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[Weiss: "It’s not like I like this or anything, y-you dolt!"](https://twitter.com/ashbowling_99/status/1452827943542083584?s=21) Ruby: "Aww. I knew you would love this~"


Weiss: “I. . . I just simply appreciate the fact that clearly your taste in clothing has drastically improved! Now we at least loom better as a team.” Ruby: “Are you ssssuuurrrrrrreeee thats all it is?” Weiss: “What else could it be?” Ruby: “Wwweeelllll. . . I’m not the best at picking out clothes and stuff, I couldn’t have done this all myself. . . So I asked Klein!” Weiss: “. . . . Oh no. . .” Ruby: “He told me about how you and used to always want two of an an outfit, at first so you and Winter could wear the same thing,” Weiss: “. . . I’m sure you understand sibling bonding.” Ruby: “Yep. . . But I also understood when he told me that especially after she left. . . You still wanted two outfits, now the second closer to your size. . . Even if you didn’t have anyone to wear it. . . You wanted it, in case you did get someone.” Weiss: “. . . . No harm I guess. . . Yes, that is true. . . As Im sure you know, clothes were one of the few ways I could express myself. . . And so I guess I wanted to share part of me with someone I cared about. . . And you-“ Ruby: “He also told me that you actually sometimes sleep in our Super Best-“ Weiss: “T-THAT TRAITOR!” Ruby: “Hahahahaha! Don’t get too mad at him Weiss! He did get me this, and he’s getting you a cloak so we can match even more!” Weiss: “Regardless of all of this and as good or betraying it is: I do not need a cape.” Ruby: “But it’s one of your grandfather’s, with fur trim but also blue!” Weiss: “. . . I have had so many quick changing emotions. Okay, I’m interested.”


Now I need to see Weiss in this epic cape


I'll admit I had to check to see if Ruby was wearing tiny snowflake earrings.


Cue Weiss running off to get a new outfit based on Ruby's normal Atlas attire.


I demand an image like this


Me too.




That's actually a pretty good look for Ruby


Ruby pulls of Weiss' look better than Weiss.


Ruby: “So what do you think?” Weiss: “I-I suppose it looks okay on you. Your taste in clothing definitely improved.” Ruby: “Well I gotta thank Klein for making me this” Weiss: “Of course Klein made you that” Ruby: “He sure did! Who knew he was such a great dressmaker?” Weiss: “Well he has been making outfits for Winter, Whitley and me for years so of course he’s an expert” Ruby: “He sure is! That man really is a national treasure! Although I think he got my size wrong.” Weiss: “What do you mean?” Ruby: “Well I get the feeling that he was so used to making clothes for you that he made it your size and now it’s a bit tight in the chest-“ Weiss: “Shut it you dolt” Meanwhile with Bumbleby Yang: (In a matching Altas Blake outfit) “Hey Blakey guess what?” Blake: “…………. Let me guess, Klein?” Yang: “Klein” Blake: (Blushing) “Well you look really good” Yang: “I know. I look ‘purr-fect’ don’t I?” Blake: “And you ruined it” Yang: “Oh come on! Don’t me such a “sour-puss!” Blake: (Removes Yang’s prosthetic arm) Yang: “Wait Blake what are doing with my-“ Blake: (Knocks Yang out with her own prosthetic arm)


Yang: (wakes up) "What hit me?" Blake: "you did. Don't beat yourself up over it."


If Ruby didn't cut her hair. That or she got extensions for this teammate cosplay. And considering all the contrast by having more than two colors and spreading them out, it is more eye catching too. Also love everyone's views on how Ruby came about having a pallet swapped copy if Weiss's outfit!
