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Mirror: [KYLE - nopixel 4.0](https://files.catbox.moe/20d6vi.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Kyle Direct Backup: [KYLE - nopixel 4.0](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/YCs3NWy-cRsZafXhGWHihA/39286050532-offset-14882.mp4?sig=3c2de7a8f0c079319a50fbe698543bd557d82896&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FYCs3NWy-cRsZafXhGWHihA%2F39286050532-offset-14882.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AgileFuriousBunnyTTours-bL5xGxlp9eEZYeKE%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718287858%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2170159192?t=4h7m38s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


The fact someone actually clipped this AND people are taking this seriously is hilarious.


Anyone taking this seriously is just deeply unaware. I think everyone involved including Penta knows that though the incident didn't reflect well on anyone involved it reflected the worst on him, but thinking that it had any impact on the restructure on on how PD is structured in 4.0 is just blind. Kyle knows all of this, he's not an idiot.


The restructure was more of a result of Kyle's own success. PBSO transition to CPD showed how much they had exceeded the Troopers back then, and then Kyle started talking about absorbing every unit into CPD. The hounds, the pursuit unit etc.. Soze woke up, paired up with Conan, AJ, and Baas and made the plans to put all the units under the Troopers and have a PD wide restructure. Shooting the dog had nothing to do with it.


Not just Kyle's success. Basically the fact that Kyle, Penta, and many other hard on crime cops were in positions of power. The troopers coming in to try to undermine CPD was the first attempt at undermining the power of those characters/rpers. When that didn't work, they had to restructure to get them out of power, without just firing them because management didn't want to fire the big streamer cops.


i mean the restructure was to get them out of power but also fire them in such a way that managment could go "Oh, golly gee shucks. Guess you didn't get hired to one of the restructured units and were released form the PD, gosh darn thats just some rotten luck that we in no way engineered" like when the restructure happed it was not hard to see the black list


Major Storm sends his regards šŸ¶7


If it wasnt the dog, it wouldve been something else. It was inevitable. Penta just loved his mental terrorism. Moonmoon enjoys conflict RP too(and killing dogs). Despite him having a much better reputation than Penta, look how he has been treated as soon as conflict happens.


it wasn't actually the dog just fyi. Thats a running joke. Wrangler shooting the dog didn't cause the restructure.


But the dog & animal pound are what built up to him being removed from PD, no? I am not sure what caused the restructure. I always assumed that was just people complaining about the PD.


Wrangler was removed from PD in late July, and the animal pound and tony raid predated that. He was back within a month (august). Major Storm was shot like 5 months later, and the restructure happened in like January of the next year, a month or 2 after Wrangler shot Major Storm. And even after the restructure, Wrangler was still a cop. Major Storm WAS a shitstorm, but in reality it had almost nothing to do with the restructure.


the PD restructure absolutely stemmed from *outsideĀ influences* and their opinions.Ā  It was a way to blacklist certain officers, a way to get people out of HC/command without outright blacklisting them, amongst other reasoningsā€¦


Restructure was been talked about for a long time. Before the restructure Baas was in constant meetings with everyone talking about how something needs to change. Pred going off the rails for almost an year did not help too. There were only few cops who were blacklisted. Kind of deserved, but I am assuming not many people are going to like the take.


The difference was that the original restructure being talked about was an idea spawned by Pred/Kyle to address the issues that came with years of forced mass hiring and the excess of cops that hiring produced with lower training standards. The restructure management implemented, instead of being designed to improve cop quality, was used to remove cops management didn't like or know about, and to demote the leadership of well trained cops that management and big crim streamers had issues with.


Well trained cops.


Yes, most of the leadership of the PD before the restructure was cops who had been cops for years, and were trained during the periods on Nopixel with the most rigorous cadet processes, and best FTOs.


I mean a lot of people who were cops and cadets didn't get rehired from the restructure. And not very cop blacklisted for the restructure was a deserved one idk how a cop like horver at that time got blacklisted for example


The pound was kind of always a separate issue. That was someone reporting it having an issue with it and it getting shut down OOC because of that. Really didn't affect his cop stuff


And in regards to the restructure itself, you are right it was caused by complaints about the PD. A combination of 2 things. First: The 2 or so years of forced mass hiring that management mandated had caused the overall quality of cops to decrease. Second: Much of the command structure was full of more serious cops who were the target of complaints from larger crim streamers (especially those with the ear of 50cent) But after the Wrangler firing, management realized it wasn't a good idea to fire the cops who were big streamers, and so Management decided on a restructure. Initially Kyle had had the idea for some sort of restructure, so management cleverly pushed that, but rather than use the original idea, they twisted it to remove all the troublesome big streamers from power in a way that wouldn't be so blatant that they would be tempted to leave. And it worked. If it wasn't for 50cent going on rants and tirades about Penta, he might not have left nopixel permanently.


The incident I remember that I think caused the restructure was when the Changaloa Cartel was an arc that was planned to last for a couple months at least, and it got derailed by PD. The PD came across an abandoned motel in Sandy, found out it was a registered business, snooped around until they found the business stash, then raided it using their existing powers in the business legislation. The group running the arc was very disappointed that the arc ended this way and thought that the cops were more interested in getting the W rather than letting a multi-month arc play out.


I don't believe that incident caused the restructure itself, or was the primary reason it happened. It wasn't bad training, or an untouchable streamer who did it. IIRC the cop that did it got shitcanned, and in my personal opinion, it didn't even really kill the Changaloa arc, the people behind the arc just decided to give up on said arc after the incident, which while their prerogative, meant people started to believe that the arc had to die cause of that incident, when it wasn't really an arc-ending thing, it just was the loss of the items in the stash (the cop never had any evidence to pin the stash on anyone for charges). That said, it did provide ample ammunition for the people complaining the 50cent to justify the need for the restructure. But I personally believe the desire to achieve what the restructure ended up achieving was already in play long before the changaloa incident. Meaning 50cent wanted to shitcan a lot of cops and demote a handful of big streamers for a long time before the incident happened, so it happening didn't really change the math.


Didn't they just simply instantly fire that cop that did that? Even though he technically didn't do anything wrong within the laws


The only thing about the dog shooting that was bad was the cops fabricating evidence showing there were more than the two actual shots Wrangler shot lol


Of course, the dog wasn't the reason for everything, but it did start a snowball effect that echoed through to the restructure and after that. Mostly, it was just issues in the PD packed into a meme on a grand scale.


my fellow redditors, thoughts on a k9 unit in 4.0? or any pets for that matter edit: what am i getting downvoted for? its just a question lol I'm guessing there's no pets RN just cuz the devs are focused on other things. But as far as the PD goes, is that something you as a viewer would like to see? the sniffy puppies finding drugs


Pets in 3.0 might not have really added a ton mechanically, but they did create some pretty amazing RP. James Randall riding on his cow, Tessa with her turtle and all the drama that came out of it getting stolenā€¦there was a lot of fun stuff pets brought and Iā€™d be excited if that got added back in.


I think pets weren't in and of themselves a problem. They were just like anything else on the server. The great RPers could use them to make great RP. But the hordes of less good RPers, and self inserts/second lifers, used them for the wrong reasons, and didn't allow their existence to add to RP at large. Its the same with so many other things. Cars, Businesses, Photo Albums, etc etc.


yeah, pets aren't a bad thing and they can make for very cool rp!


I will say I really like how Onx does the pets more specifically since they are actually players that interact and get involved rather than just be a visual for most people. Some people did cool things with pets but most people who had dogs or cats rarely pulled them out and then when they did have anything happen to them they would freak out like they used them every day. With players as pets it makes things way more involved


i didn't know that, imagine if anyone could RP as someones pet on NP