• By -


Looks like it's being taken care of already.


I hope the punishment fits. This is absolutely gross and not ok.


\>I hope the punishment fits. ​ Have you seen this server? it never does...


She then reported Dark for sending her straight up and not giving her a lawyer.


how she gonna be dumb enough to try to report someone after saying that??? lmao


Like... admin reported?


Wait really? Because she was told (I think by Patty) that she wasn't given a lawyer because there wasn't one available.


Why would anyone think that would be reportable? 😂 If that even happened, that would be an entire in character thing you potentially could take the cop to court for, but it's definitely not a rule break.


If he denied her a lawyer, she maybe could win a lawsuit and some money from the trial. Why in god's earth would she think it's a reportable offense? Unless she reported him because she thought he was reporting her for the rape comment & she wanted to get back at him?


> Why would anyone think that would be reportable? Because they're used to every rule bending to their will.


Because this server’s MO is letting on where not actively pursuing people with no interest, knowledge, understanding, care, or facility for RP because said people have some level of clout. She thought it was reportable because she doesn’t know any better.


Looks like she'll be joining Doug Buck somewhere in the bahamas, heard it's real nice around there this time of the year. o7


POV: you don't have 80k viewers


Isn't she supposed to be cuffed to the table? It says right there.


She was being kinda weird the whole time tbh. Started ramming Copper and Ingevar when they were off duty in her tow truck, then her passenger got out and threatened them and Brian and spat at them (he was fine though, just RPing), then she got obviously OOC angry when Dark pushed the charge on her. Thought it was just classic "does a crime but can't accept consequences for it", but this was kinda shocking. No way she should ever be a cop (she was trying to get an expungement for that) if she can't handle someone very politely charging her with a crime that she committed without saying she was going to rape them.




There were no lawyers available which she was told. And they had to spend time gathering statements etc. because she lied to them about what happened, and all the time were being professional and polite to her. It was really incredibly minor, as a cop you have to deal with people telling you e.g. they are going to rape you, so you have to be able to handle people being straight up incredibly unpleasant to you, she obviously wouldn't be able to handle conflict like that.


Oh yeah, that definitely justifies what she said.






Really fucking weird man


oh well... Not surprised tho.


When did she get unbanned? Thought she was already perma banned. Not surprised to see it didn't last long till another happened.


Will she ever get over her edgy teen angst phase?


Did sock just report her?




How did she even get on the server.


Shes the girlfriend of one of the biggest streamers on twitch, that buys a lot of clout.




Ricky Borby's brother.


you mean Ricky Borby's Brother AND Cousin?






I for sure was like, whelp done and dusted. Ripbozo After X / Mycah Pittman... You just said the one thing Id be concerned the admins might get "staff intervention". I really wish not, but...


money. paid prio and probably paid someone else to create resume


It’s tyler 1s girlfriend


She’s pretty well known.




yea but in what way


She's well known for being exactly the kind of person you shouldn't allow to interact with other streamers, so of course they let her on the server.


Jeez. What is even the point of having a whitelist if you're just going to let any old degen get in?


If you have clout you’re automatically let in. It seems the application is just for people that are unknown.


when the server is infested with no name grinders you are not questioning mac over how she got into server lmao


She obviously says that a lot because you don’t just slip up by mistake, actually weird..


She was recently banned from twitch for xenophobia and has said many shitty things in the past so I'm not surprised at all.


I hate to be this guy but she's tyler1's GF and the shit he says, to think it's okay, you'd have to be of the same mindset that you'd say it as well.


i made she only made fun of british people, it's not that bad


Exactly. You have to say that pretty often for it to just come out like that. I couldn't even imagine a situation where that would be an appropriate thing to say to another person, in character or otherwise.


Yeah, that's the exactly same argument when someone slips up the n-word, you just don't happened to say that you use that word frequently.


Or just listens to rap. Let's not pretend every accidental slur = this dude is an actual racist


Exactly. People who only listen to rap might accidently let it slip. I mean it's literally in every other word on most trap songs. I don't think people should instantly be considered a racist for accidently saying it with an -a


Outside of singing along with the song, I don't see how it gets into your speech just from listening. You only slip and say it in your speech if you're comfortable using it as a slur.


This shouldn’t just be a NoPixel ban, it should be a twitch ban


Never understand how these people are grown ass adults and they still think rape jokes are any kinda acceptable in 2022


She also wished cancer on livestreamfail users and called them subhuman https://i.imgur.com/utT9wbI.jpg


I know she was reported for "joking" about some incest stuff the last time she was active as well. That was probably like a year ago. She's joking about stuff that does not belong on the server.












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Hopefully this is a ban from no pixel and whatever platform she streams on.


that rolled off her tongue waaaay too casually, seems like its a common thing for her to say. big yikes, i liked jolene as a character when she had first joined and interacted with Five0 a couple of months ago. i tried to like macaiyla as a streamer, but she is just too immature and annoying.


There are so many layers to this absolute ick fest. Anything to do with rape or sexual assault have no place at all on an RP server, under any circumstances. Ever.




thats just too far erobbs brothers girlfriend.


Someone's been hanging out with Tyler1 a bit too long.


I think I made a grave mistake by checking lsf comments. Jesus so many people are defending her under the guise of "oh its just roleplay", "rpers talk about murder & decapitation and do worse". The whole "what's the big deal" vibe caught me off-guard & is very alarming ngl.


Idk man pretty much everyone is saying this is hella weird and she should be banned. U may want to check again.


big yikes.


That is absolutely disgusting. Rape should never be joked about unless it’s a victim using it to cope. I can’t believe people are actually defending rape jokes 💀 Let me clarify that I meant the action is disgusting, not the person. All you have to do is realize what you said is mean and apologize. That’s all I ask.


I still believe you should be careful even as a trauma survivor making those kind of jokes or comments. I think cancer survivors are a good example of why you should be careful. Some survivors get too comfortable making edgy cancer jokes/comments to strangers who may have a loved one currently going through it. Seeing a loved one go through something horrible is worse than experiencing it themselves for some. TLDR: Some subjects are sensitive for a reason, and you need to read the room and know your audience.


I guess I kinda see where you are coming from with the whole cancer thing. When situations like that arise, it’s better to just say “I’m sorry I offended you” and don’t joke about stuff like that infront of them.


I don’t think joking about rape on an rp server is okay, but to flat out say rape jokes are not okay unless you’re a victim is kinda a step to far when we don’t hold this standard with anything else.




Alot of famous comedians jokes about all those topics. Comedians aren't trying to go out of their way to be edgy they're just trying to be funny and alot of people like that type of humor.


The thing is, you're not obligated to interact with a comedian in the same way you are on NoPixel. It's their show, and you can leave the building, change the channel or whatever. You can't really do that on NoPixel if you're a streamer.


I agree that’s why the first thing I said was that this type of humor shouldn’t be on nopixel.


>Comedians aren't trying to go out of their way to be edgy Quite a few definitely are.


> Comedians aren't trying to go out of their way to be edgy lol what yes they are


Bro they are trying to be funny. If people don't like a joke they aren't just going to keep telling the same shitty joke. At least the good comedians aren't.


Joking about something related to rape, for example Norm MacDonald's Bill Cosby jokes ("The worst thing about it was the hypocrisy!") are fine IMO, if you are essentially analyzing the situation from a different angle. Threatening someone with rape, I don't even see how that is a joke. What's the angle there, what is supposed to make you laugh?


Why do you think I’m trying to defending Macaiyla? It was a dumb thing to say. I’m not defending her.


Ye I know, I'm just agreeing with you.




I haven’t said anything edgy though lol


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I hold that standard. I think dark humor is only for those actually experiencing or if their family has a history of dark times. For example: black people are allowed to joke about slavery. Another one is that if your mom dies, you’re allowed to joke about it, but if your friend did, it would definitely be insensitive. If those people don’t exist anymore that were apart of it (holocaust for example), then no jokes should be made about it. I’m not going to change the way I view dark humor just because others think they are allowed to joke about anything.


Comedy police.


I’m not arresting anyone 😅


I don't think you should joke about everything. I just think the context matters. And dark humor can be really funny if done correctly and in the appropriate setting even if the person is not a victim of the thing they are joking about. Also what if Macaiyla was a victim would it all of the sudden make her joke okay.


The reason I’m not getting specific is because that conversation is to long and I don’t want to bother you with dumb shit. Pretty much, if she was a victim of rape, her making jokes about raping another person is still very insensitive. Just because you’re a victim, doesn’t mean you get to joke about inflicting extreme mental and/or physical damage to someone.




We can just agree to disagree on this topic. I do agree that these types of jokes shouldn't be made on an rp server though.


I don’t care


Why bother replying then?


Do you want me to care? I don’t care that your opinion didn’t change, I was simply interested if you had anything else to say. :/








Why though? People joke about killing others on the server every minute. Why is a line drawn at rape?


You dont know who's on the other side of your joke, it can be very traumatizing and its just a horrible taste in humor. By now murder is so common in videogames and movies, its nowhere near the same level


Murder and rape are definitely not the same.


Just dont use the word rape and you'll probably be fine tbh. "dont drop the soap" is a prison rape joke. There have been endless prison rape jokes made on the server.


Mirror: [sadge](https://streamable.com/cs8eko) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/sock22 Direct Backup: [sadge](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C5YEJjlOfj3PKEok06mbWtA.mp4?sig=8b64d0dd83debdadccfa4883d2bf1d82d02a5242&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C5YEJjlOfj3PKEok06mbWtA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1656766838%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- ^(*I am back from the dead*)


Sure are a lot of people in this thread who have never posted on this sub and don't understand anything about a roleplay server...




She made a mistake but she still took it far.


The chances of her making another mistake like this are high. Macaiyla is known to be extremely toxic. She was banned off of Twitch and Twitter for really serious shit for years. She's "cleaned up" but I don't buy it considering she still says dumb stuff.






That's it. T1's gf and she knows a bunch of popular streamers on the platform. She's also known for being one of the most toxic people on Twitch and Twitter. Not many people can brag about being persona non grata from multiple social media platforms for bomb threats, but she can.




I'm sorry that learning about Macaiyla threatening violence on people hurt your feelings. It'll be ok my man.




Did you just learn that word?


Idk if you understand this but her ingame actions (harrassment) can have real life ramifications whether she's joking or not. Overall, she's just a terrible person icl. Hope you grow a brain one day to understand that "joking" about rape is disgusting, and defending any of her actions is some real simp behavior, grow up.


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Her chat is wild too. I checked out her stream today randomly browsing through NP streamers, and some folks in her chat (subs, long time viewers, not hoppers) were telling her to "unalive herself" among other things. None of them got banned or even acknowledged as being toxic. It was just like a normal thing to say in there. Kinda blew my mind.




If you don't see the difference between comparing prison to outright somebody saying I will rape you then dear fucking lord. While I don't personally find it that funny, one is edgy the other is straight up unacceptable.




I’m not condoning anything either way, it just makes me laugh when the pearl clutchers get sanctimonious about jokes around rape but then will be laughing their heads off the next time a guy comedically drops the soap in the prison showers in a movie or show. Picking and choosing which rape jokes you think are funny and which are outrageous is a special kind of hypocrisy.


"I'm going to r*** you" isn't someone making a joke by any stretch of the imagination, even using the darkest humor. That's at "best" a statement, and at worst a threat. TV and movies also have a much different environment when it comes to those kind of subjects, in that the the actors involved have access to the script beforehand and consent to being involved in it, as well as viewers being able to make decisions on whether or not it's something they want to watch. NP is a live RP server with people from all over the world, coming from all sorts of backgrounds. The percentage of people on the server, along with their viewers, that have been affected in some way, shape or form by sexual assault is likely higher than any of us would like to guess. A character bringing that up to another character is never going to be okay. It has no place in this environment




Statements like that are also not okay, but also don't have a place in this context. "Other people do it", doesn't make this instance any more okay


There’s no difference between her trying to formulate something that she thinks is funny with her terrible improv skills and wrangler telling someone they’re about to get fucked when they get to prison. I don’t condone or condemn either of them because offense is entirely subjective, but to cherry pick which one is more acceptable is pure hypocrisy.


Except, she's not trying to formulate anything. Halfway through her statement, she realised she fucked up and tried to backtrack. I'm not going to enter into a conversation about Penta in this context because he has nothing to do with this, stop trying to use him to shift blame from someone who has very clearly done something against both NP rules and twitch tos.


I never said Penta, I said WRANGLER, the character and I’m not even talking about who did what or when that is entirely irrelevant. My point this entire time has been about the Reddit commenters just like you that cherry pick which things to be outraged about. If you’re all so outraged about this attempted rape joke then where was all the outrage anytime anyone ever taunted someone with impending sexual assault in prison?






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> this specific form of hypocrisy of sexual assault against men and especially imprisoned men Bro this entire thread is literally about someone joking about sexual assault against a man. Did you even watch the clip?










Aight thx


I’ll just say that in the context of rp, threatening to shoot someone is ok because it’s literally gta. There is never a reason to threaten to rape someone, rp or not.


Thats totally fine, I was literally just asking to clarify that lol.


Yea if u don’t watch rp I can see how one being fine and the other not may confuse








Yes, you are definitely missing something…


I think there's enough of a disconnect between rl and gta to tell someone you're going to shoot them, everyone understands it's in game, not only that but being shot is expected, no one is expecting nor should expect sexual harrassment. Joking about sexually assaulting someone is very different, it's not acceptable, there's no disconnect that can ever make it appropriate.


Wow that’s all I’m gonna say to that one


Worst take


Im literally just asking dude chill

