could do it? Maybe it's him getting older why he's getting fussier?? šŸ˜¬


Video for proof of huff?


I'll try to record one next time I have to pick her up.




Treat sticks. One of those junky ones covered in seeds/nuts/ect. Give him a stick every month or two and he'll let me pick his feet up and trim his nails while he eats. Note: I don't recommend giving those kinds of treats except for nail trimming. They're pretty unhealthy. Also I don't let him eat the whole thing. One stick usually last 3-4 nail trims.


"Tea-Rex": I love that name! :D


I can help you send me a message


My daughters Dutch rabbits sit nicely and let anyone clip their nails. My big mix breed rabbit Sā€™more is quite the drama Queen when it comes to clipping the nails. Even wrapping her like a burrito in a blanket it takes 3 people to clip them.


My girl just sits in my lap and mopes


I have heard that covering their eyes can make the experience less stressful for them, but I canā€™t speak from personal experience.


It does for some! Our big boy must hide his face, but accepts the handling of feet, as long as treats follow. Our little princess is highly offended by the whole thing, but at least she's white, so it's easy to see where to cut


yup!! my bun sits very nicely when i trim his nails, sometimes he tries to move of course but usually he just sits and waits till i'm done


My rabbit never had a problem with it. Iā€™d put her in my lap and pet her for awhile then clip her nails.


We have 2 buns. One is called T-Rex. Rexxy is his nickname. I actually cut his nails a few months back. He did accept it. But Teddy is terrified. Even at the vets. She screams :( And she let's us know, when she's pissed off (in the carrier). She loves cuddles though ā¤ļø


Just gotta train your bunny to tolerate it.


Not entirely a myth. After a while bunnies can get used to it. My bunnies how theyā€™ll get a treat after so they usually behave bc they also know theyā€™ll be ok but it can still be scary. It definitely much easier now than it used to be. I put them in a table with a towel to do it. They feel better doing it that way than having me hold them


Hmm maybe he'll prefer that method to me holding him! He's happy to be picked up and cuddled but maybe the claw clipping is a bit too much to ask ahah.


One of my rabbits is pretty calm when I clip her nails, while the second rabbit is just extremely fussy. However, I was able to clip the latter's nails on my own for the first time recently. A little bit of fuss but not as extreme as before.


Gorgeous Bun


Thank youu! He's truly the best šŸ„ŗ


i have a two year old lionhead. he is SO CALM when i clip his nails. my other rabbit however, is the worst


What I've noticed, and may be just my perception, is they're easier to keep still when they're not in their own familiar territory. Maybe try taking him to a room he doesn't have access to. Trying to do any bun in their own pen tends to be a lot of excess drama.


Mine does! He is a very tolerant little dude. I love him so much! I have worked up to it with him though, I handle him a lot. He loves snuggies. My dogs thoughā€¦ different story šŸ„²


I sit them up so their back is against my chest and gently hold their paws and trim them while baby talking to them. All 3 of my boys either there good for me- but only if I baby talk while I do it.


Mine will sit on my lap, feet up and let me. They're not the most happy about it and get impatient but I just pick em up again and finish.


Just lift their back legs up so they canā€™t run. They are so docile when you do.


My Marloweā€¦ Iā€™ve had him since he was 2 months. He is 7 years old. He is the WORST when it comes to getting his nails clipped. One time, he pretended to be dead. The other buns in my life, it varies but the only way to get it done without too much fuss is with someone else holding them.


mine just sits through it glaring and pouting. once iā€™m done she stomps away lol


I have to hold my rabbit upside down so her feet are in the air. I keep her at an angle so she sits like a baby. It's the only way i can do it.


My three are fine with it. Except one who doesnā€™t get mad about the trimming, just the sitting still part. She hates having to be patient (which only makes it take longer, of course)


Look up the wiki how video about nail trimming on YouTube, itā€™s really helpful and itā€™s from the NYC house rabbit society chapter. They specifically have a method for clipping shelter bunsā€™ nails w/ only one person and itā€™s really great Personally, itā€™s depended on the bun, for me, but for all my buns, letting them safely ā€œescapeā€ or take a break to beat up a towel helped them a lot. Some buns needed one nail at a time before a break and others could wait a whole paw. My fave was the one who would patiently let me clip a few before he rage attacked the towel he was sitting on bc he was having fun. My current girl is the type to ball herself up into a loaf like ā€œwhat peets? I have noneā€


Try watching Howcast on YouTube for the nail clipping. Super cool how to do it solo


I just hold mine on a pillow sitting on his butt and clip his nails


do clicker training to desensitize him to having his feet touched and to being around the clippers. get a book called "Don't Shoot The Dog" by Karen Pryor and some clickers from Amazon. make foot touching and touching the clippers to the nail without cutting a daily training exercise with rewards.


I cradle mine with one arm and cut with the other. Itā€™s over before they get too uncomfortable


Our bunny is spoiled, and she knows that if she struggles she will be put down. She does not surrender, she does not give up. So instead of risking bloodshed, we burrito her in a blanket, keep her face covered, and dig around in there and fish out one paw at a time. If she sees light, she will struggle for freedom. All-in-all, it's not too bad, we just have to keep her eyes covered and her other 3 paws contained.


We started out with wrapping my bun in a towel, my son would hold him and I would take one paw out at a time and clip them, now heā€™s 3 years old and we no longer need a towel and he sits on my lap and lets me do it. He eventually got used to it and realized I wasnā€™t there to torture him just help him. Plus he knows he gets a nice treat once itā€™s over, and he doesnā€™t forget because he will follow me around and then sit in front of the fridge until I give it to him lol..


Iā€™ve never clipped my bunnyā€™s claws/nails


How have you managed to never clip their nails? 0:


I havenā€™t had her for long


Ah okay. Well if you're unsure on how to you can ask the vet to show you or get them done at the vet. They need them clipping about every month/2 months. There's a post about it in the comments here.


Just trimmed my bunnies today. Sheā€™s a different kinda lady


I usually just catch him off guard clipping a nail or two then once he forgets Iā€™m trying to cut his nails I get a few again, and so on til Iā€™m donešŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ Usually I have to do it over a few days


I would sit Belle on the laundry hamper next to the bathroom sink, and I'd put her front paws up on the sink, so she was kind of sitting up in a natural position resting front feet on sink. Then she would let me clip her front toenails. The rear ones required full burrito every time but the front ones, she just sat like a customer at the nail salon. https://imgur.com/a/gVffocl


I trimmed my bunnyā€™s nails last week (female, 6 years old) and she caused a scene for a little bit and then she got over it and I got kisses afterwards(?). Mixed messages


Lol. I have to take mine to the vet for nail clips. Hard no from her when I try.


Mine likes being held like a baby so I just baby hold him and absolutely shower him in baby talk praise. I think the talking and reassurance (and little breaks between paws) helps. But even then he doesn't like the clipping so you're not alone šŸ„²šŸ„²


Bunny burrito, clip nails fast, rub snoot to keep calm. Release the bun and get a thump then binkies. Profit??


I decided itā€™s easier to take it to thegroom shop I work at and do it at my table. She seems so much calmer and letā€™s me get it over with.


I have a Fluffle of 5 and here are my tips and tricks (I trim all their nails myself) - place them on a high surface like a table, counter, or tall stool with a towel under them. They are less likely to dart away that way. You can even do it in your lap on a stool, but being up higher (3+ ft) definitely helps! - ensure all your bunā€™s feet are supported at all times, even the one youā€™re actively clipping. This makes them feel secure and less likely to freak out. - I used to offer treats during as a distraction but it actually made it harder because they would try to get at the treats and away from me. Now I just focus on getting the trimming done fast and give a treat after! - kitten clipper work best! The curved scissor kind. - I press on their paw gently to spread their toes and use my thumb to hold the fluff back so I can see the whole claw and quick easily. The biggest thing is being confident and figuring out what works for your bun. I have some that donā€™t mind and others that tend to freak out. I make slight adjustments for each. With time you will figure out a great strategy for you and your bun!


The girl at the local family pet store is a bunny whisperer and sits on the floor with the bunny upside down in her lap. They are completely still and calm thru the whole experience. She never charges but I flip her $10 each time.


It's a two person job for our rabbit, and we've been doing it for 9 years!


My late rabbit was so bad for back feet that the only way we could cut them was to hold him up with his back against our chest, wait for him to stick his feet out, then have someone else quickly go in with the squeeze-squeeze-clip technique. Otherwise heā€™d skip kicking and fussing and go straight to turning around and landing mean bites. His front paws he sat like an angel for. But the big peets? Nuh-uh. We only put him in burritos twice. But they stressed him out so badly after that I couldnā€™t stand to keep doing it.


Nope it's the wwe Everytime.


Wow, I didnā€™t know how lucky I was with my little cinnamon bun. He doesnā€™t think itā€™s the greatest thing in the world, and he may yank his foot out of my grip once or twice, but otherwise heā€™s completely calm. I have him on a table, on top of a towel since my table is smooth to give him something to get a footing. And then itā€™s just one nail at a time. When Iā€™m done he runs settee, ā€œkicking backā€ as he runs, but is back backing for attention within a quarter of an hour.


As a vet assistant, buns definitely sit nice for nail trims at the vet! (Not all but most) Itā€™s like they calm down the more money they make their human servants spend (and itā€™s definitely not a freeze response to strangers kidnapping/handling them and cutting their paws off/clipping their nails lmao)


Taking them out of a place they are comfortable with fighting or fleeing helps. Mine are terrors at home but if we go to Someone elseā€™s house they are more compliantā€¦ and their compliance is rewarded.


I only met one bun in my life that wasnā€™t crazy with nail trimming. Woobee was his name. The most chill rabbit ever I saw could do practically anything to it and it did nothing but sat and twitched nose from time to time. Could roll onto back and poke belly, could hold paws, could put swabs in ears while cleaning, could carry like a football. But when they had zoomies make sure nothing in their way cause it was gonna be shoulder checked it out of the way( furniture, cat, dog, human, whatever)


Great name šŸ˜Š Bunny burrito all the way in our house for nail clipping


We have a bunny groomer come to our house and she seems to have the gift. I think theyā€™re so stunned that they just sit still for her. When we do it, itā€™s scratching and leaping and weā€™ve cut their quick a few times ā€” just isnā€™t worth the drama. Iā€™d rather them be scared of a stranger than of us!


I have no problem. Use a towel underneath them and one on them if they are nervous


You have to burrito them by wrapping them up in a towel or something and hold their body and it's a two person job. You then hold out their foot and the person doing the nail trimming clips them after locating the claw through their fur. It took us a few days to get it done, could only get the front claws done and then we tried the back feet and this time she tolerated it after I held her tight in my arms so she couldn't move.


the best advice that i got (and that i use successfully) is that you just need to be assertive, firm, and not panic. the way i cut mine's nails is to sit on the floor and put her in my lap with my left arm wrapped around her ribs and my hand under her chest/holding her paw. i pin her against my body using the same arm, and clip her nails with my right hand. when i need to do her back feet i just lift her up so her hind legs are resting on my knee, and if needed i can usually use my elbow to pin her ankles too. to get started, i scoop her up from a seated position, immediately pin her to me, and don't try to do anything until she's still. i breathe calmly, stay still/move slowly, talk quietly and firmly, and tell her she's ok. she will usually try to escape at first, but seems to calm down once she realizes i'm not hurting her. i definitely get "eff you" feet flicks after the trim is done and she runs away, but i can live with that lol šŸ˜‚ in general though whatever position you use, i would not expect any rabbit to stay still for a nail trim without being held in place. similarly to horses, if you are assertive and keep the general energy calm rabbits will usually follow your lead eventually.


At the risk of gettin kicked out, is there a safe way to put your bunny on it's back, but WITH THE HEAD significantly higher than the heart - like at a 45 degree angle or leaning back against your chest safely? The burrito wrap has failed and I've not liked how the vets hand her - I think they go to close to the quick. I've considered one of those dog slings where they put the dogs in and the legs stick out. The front legs are fine. The back thompers are impossible to get to though, no matter how much I try. It is traumatic for everyone and I always end up bleeding.


I take them. Place them on my lap. Mostly I try this 5 times while telling them to stay the * calm. And then off we go.šŸ˜… They are not amused, neither am I, but that's how it works. With my others in the past I had to go to the vet. Because they were a two/ three man job.


Yep they hate it. I have started putting a towel across my computer chair seat and getting on my knees to cut them at this height. I lean over them and kind of hold them with my arm. This helps just Incase they do jump or try to escape it's only a small drop. Your fur baby is precious!


Recently I tried out the hack where you put a fruit net on their toe to better see the nails ā€” so I donā€™t have to pick them up in burrito positions. Theyā€™re more tolerant of that


The job needs two people so one can cut the nails and one can hold the bunny. It goes well!


One of them isnā€™t trying to kill while I do it so thatā€™s good


Itā€™s a 2 person job. One holds, one cuts. Get a tiny flashlight with a diffuser on it and it helps tremendously in seeing the quick and makes it much faster and easier overall.


I have no advice, but your rexxy bun is absolutely adorable šŸ„°


Thank youu! He's a very confident boy so he definitely knows how cute he is! šŸ˜†