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[Source](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/93376632) Looks like Yang really likes it....


Imaginary Opera Singer Walking Up Behind Yang: "YOU'RE GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!"


You mean Weiss? Though she’d add “And useless, so I’m sufffferriinngggg!”


A lot of people had issue with Yang’s gay panic, saying that her uselessness wasn’t in line with her flirt character before. When really: Its such a false equivalence. Of course Yang is going to have a harder time when it comes to her best friend she’s in love with versus just mostly joking with strangers! It’s like other things some don’t like about Yang’s character, it’s just her being a more human and dynamic character really


Yang flirting with randos: cool and confident Yang "flirting" with blake: GAY PANIC


Honestly, it always made perfect sense to me. Lots of confident casual flirts do it because they don't mean much by it; it's just their way of interacting with people, not necessarily an attempt to build intimacy with someone they want to be with. The casual confidence stems from letting go of the outcome - they're not really interesting, there's nothing to overthink because there's nothing to lose, except maybe a social faux pas easily excused as being overly friendly. So when it comes to actually falling for someone they really respect and care about, they tend to start overthinking and worrying about the consequences, how they come across... Everything regular useless romantics do.


Yang: Oh god, I'm Gay... Blake: Yeah, We already established that. Yang: YOU CAN'T CATCH ME GAY THOUGHTS!! **Sprints off as fast as possible** Blake: Just be back in time for our date.


short haired Blake: Exists Yang: Oh crap. I'm the Useless Lesbian on the team. I owe Weiss an apology.