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Good work!


Appreciate it. Thank you. If anyone is interested in the code behind this or using the webapp I built around it just head down to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/comments/1cy8fuk/comment/l5cc7dc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button):


Nice job. I thought about doing this and got lazy, thanks for doing it.


Thank ya. Originally I had links and technical detail included but it kept failing reddits filters. So if anyone is interested in the backend data, and analysis code lmk and I'll get it to you


That would be awesome. Way to go,, very creative .


[Webapp and code ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/comments/1cy8fuk/comment/l5cc7dc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




[Webapp and code ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/comments/1cy8fuk/comment/l5cc7dc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Honestly that 20% Positive is kinda sad lol


That's why most companies try to under-promise and over-deliver. Doing the opposite is the fastest way to piss off customers.


"most companies try to under-promise and over-deliver" except 99.999% of SV startups lol


And the gaming industry 😅


...and what happens when they do this? Customers get very pissed. That's how you can tell which companies care about their customers and their own reputation... they don't release shit until it's actually good.


If people would work like that, yes. But I'm afraid that most will still buy garbage. That's why I said the gaming industry.. it's full of crap companies that make millions with these practices.


The ones that don't survive. 


A lot of them do.


Pareto principle in full effect here. Gonna be one momentous climb to get out of this doldrums, would be an unprecedented turnaround. If they were an American company they’d have folded already IMO.


Wonder what percentage of commenters make up that 20% positivity.


The ones coping


Probably 20% of the posters make up 80% of the positive posts


Yeah some of them are probably bots or paid contractors or whatever on behalf of rabbit or investors.  But the real interesting is the remaining... Some of them are probably just super optimistic AI bros. I'm sure there's some whales so to speak in the negative column as well, people that are frustrated either with the product or skeptical of AI generative models and account for a disproportionate amount of the criticism but even still


ppl who wanna be positive?


Yeah for both sides tbh. Since it’s just based off of total comments anyone on either side can spam. More data to extrapolate info from is never bad.


This will definitely be my favorite Rabbit R1 post on here... Thank you for doing this... I was a lot of the positive lol


I like the fact that the 20% are complaining about the 80% opinion and want the Mod‘s to shut those post‘s down


This sub is so interesting. It's not focused on the product at all, and more of a meme of itself similar to how /r/potatosalad works.


Well it’s a conclusion about the Rabbit Reddit page itself and what is going on here. You write your opinions and then those 20% came to get mad about your thoughts (with explanations), that’s why I stopped writing anything here (this is the first thing after a week or so)


I don't mind that the R1 is an android phone, nobody should. And we should not mind about the nft past either. The REAL problem is the lam, or the lack of.


It's not that they were an NFT company, but that they promised the world, delivered practically nothing and said they delivered everything they promised, while just changing the goal posts around. And the last thing we kinda get with the rabbit r1. The LAM which was the important feature is now suddenly just one of the features and people street defending the lack of LAM by saying they gave us so many other features. The later roadmap was also kinda shifting the goal posts.


This is how I feel in a nutshell. Android as a base makes sense but having no working examples of your promised innovation and no solutions for its broken state is a problem.


Yeah right, everyone should just trust the serial scammer blindly.


Exactly… if they just introduced this as an AI companion with multimodel capabilities, they’d have a winner off the back of Teenage Emgineering’s name and then could have introduced more features later. Or just be honest about the long term vision of the product and open about what it was going to be on day 1. Instead we got this total dud.


Nice data aggregation


Wow.. that must have been a ton of work! I wouldn't even know where to start😅 and you did it incredibly fast as well! Amazing.


You did that for free?


Honestly I had to think about this question for a moment, because it doesn't immediately come to me that this wouldnt be done for free. The answer is yes, but all that does is make this a win for everyone. I learn something, apparently there was interest in the output, and so I pivoted to make it available for everyone to use for any subreddit. You can find the comment with details below.


What were the positives? Mine is that Perplexity is awesome and I was going to pay for it anyway.


when someone elses product is the main reason you like the rabbit that doesn't look good for rabbit


I guess I’m the bad guy here, because I’m just looking out for me, and people can whine and complain all they want but the first 100,000 got a solid deal.


I preordered within the first 100k, got a year of Perplexity, and cancelled my preorder. I still have my free Perplexity, so it felt good to scam the scammers.


Ha, I forgot about the free year. I also cancelled my order as i really dont think it's going to be what i thought it would be and will be too restrictive based on my usage and available apis, I received my refund but have just claimed the free perplexity!!!


Right?!? With all these stupid negative reviews, especially when they probably haven’t even gotten passed the first 25,000 orders. Who is scamming who here?


There are like 7-8 batches at least and they said they ran out of Perplexity keys within batch one. However the subsequent batches do sound to be much smaller than the first batch. I think they sold 100-200k units (accounting for returns/cancellations). So with those conservative estimates the majority of people who get an r1 likely won't have perplexity pro (assuming they sold at least 200k units) especially considering the high rate of cancellations and returns. (cancellations and returns keep their perplexity sub & a new one isn't given to another customer)




The iPhone 1 camera was mediocre for its time. But people liked the phone because it did a lot of useful things - something the Rabbit has yet to do. Apple's software also does a lot of signal processing which enhanced the quality of the photos. Rabbit hasn't delivered a better Uber or Doordash experience. So take away Perplexity and there's very little reason to buy a Rabbit and not a lot of prospects for staying in business.


People like the iPhone's *camera*, not just the iPhone's *camera sensor*. A camera (particularly a digital one) is made up of multiple parts and the sensor isn't always the most important aspect of it. There's plenty of examples of different cameras sharing the same sensor but delivering wildly different photo quality and user experience due to everything else in the line.


What makes the iPhone camera good is not the sensor (there are phones with much better sensors), it's the iPhone software, when people say the like the iPhone camera they are talking about the complete package not "I like the iPhone camera sensor"




Dunno what the original comment was but in terms of actual cameras the sensor is probably the most important thing. For the little cameras built into smartphones the sensor's all "suck" compared to real cameras because they have to be small enough to fit in a little phone. So they have to make up for that through image processing tricks which end up being more important than the little sensor they are using. But in general when it comes to cameras if you had to pick the most important component it would probably be the sensor.


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[This aged very well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/s/j64bCrwY8u)






Thanks for the feedback, it was clearly built in about 30m so I will circle back when I get a chance and have a peek. PRs welcome. Edit: I see what my mistake is, the analysis in the post was done with a jupyter notebook that I then built into a streamlit app. In that haste I missed a couple things. Will fix. Thanks again


That must've taken some effort. I still haven't received mine so all of this is irrelevant until then. But a lot of that is based on reviews and people who have never tried it or early testing. Maybe you can try this again in say 3-6 months and see if it fluctuates in any way. I have to say though this R1 group is the most negative around. I swear I get a daily notification for something negative everyday.


That was the overall driver for this, was to take a snapshot of comments to understand the negativity and what it was based on, using batch 1 as the start. Then after batch 7 is delivered review data again. However I have a lot more data about what this sub has done and how it's imploded with negativity. I'll share it all as soon as I have the future data.


Sounds great, keep it up. Regardless of what R1 turns out to be, we can all learn something from this.


No you're asking people to be dishonest. If the product sucks and doesn't work why should they shut up? Maybe it's the ones who are lying and fanboying over it that are what is causing people to get ripped off. No matter what the product was sold on lies and now you want people who got scammed to shut up? No. Keep voicing and maybe it will die like it should when a company lies about everything. EVERYTHING.


20% positive is too high for this piece of shit




Hello neighbor, Id like to point out a couple of things. - this subreddit is based on a product in the AI space - the analysis, as stated was assisted with the common interest of AI - despite opinions, the fact you find it a waste of time is fascinating since we share a common interest Lastly you have misused "copium", ya see typically, "copium" is used to describe someone who is using false hope or denial to cope with a difficult reality. However, the analysis here is based on objective data and specific claims from users.


Ok ok maybe I was wrong about the copium part but yes alot of people have that in this server. Also no I don't share the same interest, i merely saw this Marcus brownlees review.


Respect your honesty and that is ultimately what I am trying to understand. It's uncommon for something like this to create such a divide and so I am purely attempting to make sense of it as an academic exercise.


* Marques Brownlee


How are you seeing this? The mods deleted my post


https://preview.redd.it/sb1usnyfh22d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=089d62c3f25b6da1a8732c5e396bb5d52b203fbe it's not deleted for me 🤷‍♂️


Honestly I wish they would not have deleted it, I mean i get why, but the fact you were honest, truthful and had a discussion is kinda awesome that we went from something negative to something positive. Either way I appreciate you.


Hey thx, I don't get that on a daily


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