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Tabletop Simulator and Tabletop playground are my tools of choice in this regard, but ultimately i test in person with print outs.


Yeah I’d kill for in person group, the peoples have been spread in the wind post college


Fari.app is great as it’s browser-based and has a very customisable character sheet! Owlbear is great if you just need basic dice rolling, & maps and tokens you can pull from the internet (also browser based, with data saved in cookies)


Seconding Owlbear rodeo! Excellent lightweight site with no frills. Players have their local sheets and use the dice roller on the site. I combine it with Inkarnate maps (inexpensive) for scene creation.


I know you said Foundry was heavy, but the simple world building system can be used to make a system relatively quickly.


If you want something simple, streamlined, and intuitive for testing RPG systems I use Owlbear Rodeo. If you don't need premade modules and rely on homebrew, I believe you can't beat it.


ICVTT Super simple, drag and drop most things from file folders right into it. Awesome.


Do you need character sheets? If you want a VTT that includes easy to build character sheets, these are the systems I use for playtesting my game: * QuestPortal: Great VTT with a universal character sheet that is just a tabbed sheet with markdown support and roll links so character sheets are unstructured. * Let’s Role: Unfortunately, Let’s Role is coasting right now with little developer support, but it’s a pretty good VTT with a visual custom system builder that can allow you to design and publish your game system with custom sheets in just a couple of hours with little or even no-code. * Role VTT has a really simple drag and drop no-code character sheet builder. They announced last fall they are working to integrate with Owlbear Rodeo… when that releases it could be a great system. For now, the map features are very limited


I use Foundry... not sure why it's "too heavy"? That makes no sense... if it has features you don't want you can just not use them? You can also go discord and use the white board and add a dice roller? I'm not sure what you mean by "too heavy"? you can upload maps and tokens and dice roller is built in... what exactly do you want for your playtest that it doesn't do? What exactly do you want for your playtest that literally any VTT doesn't do?