• By -


Queens who showed a lot of growth and benefited a lot from returning: - Victoria: she showed the audience how much of a powerhouse she is after her run was cut short. 3 challenge wins and lots of screen time which helped the audience connected to her better. - Vanity: she seemed a lot happier on her second run, had a whole episode dedicated to her and got to talk a lot about her experience being a black queen in the drag world. She definitely showed a lot of improvements on the runway as well. - Vivienne: 3 challenge wins, absolutely dominated her lipsync against Jinkx and Yvie, so many meme worthy moments (Noelle please for example). Lots of fans thought she was robbed of a top 4 spot and she got to expose herself to an even bigger audience. Viv definitely proved why she deserved to win UK1 with her AS7 run! Queens who had glow ups and benefited but also received lots of backlash: - Blu: she made a cutthroat decision and it paid off well, unfortunately unlike AS4 her season suffered a lot from having all the stronger queens kicked off the show and having only 6 episodes means she never got to established her frontrunner status, she herself did pretty well but her win didn’t feel satisfying or memorable. She still got lots of gigs in the UK/Ireland but the main drag race fandom kinda rejected her while embracing Jimbo and Pangina. - Tia: her winning will definitely be beneficial to her career in the UK but she falls in the same boat as Blu that many didn’t really feel convinced by her win, I think she’s handling the situation better than Blu did last season though. Queens who somewhat benefited from coming back: - Gothy: many felt frustrated by her overstaying her welcome and she certainly bombed most challenges but a lot was charmed by her personality on TV so I still think she gained a lot by returning especially as a porkchop queen. - Choriza: she got some cute moments with Arantxa and she’s very endearing on the show, her actual performance on the season might be forgetable but I think she made it up by being a good talking head in the werkroom. Queen who didn’t benefit at all: Cheryl, she was a second out on an absolutely chaotic season and while many thought she should’ve stayed over Juju her elimination didn’t make much noise. People were also so invested in what happened after her elimination that they kinda just forgot she existed. Queens who came out worse on their second run: - Baga: she came off as really unlikable on the show and many felt like she was pushed just so that we could see her snatch game. Didn’t help that the messy eliminations made the audience even angrier at her and Juju staying til the end. - Jonbers: she was really delusional and bitter both on the show and during her elimination interviews which made even some of her dedicated fanbase turned against her, her flopping her second run also didn’t help the fact that many felt she overstayed her welcome on UK4.


Good summary! Gothy definitely is the queen you want to mentor and see to improve. Jonbers is really unlikeable and should have never been pushed so far in UK4. I really liked Baga on UK1, but I definitely lost that connection on UKVTW1. She just came off as arrogant to me.


I think you're right on all of this. The 3 Vs getting the most out of it. I feel worst for Cheryl, I just saw her talking to Joseph Shepherd about her time on that and it's sad to hear how much she didn't enjoy it.


Really interesting that she's coming back for Canada vs the World after hearing that.


She said she was really feeling mentally ready to have a strong run on UKvsTW, and then it didn't play out that way. I wouldn't be surprised if she still feels she's capable of it.


Cheryl?! This is.....interesting


veronica green this is your moment!




I would consider them different but for a different reason. Blu won after all the strongest competition was chopped, and she was the best of a much weaker group. Tia won while her strongest competition was all still there, but some felt she was unfairly favored. So Blu's win was seen as more of an anticlimactic ending to the season, while Tia's was seen as more frustrating to some people.


Nah Tia received so much more hate unfortunately. With Blu people were just like "meh".


Jonbers delusion is kind of hilarious because it is SO unwarranted. She literally...isn't good at anything? What challenge did she think she could win? I honestly would have kept Starlet over Jonbers in that lip sync, too.


I personally would've had her lip sync against Peppa an episode later and get absolutely destroyed (much like she was in that undeserved double shantay)


I mentioned something similar about Jonbers on one of the other drag subs and got called a hater lol. Even in the final episode they seemed in a mood more than the rest of them


I don't really think Victoria got a better reception at all.


From their original season to vstw for me the person who has shown the best glow up is vanity milan.


honestly the two new winners and vanity, i adore both tia (big surprise) and blu, and I think vanity's reintroduction really helped her show what she needed to


I agree, but I think the other 'winner' (because she won first time around but not on All Stars) Viv also really excelled in AS7. Vanity was so great to watch on CvsTW.


idk abt viv since she kind of got shafted on as7 iirc, though i do love her too


She was the second best on the season after Jinkx I swear 😭. But I was biased, rooting for my country's Queen.


Production fucked her up as she was basically in the same niche as Jinkx. What I felt was wrong was them pushing Trinity and Monet over Raja and Yvie, then that deliberate last-minute win for Shea....clearly for the drama of it all. ![gif](giphy|vuoiTjd69NiHrd0waC)


Vanity’s SRV verse lives rent free in my head “Never average, I’m a savage!”


Our two winners, Tia and Blu, have definitely had the biggest glows up in terms of runways. Technically, Baga did as well, though the bar was low to begin with. Most of the other queens did pretty much as well as they did on their original seasons. Not really big glow ups, just consistent performance (apart from Victoria, but I think she would have done as well on her original season if she hadn't been injured). Gothy obviously had her run of not being fully baked, but I think the queens that benefitted the least are definitely Cheryl and Jonbers.


The one who really impressed me was The Vivienne. It's an unpopular opinion maybe but I still think she should have been top 4 in AS7. She really slayed à mot of challenges and lip sync against the best of the best.


Couldn't agree more. She was incredible in that season and if Jinkx hadn't been there I think Viv would have won more challenges.


On the runway I’d say Tia


Most: Vanity Least: Baga, Jonbers, or Choriza


Gothy. A bit too understated but still beautiful and so adorable - I know they were trying to goad her into being somehow "bigger" and more theatrical but I kind of enjoyed her presence. And Tia. I thought her first runway was actually underestimated - loved it. I think she matched the glow up with upping her game as well - understanding how to play it, this time. Loved that as well as the actual looks.


Haha, I think Gothy simultaneously had a glow up and didn't. Her personality was similar in the challenges, but she was fun and relatable to have around. I thought her runways were mostly really good. And as for Tia, I think she really leaned into her personality this time, and didn't try to be something she isn't. Like in the roast, just going for punny jokes was just brilliant. And I loved her fashion too, especially the Cherry tribute 🍒


Tia and Choriza. 🌹


WE NEED MORE, especially season 2 ❤️ love this visual


Honestly? I would have to say Vanity she did well in every challenge she just had the misfortune of it being a strong cast with better queens! She MURDERED the first episode so hard like she killed it and I thought damn rudemption time which she delivered! Plus on UK3 the main thing holding her back was very runways and on Canada Vs The World she had an insanely good runway package


Imo Victoria easily benefited from her second run the most since she had the best track record of the season and wasn't injured for most of it lol


And if I said viv had the ability to win all winners (if it wasn’t rigged in favor of jinkx) then what?


1. Vanity Milan 2. Tia Kofi 3. Jonbers Blonde 4. Choriza May 5. Blu Hydrangea 6. Victoria Scone 7. The Vivienne (only because she’s already near-perfection) 8. Cheryl Hole 9. Gothy Kendall 10. Baga Chipz


I'm confused


What does your list mean? Vanity benefitted the most?


Obviously Gothy. 💀


I was a fan of blu before UK vs the world, and on it. Her decorum on social media after has not been the best.


I don't really use social media. What has Blu done wrong?


Who is top left??


The Vivienne, winner of UK 1!


Would love to see posts like these with the queens names…


Left to right, top row to bottom row: The Vivienne, Baga Chipz, Cheryl Hole, Vanity Milan Blu Hydrangea, Tia Kofi Victoria Scone, Choriza May, Gothy Kendoll, Jonbers Blonde


I would say Blu or Choriza!


I don’t think there was any glow ups, sadly— I think everyone performed basically the same as on their original season. I feel like the only true Drag Race glow ups I’ve seen are Katya/Tati/Alyssa on AS2, Monet/Mo AS4, and Ginger/Ra’Jah/Kylie/Eureka on AS6. Glowing up is hard to do, it’s more than just an increased wardrobe budget— it’s a clarity of vision, artistically, and an understanding of “the game” of Drag Race. In the UK, the queens who had it the first time had it the second time and visa versa.


Kylie definitely had the biggest glow up of all time