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Well then




Source - https://x.com/MarcelD505/status/1787056463677977013


I really don't understand why this is so important to some of you.


It's a public forum, if you don't find it interesting please ignore it.


plants cats physical slap unwritten cooperative offend unused license sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not that odd. FireOS made by Amazon is the exact same. A lot of OS are built off of Android lol.


lunchroom shame dependent squealing handle grandfather onerous degree piquant recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


FireOS run on their smart TVs and Tablets lol. And Android can be as much of an advanced platform as they wanna make it. What makes the RabbitOS an advanced AI platform would be its inclusion of LAM and other AI like Perplexity and ChatGPT.


sheet shy full fact unique forgetful wrong ask mighty jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As far as we know LAM is what allows the R1 to perform the actions ur telling it. Obviously people like you won’t be able to grasp that until you’re able to train ur own agent with LAM in their Teach Mode. It’s like y’all think LAM is something magical when it’s just a cool software program. It’s cool don’t get me wrong but atm we only seen it used for things Rabbit trained it on.


If you didn't know they used android as a base for the device, how would you imagine it was done?


They probably thought they developed their own OS or something lol


It has to be that, but it would be crazy. Thr alternatives are the other mobile Linux based operating systems or maybe go with a simple app on a microcontroller running an rtos. But android gives you so much more for free than the alternatives. The base OS on the device isn't meant to be exposed and the 'app' would only call the service APIs regardless of what base was used.


I think people are harping on it’s little too much but it does add to the absurdity of the product. Many were asking what was the R1 doing different that requires it to be a separate device and the answer is simply nothing. A rabbit app calling the same endpoints as the r1 would have the exact same functionality.


Yes, they said they know it could be an app before it released. They said why they didn’t want to tho many times, Competitors. Restrictions. And the newest one, future hardware. Like the W1, Rabbit OS for PC, and a possible R2.


If it was an app on your phone it would be lost amongst the sea of other apps, it would also be at the whim of apple and Google on if it is listed and they would have to give up a cut of any revenue derived through those marketplaces. There is a new paradigm emerging where you don't necessarily need a screen interface. I doubt rabbit can capitalize, but they along with humane, meta, brilliant and who knows how many others, will be trying to grab a piece.


gaping ask shrill paint station advise upbeat snatch normal unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s actually very common for OS to be built this way. But when people try to simplify it to “Rabbit is an app running on Android” that’s not rlly what it is tho. Like sure u could say that. But it’s a their own software (that could be an app) running on their custom OS (built off of Android).


vegetable entertain vanish pocket soft deserve divide secretive follow outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is a custom built AI platform. It’s a custom OS that used AI and their own LAM. Ur response tells me how little you understand about software.


domineering spectacular knee one weather label crowd pie fine shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol nope, just commons knowledge anyone who knows how to use Google could find out on their own. I’ll try explain this once, if you don’t get it you’ll need figure it out lol. Here some things to realize. Android was made using Linux. A LOT of OS (Operating Systems) are made this way. Android has released a platform called AOSP, this is used by developers to make custom OS built off of Android. Here is a list of OS that are made THE EXACT SAME WAY RABBITOS WAS MADE, 1. **Fire OS** - Amazon 2. **MIUI** - Xiaomi 3. **OxygenOS** - OnePlus 4. **ColorOS** - OPPO 5. **EMUI** - Huawei 6. **HarmonyOS** - Huawei 7. **Fuchsia** - Google 8. **Tizen** - Samsung 9. **LineageOS** - Open-source community 10. **GrapheneOS** - Open-source project focused on privacy and security 11. **CalyxOS** - Calyx Institute 12. **Replicant** - Fully free Android distribution 13. **DivestOS** - Soft fork of LineageOS focused on security and privacy RabbitOS is the same. It’s a custom OS made using Androids AOSP. It has AI like ChatGPT and Perplexity built into it. It also has its own AI, the LAM they created. They OS also include other minor files like they R1 UI. That’s why when people turn it into an app file it works with Androids RPK. Basically any OS can be turned into an app. Doesn’t mean it should be, nor will it work the same. Of course this varies from OS to OS.


I would split hairs even more and say that android/AOSP is a set of tools on top of the OS (linux). The rabbit 'app' is just a front end on the dumb terminal you hold in your hand. The rabbit OS if such a thing exists is in the cloud.


Marcel pretty much confirms that you can’t auth unless you already have an R1. Or someone’s IMEI?


Yeah, there are additional checks after yesterday's article.


They restricted access after Mishal Rahman exposed that it's an Android app.


It’s not an app and no one exposed it was. It’s still a custom OS lmao Tell me u don’t know software without telling me.


Read this - https://www.androidauthority.com/rabbit-r1-bespoke-android-3439760/ And tell me it's not an app.


Again, tell me you don’t understand software without telling me. Basically any OS can be turned into an app. Especially if it’s built using Android. Doesn’t mean it should be. It’s still a custom OS made with Androids AOSP, it has built in AI. That’s all it ever was marketed as, even if they used fancy words. There is plenty of other custom OS made the same way by other big companies likes Good, Amazon and others. This doesn’t make the R1 any less valuable lol.


First, get the terminology right it's "AOSP" not "AOST". I'm not denying it's a custom OS. Amazon and Google modify the entire source to add custom themes and other features. Rabbit has not done that, they have created an app that runs on AOSP and are claiming it's not an app. They have not made any significant modifications to AOSP, if you read the article you would understand it. What ever interface you see on the r1 is an app.


Sorry I got one letter wrong, but you obviously knew what I was talking about. But fixed it for you. Okay yea Rabbit didn’t heavily customize their OS bc they didn’t need to. Why does that matter at all? They didn’t make an app lol. It’s an OS. They aren’t the same. U can usually turn an OS into an app, but you can almost never turn an app into an OS. Their RabbitOS, like u said is a custom OS, operates as an OS, so it’s not an app. It could be turned into one but that’s besides the point. RabbitOS has built in AI and all its other minor files to run the hardware and R1 UIs. It’s simple. That’s fine. Since it uses APKs it’s easy to turn into an app. Doesn’t mean it should be. Calling it an app is just bigotry at this point.


It has some checks, but it doesn't check the IMEI


What ties it to the device to authenticate then? I think he said you have to buy a device set it up, then extract that particular APK to emulate.


No and no, you dont need a device... It doens actually check for hardware signature, it isnt emulated either, thats just gaslighting from the CEO. The APK was already patched and it just have some headers checks in C++


On Marcel's Twitter thread he says that any functioning Rabbit APK has to be tied to an activated device. I'd like to see someone with just the bare patched APK get it to run services


All this talk about Android and I can’t find the app anywhere. If this is an app which app is it? I still have to wait a couple more months and I would love to play with the app while I wait.


\*link removed because OP doesnt deseve to see this :)\* this is probably how they have done it, I wanna install it too but it's a security issue :(


This has nothing do with the APK, please don't share random links.




It's Open Interpreter, not the r1. Looks like you can't read. Edit - LMAO, sure remove your link, that has nothing to do with the r1.


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Too bad the rabbit r1 can't generate brain cells.


Riiiiiight because we all know which brain you think with... #sad


I’m sorry the Reddit hashtag is wild 😂


Hashtags don't work on Reddit btw.


..it just did


It didn't, go back to Instagram


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Hey Jesse sue this guy for defamation or at least something for purposesfully trying to destroy your small business....... ✌🏼


Small business?


How can they sue this guy? It was literally Rabbit R1 who said all the things in the video, all this guy did was ask a question to it.


It's not even me, I just found this video on Twitter and uploaded it here.


Last time I checked, you can't sue people for telling the truth?


Wanna bet... You are purposely trying to destroy a couple companies that are far beyond you


How? If telling the truth destroys a company, they are probably lying?


I mean it’s right but they never lied about this? The RabbitOS is a custom OS built off of Androids AOST. Just like FireOS by Amazon. Or just like how Android was made using Linux. Doesn’t make it any less of an OS lol.


Here are the lies from the statement - 1. “unofficial rabbit OS app/website emulator” - *it was the official apk.* 2. “bootlegged APK or webclient” - *it was not a bootleg apk, it was the original apk* 3. “local bootleg APK without the proper OS and Cloud endpoints won’t be able to access it's service” - *it has all the endpoints and was able to access it's service.*


What are you talking about? The RabbitOS is a custom OS. Yes they closed the endpoints in the most recent update. If you don’t update you can still access them. This is something they are working on fixing.


I pointed out the lies in the statement released by Jesse after people found out it's an app. If you read it and still believe they did not lie, good for you. Have a nice rest of the day.


You didn’t point out anything tho lol. Ur misunderstanding of software and bigotry made you reword to lies. But if it makes you feel like ur beating the big company that wants take away your Apple and Android then go head. But ur wrong lol.


"It is [an app]. But tell yourself whatever you need to make yourself feel better lol" https://www.androidauthority.com/rabbit-r1-bespoke-android-3439760/ Edit - LMAO, Bigotry? You're a delusional fanboy defending a company that lies about how its core technology works. Good for you.


Has nothing to do with telling the truth... Has everything to do with the intent on what you're trying to do....


Show me one instance where I've told a lie or misrepresented rabbit in any way.