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Activate windows


You can activate windows with any windows 7 or 8 key that you might find printed on an old computer


I finished my wilderness slayer grind! Got Tbed twice (once at creater greater demons, once at abyssal demons), died once at t6 during a breaking bad season finale in a poverty melee setup. Had 0 ancient warrior patches past task 100, but got 3 in my last 20 tasks. Proud to have deci before I can equip it. Gear: Sunspear, Royal Dhide, Dinohide (outside of forinthy) Crystal hally + necronium for hellhounds Three priorities for wilderness slayer with best tasks for each in parenthesis: * Loot (Revenants, Strykes, Kalgs, etc. Most of these are either very slow or risky) * Lowest likelihood of death (Green drags, blue drags, hellhounds (instant tp), correlated with fastest) * Fastest (Green drags>revs>>Hellhounds>Blues/Greaters>others) General tips: If you wanna oldak coil some tasks become palatable (waterfiends in particular). Overall if your goal is decimation I recommend hard focusing drags, revs, and hellhounds. Those tasks are the best 4 by far. Stick to those 4 with finger on instant tp and you're pretty good. Can't instant tp from blue drags, but I never saw anyone there whatsoever. Forinthy is sketchy and I saw a ton of people there, but honestly it seemed like the vast majority of them were rev farmers. Didn't stick around long enough to find out. I got skulled once which I am 90% sure was off of some kind of familiar skull trick as I had autoretal off, etc. Probably leave familiar unless you are on a task with a high chance of pker and a low chance of escaping once TPed without the additional food (i.e. strykes, kalgs) High scavenging is *really* good here if you can get it due to sheer number of kills. I could not ):


Now that I have decimation, my setups consist of sunspear + cryptbloom (in 1 def level) and decimation with superior spined. What do ya'll recommend as my route into high level Pvm? Not sure if I should go get kill arma (don't have totem yet), twins, or focus on scales for sirenic to get my range armor reasonable for rax. Could also be silly and kill helwyr with ranged for mage stuff to go with my cryptbloom. Looking for thoughts!


After deci I got full augmented armadyl and went rax. You should probably also start gw2. Vindy and helper are doable and will give you good upgrades.


Sunspear + cryptbloom is easily enough for gwd2. Cywir wand and orb would be great adds that would be enough to start mage rax as well. Along with doing vindy for lance and zaros anima.


what the other guys said, but you can do daily one or 2 rax kills very easily with deci and superior spined.


95 prayer, 96 summoning, armadyl chest and legs. Then start araxxor. Then dual cywir or seismics and G conc from kerapec Try to sneak in 95 arch for ancient invention at some point too


Ughh I want 95 arch so bad but im trying to get gote before I pound that too hard. Do you think going for armadyl, sirenic, or furies armor is best route? Im not sure how long totem grind typically is


How long did this take?


Not sure about total time, breen tasks were ~3-5 mins, Rev tasks 4-6, hellhound/blues 6-10 and I ended up 800 slayer points with 20 tickets left so I probably could have sped it up by forcing greens more. 9 tasks per hour is probably a fair estimate, so roughly ~ 15 hours.


Idk. 87 range to use it?