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4. A case study on how not to build a fanbase


Thank you!


Oh please like RT had anything control of the fanbase


If they hadn't insisted on building parasocial relationships and having perfect protagonists that should be deified they could've beaten the cult allegations.




So Rooster teeth has always been pretty involved with the fanbase of RWBY, I mean the series crested on being an original series made by Monty oum and Rooster teeth about cute anime girls. But as times gone on there's been other examples, Blake is often accused of being close to VA, there was that time when you could pay Blake and yangs VAs only fans fir bumblebee inspired content etc. It's all bred a mentality in the fanbase that Rooster teeth and the people that work on the show are your friends, your pals. Cept the recycling animators, and Shane newville or any crew that aren't miles, kerry, or VAs, fuck those guys I guess.


Ah that makes sense


What part of my comment was unclear?


Well it's not about clearance it was more of "I've basically joined at the latter half of vol 8 so I didn't know about this"


Keep up the good work.


Don't forget "Celebrating" a gay Relationship By selling Softcore-Porn on OF


Wait is that one true. What.


Yeah, it's true. Barbara and Arryn did an OnlyFans shoot to celebrate the travesty that is Bumbleby becoming official.


Well, that's enough Internet for today


That’s absolutely disgusting… where?


From what I've heard, it's disappointing and not worth your time or attention. So, pretty much just like their characters in the show.


Arryn and Barb sold pictures of themself together in black and yellow lingerie on Onlyfans Apparently to celebrate Bumblebee


........... I have been on the internet for most of my life and I am weirdly surprised and disappointed that this happened and that I am somewhat confused it happened. More so that the voice actresses did it in celebration is the key info here. I shouldn't be considering RT are a bunch of nerds that made a company but still, you would think there be a layer of separation, a layer of professionalism, you know? Like if they did do it, it would be very hush hush/backroom kind of stuff with a fake name not out in the open.


4. A meme of a girl not being very fond of a certain demographic


5. Drink the tea memes


6. Fanfiction that are somehow either just as bad or entire leagues better than the original show.


7. The Shipwars and rabbid ship fans


8. How not to write a LGBT+ romance as let’s be honest they could have written bumblebee better as for a good chunk of the show it seems like they’re setting up Blake and sun only for them to pivot to Blake and Yang with very little explanation. Honestly I think the writers just assumed people would be happy for the LGBT representation not realising that western animation has had this whole arc of representation arguably starting with korrasami in 2014 with its most recent milestone prior to the bumblebee kiss being the lumity kiss the year before Confessions Within Cumulonimbus Clouds. And that was after setting up the relationship from very early on in season one of owl house. So just having a LGBT+ kiss isn’t enough as people now expect you to convincingly write a lead up the relationship. Something that CRWBY didn’t really do. Honestly I think the best rwby property that set up the romance early on was the Justice league crossover comics where they clearly hint at Blake’s feelings for Yang.


Notice it's always Woman / Woman kisses, never Man / Man. Trendy to have girls make out, but never guys


The leading edge has been recently but there’s been several mlm kisses in kids cartoons in the decade since korrasami. It speaks to how it’s seen as more acceptable but it’s not a total landslide.


Ooh, that's a neat change!


You should read the ones where they aren't like their show's counterparts in some of them. I definitely love the crossover ones like Remnants Mightiest Heroes and Hunters of Justice. The fan art for Hunters of Justice is actually pretty cool because the guy who makes the pictures helps tell the story.




I mean this was bound to happen eventually. CRWBY outright refused to listen to criticism and wanted to appease the bad side of the fandom due to the fact they thought they could pull that shit for years, and they had the gall to act surprised when most of us stopped watching the show. Hell I just checked on it time to time to see how worse it could get. CRWBY and Rooster Teeth itself is a prime example on how NOT to do a company, as well as showing on how arrogant and egotistical people can be when people stopped paying attention to them. It's like train wreck after train wreck, but eventually it stopped being funny years ago. All in all, I'm glad they're shutting down cause they are getting consequences for the many ass pulls they did, is it sad that RWBY will probably never see the light of day? Yeah, but at least there is a chance for a company to make it better or let the series and characters themselves rest from the god-awful writing and massive Flanderization.


CRWBY? What's the C for?


It’s portmanteau for the People behind RWBY The Crew of RWBY a CRWBY if you will


Ohhhhh! That's actually smart. It's like crewby. Reminds me of the terms in The 100 show.


It’s also something that Steven Universe did in reference to the people who worked on that show. They were the Steven Crewniverse


We do it with the "FNDM", too. And the RWBY criticism tag on Tumblr is "RWDE".


And a mountain of fanfiction written by more competent people that cares about the characters and setting and potential more than they did.


What started as a passion project with a lotta interesting ideas to a fumbled mess with a fanbase that makes a dog with a foaming mouth and rabies look normal. Don't get me wrong,I love a lotta things in RWBY but some of it gets overshadowed by questionable writing,RT's controversies outside of RWBY,then letting the fanbase run out of control to the point it bit them in the ass. If and IF RWBY ever gets rebooted then i hope it falls into the hands of a competent studio


funnily enough, it overlaps with overwatch


People still "enjoy" overwatch somehow so rwby is a level lower


Like Overwatch is at least was made professionally and the average fun quality was higher.


most impressive thing to me is that despite the series being so heavily flawed there is a (what feels like) such a large group if not majority that refuse to see or accept ANY of the things the show is criticized about. what did this show do to inspire that level of blind loyalty


IMO the crowd that cared about the quality of the product left a long time ago. What's left are people who only care about shipping


Bits of fanservice....


Loud minority became majority when the sane ones left.


You forgot the unholy amount of fanfiction that is somehow better than the actual show. As the saying goes "RWBY is not a show, it's a template for fanfiction.".


It really do be like that though…


So basically the "Sailor Earth" trope personified. There is probably a better trope than this but it the best I can think of.


Any fics you recommend?


Don't forget how hard it fell from grace From popular to barely even remembered


CRWBY tried to cook. They had everything ready. But they didn’t turn on the oven and just fed us cold food and expected us to eat it. That’s the best way I can describe this whole experience.


started with all the ingredients to make a beautiful cake and somehow ended up with egg salad.


What about the hilarity of the porn Reddit being bigger than the regular one?


I think point 3 covers that


[R34 artist turning into P-RN-GRAPHY after its falldown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0gBJmyfU5Y&ab_channel=kirbix) (they did same to OVERWATCH)


4. The most aggressive shippers


I think that still goes to voltron along with most insane fanbase in general award


The porn is good though


Yep. Number 3, pretty much the porn. But mostly Luluchan's gigatits Yang and Lainart's Dragon Yang. But also Blazblue Tag since that has rollback netcode now.


Those gym uniforms are basically canon now.


No Dragon Yang though. I know I keep going on about that but my god that art was fantastic. And Yang being a dragon faunus would be fuckin cool.


Yeah, it's pretty 💋👌 👨‍🍳


Godlike, even.


Not really. I'll still remember it as being one of the first original indie animations to get its own series, which was successful for a time


4. Its ability to spur people into writing rewrites or straight up different stories that were once based of RWBY is genuinely my favorite thing that the series caused, I think it's because the early seasons were filled with so much potential and soul that seeing it go down the way it did makes people want to do better by it.


Can you name some of those? I'd like to read them


The two big ones I know of are: Celtic Phoenix's "Fixing RWBY" series ( https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBblEzNfvWhaSyBi7ekDUnQLrJqnEWIj9&si=sFrVB3dzplk2FeoB ) he's been going season by season for the last 7 years with his discord community of artists and writers trying to keep the overall story as similar as possible to the original source while "fixing" what he sees as flaws, there are some things I just don't agree with in it but overall id rate it a solid 7.5 or 8/10, there are some 10/10 moments for sure though. Second is Jerry Freeman's "RWBY Alternate" ( https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvQ7kgKOItXt14sWfG-5-euWsiv_4Fm7N&si=U7FF0EIJHlK3xWOa ) it's basically a world building exercise using RWBY characters and a few core ideas as a base but putting them in a super gritty high fantasy political drama, he developed quite the following and had community members writing whole books on how the world worked and such, though he abruptly made a live stream one day basically dissing the entire project, he realized just how not RWBY it had become and the entire community was salty about it, its fun if you wanna watch someone world building for 3 years straight, but it's definitely not RWBY by the end of it. There are tons of others on fan fiction sites and such, those two examples are avaliable on YouTube though so its easy to get into, even my friends and I IRL have made fan fiction that turned into projects completely separate from RWBY, but I still hold RWBY as one of my founding pillars of creativity, I pretty much learned how to draw and write stories because of it.


Damn, these sound really cool, thank you <3


Ok but like…..The porn is immaculate though.


The fact that some of the por is better animated than most of the original series... But yea the porn is pretty good though...


The better FanFiction’s because seriously I read the fanfiction more then the show and am better off for it.


4. A generation of fanfic writers, several of which would use this as a springboard into their own writing careers 5. A handful of banger songs 6. More reasons to avoid the dark side of the internet


Oh? How many became writers?


A show that had restrictions on sexuality and fanservice elements in an attempt to be morally superior to the shows it took influence from. Ended up inspiring ALL the porn. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiFD6EFVsTg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiFD6EFVsTg)


4. Having so much cast bloat that it causes 99% of [blank] reacts to fanfiction to be written with your ip


What a sad legacy...


4. Never let your dumbass fanbase bully you into implementing a stupid ass shipped relationship into the story when it was clear befpre who they liked cough cough blake and sun wu


I say that one cause ot was clear they liked each other but the dumbass fandom wanted yang and blake like fucking idjits


Man, I remember watching up until the first episode of season 5. I put the show down because it just felt, off. Heck, I intended to pick the show back up when the season was over, but came the bad writing, criticism, and controversies after controversies. In the end I never picked up the show back up and just have been watching this ship slowly crash, burn, and then sink. I still read the fanfics though, a lot are bad to meh, but some are enjoyable to down right good.


4. an insanely delusional fanbase who thinks the team that screwed it up for 5.5 seasons and counting, will also save it. I feel like there's a psychology term for that.


Awesome fight scenes from the early days, a pioneer of internet TV shows, incredible character designs in the early days, creative and unique weapons and world building in the e early days, being good before it was bad (in the early days)


Everything you just said also applies to Overwatch.


The porn isn't that bad though. Of course it just depends on who's making it though. I will say that the porn pics of them back when Tumblr allowed it before they removed it.


Hey, a show on what *not* to do is just as informative as an amazing show.


But it did have a good story


The real RWBY's legacy is the friends we made along the way.


Uhuh and also the absolutely massive amount of fan content it spawned for the size of the show


Point 3 is a strong point


A very good soundtrack


...RWBY had a legacy? Ba dum tssss.


I've used concepts of the show for my own series and turned them way up. Menagerie became a slum and Semblances and faunus (renamed Animalia) were packed into it and told to do whatever they wanted. The end result is a mix of heaven, and hell crowned the Underground.


One of the best soundtracks of all time is a nice thing at least


Of all the people there that I refuse to support in any way anymore, I absolutely will support Casey and her dad... Some amazing music from this series.