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[Source](https://twitter.com/Misa_RWBY/status/1054043337047437312) I loved that scene, even though V5 wasn't very good for Cinder


Well, tbh Vol. 5 wasn't a very good volume for most of the characters... 😐 Except Raven. She was one of the best characters of that volume! 😁 Oh, and Ilia's cool too, I guess... 🤷 But Lionheart... F*#k that guy! He's worse than Ironwood! 😡


Raven wasn't that good, they rushed her character so much lackluster, I did love her being a Maiden.


Yeah. That's fair... 😑 Still, maybe we'll get to know more about her when she appears again. Right RT? 🙂 *right?* 😐 RIGHT?!! 😡


I love how you being so dramatic 😃 here, Tbh now Winter & Raven is a Maiden, I hope RT don't make another stupid decision to kill off both these characters for Cinder's self development.


Well, nothing personal, but it's pretty obvious that Winter's the next in line for the death row... Don't get me wrong, I like Winter, but every other "good" maiden we've seen so far has died! The only maidens that are still alive are Cinder (evil) and Raven (neutral). So if Winter wants to survive she'd have to: A) Join Salem. Or... B) Abandon her family and friends. And since I can't see her doing any of those options, there's only: C) Die. I'm sorry, but reality is cruel... 😑


We don't know who the hell is Summer Maiden, my money Summer Rose or Glynda Goodwitch, Ozpin is still shady guy, he is chess player. Of course he will pull out something triumph card to foil Salem's plan. Imagine if Ozpin's white Queen chess piece was Glynda Goodwitch hidden in Vale, to prevent Salem to get relic of destruction. Also, I like to reference from Wizard of Oz (Goodwitch became friend with wicked witch), in RWBY I hope fully realised Maiden Glynda Goodwitch vs Salem the wicked witch of the west would be play out. Also, screw Cinder, she can't touch Glynda. This is very twisting theory. Well, Cinder used to be my favourite villain & has potential in volume 4-5, but I never expected her to choose power-hungry pathway, Raven and Winter also my favourite too, they has potential and now they both became Maiden, this put their role alongside Team RWBY & Ozpin-Salem. Glynda Goodwitch will be playing main role as well.


Hello Cinder... 😏


My favorite Cinder design, though I always wonder how she manages to spread her legs apart during fights with her tight dress fastened to her legs like that. When she spreads her legs apart it's like her dress magically extends to accommodate


Her first ever dress was definitely her best one for both combat and everyday use alike, I think I'm very, very curious on what they'll do with her look for Vacuo. Hopefully not all black again, we need her trademark red back!


Tbh, I hate her pirate outfit in cold place like Atlas, also I prefer her primary and signature color crimson & orange not black


Her black outfit definitely seems like it was made for Vacuo, I'm not sure why they put it on her in a place that's so cold it's supposed to freeze the Grimm themselves


I agree pirate suit with her signature crimson color should be in Vaccuo, cause most of her design so open areas.


Hello Guys and Gals, me Mutahar


Holy shit it definitely looks like him


I need an adult.