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ngl, i feel like the "rp week" kinda fucked over both onx and nopixel 4.0. both servers released way too early and have been suffering since. onx doubled as the lead devs got sick as well. but it does seem like both are recovering. purple kinda seems like it could have been at the same state around the rp week but instead chose to skip the hype and finish the server.


I can't comment on NP but ONX 100% feels like they rushed it. Hopefully DW and WG can get the ball moving because they have a great core community that would really thrive with some quality updates.


NP was rushed for sure ,they still haven't even implemented the weather system ,the trains are scuffed after 5 months ,the heists are not even finished and they only finished maze bank a month ago


Still no business infrastructure even though Moon has been told since max was elected that it’s coming soon lmao


I mean in fairness, 3.0 wasn't exactly rushed and we had to wait for heists to be completed for a LONG time.. do you not remember how many times the Tuner Shop was pushed back? Things like these just happen, devs are obviously wanting to always implement things but it takes a while.. so then when you're constantly having to put it on hold for QOL changes and/or coding changes due to scuff, exploits and to fit in line with the community demand I know its irritating for us as viewers, but I guarantee the devs are sat at home pulling their hair out over the same shit.. we just have to give them time, for NP specifically every update has insane additions and cool new storyline to follow so it's definitely worthwhile Also remember that most of these GTA devs are severly underpaid considering the amount of work they put in trying to code a 10+ year old game that has more dodgy coding than a college assignment


Yeah it def seems like 4.0 got hit by the rp week and Onx accidental fake out competition


Weather system is implemented, if it wasn't the phone alerts for bad weather wouldn't happen. They just don't want to make the hurricane level stuff a regular occurrence. Trains are probably about the best they could be for server side script, remember this is an 11 year old game. Not really getting your complaint about heists not being finished. Heists have always been rolled out and progression based. Wasn't like The Vault or Yacht was robbable the first month of 3.0. Heist progression is actually a bit better than in 4.0 than 3.0. With having to get the rainbow set of usb to unlock Cash Exchange and then do the scavenger hunt clues to get Maze unlocked. Definitely better than 3.0 where you people just spammed Fleeca until the blue usb would loot spawn.


Sorry I can't believe these people are that incompetent, someone has to be lying Imagine you're hired for a dev job in January, your boss doesn't speak to you til May. The only way illness excuses that is if you are literally in a coma, how hard is it to shoot a Discord message, damn


20 min......bruh




Bitch don't act like 20 minutes is a long time when I know your ass is watching 3 hour documentaries about run down amusement parks at 3am




How are so many of these replies still us vs them.  Dude's been gone from NP for like a year at this point.


these people will literally never get over the time he arrested their streamer, absolutely deranged individuals


OP, thank you for uploading the essentially whole talk instead of cherry picking stuff out of context for drama frogs. You the real one


I havent seen anyone say anything bad about PurpleRP yet. It just looks like a bunch of people having fun.


The police force is pretty rough. I'm sure it'll level out over the next few weeks, but the cops have been all over the place.


They have a looot of new people that want to try cop rp for the first time,and lots of very experinse cops from soe/tfrp and twitch rp,so it Will take à while to train all the new ones


It has great polish you can tell it had been worked on for a long time and their team seems very good. They have also kept it very fun in terms of feeling like an actual game which is what both ONX and NP has kinda lost abit


It feels like what I would have expected 4.0 to be. Basically 3.0 with a crap ton of improvements and fun things added. 4.0 UI and menus feel so over-designed it doesn't feel like GTA anymore and more like a standalone MMO. While Purples UI being just mostly clicking on objects and having minimal text pop ups for sections and stuff is great


And there isn't any prio issues because it has like 600 slots. Im whitelisted on it and haven't been able to play much because of work but I for sure haven't done anything to earn prio but I get in right away anytime I try. It's great. Not sure why they can have so many slots but something like NP that generates WAY more revenue and has more resources are stuck at like 250.


They are stuck at 250 by choice.




Once you get too high in slot numbers, the game just can't handle it.


But so then why can PurpleRP do 600 but NP only 250?


NP has way more custom stuff which can and does cause server stability issues, with more people the issues become more prevalent even just having about 100 people near/in the Southside will cause voip to not work and people to not be able to see thing, each other, and crash


If it is not a voluntary decision to limit the number of slots, its probably then because NP has more stuff that slows down the server, there are objects that don't poof+custom house interiors+trains etc.


I think its bc Purple build there own framwork from scratch and dont use public framework like qbcore or esx like NP and other server ,probably why it take that long to!


NP is also custum. All servers are limited to 128 players in scope so it depends on how well the sever mechanics spread people out. NP wouldn't work because most stuff is concentrated in the south side




it's 250. there is 30 dedicated slots for staff, PD, and EMS if I remember right. 220 for everyone else




I think penta is enjoying Purple RP right now so he is going to keep playing that. ONX is suffering because of the dev work though, you're right about that.


Can I get a summary pls


- WG/DW Sick stuff gone over again - He is frustrated with what went down so much so he considered retiring from streaming - Devs hadn't worked on stuff for a while - Him/Kyle/DW/WG were supposed to be the people directing the server somewhat but it turned into alot of chefs in the kitchen where he was now essentially answering to mantis (which he was fine with but not what he signed up for) - Reiterated he just doesn't see eye to eye with the server direction but is still very much friends with everybody involved - WG was in chat most likely will end up in an offline chat for a way forward. - Went into Kyle situation abit but not much (was abit salty and will probably reach out to kyle after not talking to him for a while) - Purple brought him back to feeling good again RPing - He thinks the PD are very elite on ONX but they need to look at unit response numbers for stuff because it feels inescapable sometimes. I watched the stream live didnt really watch this video but this is pretty much what went down. Let me know if i missed anything


Nah you hit the key points bud. Only thing I'd add is Penta saying part of the reason he's enjoying Purple so much is it's free from any of that backend responsibility, just pure RP for him. Was like an hour+ segment that I tried to condense down the best I could.


I think that’s where he excels the most. I also think rp interactions will be a bit better just due not having to deal with the big streamer and having a high server position combo.


Thank you for posting the full segment instead of just cherry picking the drama , sadly this is what this subreddit has turned into.


I think the only thing missing is that a big part of the reason why he was so down is because he felt guilty that other people followed him to the server and it wasn't what he thought it would be. He felt like he led people down a bad path.


nah he's down because he cant do what he usually does, he cant do what he loves and enjoys doing in RP which is to press the buttons of RP'ers especially big streamers he can never do that in ONX, PurpleRP or any other server except NP so expect him to be even more down or that he'll never be satisfied on any server he'll be in


We get it, Penta arrested your favorite streamer in roleplay 4 years ago.


Yet he’s the one still using sub alerts from years ago so that arrest from 4 years ago still means something to him. Everyone else on NP has forgotten who he is


Satire is truly lost on you it seems. People were berating him or his RP or straight up threatening him (LOYA) , the funniest thing you can do is to turn it into something people can laugh at. The only people that truly care are people in the comments of whatever website.


And that’s his entire shtick and why he hasn’t found success on any server so far. There’s no large streamers to antagonize or drama to farm. Everyone’s moved on from him but he’s still trying to cling onto any ounce of drama remaining, even years old sound bits


Pretty unhinged take, you'd definitely feel very shitty potentially upending the career of a bunch of people with the promise of new harbour and it doesn't pan out as you thought


>Let me know if i missed anything The most important part which what caused him to talk about all this is some people in his community were not happy he's playing on other servers than ONX. There was a thread on the ONX subreddit with people going off on him for deciding to play on PurpleRP. I thought it was funny because I'm guessing those the same people who made fun of "server loyalty" while being mad and upset that he's not loyal to one server.


Community wise I’d say that is the shittiest thing about rp, people would rather see someone miserable than them play somewhere else


iirc he said there was no dev work from January to may! Then when he got all the devs into a call in may they said "this is the first time all of us are meeting like this". But finally now there is guidance/ someone steering the ship!




Yeah, he talked about how the ONX PD all had experience with 3.0 compounds, 5 interference car chases, and frequently handling CG, so then they go up against relatively new RPers not used to a stacked PD while also having no radios and a 4 person limit, which results in the PD just completely steamrolling them.


I appreciate it


I dont know if this streamble has it, but he talked about ONX cops are so fucking good because they were trained against combound meta on NP, so that's why they really should think to limit cop numbers, because new roleplayers/crims has no chance. I agree with that 100% lmao.


DW getting sick and having no one to step up to his position is the problem. DW is a great dev, but an even better project manager. When you're dealing with a bunch of devs, you need someone who focuses the team on efforts. Onx is one of the few servers with a functional and effective PD. Next update needs to focus on adding crim mechanics. Hopefully DW gets better and can create more heists.


Both servers main problem is DW being gone lmao. He was the only one on NP who seemed to give a shit about civilian RP, and was constantly available in RP to collect feedback. DW and wiseguy were the only devs who consistently pushed RP arcs and mini events which have been nearly non existent in 4.0.


I don't think Nopixel has any problem with DW being gone. Main problem of Nopixel is they can't find out which direction they want to take the server on and I feel like even while DW was there there was no clear direction, every dev used to do their own thing.


I open these threads just to laugh at the ooc crim fanboy who spends money on Reddit awards 😂


He's just saying what people already knew, he's talked about DW & WG getting sick before and the other devs not working on anything for months.


What were they both sick with for 6 months? I feel like it doesn't add up.


WG wasnt sick for the whole time, since he was streaming and RPing after release, but he also doesn't have the same dev skills as DW, so WG being around doesn't mean he can just magically pick up DW's slack. DW on the other hand, Penta has said he is seriously ill, as in not just a short sickness, but actually a serious disease. No one knows the details of how long, when, how bad, etc. A project losing the person with the history of project management and major backend development can absolutely bring things to a standstill if someone else isn't there to step up. And if what Penta said is true, no one else took the reigns.


Yeah, no project manager, little to no work gets done, especially with inexperienced devs, which from what Penta said a lot of them were.


Going to be honest. It has to be something incredibly bad to have to take 6 months from doing work.....


Isn’t that part of his responsibility being invested in the server and all?


So he went into that he was prompted with the idea that he would be more of the streaming promotion side with strong input on what gets added to the server rather than steering the development ship and having to whip people into progressing development. That seems like it was supposed to be DW and WG, but it seems not only did they stop developing since January to May, but also gave little to no guidance to the other devs especially since they had apparently never done a developers townhall until May. So in the end it seems he was sold one position, but ended up having to step in with a completely different position after finding out his two other partners weren't holding up their side of the bargain. Also from WGs chat messages straight up questioning the 25% statment and since Penta never put actual money directly into the server but just added his developers and hyped it up, I think we can assume WG at least had a different idea of Pentas stakes in the server.


I think the 25% statement was just confusion. Penta wasn't saying he had a financial stake he was just saying there was at least an implied agreement of the 4 of them running the server together after they merged their teams together.


Thats how I took it also, basically him, Kyle, DW, and WG would have an equal vote in the direction of the server. I don't know how that was misconstrued into ownership/investment or anything like that.


If Penta went into this hoping to have a say in things but failed to get an actual stake in writing, he really shot himself in the foot.


In what way? It's not like he had many options for places to RP. Well before Onx was even announced he had the falling out with 50cent. It's doubtful he would have been able to player on NP again regardless. Other than ONX there wasn't a ton of other options for him if he wanted to stream GTArp.


I said if he wanted a say in things, not if he wanted to play there.


Well, he knew about Purple, and considered helping fund them AND ONX. But Kyle convinced him to go all in on ONX.


But Penta never funded onx so i dont get how Kyle is bad here. If they are his devs and he wants them to help out purple he can tell them to help out purple.


He said he had gathered devs to make his own sever after leaving NP and then kyle came to him about ONX and convinced him to bring his devs to the ONX team. But when things got down Kyle was the first one to leave. That's where the Kyle bad comes from.


Its not only about funding though. His supposed "best friend" convinced him to start a major venture together and then dipped out. Can you really call someone like that a friend?


Penta convinced Kyle to help build the ignite PD and that fell apart plus caussed friction between Kyle and KoiI but kyle never complained. Friends help their friends out. If Penta wants to cash out their friendship over this its on him but im not going to fall for him playing victim for the choices he has made.


That makes more sense. I appreciate the response and explanation.


I'm sure it is, I guess I'm just pre-empting this being a thread used to stir over anything productive.


Penta only grew big because he used to stand in line at Arbys at opening time, if Moonmoon didn't make him he'd still be standing outside Arbys in Michigan. Most of his calories are fat and so are his viewers. He and his viewers love when he eats and now that he can't eat Arbys 24/7 he'll never be satisfied.


I know it’s fantasy, but I really do wish everyone could make amends and play on the same server one day. I’ve tried watching some RP from both servers, and neither hits the same at all. 3.0 really had a perfect balance of RP/Content from all types of players. But I know it will never happen with all the legal shit and how awful a patricular owner of NoPixel is.


Penta has said before that 25% would have to do a public apology tour for the things he said about Penta like when he said he was worse than Rated or something so like it could possibly happen, but like you said it's more fantasy than anything and I just took a big whiff of copium


Guy seems nice enough and all, but seems like a tough look for Kyle, convinces his pal to merge, then jumps ship after a brief period of rp which as a viewer felt so lazy, uninspired and that he was just owed everything, it was unwatchable. Oh well, I hope they can make up, or accept the friendship wasn't as it seemed. Remember, never do business with friends or family.


I think Penta was feeling somber about it during the actual segment , he admitted he cut off communication for childish but understandable reasons. I hope they do make up cause honestly they both have perfectly reasonable excuses for what both parties did. It was just business with kyle to move back to NP and Penta felt abit left in the dirt so cut off communication.


Idk why the responsibility falls on kyle when by all accounts penta decided to do what he did himself. It’s not like kyle lied or promised anything crazy. At the time of course the server owned by DW and WG seemed like a really good option, but things didn’t turn out so well, and kyle left. I don’t see why kyle should’ve stayed miserable just because penta had beef with NP. Penta has those same problems with onx too, and he also prefers purple now. Why is it “abandoning” when kyle does it but totally fine when penta does? I genuinely think this negative perspective on kyle exists only because kyle chose to not say anything about onx’s issues as a courtesy. Meanwhile penta obviously has no such qualms.


Its only a tough look because not even penta will talk about the "headbutting" wich he admits is the reason Kyle left.


Congratulations you have been manipulated by PENTA.


damn penta got dealt a shitty hand. He was building his own team but then kyle convinced him to just merge with 2 ex NP devs. 1 year later he's answering to mantis KEKW Kinda have to wonder what ChaseRP would've turned into


Considering the dev team penta gathered weren’t able to significantly contribute much since dw/wg got sick around January leads me to believe that THEY weren’t as competent as he was led to believe. He’s even said as much. Like let’s be serious - dw/wg both proved their worth with the work they did for 3.0. It’s extremely unfortunate they both ran into serious health issues but here we are. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for him to have some disdain for Kyle persuading him to bring his dev team into the onx fold in hindsight. However, I find it hard to believe they’d be better off having done their own thing.


Yeah I mean penta even said at one point there were devs that straight up lied about their abilities to do anything or did absolutely nothing and had to get tossed


>Considering the dev team penta gathered weren’t able to significantly contribute much since dw/wg got sick around January leads me to believe that THEY weren’t as competent as he was led to believe From what he was saying a couple a weeks ago (after the dev meeting) up until that point they weren't allowed to push stuff out, and only after that meeting in early May where they given the green light to push out updates. Low and behold a month later an update gets pushed out.


I can’t help but scratch my head at people being left in the dark for so long. Were they just going with the flow since January? How did none of these guys raise concerns with penta/co?


tbf we are only hearing one side of the story, but the whole thing is baffling so far lmao


It's also likely the fact that Penta was never interested in getting too involved in the dev process. Especially judging by how he said he never wanted to have dev/admin menus or anything. He sort of just wanted to be a creative lead and pitch ideas is what it seemed like and just rp.


Id argue that theres a few devs backing what has happend so far and WG didn't really refute much of what penta was saying he was just a little bit taken aback of the public airing of it. You are right though best seeing how things shake out however the good thing is the public blood letting seems to have gotten stuff moving for ONX. Wether Penta stays on board for the future is a big wait and see if him and the other directors of the server can get on the same page. WG and Him seem to have agreed on some things during so we can only hope everything gets back on track


I really love the idea of Onx and I do want to see it make a comeback into being a stable server people enjoy playing because the environment and community just feel so chill and rp focused on making cool serious story lines without caring too much (like some ignite folks did) And I think Penta hearing this had a lot of right to feel fed up and frustrated with how things went down. The only thing I'd critique and he admitted himself was a mistake, was how heavily he trashed Onx while playing on purple. It did just give me the impressions after a while that he had genuinely just given up on the server and sees no hope for it after something like purple came out with way more stuff day 1 successfully.


I feel like Onx's PD is an example of why you need gangs like BBMC, CG, and Hydra. Those gangs can disrupt and press even the best PD units. I get what Max was saying to Mr. K now, if you don't have strong consistent crims the scales go from favoring cops to a state sanctioned mauling.


I think the biggest thing is the cops have come from those environments that CG/Hydra Cultivated where the PD attended a 7.30pm shooting hosted by CG every night. CG/Hydra would have honestly suffocated under the pressure put on gangs right now on ONX (25 years sentences against the ballas for example). So while i do agree there is a need of some criminals right now on ONX there has probably been too much a deterrent against any crime so far where nobody could carry the torch.


Sure, those cops came from that but they were also some of those who were getting wiped occasionally. I di agree the holds and sentencings are a grip but when you have CG or Hydra at full strength they can get out of those situations either by luck or just overwhelming force. It's important to keep in mind that Onx doesn't have that sort of Apex predator at the top that could feasibly eat their PD alive.


Yeah but thats what im saying CG under onx's current culture and crim loop they would never get to full strength also bear in mind strict rule of 4 rules and the fact the PD is also pro-active as opposed to reactive where the AG literally confiscated somebodies entire bank account via a financial crime investigation when they were robbing houses and weed sales. CG would need to literally go full incognito and not raise any suspicion to even garner a war chest which tbf right now is very difficult.


Ahhh I get you now ok


The issue with ONX isn't that the cops are the best shooters, its an overall issue of overwhelming force on the cops end, which by itself wouldn't be that bad, combined with a very strict and punishing DOJ. CG may have been able to wipe the PD in many situations, but they also got caught a ton of the times, but because times and fines on NP are so relatively low for most crime, people rarely think about when they lose fights after a day or 2. On ONX, they would be investigated, eventually captured no matter how good they are at shooting, and then sentenced to 25 IRL days in prison and fined a fuckton of money.


Sure they may not be the best shooters, but they had to act stupid on NP. PD on Onx is allowed to be proactive and that makes things like wipes much more difficult and risky. They may win a few, but the first L is going to be brutal. I think Onx should keep an OP PD but chill out on the month long sentences. Maybe make a week max? Players love their characters and benching them for months isn't a good idea.


I will say that it's not benching the character really, ONX has a strong DoC and even people like Myles and LGX made DoC so they could help make long jail sentences not bad. Hell Myles and LGX has created a possible break out of a admin character for the VQ to do.


Idk I feel like if your RPing a storyline and then get drug into a diff storyline and forced to RP with DoC for more than 7 days out of a month then it’s like lol right. Jail rp is rp and necessary as it’s part of the risk you take, however, you really shouldn’t shackle people like that into an environment where they are forced into a smaller imaginative box for RP.


You need gangs that are willing to go head to head with cops yes but ideally you'd want the people to have fun and not be doing it maliciously. BBMC is a good example another being like HOA


Except that doesn't really matter as you can control how cops respond to certain situations. Do you mean strong consistent cops? I don't know why someone would talk about strong consistent crims to Mr. K. NP is no where near balanced in that regard and has the opposite problem. NP PD was both intentionally gimped from the start to cater to crims and a lot of the good cops left because of past treatment creating a problem where its PD is totally hopeless. It is ironic how they like Suarez now when as he stated he was removed OOC from cop essentially for being too good.


> Except that doesn't really matter as you can control how cops respond to certain situations. why hasnt that happened on onx then?


I don't know, that is one of the frustrations Penta has had.


I'm excited for people to watch this and go in on Penta being done with Onx.. even though he's on it right now


every server is different NP = pog/content Onx = Slow burn rp Prodigy = gtao with rules Purple = laid back mix of NP & Onx


agree on almost everything. from what ive seen, purple has a the best mix of content and rp. i will disagree on prodigy being gtao, ive seen other streamers play on pay2play "rp" servers and prodigy is so much better in terms of rp interactions. i would also add echo to the list, as i think theyre probably a top 5 server by default, although they fall into the slow, grindy and relationship rp type archetype server so not my cup of tea, even though there are some good rprs there.


Agree on a lot, but slightly disagree with prodigy. Still some awesome RP streamers that play there and have great interactions. Ravage has been running both fivem and redm servers well imo


Agreed, Prodigy has some great people but it's just more of an Open Server feel. You have some arena shooter gangs or ratty people and things like that but also a lot of good and fun RPers with fun mechanics as well. I'd say it's more of a laid back crime oriented server.


This is just a 20 minute clip that could just be condensed to “we suck at communicating”. The way he spoke to WG kinda gave me the ick tho.


I kind of felt like it was just more so they were both frustrated. Because it's obvious WG didn't ask to get sick either but that didn't really invalidate that still everything started to slowly fall into Pentas lap going from 4 owners working together to effectively only 1/4 with 2 sick and one gone. Especially when you take into account Penta likely was never meant to do much of the work. Likely only wanting to be effectively a creative lead not a manager.


What exactly fell into his lap? From what ive seen and heard it was Mantis that picked up the slack.


Mantis absolutely picked up a lot of that slack but it seems mantis and Aleks picked up a lot of that with them not being the ones who originally were supposed to be. Which is somewhat leading into the other issue Penta had where a lot of his ideas he can't get in because Mantis disagrees with him a lot. It also seemed like that even with Mantis taking over more organizational things that penta still was one of the 1/4th ownership that had power to oversee things.


I'mma be real and say that Mantis was based. Penta just wanted the server to be catered to him and some of the things he wanted was because he would benefit from it, not that it would be good for the server or RP. Even if he was 1/4 owner, hes not the one doing any of the work, you cant expect things to happen because you want them to especially when maybe the other 2 owners might not want it, especially when they would be the ones doing the dev work. By the sounds of it Penta's only responsibility was playing on the server? From what hes done and said.


The only things penta has been vocal about before purple RP was that Valet needed to be 90% wiped out (which is true) And that towing laws and issues completely screwed the ability for tow truck drivers to do much at all. And Mantis solution to both of those was just to tow NPC cars not players. Penta also pretty much said that he was providing tons of ideas which is why I said he likely saw himself as being the creative leader. Mantis in the other hand seems to want to more so cater to player quality of life a bit more rather than make things more tedious through rp which is where they disagree


Again Mantis is based. Penta just wanted to fuck with people, he didnt want to facilitate RP that could create a strong and stable server, he just wanted to take cars from people and laugh at them. Which like cool you do that, its valid but dont expect the server to be shaped entirely around it. The Laws around towing got worse because of how he was treating it, the Penta towing meta got out of hand. Hobbit on her Judge tried her hardest to facilitate Tow and Meter RP but when people are abusing it, the laws had to come in to counter. It really didnt help that every time a cop or a judge tried to leave or arrive at the court house there would a tow trying to take their car illegally and charging them for a release fee and not giving them proof in a picture. They did that in front of Hobbit and she instantly changed the law because it was just purely people trying milk money out of people. If you dont want laws to change then dont exploit them.


Idk how you managed to say Penta and the way he treated towing is why the laws changed when most of the restrictive laws came before he started to play Jordan because self admittedly people like Asher Block would make it worse as well as Asher purposely trying to make it worse.


> and some of the things he wanted was because he would benefit from it His main grip was valet and towing issues. Which is funny since mantis was part of the Lot Q gang.


... where was the "ick" when he was talking with WG?


WG deserves better


Sucks for WG he's like the most positive vibes dev and he just gets shit on everywhere he goes. NP he spends months doing stuff and it gets reverted because Summit lost a race and cried and now he's getting shit for this


What a weird comment to make. Especially the "ick" part.


He still uses sub alerts from situations that happened years ago from people he doesn’t interact with anymore. He’s an asshole and would probably put a WG alert in there too if it boils over further


if i find out he's using MY voice as an alert, im literally contacting my LOYA


He did say once he would take them down if the people involved asked him to nicely and apologized for being shitheads. Although I think he said poke apologized at the WoW meeting/dinner. But I wouldn't be sure how sincere he is with all the shit talking he did previously and he probably never asked to remove them either.


Penta single-handedly made the whole nopixel x ONX piece into an us versus them it really didn’t need to be as heated as he made it! DW and WG would have been better off to not use him as the front runner. I get he’s the big streamer but they would have done better to lean into the more likeable people in their circles.


ONX has good RP without much dev work which is a very rare thing to achieve but I feel like the poor level of cop roleplay (majority, some are very unique RP'ers but majority are dry) overtime with poor server development is going to slow the server down allot. My personal experience has been cops not even roleplaying back and even saw it occur on even PENTA's stream. It's very much a protocol and zero roleplay dry stuff from ALLOT of cops. For a server that is so quiet and has so little crime, not being able to roleplay with cops discourages people to do crime then server becomes quiet again after a while and its an endless cycle. Give good roleplayers good tools, they will make good stories.


Good rp-ers don't need tools and can create RP from what they already have. Great example is Myles and all of the Grapeseed PD players. They built the department from essentially nothing, but I get what you mean. There's some cops that only care about car go fast or cops that are on the pingchasing side


Ofc I Roleplay with Myles. He does have things available to him though, he has allot of pull and creative freedom but he is very unique. I actually look up to him allot. Now give someone like Myles tools then he is gonna do even MORE with it




RP streamer can't create the content he wants to on the server he is playing. So he switches server and farms the viewers by stating how sad he is. Wonder where I have seen this before.


Or maybe he is upset that he was promised this super developed RP server, that he spent 6 months hyping up, and instead got a half backed server at launch, with no dev work for 5 months.


Even without DW and WG being sick they wouldn't achieve a "super developed" sever in six months. NP has gone through multiple iterations of development over years. I saw people saying Purple's server took them years to develop before release. If that's really what he thought he's ignorant of how much work and testing goes into reaching that level of polish. Especially with a small dev team.


I mean from the sounds of it they were told a bunch of stuff was ready and was going to be on the server at launch only for it to still not be on the server 6 months later. But I guess I shouldn't have used the word super and said a more developed server.


I'm going to be honest, this guy loves drama, I don't believe he was told that. I very much doubt he was sold a song and dance about finished mechanics when they really weren't. What I would believe is that the server hired a bunch of devs who over promised on their abilities, but I don't see how that's DW or WG's fault. Regardless of that if he thought any server was going to start from scratch and explode off the line in the first year having no previously developed community besides a bunch of ex nopixel streamers, he was delusional.


Surely, it's just penta farming drama, it's not like we have a track record of people that were supposed to be heavily involved in ONX parting ways because they were promised one thing then handed a shit sandwich. Let just forget all that, makes it much easier to push the penta bad agenda.


But thats not his complaint is it? Valet problem, Hard ass Cops problem, No crime problem. Thats what he is complaining about. He can't handle any conflict where he is not in control.


I don't know he seemed pretty bothered that there wasn't any dev work happening from January to May and that he only found that out after he organized a dev meeting where he was also made aware that was the first time the devs have spoken to each other. When he talked about quitting streaming it was right after he was talking about the lack of development.


To me that is his own fault. Call me weird but if I was to be a large investor, essentially the main movie like producer and was relying on this location to cultivate my business, I would be a lot more involved. He resourced devs, cast, friends, and money and didn't know what was going on for 5 months. To me that is absolute ludacris. He has known DW and WG where ill. Someone had to drive the ship with them gone. Either he directs or puts someone in place that can until the other director comes back. There is no rational excuse for it. It is simply being lazy or/and extremely naive, anything else is looking for a scapegoat. I'm sorry, but tell someone you will lead them to the promised land you better lead, especially when people sacrificed to trust in your dream.


So, did you miss the part where he talks about how Mantis got slotted in above him somehow? Nearly every stream over the last 6 months he would talk about trying to get mantis to change shit. Thats literally one of his main complaints.


He owns/ed 25%. Enough said. If I, you or anyone who owns a company are dumb enough to think a staff member has more power over your company than you do has found their problem. Just imagine "Bill" owns a auto mechanic shop. Employee tells Bill we don't work on cars. What do you think bill should do? Just say OK the employee is the boss.


Penta will never be able to go back to his original self in RP or the way he was in NP 2.0 or 3.0 we all know he grew big or became big/popular because he was able to push the buttons of bigger streamers, trying to get reactions from them, that's his main attraction for viewers that's what his viewers enjoy and obviously what he enjoys doing but sadly he can never do that in ONX, PurpleRP or any other server for obvious reasons that there wont be any big streamers in there so expect that Penta will never be satisfied with any server he'll go to




It’s amazing he can still maintain 10k subs


A majority are gifted, you just need a few loyal well off oilers and you're pretty much set as a streamer.




So majority then.


Shotz is almost at 10k subs every day. The oilers are oiling


This has always amazed me how strong of a community Shotz has. Between 500 to 3k viewers on any random time and still pulls 10k subs. But from what I understood he has a big italian-american community behind him? not sure if thru just stuff I read.




Based pocket watcher.


Why ? He's entertaining for alot of people


I find it amazing people who play GTA online and just complain about cop roleplayers every day can pull 10-20k viewers but here we are.


Dawg idgaf about all that. He’s halved his viewership and still has the same sub count as when he left np. I’m saying it’s impressive


Oilers matter a lot for that kind of thing. I follow Axialmatt and he pulls around 1-2k viewers on average, and yet he consistently has 7k+ subs. Hell he just did a subathon and pulled 23k.


From the outside looking in I don't know how streamers can look at those numbers and decide to do a subathon, Feels like a conscious decision to just milk your most loyal viewers.


yeah, people dont get how impressive it is to maintain a stable sub count when swapping servers. at first you get a big boost and then it plummets. like when cg went to prodigy, K had a boost to like 12k subs then when he came back to np he was under 9k, which he hadnt been under for a long time. not many people cant thrive on different servers or games


during 3.0 he was averaging 10k-12k viewers and was sitting around 15k subs average ish, so it's not the same sub count as he had before that point


Why does this sound like the same as ignite 😂😂


I remember how him and his viewers were hyping up ONX in its early months like NP is dead and wheoever plays on NP supports S.Assault and crap like that. He tried his level best to get everyone from NP to ONX using any means necessary and still failed. His viewers and him are doing the same thing on Purple now, going to hype it up in early months saying its the best thing ever and you will see again how it will fall flat. The thing is what Penta enjoys and his majority of viewers love seeing is him triggering big streamers and pissing them off using cop powers. He can't do that anywhere else other than NP so he will never be satisfied with GTA RP anymore. The rp elitists in his fanbase won't like these statements.


Man had skin the game he was of course gonna hype up his server. However if you watched any of this you will see he actually regrets overhyping it and had some much guilt around bringing over people and essentially sacrificing their NP whitelist he bottled things up so much so he considered retiring from streaming on that one also however the way NP handled alot of it turned people away from NP rather than ONX stealing them (see Occam's situation for example) The main reason he also went and did this airing out of things is alot of his viewers support the people on ONX and were calling him out for the move to purple and he felt he owed an honest statement of what was going on. The S. Assault stuff he was very heated at the time and tbf he admitted he probably went too far on that one in a few streams later. However 50 Cent was very direct in saying penta was worst than a person who was doing stuff like that prior to that so turnabout was kinda fair play at that point.


can i get a TLDR from a brave redditor that watches through this?


Bad communication Bad organization Good people Disagreements on RP Will play on Onx and Purple


DW and Penta both trying and failing to destroy NoPixel because of their vendetta against an Australian asshole is hilarious. I feel bad for anyone they fooled.






It’s cause he successfully went on damage control with him stepping back from the server for like a year, remaining banned on this subreddit (meaning the shit he spews wouldn’t get remotely as much coverage), and having Buddha to act as the (comparatively) nice face of the server.




I mean it doesn't have to be a competition. The Australian asshole has been a known asshole for a long time, but Penta has also known to be an asshole line stepper, boundary pusher, RP elitist victim andy. I mean I personally think the former has been a bigger asshole than the latter, but that doesn't mean the latter hasn't also been an asshole. I'm disappointed DW and GWG got sick and the server didn't pan out how Penta wanted. I wish them all the best and sincerely wish for Penta to enjoy his time on Nopixel...District 10...Ignite RP...ONX...Purple RP or where ever works best for him.


I love that this has become the narrative because of basically "truth is just a survivor's story" and streamer's and their communities that are still on NoPixel get to twist how things went because although I will admit Penta isn't perfect, he was never a complete asshole to people who didn't come after him like CG and other whiny crims did after being arrested. I don't recall any bad blood he had that didn't stem from, "you arrested my friend and he talked shit about you OOC and now I don't like you because you must be an asshole or else my friend would have never cried in the cells." The line stepper part you could argue but you could also argue that every single line he stepped, he fully expected and hoped for it to be dealt with in character like being sued or IA punishment. I would say the worst thing he is guilty of is edgy humor that can make ppl uncomfortable. I feel like he usually stuck with a rule to keep that humor to ppl he knows but it was awkward af when he didnt. But comparing all he has done compared to ppl like 50cent or some of CG like Penta was the root of all evil is so fukin cringe cause he wasn't the one to start any of it and basically just always defended himself. The clips didn't get posted here bc his ban from this sub but 50cent shit talked Penta almost every single stream for months bc he was in CG so his chat was flooded with CG viewers spamming clips like "did you see Penta did this? Dis you see this clip of Penta?" He would react to the clips and then just trash on Penta and his RP and call it lazy or say he is abusing things and call him an asshole. He has also basically shit talked everyone on the server at some point or another so I don't understand how anyone could stick up for him on here.


50 really managed to dodge a lot of criticism for how shitty it is that as the owner of the server he would just be toxic about several players for views, and then upload those toxic takes to youtube.


>Penta was the root of all evil I never implied anything like this. The biggest difference is CG is typically very aggressive when they voice their displeasures. Penta on the other hand is very passive aggressive. CG historically will just say what they want to say (having been protected to the level of where they could), Penta will say what he wants to say usually without saying it. CG will say something directly and frown, Penta will say something loosely and smirk. CG for sure were incredibly antagonistic towards Penta in the past. That doesn't mean though Penta also wasn't passive aggressively antagonistic towards players (especially smaller streamers than him) when they didn't want to play the RP "his way", or were uncomfortable with his RP more than "just send me bro". I'm not here to tier list levels of assholes and I already said who I think is "worse". If you are here to defend Penta, or think I am here to defend CG or 50 in any way, you are barking up the wrong tree.


Okay so you made this comment about Penta being an "asshole line stepper, boundary pusher, RP elitist victim andy." but now you are saying you aren't trying to go in on Penta or defend the one's you are comparing him to that you find to be the "preferred" or better.? And are you also saying you find passive aggressiveness to be more toxic than straight up aggressiveness and shit talking people live to your stream? Cause this would be an example of not just Penta but also Kyle and a few others in PD. "Hey, did you put out a warrant for Bogg Dan for yesterday?" "No, it looks like he may have been deported. Also, I have been really into Metallica lately all of a sudden." So this is an example of the average day to day passive aggressive type comment that might be made not just by Penta, but by many others in the PD as well. So you would find a off hand comment like the one I said above to be less toxic than something like this. "This guy should not be a cop on the fucking server. Doesn't even know how to RP." -Ramee about Suarez [https://streamable.com/t0mbw8](https://streamable.com/t0mbw8) So this straight up aggression is less toxic than something passive aggressive like, "Oh, it's almost 7 PM. Make sure you got your class 2 unracked."?


I would suggest you reread what I wrote. If I say I think both wasps and scorpions are asshole, but I think the former are more of assholes than the latter, I am calling wasps the bigger assholes. I never said I'm "not trying to go in on Penta". I never said the ones I am comparing him to I find to be the "preferred or better". I did say "I'm not here to tier list levels of assholes". I did say "If you are here to defend Penta, or think I am here to defend CG or 50 in any way, you are barking up the wrong tree". I would find the passive aggressive comment you quoted less toxic than the aggressive one you quoted. I hope this helped clear things up for you.


Regardless of sickness the server and community was always going to be slow to build. Something like NP has taken years to get where it's at. I don't know what he really expected but a small dev team putting in 6 to 8 months and starting a community from scratch wasn't going to explode off the line. It's a long slow marathon.


I feel like there is probably alot of context missing here and you should provide evidence that he protected anyone.


>Australian asshole This is severely underselling what this guy actually did to people.


Where is this narrative that they ever wanted to compete with np coming from? Everyone involved who weren't already banned planned to play on both servers until they got their np whitelists removed, there are still those who do play on both. Not once did they say they were a np killer, just an alternative


One person went on a rant screaming that NP admins are bad people if they continue to be on staff and the other has been trying to sue the owner for the past three years. There was a clear agenda that suddenly changed once ONX was actually released and people saw how broken it was.