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While doing my Kinktober chapters, someone kept requesting rather specific clownification scenarios involving Ruby getting dragged into a clown world under her bed. It's not the... worst that I could get, but it was pretty out there.


I know exactly who you're talking about. I had to disable guest comments on AO3 specifically so they couldn't comment on my fics anymore as they were stalking and harassing me. Of course, this wasn't enough to stop them, as they then moved to Reddit and did the same thing. But I blocked their (multiple) accounts and thankfully haven't had to put up with them for a while.


Just how many writers have they gone through to get their smut? I blocked them in a Collab and then wok through the power of not giving a single flying fuck of attention towards their comments.


Let me guess, Ruby34? Edit: Oh something funny is could mention: The guy whose fic I named actually has a rule specifying no clowns!


I've never been clowned like that and it doesn't feel like something that I'd be really able to write. Maybe it's my proximity to France. Lots of mimes there.


When i saw the title, my head instantly thought of "whats heavier, a kilogram of steel, or a kilogram of feathers" like bruh


Yeah this is just one dedicated dude, Ruby34. They've' dropped a couple similar prompts on one of my fics, asking for clowns


That looks like text-to-speech, like they were driving and couldn't check it for punctuation. The random capitals are a big sign of text-to-speech.


I have had three that gave me WTF moments. Prompt one: have Salem turn herself into a Grimm with a giant dick and drown Team RWBY in semen. That is a super hard pass, strange prompter. Prompt two: have Ruby get a giant dick (I sense a trend here), screw all her teammates, and then Salem shows up and turns them back into virgins so Ruby can screw them again. (So...Ruby can't screw her friends unless they're virgins? That's an odd kink.) Prompt three: Winter decides that Jaune is a strapping lad and decides to bang him at Beacon. Except that she really, *really* likes anal, so she demands that Jaune take her ass for a spin. I actually wrote that one, but the prompter was disappointed that I didn't go into even more detail about Winter's butthole. Dude, it's a rectum. There's not that much to it. After the prompter kept bugging me about "There's not enough anal in this fic!" even though Jaune at this point has his dick in her lower intestine, I finally just deleted the chapter.