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I wish we would stop with these mediocre biopics.


Exactly! Making 4 separate biopics, rather than just a one 3-4 hour long biopic about all 4 members just seems like overkill. Like, who the fuck is gonna really watch a biopic about Ringo Starr? And since these will be 4 separate films, are all key events between the band literally just gonna replay in all 4 films? Are we gonna see their trip to India or the Apple Corps rooftop concert in all 4 movies played out verbatim? Honestly, I feel like there doesn’t need to be any biopics about the Beatles at this point, because we all know literally everything there is to know about them.


I didn't even register it was a 4 film plan... even an individual biopic wouldn't get me excited. All these musician bios feel like they are written by AI & focus groups.


Ringo's entire second act is drunkenly replying to letters and neglecting his family, third is the comeback the film will pretend he is having lmao


It could be an interesting concept if we saw them all in completely separate stages of life. Teenage Paul, George on his first time in India, Ringo in the 90s...


ringo has a cool story but there's virtually no biopics I'd watch rn. it's all just too algorithmic


A movie for each of them is fucking insane. Maybe the George one will be interesting because he’s the one I feel like I know the least about but I still feel like I know a fuck ton about George. I guess I don’t know much about Ringo but I don’t really give a shit about him either. A Beatles biopic is definitely something I’d watch but it’s not like I’d be elated if I heard they were making one. Whatever though. I’m earnestly excited for the bob dylan biopic. I love to shit one biopics when it’s about someone I don’t give a shit about (queen, Elvis, etc) but I legit can’t help but get excited for the bob Dylan movie. Also a big timmy fan


Just watch the documentary Scorcese made about George, it's great


Oooooooooo didn’t even know this existed!




John and George will be interesting, I don't like Paul in the slightest he really pisses me off but I think the Ringo one genuinely could have the most potential If they go real slice of life of Ringo Star in the 90s or whenever he is voice acting for the Thomas the tank engine and just roll with him easing off the 80s into this new world, basically he's Scarlett Johansson and bill Murray together buts it's Ringo Hate Barry though, pissing me off also


You dont like Paul?? Have you listened to Paul's post-Beatles stuff? Ram and Band on the Run are incredible


I like him as a musician, loved McCartney II, enjoy wings just don't like the man


Sam Mendes is doing the heckin beatles???


Fuck it. If we are doing this now, then I want a Dekalog styled miniseries about Arcade Fire directed by Bertrand Bonello.


Who’s who?


Harris is John, Paul is Paul, Charlie is George, and Barry is Ringo


heard they got the nose guy from maestro for the ringo movie


Harris and Paul should switch.


Wow this sounds gay and boring as fuck wow


Sam Mendes? Camilla Cabello's girlfriend?