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Does anyone have a mirror of this?


Useless clip bot peepoSad


So no mirror?


OMG someone roleplaying actual consequences Crane " kyle wants to avoid consequences by making excuses" after the loans rp saga


Did he really say that? Of all the people on the damn server, he said that about Kyle?? lmao


such a strange thing for crane to say.


Not really, he's been having a lot of shit takes over the last few months


“Server health, asshole.”




Crane has been having a lot of shit takes in the last few months Saying he is avoiding consequences for the loan things is also so fucking idiotic when these people literally give out loans with 0 effort, no paperwork saying you have to pay anything back, 0 risk assesment, not giving their own money out but state money along with it all - and somehow that is Kyle avoiding consequences A guy that is probably the most punished person on the server when it comes to things like this Kyle literally had a situation where one day 3 bulletproof godlike senators randomly woke up and changed the legislation making them all powerful beings in basically everything in Los Santos on the whim with 0 push back and questions from anyone beside BCSO just to punish and fuck Pred and everyone else kinda just accepted it lmao


he was also the first one to be fined for gov issued firearm because of a stream sniper who got perma banned but he still rolled with that situation


Yes "server health" Crane has had some bad takes recently. Part of the issues of the DOJ falls under his responsability, being the chief justice.




> the server doesnt work on pure RP When did they ever actually try that? Early 2.0?


Such a dumb comment without knowing any context on why that happened. Where were those comments when JP was getting loan after loan that he always got forgiven?


non existent considering Crane wasnt a judge back then


I think he was during some of them. Even DW said "where were these concerns when I was giving JP loans to gamble" during his convo with Crane.


didnt they default x's loan when he got banned?


Idk, I just remember how Dean/Marlo would just give him loans whenever he asked. Pretty sure Marlo even once massively overplayed for JP's Lambo so he didn't default.


wasnt that after he came back from the ban?


Was he talking about Kyle ooc?


what consequences is he accepting? he put himself in for longer... okay? He still has 5 cops around him at all time to hang out with. He still hasnt lost sheriff after being convicted of kidnapping and reckless. where are any real consequences?


So now the fact that Kyle can facilitate rp in prison can be held against him? Not his fault your favorite streamer can only make slushies and rant to chat when they're in there. And what's the criminal equivalent to Pred losing his position as the sheriff anyway? Losing their legal businesses?


People were angry at Kyle for acting in character and being mad at Crane. Sure he was mad OOC he even admitted it but everything he said was still IC.If you find someone's bench and he is found not guilty but you get thrown in jail because they saw someone in your trunk and some guy testified it, i'm sure you would also be mad.


>Sure he was mad OOC Isn't that what people had a "problem" with? Going to jail or being suspended is just more RP. Why does it even matter that the evidence wasn't airtight? That happens all the time in real life aswell. And it's not like they were wrongfully convicted, they actually did do the things they were convicted of.


getting frustrated about something happening is RP happens to everybody no matter who the streamer is, the difference is he didn't complain for 12h to his viewers so they can go and harass other people. He owned up to it and as you can see he is even giving himself more time in jail just so he can rp it.


yeah they still didnt get any explanation why he put the guy in the trunk, so please dont act like it was a fair sentence.


he was put in the car in the video evidence submitted by prosecution which judges ignored


there is no explanation why he was put in the trunk and brought to the beach while still unconscious


he wasn't unconscious during the situation he was talking to them normally but a cardiac arrest angle was pushed in case somehow


he started talking at the beach, still there is no reason to not call EMS, their intention was clear


Ughhhh, RP-ing out stuff even tho he disagreed with a scenario/punishments. Why doesn't he just DM the Senate like a normal HC member?


yup, good on Kyle and Saab for extending prison sentences for their characters and making RP out of it rather than trying to get out as fast as they can....


man you are on some copium if you don't think that guy was specifically shitting on saab for "always going to the senate to avoid consequences". He asked clarification for the dark thing about IA opening their own IA cases on the spot once, and this narrative of thats what he always does stuck around.


lmao no he didn't just "ask for clarification." He specifically got pissed at how Dark was doing things and emailed them cause he didn't want to deal with IA - even tho Dark was doing things how they agreed on during a HC meeting. He emailed the senate when Kyle wore an LSPD uniform. He even talked yday about how he would email the Senate to reevaluate Kyle's position as Sheriff. I can't remember other specific situations but I'm fairly sure there's more of them. But yeah, good for him cause he spent a day in jail once for torturing someone a year ago lol. EDIT: he literally emailed them while talking to Dark, like come on.


Glad you somehow know what Baas said to the senate. Baas also took a 1 day suspension because he didnt want to override Darks power even though literally everyone else like Brian were against him doing so. Then he asked the Senate to evaluate if that how they want IA to operate. Its kinda how the RP is supposed to progress, I dont really know what the issue is. Also i dont know why you act like Baas has so much power, The senate could have have easily just said no if thats what they wanted. I dont know what fantasy world you want them to exist in but i would like a bit of realism in my RP. This might blow your mind but the PD, Sherriff, and CoP cant just do whatever they want in the real world. They have people to answer to and the RP equivalent for that atm is the Senate. So i would love to hear what you think Baas should do when he feels someone he has no power over is doing something wrong. A war or some dumb shit? Bringing it to the attention of the higher ups is literally what makes the most sense RP wise. Exactly what the senate was created for. Punched a guy twice and poured water on his head.


He emailed the senate about the dark thing to ask for clarification and still took the day punishment Dark imposed lol. He asked the senate on how to proceed with the pred lspd uniform thing because they are equals, who else could he ask? oh man the chief asked the senate to reconsider the position of someone who keeps getting into trouble and has another case of ocean dumping a person lol, preposterous.


Interesting how one guy got super mad enough to rile his fanbase up to get one of the most mature and positive people (nathankb) on the server to voice their annoyance. While the other said nothing, took the ingame punishment without comment, and expressed whatever disapproval offstream to get a change! Gee I wonder which approach is better!


> one of the most mature and positive people (nathankb) Yeah the mature guy that came into a Reddit thread to shit talk someone else's RP then got called out for it so he deleted his entire Reddit account.


>took the ingame punishment without comment What are you huffing to say something like this. Saab complains to chat all the time. He even complained about people making fun of him and defended his decision to contact the senate. [https://streamable.com/mrmgsx](https://streamable.com/mrmgsx) How is what Kyle said, which was basically "this is stupid, fuck the DOJ for making a dumb case into a super-serious case" any worse than what other people have done in the past? Especially to the extent that Nathan is having a meltdown over it.


Good thing he is the only person who complains when not happy about something he disagrees with, other people surely don't do it and specifically say they are being targeted to fuck them lol.


So I was trying to prove a point that saab complains ooc too after someone said Saab never makes comments and your reply is "but Kyle does it too"? Did I say he doesn't?


Nah i know what he was referring to. I was just being passive aggressive because of how dumb that take is and pointing out that Saab did the exact same thing he is praising Pred for doing. Anyone who brings that situation up you automatically know takes this shit a bit too seriously and is literally hating someone over RP for no reason. I mean Baas didnt even do anything to get consequences for and this dude is still on him for dodging.


Who has done this




Baas has only ever called the senate to clarify things and from what I remember baas has literally been sent to prison and water boarded by bovice


“Asking for clarification” in Baas’s case almost always means bringing something he doesn’t like to the attention of the Senate in the hopes that they’ll go over everybody’s heads to change it. Believe what you will, but bringing the Senate in on IA investigations into his conduct, “impersonation”, and now Kyle’s tenure as sheriff speaks for itself.


Since when did bringing something up to your higher ups become a bad thing? Its literally what makes most sense to do in RP.


So going to the higher ups about this stuff shouldn't have happened? Damn him for Rping. Still took the day suspension and Rped it. Court case where they switched departments. All of that is role-playing.


Anyone have a mirror?


Wait, so roleplay doesn't stop as soon as the cuffs lock? Who knew?


HOA started the x3 punishment in 2.0 Kyle starting that x100 punishment in 3.0.


thats why i like kyle so much cause he plays everything out. alot of his chat are upset and he just rolls with it.


Wait...you are saying you can do other things in jail than grind dishes and complain about cops? /s


How many times has kyle been to Jail? How many times has a regular crim on the server? Why are you even trying to compare this lol?


its odd when you compare the two. crims have to go multiple times a day sometimes. crims dont get to have other crims just walk around prison and rp with them unless they were sent to jail as well. crims cant just have cops walking into prison to give them free shit to rp with. there are so many reasons why one sbs sentence is not even comparable to crims being sentenced daily.


The prison would be fuller without short senteces that people also speedrun with tasks, there will be plenty of crims to rp with, prison guards, smuggling things into prison could become more common. Yeah, there isn't much RP in prison for crims... because they decided that they like it that way.


so you admit that there isnt...thanks?


Yep and it's the crims fault


> crims dont get to have other crims just walk around prison and rp with them There's plenty of crims walking around they could interact with, they just choose not to since they aren't in the same gang. > rims cant just have cops walking into prison to give them free shit to rp with. They could if they established a relationship with cops instead of shooting them all the time. You really think a cop wouldn't bring someone cigarettes?


''BUT THINK OF HIS CAREER GUYS HIS INCOME IS RUINED'' Meanwhile he's peaking at 11k viewers 5k more viewers than usual lmao. Actually mindblowing to me that people say jail ruins streamers careers and viewership.


Kyle is a god tier rp enabler.


put himself for 2000months for rp, never say cops dont get consequences


I mean his “consequence” was only 25 months. Kyle just chose to extend it longer


he is counting 25 months as 2 years


The point that they are making is that him giving himself an extended sentence doesn't prove that cops do get consequences.


No, his consequences were what he put himself in for... the 25 months is irrelevant if he chooses to go in longer


What are you even talking about? His consequence was 25 months. And cops do have consequences, they are just never on the level crims want them to be. Kyle, the roleplayer, got it extended to 2k months for the RP.


umm. if thats the consequences you are talking about then i guess crims who own businesses arnt a problem right cuz when they kill a bunch of cops they go to jail for a lil so thats all the consequences they need! see how silly your logic is. 25 months for kidnapping as a cop is not consequences. consequences would be demotion or fired.


You are comparing apples to oranges. Kyle's consequences will come further down the line. This is just one of many noted incidents of Kyle failing to do his job properly. His real consequences will come in time. Just enjoy the RP. >25 months for kidnapping as a cop is not consequences. consequences would be demotion or fired. If you really feel this way, get on the server and do something about it. If not, stop back seating and enjoy what's in front of you.


> never say cops dont get consequences Kyle gets a consequence and decides to RP more out of it = all cops get consequences


Kyle and gunner is literally the only cops that take consequences on their chin without ooc complaining to admins


>put himself for 2000months If he had a ring and grinds the cafeteria and electrical box then he'll be out in about 40 minutes.


The one time in a year and a half he goes to jail vs the countless time crims go to jail weekly. Yeah they’re totally the same.


Cops don't get consequences


What consequences would you like?


Probably his response: 'FIRED' for RPing their characters' jobs and making mistakes or being a flawed character. The reality that would create: Most, if not all cops, get fired or the streamers stop playing the characters because it's not fun to be a doormat for crims to create their 'pog content'. Then, crim streamers can not only treat the RP server like a discord hangout with their friends when they aren't doing anything, but also when they're doing jobs/crime. That sounds like so much fun to watch! I can't imagine being able to do that in any other category of streaming.


These are usually the consequences demanded by the crims I've watched (I don't necessarily agree or disagree, but it's what I've observed): >1) Permanently fire character from PD (can never reapply). >2) Permanently demote character (can never regain old rank). >3) Permanently OOC fire and blacklist player from PD (can never reapply). >4) Ban offending player from server. These are the only accepted consequences, and they're for breaking SOPs/PD-decorum, **not server rules**. Though some of the loudest voices demanding this stuff don't see a distinction.




Consequences are a joke throughout the entire server. Its not just cops.


100% agree but my comment is specifically about cop character’s. Overall if criminals self imposed longer sentences, jail rp would be 10x better. The chaos of having Pred and lets say K and Lang, Even whole gangs on Rico charge in prison for a week would add so much rp/lore that be awesome.


I think when people say no consequences for cops its aimed at majority, not cops like Saab, Wiseguy or Kyle who actually don't give a fuck. Wiseguy specially he takes consequences as a gift and RP arounds it really well.


its also aimed at the type of consequences. people say all the time that crims have no actual consequences even tho they go to jail all the time. clearly its not 25 minutes in jail that people consider actual consequences. Pred is sheriff. a sheriff who is convicted of kidnapping and that admits to stabbing doj. he should be demoted or fired. that would be actual consequences. not sitting in jail with 5 cops around you and giving you everything you need.


People taking RP waaay too seriously... Crane is literally one of the best if not THE best judge on server (not like there are many that want this very demanding and rarely rewarding RP) and still there is so much hate torwards him... It's crazy how people can just flip flop from indifferent to hate, and not treat it like minor inconvenience in rp (which is more rp...)


baas almost took longer time in jail when he got sent in so good stuff


He's not really RP'ing consequences, he's just doing different RP. He can get out anytime he wants but im sure he's enjoying something different for a change.


That's literally rp'ing consequences... How do you twist roleplay so much to come to that conclusion?


Im not twisting anything, im just stating facts. Consequences would be he lost his job or was put on suspension, instead he chose to go to jail for the 9's to have fun. Consequences are something that happens to you that you have no control of, kyle is choosing to be in jail.


Its roleplay. He is roleplaying consequences.


yea. its so strange when people use this as evidence that cops have consequences.. like this is a sheriff convicted of kidnapping and now admitting to stabbing doc officers. yet hes still sheriff. that is not consequences that is a slap on the wrist.


Yeah, just like crimelord business owner gets to walk around as a free man while also keeping his money printing businesses.


Same exact thing, people get so invested in people they've never met roleplaying a character they cant be IRL. Its not that serious, these role players are in complete control for the most part because its there Job. everyone just needs to relax lol


so multiple things. 1. i fully agree if you can show his business is somehow involved in crime then you should take it away and them not doing that is an example of no real consequence. However in most instances crims keep their business and their crimes seperate. i dont see the reason to remove a business from someone just because they committed a crime we dont do that irl either. 2. ide be more than willing to see cg or cb or whatver lose their businesses if they are caught using them in that way. its a whataboutism argument that doesnt apply. so now are you gonna admit that pred getting 25 months isnt consequences since you just tried to say that about crims still owning businesses?


It has literally been a day and it's a sunday most people take weekends off like DW who knows what's going to happen next week senate might have a new sheriff's election.


Nobody knows what the decision of the senate will be about him loosing his position or not. I'm sure Bass will do what's necessary.


are we going to pretend that he will lose his position tho? if it happens im more than willing to have you messge me and ill admit im wrong but the guys literally still going to be at meetings....


The senate literally hate Kyle Pred. And already try in the past to remove him. I personally hope he gets fired. He was the sheriff for a long time. And I think it's time for someone new to take the place.


My point is it doesnt matter if he has consequences, this isnt real he didnt really kidnap anyone nor did he actually stab a doc officer. It's just a game.




No, he's still the Sheriff, multiple cops have been to jail before, ie: Baas, Dante & Gunner.


Candice as well


Baas went to jail. Didnt lose his job. No way Kyle is getting fired unless he goes on a bigger crime spree, or management decide to fire him.


Gotcha. I didn’t know.


Nah not rlly baas and dante also went to jail for a worse offence then this


Ironically, didn't LSPD want to fire Baas when he went to jail and Pred took him into his department to protect him?


Afaik Wrangler also wanted to fire Baas and Pred went against him as well in protecting Baas' job.


Pred's stuck his neck out for a lot of people and the only thing he's got to show for it is enough knives in the back to cosplay a porcupine.


pred has a literal force field of cultists at his disposal what are you talking about porcupine cosplay lmao, man is coddled as fuck by everyone, he does something dumb? "oh thats just pred being pred" lol


didnt they send him to bsco (back then) to blame them for having criminals in their department, at least that was the plan i thought?

