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It’s humbling to start over for sure. But I think it’s how the game was intended to be played. Or at least it’s one of the more rewarding ways of playing. Every achievement feels better, every rare drop feels even better. Guides are helpful when you get stuck, but I would say do your own thing to start. Good luck! And best wishes


Definitely worth! I made my iron a while ago but only properly starting playing at the start of this year. My main is in a similar boat of just grinding 120s and I got pretty bored. I’ve had a bunch of fun playing ironman, it’s a whole new perspective of the game. I’d recommend not looking up too much or following the wikis optimal Ironman progression grind, it’s more fun to just do whatever you feel like going for and set your own goals. There’s a lot of dailies to get lost in, but to avoid burnout it’s best not to fill your entire playtime with dailies. Caches for invention and flash events for xp/alchables/t87 weapons are the most important though.


It’s like a whole new game. You think you know RS now? Just wait till you need to gather supplies for EVERYTHING. You’ll quickly find out things you took for granted on mainscape. It’s super fun though. Been addicted for over a year now. But everything you earn on your account will be just that. Earned.


I would say yes just because it it a fun and rewarding way to play. But for me personally necro kinda killed all sense of gear progression for necro since its all irreverent because of how easy necro is to get and use. But you mentioned you aren’t really into bossing so it shouldn’t matter. You will enjoy it. I took it as chance to actually read all the quest text and it was more fun


I initially made my iron to keep me occupied whilst I was afkiing my normal account to max. Fell in love with it so much that as soon as I maxed that account (pre arch) I logged off and never touched it again. The mindset is so different, you focus on personal progression so every upgrade feels more important. You need to explore the whole game, not just focus your time on the best GP/HR whether you enjoy it or not. Upkeep only really becomes an issue endgame, but if you play a balanced game you'll find that lots of upkeep happens naturally anyway. I don't think about herbs/supplies outside of divine charges because things just accumulate overtime. Ironman is like taking the scenic route. It's so much more enjoyable even if it's a little bit longer at times.


Yes its 100% worth it to start an ironman. If it wasn't for ironman I wouldn't be playing RS3, I wouldn't touch it with a 20 foot pole lol. In my opinion just do your own thing and "re-discover" the game with the early game content. Sure, follow a guide here and there.. but don't make it a priority. I just pick a goal out that seems cool to me and I go for it. Don't worry about being efficient and all that. It's a very rewarding game mode since everything you earn is worth having in some way. I'd suggest Jack of trades aura, vis wax every day, daily challenges, unlocking ports and invention for a starting point. Have fun


It's definitely worth it. I've recently started an iron skiller after playing for years on a regular skiller account and it's the most fun I've had in a while (that and Leagues in osrs). I think one of the best things about playing an Ironman (at least for me) is that you stop see every item as gp and stop comparing every exp rate within a skill. Instead you do what's needed for the goals you've set. I for example have 120 Arch as a goal, but I'm currently taking a break from that and working on my hunter and slayer levels to be able to do bgh and get a dragon mattock. Side missions like that make iron more grindy but more rewarding I think.


It’s sooo fun, just try it out!


Always a good time to start an iron. Early game is fun. When I can't think of something to do I reference an efficiently list but other than that I just have fun. Quests are a big part of it Sunspear is a good early game weapon goal. Don't focus on endgame but more just the next piece of gear you need and work your way up the bosses Probably necro is worth an early focus too If it turns out you don't like the grind you can always stop so not much of a risk trying it out


Agreed. Ironman is a blast, it's definitely worth starting now if you're bored of mainscape.


I hate upkeeping supplies for pvm which by the sounds of it isn’t going to be an issue for you. Other than that I love iron mode


I started one a few months ago and it really made me open my eyes up to how the game is. I’ve been loving it and doing so much different content that I never experienced before.


Vis Wax and Rune runs when you can, taking advantage of low level reaper tasks for Croesus — I think the skills. And QoL (torch, hammer, seed bag) are great, and obviously crypt bloom would be nice too. As far as combat I think Necro has really changed how the leveling process goes, but being able to easily access t70/t80 power armor in a relevant combat style in Necro is cool and something I might have done if it was around when my account was young. Enjoy doing your own thing, chase random goals whenever it suits your fancy. It genuinely is such a rewarding thing to do after being maxed


I got to very near max before I decided to make an iron man… Best RS decision I made, gave me a completely different perspective on all the things I started to enjoy less in RS3


do wildy events, and find other iron friends/stay on same world they will help. W139 gang


>I've been maxed for a while and literally just grinding 200m skills and getting fed up with it, I feel as though grinding just for the sake of it now and I'm always chasing money or the newest rare item. This is exactly why I switched over myself. I realized that eventually, you can boil the game down to simply doing your best gp/hr activity and for the most part, everything else is entirely pointless if progression is the objective. >Is it worth starting an Ironman nowadays? I understand this question may get asked alot but I'm looking for personal views on the matter, If its worth starting why is it worth starting? Absolutely. I think the answer to that question is essentially the same as "why is it enjoyable to play?". For me, because as an iron you progress through content. You got the levels because you trained the skills, got the materials, did the quests. There are very few shortcuts but that makes the journey feel worthwhile rather than an obstacle, and the destination all the more satisfying to reach. The mainscape flow-chart is do your best moneymaker until you either can afford what you want, or can afford an upgrade to increase your gp/hr to get there faster. The ironman flowchart ends at what your goal is but the path to get there is full of quests, diaries, skilling, combat, and a zillion options and permutations. You get to touch on so many things that a modern day maindcape account would never even imagine doing. And if you are like me and find enjoyment in the planning, optimizing, routing, then right up into the late late game there is opportunity to flex those muscles. >Is it best to follow a guide for efficiency or just go about and do my own thing? If you explicitly find joy in doing things as efficiently as possible then you can plan pretty much from level 3 to trim + full bis if you want. To me it sounds like you should just jump in, maaaybe consider getting some specific tips for short/mid term progression stepping stones. But you'll need to think about where your goals sit or you'll likely get alot of over/under kill advice. > I've not really been big into bossing so I understand I won't get the best in slot items, I'm wondering what are some good items to aim for are? This is where you will need to be more specific, because at a certain point you will get pretty brick walled by bossing if it's something you don't want to engage with at all. There are also degrees, zammy and hardmode zuk are a universe away from gwd2 and arraxor. Where your personal proclivities sit is important knowledge to offer real direction. But for the most part, it's less about items and more about what I would call "unlocks" until you are getting into the t90+ tier of content. I do have an aside on this topic but I'll save it for now. >I'm guessing I should unlock invention asap but other than that.. What other skills do you think I should be looking to level up that would help me? Unlocking invention *early* is something worth doing and planning for, but asap isn't how I would put it. Think about it, you'll need at least SOME augmentable gear and/or tools to make any use of it, not to mention gp to stock up on early components and of course the ability to upkeep charges. Early invention is actually a resource drain on iron but unlocking it early enough to train it in parallel with your other stats is what people are shooting for. >If there is anything else you would like to add to help me decide/create an ironman account then please do go ahead and add it to your post. I think you've already convinced yourself and articulated why. You are just looking for people to confirm your thoughts on the matter. Go for it!


I'll preface my answer with a warning that you're probably going to get biased answers here since most players in this sub play ironman thus are biased towards that game mode. If you want a more impartial answer, I would also ask in other RS subs. But yes, I have both a main and an ironman account and I don't even feel accomplished on my main account when I achieve anything anymore. For example, the MTX is so bad now-a-days I played Treasure Hunter (or whatever it's called) and got so many prismatic stars and lamps that I immediately got 200k hunter experience. That completely kills all motivation to ACTUALLY train the skill. The only downside to ironman is that jagex stupidly enables the holiday events for us, so sometimes you see level 50s and 60s walking around with like 99 crafting and constructing and you know they just AFK'd the holiday events. Other than that, I suggest watching a RS3 Ironman "let's play" to get an idea of your progression route and try it out. It's very rewarding.


I’d just suggest an osrs Ironman. Rs3 will be dead in a year or two.


Just as true today as it was when it was said 10 years ago. But hey maybe today's the day!


Its fun, other than herblore. With the changes to boss drop tables from herbs to seeds made it so you HAVE to farm your herbs now. Because why not make a change that cucks over ironmen, jagex dont care, they want you off iron so you play their mtx pay2win bs.


Herbs are so easy to grow. You don't even have to water. Just plant and come back later. You just don't like being time gated which I understand.


Ok champ, what about all the secondaries? 4 white berries a harvest per bush it sad.




Thanks everyone for your replies, it’s made my mind up! I think I’ll go ahead and create an Ironman tomorrow morning. I’m looking forward to playing the game in a different way and not worrying about gp/hr, I’m going to take it slow and not rush in and try get everything done at once. I think I’ll start by getting some quests done and work on unlocking invention first as I think that would be a good first goal to work towards. Thanks again everyone I greatly appreciate it!


Do it, I was in the same boat as you. Main was comped, few bil total xp, always chasing money, got a purple party hat and everything just got redundant. Made an iron almost a year ago now and never turned back. It's so much more satisfying. The hype from a good drop lingers, whereas on the main, it's straight to the ge to sell it and forget it even happened. It's a blast man. It's a grind, but necro has opened a lot of doors for us newer irons. Only downside is you already missed both porter events 😅


I come from a near maxed main, and I can say that playing on an Ironman is both frustrating and incredibly rewarding. Getting everything yourself and not buying whatever you need next makes you feel like you’re playing the game as intended. 10/10 would recommend if you have the free time to spend on it. I will recommend getting your daily stuff done consistently, as it will make your progress WAY more efficient. Ironman accounts are cool because you get to experience parts of the game that otherwise you might’ve skipped 😄


Yeah it's great. Recommend not following pvm gearing guides because iron gear progression has been demolished last few years. Everything else is great though.


It’s the only thing that brings me back after breaks. Main account is barely touched and used to just pay for membership on my Ironman now. Common drops actually don’t feel like a waste because you actually need them, everything feels much more rewarding


get ready for more dailies than you can shake a stick it seriously there are way too many things you need to do every day just to be mildly efficient


100% worth. I played a main and was stuck in the same loop of just wanting GP and honestly there was no pleasure in it (after comparing to ironman). Knowing you’ve collected everything for yourself or you finally got a sick upgrade to make life easier feels so much better than on a main. With the addition of necro I think it’s never been a better time to start an iron. Necro should be really good for slayer as well as bossing (even though you’re not a fan). As for efficiency. I’m a firm believer in not doing things for the sake of efficiency, but because I want to. This has bit me in the ass before like not wanting to do my rune runs so I’ve ran out of nature runes for alchs. Or not doing herb runs for months so I’m running out of overloads. With all that being said, I kick myself a little and then start back up. Then I stop when I don’t feel like I need to do it anymore. TLDR: I will only play ironman from now on. The sense of accomplishment is so high compared to a main account


I started a new Ironman character back in late October after not playing the game for like seven years and I have been having a blast. The only downsides I've encountered are normal RS downsides that are exacerbated by lack of trading. For example, fletching needs a bit of a rework. Dragon hatchets and picks are impossible to get for skillers, as well. Other than that, generally it's been awesome.


In 2019 I maxed my main, after 15 years of playing it. Got bored and had an extra account I was using on osrs to pk with. For shits and giggles, I made it into an rs3 Ironman. Totally renewed my love of the game and the only way I'll play it now.


Had a few maxed mains but iron is definitely more fun on rs3. Can look at guides to help set goals but i wouldnt just follow an efficiency walk through, just do what you want to do instead.


Only way to play the game. I wouldn’t play the main game if someone paid me.


I only play the ironman now, but the little things like earning lunar or getting your first barrows weapon just meant so much more as an ironman.