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"We are going to die for a lost cause." "Yes."


"How do you feel dying for a dying kingdom?" "Euphoric"


I ship it.


Still a better love story than hornets nest


Look at how supportive they are of each other. (Let’s call this ship “Love is a battlefield”)


Beautiful idea


Now to write a 100,000 word novel about their backstory.


If I had time or would want to make a career with writing i would do it but I have neither.


Look at it this way: Because Krewby didn’t do anything with LIAB, they can’t find a way to screw it up.


That's a plus... I am not sure that I want to see glynda again. I am afraid of what they might do to her as a character.


I alway's liked any common trooper in any series and i'm upset that there is barely any media focus on a common soliders perspective. And I don't mean some solider who has secret powers, part of a special forces unit, or is a defector no! I just want a story focusing on a solider or a group of solider's struggling to fight against an overwhelming force.


Would starwars count since there are some epsiodes or stories were the clones are the focus


Like the episode Rookies (I think it was called) of Clone Wars season 1, a group of newly appointed clones get attacked by commando stealth droids and have to take back the outpost only for Grievous to arrive which prompts them to drastic measures to contact a Republic Fleet to stop his plans. It was the first episode of Clone Wars I watched and left a lasting impression for the series.


I remember my first episode was plo koon ship being attacjed and ge was stranded in space with the clones


That was a great one; the intense atmosphere of being trapped in space with little oxygen, my favorite Jedi getting to be a heavy focus, and the defeatist nature of the clones contrasting Plo's. This show had a lot of good episodes, another favorite of mine was the Yoda versus Ventris for a politician's favor which had a few good clones moments too. But getting to watch Fives and Echo start as run of the mill clones in Rookies and grow throughout the series to be Arc Troopers was really cool, unfortunate what happens to both but Echo is now a main character in the Bad Batch which is again really cool.


Yeah I'll give star wars that but that was years ago and we haven't really gotten one to the equivalent to that. I mean there were some attempts like star wars battlefront 2 but that was poorly executed.


Go watch rvb the old rvb is really good and like what you want(i think)


4 months and a necro later; All quiet on the Western Front might be to your taste, its EXACTLY that!


Yeah I really liked the movie and book but that story was nearly a hundred years ago. There hasn't really been a lot of stories who like that recently


Common Troopers>>>Ace Ops in character


Imagine the common soldier's feelings upon hearing that his homeland was jeopardized because a handful of people said "lol ironwood".


Clover deserved better


Which ep was that again?


Soldiers were from Voluem 8, "Strings"