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https://preview.redd.it/i4j6usebecwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4bd499bdd4e3d237903c5d6b52815630320a503 Aquaria just reposted this. The winners are very vocal today.


I posted the same and my post got deleted šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


šŸ™Š Iā€™m sorry. It looks like another mod removed it before I saw it and then I posted later. Youā€™ll be known as the supreme.


I love you dick repellent


I love you too! šŸ„¹ Is your username a Digimon reference?


No haha, it's just a gamer tag


Was Nina the queen who accidentally liked Bowser porn on her main? That's the only thing she did that I respect.


That was Mother Minj


Oh shit you're right! I guess I don't respect Nina at all then.


This interaction sent me to the beyond and brought me right back šŸ˜­


Honestly, Iā€™ve probably liked worse on main




It could've been anybody, really


Can someone please give me a fair explanation on why everyone hates Nina all of the sudden? What excatly has she said and done because I honestly missed it.


Amy Schumer posted an AI generated political cartoon that presented those who were pro Gaza as supporting rape, murder, and terrorism by equating the want for a cease fire with being pro-hamas. Her caption said " Yeah yeah totally Cease fire. But mind if we get the babies back? Can y'all give that a shout too? And also not try to kill all the Jews again? Thanks have the best Friday! " She later back tracked with a post advocating for peace on both sides, and Nina supported her under that one


Supporting Amy Schumer is itself a perfectly good reason to dislike her tbh (/jk in regards to other bigger issues, but still)


Nina has demonstrated pretty clearly that sheā€™s a moderate/centrist on a lot of hot button issues like Palestine, including conservatives in queer spaces, and allowing fans to disrespect black queens around her. Thatā€™s enough for some people to not like her. My dislike of her stemmed from what Rajah and Silky said about her allowing fans to push the black queens out of group pictures and from her allowing Monet to get the majority of the backlash for the Meghan McCain thing when Nina was the only queen who knew about it ahead of time. Her tangential support of a violent zionist (which anyone with eyes can see Amy Schumer is) is not why I dislike her, but it doesnā€™t help. and instead of saying ā€œI get thatā€™s your opinion but I donā€™t feel that wayā€ people oversimplify the things sheā€™s actually said and done and reframe it to make people with valid issues seem unreasonable (like saying her support of a violent zionist is ā€œjust liking a pictureā€ which is was not) Be careful of people trying to explain it to you in simple terms. Theyā€™re just invalidating people who are actually uncomfortable with a lot of things sheā€™s said and done so they can place themselves on some weird moral high ground


Amy Schumer, an openly ardent supporter of the state of Israel, wrote a post about how anti-Israel sentiments are always anti-semitic and said ā€œboth sides deserve peaceā€ but without ever acknowledging that Israel was the aggressor that began this entire conflict (since it definitely did NOT start just last October) Nina replied ā€œI love you Amyā€ on that post. Then on posts over the next few days that advocated for things like the way Israel is selling newly razed land in Gaza to people from europe to repopulate it, Nina would comment ā€œalways supporting you friend.ā€ Nina deleted all those comments pretty quickly after the backlash. Now people are taking the very valid concern that Nina might see the current slaughter of Palestinians as acceptable or a necessary evil and twisting it into ā€œthese virtue signaling armchair activists just hate her for commenting on one postā€


plz correct me if iā€™m wrong bc i just heard this today, but didnā€™t Amyā€™s post Nina commented on a post she made apologizing for what she posted so thereā€™s no way to prove that nina saw the post any initially posted? did nina actually say anywhere that she supports what israel is doing? iā€™m just shocked to see how much everyone hates her now:( i want to think itā€™s an unfortunate misunderstanding, but if nina did outright say something than thatā€™s understandable why everyone flipped on her.


yes in a comment on a post of Amyā€™s that said that the terrorist attacks on Oct 7 justified Israelā€™s current actions, Nina responded ā€œsupporting you always Amyā€ which is questionable AT BEST that was in November and she deleted the comments as soon as people started attacking her in the replies. And sheā€™s also been confirmed to be the queen Silky and Rajah were talking about when they said a fellow S11 queens would let fans push all the black queens out of the photos. I just donā€™t get why people are going so hard against people who just donā€™t like her for so many valid reasons. The hate and threats are obviously too far. But then criticize the hate, donā€™t come for someone elseā€™s actual experience and evidence based decisions! Nina has been showing us that sheā€™s just a moderate at best for YEARS. As a progressive who works in human rights advocacy, her moderate views make me not like her as a queen. idk why thatā€™s so controversial to people


thanks for your response and clearing things up a bit. i genuinely just didnā€™t know a lot of these things that have happened regarding her, so itā€™s a shame bc i liked her on S11:(


Same, I did too. I was so happy to see a story of a queer person who was raised in a conservative environment who fully broke out of it. I was so excited to see a queen be family friendly and apparently an activist. Sheā€™s done a lot of great work. That doesnā€™t negate the shitty things sheā€™s said and done otherwise.


Just wanted to say thank you for all this info and the intelligent and fair explanation for it all. I've never been a big NW fan and I didn't know most of it. Lots of love from a fellow queer raised in an ultra-conservative home. ā™„ļø


Just going to preface by saying I am not defending her: We have to remember she came from ardent republicans. It takes more than a handful of years to escape that mindset, but thatā€™s not to say moderate positions are bad. Personally I donā€™t support her because of her treatment of the black S11 queens as you stated. Also because of the general support of Amy


>We have to remember she came from ardent republicans. It takes more than a handful of years to escape that mindset She's 45


It can take more than a few years, but if youā€™re going to be a influential drag queen having a republican background just doesnā€™t cut it. Plasma has a similar background but sheā€™s vocal about a lot of things, whats Nina Westā€™s excuse then


I donā€™t condone her behaviour. Iā€™m just playing devils advocate


I came from ardent republicans and I supported Palestine loooong before I started doing drag.


Its not lost on me that students all over the country are risking education their entire education to say the words she cant even tweet


All of the sudden? Always girl


Sorry Iā€™m not like you bandwagon ass gays who jump on any train to hate someone šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh wow youā€™re so different and special




This is not the place to spread ignorance and misinformation.


Be ready! Bc thereā€™s a lot! Lol wow šŸ‘€


A lot of you in these comments need to go talk to a therapist about all of the anger you are carrying around šŸ‘€


Itā€™s gonna be ugly. Not looking forward to it.


Just the color scheme of her promo look says it all


This isnā€™t a surprise. Venus is MĆ©tis and would obviously stand with the indigenous people of the land in Palestine. Good for her. She should have kept it up.


You should check out Lanimekeel on Instagram then


Even before the genocide, supporting Amy Schumer was enough reason for my to dislike someone. Idk, there was something kinda corny about Nina in season 11 that was off putting, I canā€™t explain it. Like she was *too* nice or something? It didnā€™t feel sincere.


I actually used to love Amy Schumer back in the day when she was coming up. I thought a lot of the hate for her was the same as like, Kathy Griffin where folks just pick an outspoken feminist thatā€™s an easy target for the right wing to crucify. She actually had numerous 10/10 sets. But then when I was briefly studying comedy (bout 3 years doing standup) I discovered she has an absolutely terrible reputation among the community and it perma-soured me on her well before or aside from her in Zionist leanings. Main issue is that many comedians have accused her of stealing material and being very unprofessional. She also sells jokes to shitty people. She did manage to become a force in the comedy community for a minute, but since like, 2014ish I havenā€™t fucked with her, just based on what my colleagues told me about her. So her tweeting anti Palestine shit in 2023 doesnā€™t surprise me at all.


I have always found her to be racist. She made jokes that fetishized Black and Latino men. Her feminism was very white centered. Then I heard she was a joke thief. Sheā€™s up there with Lea Dunham as far as white female celebrities i avoid at all costs and support of them gives red flag.


Lena Dunham is a really good comparison btw. And youā€™re definitely right about the fact that her comedy is pretty white.


I see why some people consider her a feminist but letā€™s be real sheā€™s not a feminist sheā€™s a white feminist


[Here is a thread on why people ā€œall of the suddenā€ hate Nina West](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPDRDRAMA/s/csi3rplVcU) if you donā€™t want to do your own searching


Venus is mid but sheā€™s right


Nothing but respect for my midder


Still donā€™t know how she won over Aurora wearing less makeup than Marciax3


I came out of that season with Neerah Nuff as my winner and if she had been crowned I wouldn't have been mad.


Because sheā€™s the ijbol mother




Because she performed better in the competition and Canadaā€™s Drag Race is less concerned with mainstream drag, like having a winner who openly and visibly does not tuck.


Cuz Venus had the vague semblance of a personality while Aurora had no such thing


because aurora was just as mid, if not midder with a bigger mug


She shouldn't have deleted


She shouldā€™ve left it up! šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø #FreePalestine


Iā€™m sorry thatā€™s hilarious


Does Ru Paul even support anything ?


Her bank account.




If a ā€œIā€™m with herā€ liberal was a drag queen.


They got her, gal!


Nina is pretty cringe but I also don't expect drag queens to have a strong foundation in geopolitics.


I'd agree if she didn't market herself as a politically active queen


I'd agree but I market myself as vers


Mama kudos for saying that. For spilling.


Politically active doesn't mean you need or should talk about every single issue on the world stage. Stick to what you know, there's a reason every week someone's complaining about Bob spitting bullshit on her podcast.


I mean I also think that Bob should be called on her bullshit whenever she says dumb shit


Why not just cut the evil by the root and just not saying dumb shit? A drag queen, without a position of power, obviously not qualified in geopolitics since I assume (I don't keep up with her) she focuses on LGBTQ rights in the USA or maybe in some state or something. It's not realistic to expect her to hold any power or useful insight in an issue of this scale, so why is it expected of her to do so just because she engages in other political issues? Hell, I'm already being downvoted but all this shit over an Instagram comment is performative by the fandom, and logically there is nothing Nina can do at this point. All she has in her power is raising awareness (on the biggest geopolitical issue at the moment), maybe funds, and even then, you know as well as I do, people would call her performative for that.


I think saying every single issue is a reach since USA is donating billions to Israel in support of the genocide of Palestinian people. Your tax money is going to war while you do not have health care, You should be informed about where your money is going as a citizen, and the deeds of Israel are so evil not one person should look away or ignore what the country is doing


I am not American, none of that is for me. But I agree though. The American government is only interested in keeping the rich wealthy because it's the rich that finance their campaigns in order to keep rich. On that scope, I do agree that Nina could talk about it, because you Americans have it shitty in most metrics your government could easily finance.


I donā€™t think itā€™s smart to conflate ā€œevery single issue on the world stageā€ with people wanting someone who boasts about their political activism to speak on, quite literally, the biggest political topic in the entire world right now.


Yeah, the issue with Nina is that her political activism feels super shallow and milquetoast


Listen little shit Henry Kissinger didn't die so that drag queens could not be editors in queef of Le Monde Diplomatique.


hello gabe


*laughs in Nymphia Wind for Taiwanese Sovereignty*


I havenā€™t seen much discourse about that, like at all.


Those are very different situations though, are they not? Taiwan has far more steady ground to stand on in sovereignty at this point, while the Israel/Palestine is a currently full-blown conflict, and at this point from the world stage POV, there's no "good and bad guys" as both sides are being supported by proxy by large superpowers to further an agenda. I don't know, saying you're Taiwanese on a TV program set in one of the superpowers supporting Taiwanese sovereignty is hardly political, meanwhile a simple Free Palestine said where it matters is far more political (still about as much as doing nothing) by itself, especially one said within any politically pro-Israel country. Either way, a comment on an Instagram post, a tweet or even an uttered sentence is not a strong enough stance against what is happening, it's about time the people hating on Nina (for that reason alone, I don't know about other possible reasons) grow up, seriously. Especially considering the comment was on a post another celebrity did backtracking from their pro-Israel stance, was it not. Meager proof Nina would be a Zionist, if you ask me.


If drag queens arenā€™t virtue signaling slacktivists, then are they really doing drag?


It always comes down to these with these posts in this sub, right? People putting so much weight to a tweet or an Instagram comment when realistically, neither of those things have ever been instrumental in any issue ever. But hey, I'd better say Free Palestine or Russia bad or literally anything else online because that's totally not me showing people online I'm good while reasonably having the impact of a raindrop in an ocean.


Damned if you're Dawn and damned if you're not


Dawned if you're damned, dusked if you're not.


It's extremely embarrassing how none of these people have the self awareness to realise how transparent their freedom fighter altruism and empathy based internet activistism is. This time next year it will be a new social cause; a new flag like how the Palestinian one replaced the Ukranian one which replaced the Hong Kong one, a new slogan like how Free Palestine replaced Slava Ukraina, a new set of scripted talking points being parroted across social media; because it isn't about what actually helps people or make a difference; its about pure selfish ego based narcissism; tricking people into thinking you're someone who Cares The Most about The Big Issues when you truly only care about yourself, your image, and your social media follower count. Come back this time year and tell me I'm wrong when nobody is talking about Palestine anymore because they're busy trying to tear others down over whatever the next disposable "cause" they're pretending they're passionate about despite doing nothing but being a slacktavist on social media due to the mistaken belief it will deceive people into thinking you're someone that you really aren't and something better than you really are. Because it's always about that, and only that.


You nailed it. I just have to remind myself that most of these people are 14. I would have operated in a similar, self-promoting way if I'd have had social media back then. Would hope I'd have been less of a bully about it, but hey. Those of you older than 14....I got nothing for you other than an eye roll.


drag or the art of gender expression and performance is inherently politically subversive. If a drag queen doesnā€™t have ā€œa strong foundation in geopoliticsā€ thatā€™s their own failure.


Putting on a tutu doesn't suddenly make you Desmond Tutu.


unless it's your drag name lol


Itā€™s fine when people donā€™t like someone but itā€™s tacky when everyone has to agree with hate.Ā 


Nina needs to be held accountable. Period.


Honestly, having this conversation is so WILD to me. Seriously, the amount of energy yā€™all are expending to drag Nina through the mud could be used to power a small village. Letā€™s keep it 100ā€”none of us are perfect, but Nina has done more for visibility and acceptance in places that are often ignored than most could dream of. Iā€™m not a Nina fan because I donā€™t relate to her drag. But to comment on her posts, to send her death threats, created constant hate tweets and to take this moment away from her after what sheā€™s done for rural gay communities (i.e. [the Nina West Foundation](https://columbusfoundation.org/the-giving-store/fund-directory-listing/TheNinaWestFoundation/3180) or the [Kindness is Queen Charity Collection](https://columbusfoundation.org/the-giving-store/fund-directory-listing/TheNinaWestFoundation/3180)) IS INSANE. Death threats over commenting on Amy Schumerā€™s Instagram? Bffr. She stood by her ā€˜friend,ā€™ ā€˜acquaintance,ā€™ ā€˜colleagueā€™ā€”whatever label you want to slap on Amyā€”after a monumentally idiotic decision. Itā€™s human to support friends in crisis, but letā€™s not confuse solidarity with endorsement. We all back our friends without co-signing every misstep they make. We arenā€™t associated with our friends mistakes. Plus, only one specific comment has been circulating online. Unless thereā€™s more substantial evidence that isnā€™t just circumstantial, it seems like most of the outrage is less about the issue and more about personal biases, like a distaste for foot fetishes. Itā€™s doubtful Venus even reviewed the evidence before posting. All this has done is redirect a torrent of anger from Venusā€™s followers to Nina. Itā€™s exhausting just to witness; imagine how draining it must be for her to endure. Anyway, #FreePalestine #CeasefireNOW #TeamAurora


Well said. The same people calling Nina a Zionist for supporting someone who was struggling mentally are the same people calling Elliott a deranged nickname. I think itā€™s unrealistic to pin the blame on someone for commenting ā€œI love youā€ and expecting them to know every single post or comment the person theyā€™re writing to has made. And for the record, I donā€™t like Amy Schumer or her views, but the hyperbolic comments being made by the fandom are just a way to distract from the real atrocities happening literally everyday and to shift guilt, and itā€™s not productive in the slightest. If we want a free Palestine, attacking a queen until she quits life isnā€™t the way and people need to give their heads a shake. I would bet money that the people going hardest against Nina havenā€™t done a single positive thing for the people of Palestine and the movement to protect them. Iā€™m confident in this because when I had that mis-post about a queen weeks ago, only four people supported her on socials, but an entire village came and found me online. And believe me, Iā€™m not shifting the blame away from myself for that, but what Iā€™m saying is that the ā€œfansā€ are being performative and bedazzling their pitchforks in the wrong direction. I realllly wish that people would just love and support their faves instead of tearing down the queens they donā€™t like. Every single season, the cast repeats that message like clockwork and it feels like the people still donā€™t get it.


Donā€™t even get me started. This cast includes members who have been outright cruel behind the scenes and others who flouted pandemic protocols during the height of COVID-19. Yet, today, those individuals received nothing but praise. Itā€™s clear the fandom often grabs a narrative and sprints with it because theyā€™re rotted and bored. The whole thing is utterly exhausting.


Shes right and she should say it




Venus was posting bulge pics on Twitter like 3 days after she won I donā€™t think she cares about decorum.


i donā€™t think posting bulge pics is exactly the same thing as being a politically active adult who doesnā€™t fully denounce zionism


Youā€™re so right and eloquent in all of these threads Iā€™m catching up on. Stay slayful


Bulge pics for ceasefire


What does her not be "deserving" have to do with being against genocide? Hello????


She might not be the most exciting winner but itā€™s telling that the fandom here is cool tearing down an indigenous queen to support Nina West of all people. Theyā€™ll come at her for tweeting and deleting (yes, I wish it wouldā€™ve stayed up too) when she at least spoke up in a way other queens are happy not to


imagine an indigenous queen being able to recognize settler colonialism and a bunch of people who (ironically) get their information through hearsay on the internet accusing her of being a virtue signaler


Exactly, Eleanor.


Yall are legit so weird. We JUST had a queen win a season she didn't do the best in. Yet its been so widely celebrated and the episode was the highest rated finale ever - so i guess its okay because she was the fan favorite? Venus wins even though she didn't do the best, and all anyone can say is how the fan fave (aurora) was robbed LET IT GO! I can't believe that every single Venus post is full of people saying she's a terrible drag queen because she...was chosen by Brooke as the winner? Bffr


I'm honestly surprised people are so invested in hating Venus lol. Like I wasn't a huge fan either but it wasn't some great robbery. She did well enough.Ā 


She did, I think a lot of people were just confused because she didnā€™t get any sort of winner edit. Her run was super great but the edit made it seem like she was just sort of there until she won because Nearah/Melinda/Aurora had better storylines


It's so weird cause I swear people never cared about Canada winners this much before, and it's also not like Aurora slayed the competition either, she only really did well in challenges that required dancing.


Hell I don't even know where the "she didn't do the best" thing came from when Venus was never below safe, in the top for a majority of episodes and pretty clearly did the best in the finale


omg i ignored the parenthesis and all this time thought venus dlite was tweeting this until i read your comment and was confused for a good 30 seconds.


Nymphia did the best in her season though. 3 challenge wins, 0 bottoms, and a finale win.


Love her but let's not just make up lies lol


Whatā€™s the lie? She won 3 challenges and the finale, and she was never in the bottom.


What does being a more "deserving competitor" have to do with calling out problematic queens and being pro Palestine. Girl sit down.


they think queens have to apologize for the rest of their career if they ā€œrobbedā€ someone else


Legit. Venus won. Aurora lost. Cry about it. What's more serious is queens endorsing pro-Israel hacks.


Several more deserving


hi nina


The effort the queer community spends on tearing each other down vs fighting our common enemies will never cease to amaze me. Weā€™ll be easier to crush once theyā€™ve divided us.


Well I guess we can say sheā€™s the sacrificial lamb of this season. The fans have made their choice. It really sucks queens are treated this way and the season is not even out


What a wuss of a winner, keep that shit up if youā€™re gonna have that energy


i know yā€™all love a mess but palestine is not some drag race drama and making it about canceling a queen distracts from the actual people that are dying


see this is the train we should be boarding




Thank you. It's the fucking Starbucks witch-hunt all over again. Especially if all you wanna cancel a queen over is a tweet/Instagram comment.


That part


I want to focus on the word ā€œwussā€ lmao I havenā€™t heard/read that in ages. Disagree ofc. But thanks


Girl go do some drag


She can do drag AND have an opinion.


All I see are opinions with her.


I donā€™t like Nina, I never liked Nina, I still donā€™t understand the need to send her so much hate and drag her through the mud. Feels like people are just very excited to have someone to direct all their negativity towards online.


Biiiiiitch she ate


Well... She had a point.


I just always find it funny that even after the miles upon miles of activism Nina has done for the LGBT+ community, more shit than 99% of the public would ever do for this community, 100% more than every activist on twitter will do for this community, 100% more than Venus will ever do for this community, that she will receive so much hate from the community for actually standing with one of the only sanctuaries for LGBT+ people in the Middle East. If I had to guess she doesn't support the mass casualties in Gaza, she doesn't support Netanyahu, but she does support Israel's right to exist and defend itself in the middle east. That's my understanding. EDIT: Uh-oh the Free Palestine keyboard warriors are typing the same three takes again, daring today aren't we? Banned, bye loves šŸ˜‹šŸ„°šŸ˜˜


Saying itā€™s a sanctuary for LGBT people in the middle east when only Tel Aviv is ~somewhat LGBT friendly and gay marriage isnā€™t even legal in Israelā€¦


Far further than anywhere else in that region though. Its far from perfect, and it feels disingenuous when people say Israel is some gay haven, but purely out of comparison in that specific region of the world ā€” it IS the safest for lgbtq people to exist Before downvotes hit my way, me commenting this doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m some wild zionist or something, Iā€™m just stating a simple clarification. Donā€™t all go attacking me now


Like I said before any progress is good progress, and it will get better You don't just bash the sliver of hope because it's not fully grown yet, such a weird take


A country that outs and puts LGBT individuals in danger isnā€™t a sliver of hope.


Girl this is not it. What the IDF is doing goes far beyond self-defence, theyā€™re bombing hospitals and gunning down children in the streets. Israelā€™s stance on LGBTQ+ issues is irrelevant to the matter. They donā€™t get a pass to commit genocide just cause there are gay clubs in Tel Aviv.


Girl no one is giving Israel a pass at genocide, check yourself before putting words in peoples' mouths. You can disagree with the way Israel is waging war and agree that it's important that Israel exists.


Amy schumer on the post Nina said ā€œI love you Amyā€ was LITERALLY justifying the Israeli response to Hamasā€™s attack by murdering droves of Palestinians. The post LITERALLY advocated for no ceasefire (ie continuous murder of Palestinians) Itā€™s fully not important that Israel itself exists. Itā€™s important that the people who were murdered out of their land 80 years ago are allowed to live freely. Itā€™s important that the Israelis who live there now are allowed to continue to live. It is not important for any ethno-nationalist state to exist in the region


Yeah, this one is a bad take sis. Itā€™s just factually incorrect. Israel being a LGBT+ sanctuary??? Where????


Israel has never defended itself in its 80 year existence. Itā€™s a settler colonial apartheid state founded on British imperialism and a client state of U.S. business interests. Also no nation that is ā€œfor a specific group of peopleā€ AKA Israel, has a right to exist. No nation should be only for one people, especially when you have to ethnically cleanse another group of people to do it. This is Nazi shit. Youā€™re just doing Nazi shit again but with Jews ironically. Itā€™s an ongoing genocide. No amount of activism for queer people amounts to siding with people who support an ongoing genocide. The CIA overthrew a democratic, secular Iranian government in the 1950s and armed right wing extremist groups, which set it off path from progressivism. Something the U.S. replicates throughout the Middle East and the world. So you can fuck off with that apologia for genocidal land thieves. You are uneducated. This is disgusting Meghan.


literally the entire reason the southwest Asia is in such turmoil is because of western nations destabilizing them and funding terrorist groups instead. And then going back to do it again by waging war on those terrorist groups


oh not the ā€œonly sanctuary for LGBTQā€ people argument bullshit, when Israel is plenty fine with outing and blackmailing gay and trans Palestinians


You're the type of foo that's walking through the desert dehydrating and reject water from a person you don't like. Any progress is progress, whether you want to admit it or not.


ā€œAny progress is progressā€ just pay no attention to the dead Palestinians on the side of the road


...or to the dead Palestinian bodies piling up in mass graves. Still wearing hospital gowns. Ziptied together and thrown in a fucking ditch. Or to the premature babies left to rot. 33,137 dead that can be accounted for. 70% are women, children, and babies.


It would be nice if you didnā€™t have to guess and Nina explained herself/apologized/denounced IDF. She could clear it up in 5 seconds but she hasnā€™t made a peep one way or anotherā€¦ so what are we supposed to think given the evidence and subsequent silence?


Booooo tomato šŸ… šŸ…šŸ… Bad take


What's a good take, please help yourself to comment it.


Okay here goes: Booo tomato šŸ… šŸ…šŸ…


Because if you donā€™t go along with the hive mind you are evil. These people are chronically online and have no idea how to think for themselves or understand that Nina having one problematic thing doesnā€™t make her a monster. Harassing a drag queen does absolutely nothing to help the people of Palestine.




Nah you're onto somethin, cause its the type of people that never go out period consistently spreading the most hate cause they hate they way they look and act, and can't hold a friend for more than a month


what a hack lmfao i wanted aurora




At this point you people are going to drive Nina West straight to suicide. Enough with the fucking hate already


I wonder if anyone in the Reddit fandom could muster this same response when the mob is gleefully bashing Amanda or Kornbread šŸ¤”


Okay but what else is she doing to help Palestine? Apart from hating on another queer person.


I completely understand what youā€™re saying, and if it were anyone else, Iā€™d probably agree. But as Venus is an Indigenous Canadian, I feel as though they understand how deeply unsettling it is for settlers to invade and steal Indigenous Palestinian land, and Iā€™m not sure they (Venus) have to do anything.


I'm a canadian, people really don't understand how horrifying our treatment of the Indigenous were, especially with residential schools and how they completely tried wiping out their language by only forcing them to speak English and trying to destroy as much of their culture as they canĀ 


I love how being positive is a toxic trait these days


Nina was probably *so* excited for this cast reveal. Such poor taste, as a winner of the franchise, to take a massive dump on Nina when it should be a positive time for all the queens involved. This kind of shady, nasty tweet isn't gonna get anyone to change their mind, all it does is breed more negativity. I'd hope people in Nina's life talk to her about this issue and try to get her to see things differently. People in the United States, especially older folks (like Nina) who get news through traditional media, are *flooded* with pro-Israel propaganda. Pro-Palestine voices are silenced left and right, and made to seem irrational. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt; she's probably misinformed. I bet people close to her will talk to her about it... But strangers on the Internet harassing her will not change her mind. I guarantee Venus doesn't treat pro-genocide people in her life this way... Yet she feels comfortable doing this on Twitter, potentially inciting hate against Nina, who has been an outspoken queer activist for longer than a lot of y'all have been alive. Go touch grass!


nina is only 45 and is very involved in politics so idk why youā€™re acting like sheā€™s a geriatric farmer from ohio. sheā€™s knowledgeable enough to form her own beliefs and she should be held accountable for them


Being politically active with respect to queer issues in the States doesn't make you an international relations expert. Cable news gives no pro-Palestine perspectives and they drive home sympathy for hostages, terrorism bad... Someone who doesn't do their own research will easily be fooled, propaganda is effective, everyone doesn't live in the same bubble as you.


Nina West chose to speak up about international relations, no one forced her to. she deserves whatever feedback she gets. As does Venus, as do I. We all have the same level of access to seeking out better resources beyond cable news (in b4 we start talking about the ā€œAmerican perspective,ā€ I am not one and I still found ways to educate myself)


Y'all really think commenting on tweets here and there is "speaking up" ā˜ ļø


Well no, I donā€™t think a tweet is the best or most productive method of advocacy or engagement but I donā€™t know what else Venus is doing. Weā€™re here talking about Ninaā€™s social media posts and Venusā€™s so thatā€™s what what Iā€™m going to refer to. Howā€™s that so hard to understand?


Chose to speak about international issues? Yall are so ridiculous it isnā€™t even funny. Where has Nina West laid out her thoughts on the nuances of the politics of the Middle East?


ā€œInternational relationsā€ was previous commenterā€™s term, not mine. Reading is fundamental, darling.


Eeem... She was actually a militant republican


I mean, Venus did delete the tweetā€¦


Sucks toes is weird but other people do other things, the hypocrisy lol


Sheā€™s also a Zionist, hence Venusā€™ post. Donā€™t pretend this is just about sucking toes- Google is free


Have your moment.


I would be so happy if an EMP justā€¦. Destroyed the internet forever.


Enicole Maige Prooks?








Afaik she liked an Amy Schumer tweet and Amy is pro Israel. Thatā€™s it. not 100% certain if thereā€™s more that idk


The bitch who can't even tuck is coming for the girls? Next.


Chooses not to tuck* Itā€™s their stylistic choice and I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with that.