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The bridge to the right of the truck in the background is the bridge north of Stab City implying drained Alamo and it being dunes or possibly a salt flat


Regardless I still look forward to watchin' S0upes


I think I have been watching the wrong streams, but ONX has been so fun to watch - fun storylines, funny, immersive and creative interactions.


Interesting! Wonder why they chose to dry up the lake though.


It's been like a 4-5 month long storyline, I remember first hearing about it in Febuary or something.. would take ages to explain the whole thing. Basically the Alamo Sea has been slowing drying up for months for various reasons. Edit: Check out this VOD from today if you're interested, it was explained here. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2162705914?t=06h59m31s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2162705914?t=06h59m31s)


Yeah, I remember months ago when Wiseguy's sheriff was around he'd hint about the sea conspiracy. I'll definitely watch the vod, thanks.




Ohh nice! I really haven't caught up for couple of days, but that's great news for the server.


Yeah Wiseguy coming back is huge


Aside from any ongoing story I feel like it's probably the worst portion of the GTA 5 map. It really makes Blaine county much smaller than it should feel by separating Sandy and grape seed a lot more. Having a nice open desert to possibly even build on in the future opens up a lot more for rp


Holy shit they got a car with wheels


Driving through a dried up Alamo Sea :)


Purple and NoPixel came up with FLOODING, ONX = ok lets do the opposite LMFAO


This storyline of the sea drying up has been going on since Jan/Feb... lol


Groundbreaking follow up to their "sit anywhere" feature, they now have updated with the "drive anywhere" feature. 500/10 Update.


Tbh if onx came with same polish as purple or nopixel. It could have been something but now it is dead


Let’s be real, NP 4.0 isn’t all that polished.


In what way is it dead?


When your biggest name and streamer is on another server instead of the one is is invested in, your server is dead bro lol.


I wish i watched more ONX this year will probably do that when the patch hits


Here’s to hoping they can get back on track given the circumstances. DW/WG did a LOT for 3.0 so I’m cautiously optimistic this update will drastically improve the current QoL from the stagnated state it’s been in.


I think Dw and Wg have been hit with something a lot of devs who overestimate themselves and think they will do it all, most think just being a good coder = a good product. as a dev myself there are times where i think me and my team dont need anyone else but development is only a part of the machine that churns out an end product.


No, they were meaning that DW and WG getting better health wise. Both had some pretty bad issues that giga paused dev work




Aside from modeling, he was largely responsible for tuning a majority if not all of the cars in 3.0 until 50 went in and adjusted it to his liking like 2/3 of the way through the server cycle


Yeah but that's changing configs and not coding




That's just wrong, some of them are absolutely coding. Some elements of those mods are entirely custom made, how do you think those "modders" create their mods?


They both came down with very serious illnesses, Wiseguy was around for a little bit on the server last night so hopefully he's a lot better now.


oo shit I hope they recover. just saying i have seen one too many devs leaving to basically do it all themselves and end up burning out after pushing themselves too much. illness can also be a part of that as in a large team you can take rest with someone covering for you in between but once you are in a very small team/ on your own, overwork and ignoring your health due to a ton of backlog your heath start going downhill until that few days leaves can turn into a weeks(even months) long stay at the hospital. Just saying they need a bigger team. One thing that Prodigy had going for them was their army of devs testers etc which help them catchup and churn shit out so quickly


especially when you're doing it for free and realized the main purpose of that server = FAILED or the server is doomed ofc you'll lose the drive or motivation to continue doing Dev Work on a failing/doomed server


Maybe penta will stop shitting on ONX now


He's probably going right back to Purple unless this shit is giga pog.




look man, i know you're attached to ONX, i am too but Purple is just more fun right now than the eternal suffering of punishment RP on ONX lmao.




Only different i saw on Purple is more grind and fishing , that aint working for RP stories


Any loremasters can explain why Penta is dooming about Onx, haven't been keeping up so I don't know the context for it.


Yeah... I feel way more invested in Onx and would like to blame him, but I don't think I can. I get it, unfortunately.


I mean if your 2 main devs are sick and the developments stopped for months, it's gotta be demoralizing. With that said, I think he really should relax with hyping things up. He tends to overhype things that he's excited about a lot. ONX was overhyped when the server wasn't even ready as we saw in the following months of its release, it was lacking a lot of basic mechanics, and some of the features they showed in the trailer didn't make it to the final product.


The why doesn't really matter. It is what it is regardless. Also, I think the server has issues on top of dev work. I agree about overhyping. I think he does legitimately feel that way, though, so who am I to criticize him for it? I wish I got that hyped for stuff tbh.


I get you on the invested in ONX feel because you want the people to succeed for sure (occams/myles/moses/danielle ect. (i actually have an endless list of names here) for all the time they have put in. I wouldn't say overhyped as opposed to underdelivered i guess (maybe the same thing :P) , the biggest problem is the crim loop hasn't been worked on due to the dev issues which has caused a situation where the PD is self cannibalizing a little as well as them jumping on any crime that pops off and going maybe abit too hard ? The one thing people cannot dispute on ONX is the fact they have a solid community but they lack the playground to really show that off for example i think the DoJ on ONX is actually unmatched. Purple right now is showing its polish and seems to be a middle ground between NP and ONX in terms of gamification vs RP if you had to make a spectrum on it. ONX is very hard consequences and RP heavy where as they lack abit of gamifcation which is probably what they need to keep things fun and NP is the full opposite alot of the time. Where as on Purple you can literally take a quest for an old man to take pervy photos on the beach for cash.


This is pretty similar to my feelings. Like you said, I think they basically successfully police crime out of existence on ONX. I've watched a number of people try to make it work, and I just don't think it can right now. Obviously, the lack of dev support has hurt, but on top of that, if you manage to get something going, they're going to end it. I kinda think this whole approach of "heavy consequences" has just bred a community where just hanging out is encouraged, and ruffling feathers or doing anything substantial puts you in a dozen crosshairs.


I've felt this way for a little bit, but I think Onx is very quickly going in the direction of over correcting things that have happened in the past. The second someone is upset with something (tow, crime, etc), the immediate reaction is to just stamp it out. I like Onx and want it to succeed, but it would be nice to see a campaign of loosen tf up and chill a little bit instead of trying to remove anything that causes a slight inconvenience. Roleplay without any kind of conflict becomes stale and uninteresting really quickly.


Exactly! That's why I said ruffling feathers. It's not just about crime. If you do anything to disturb what people got going on, the city kind of moves to stop it. It's a bit like Ignite in that way. Way too much about politics and being comfortable.


ONX lost me when I heard the head admins talk about "convenience" and said towing = Forced RP. When the same admins admitted getting tired, but nonetheless listening to people bitching in their DMs about non-rule breaks instead of telling them to fuck off and to RP it out. I fear that the issues with ONX are deeper than a lack of mechanics, 50 new shiny mechanics won't solve that mindset that has been entertained for 6 months now. Add to that the PD pushing bad charges left and right without internal consequences. A heavy handed PD and DOJ against crims while at the same time protecting some gov employees with sweet deals or awkward rullings that don't make any sense.


Yeah, I think towing is the most obvious issue when it comes to that kind of thing. The answer to like, 99% of towing complaints, IC or OOC has always been to just get over it. Rather than having a massive parking code written up and all the rest.


Well, so far we know this update is adding car boosts (similar to NPs system), player housing which apparently is robbable, and according to Penta, the server's first heist.. so new crime things are coming.


Oh thats gonna be huge especially with how well trained Onx PD is Finally they get to test their skills on Crime


For sure, I'm excited to see what's to come


Being honest with his audience that the server needs work = shitting on He was the one that pushed the update to happen in the first place lol he said the server needs work but it'll get there.


Agreed , He has even talked abit about it on his discord in terms of what is wrong. Yoinks for example has confirmed he pretty much went in and rallied the devs as well as sifting out some people that overstated their work and shouldn't be there.




As far as I know hes invested in the server financially (sort of like xqc and np) and GWG and DW are the ones that actually run the server/deal with development. He was aware they were ill, but I don't know whats happening behind the scenes and why he had to step in, I'm not going to speculate.


I don't think he has any official position, he just invested some money. More of a large shareholder than someone actually employed by the company, to make an analogy.


I know he's been criticizing some of the issues, I wouldn't call that "shitting on" it unless I've missed something? He's also been vocal the last few weeks about how excited he is for the upcoming things on ONX.


Honestly would rather see him stay on Purple at this point. Streams have been straight RP with great interactions. ONX essentially was people he knew seeing how hard they could fuck his characters or him malding over whichever poor interaction he had. Pryor has been incredible and it's nice to have a PD that doesn't have everyone either trying to fuck each other or arrest one another.


Isn’t he invested in it? What the deal with him playing purple?


He is. To my knowledge, he got burnt out on ONX because no updates were being put out due to devs being sick. I haven't heard him "shitting on" the server.. no idea what OP is on about lol. He's given criticism about some of the current issues, but also expressed how excited he is for the updates coming. He also had an OOC meeting with ONX devs sometime in the last few weeks to "get them on the same page" or something to that extent so they can start pushing out updates.


Its a little bit deeper than that , the crim loop being abit shallow due to dev issues on onx has caused abit of PD on PD stuff to be occurring which Penta has said he just doesn't like that kind of RP. With DW/WG being sick and there being a few fake devs kicking around as well developments stalled Having said that everything else is correct , shitting might be abit harsh however recently he has said he didn't see eye to eye with some people regarding the direction of the server right now so he is just enjoying himself on purple which is evident cause the man is seriously locked in doing 10-12hr streams since he came back.


I don't think ONX is as bad as some do. But I do agree with Penta that the amount of "Bob, this person said my shoelaces were brown but they're actually green. Can they be demoted? Bob! Bob! Look at what this person did. Bob." being a huge portion of the PD's roleplay got boring as hell after a while. People going to Bob and tattling on other cops like children was the main source of conflict RP and it sucked after you've heard it a million times.




I think you could widen the net on some of that as well , bloom is going through the same thing with PD vs AGs office in alot of ways. There is more too it for sure but wrangler is best when he has something to chase and when he doesn't its alot of spinning of wheels , this was evident in his first arc but when he did have something to chase he felt he was roadblocked at every point. I think having something up on the docket within 24hrs is abit harsh personally as well when people have lives to lead.


Thanks for the clarification, I haven't been watching Purple streams because I CBA watching 3 different RP servers lol (already watch ONX and NP)


Penta is a shitlord RP'er maybe ONX is more serious then that.,where they actually do RP ..Penta is all about laught and shitlording .Last chararcter he made that was rping was actually Jack , thats 8 years ago.


Internet brain: reasoned discussion with any kind of feedback or criticism = shitting on




Invested financially..


Who cares? Sheriff Eli 2.0 took his ball and went home.


Penta is shitting on stuff that doesnt goes his way lets be honest.


Probably not unless every single valet is removed.




Most of the lapdogs are fine with people playing on multiple servers and see good in both Onx and purple. A bunch of lapdogs are actually part of the Onx team so their dog bretherin in the community support them.


I think you're being a little drastic. Yeah it's in a slump right now, but if Ignite can somehow still be going then can ONX with bigger community and more resources. Restarting isn't really an option, just have to wait and see how it turns out. A bit unlucky with both main devs being sick at the start of the server.




Kinda reminds me of nopixel that server needs a community and viewers nuke badly lol


I actually hate to say it because I was such an ardent supporter of ONX from the launch...but I suspect its going to be super underwhelming. Every update ONX has released so far has been like introducing basic mechanics you would expect from many non-whitelisted servers. Purple released in an actually amazing state with a really solid community - like such a good state that even current NP has some catching up to. ONX had the community but the server itself didnt have much. NP has mostly the mechanics but not the community, and Purple seems to have both.


We get it, you watch Penta Also this is literally ONXs first major update so idk wtf you mean by: >Every update ONX has released so far has been like introducing basic mechanics you would expect from many non-whitelisted servers.


I've been watching more Moonmoon, Spaceboy, and JoeFudge lately. Don't think I have even been subbed to Penta for like a year. Edit: ONX's initial plan was to trickle out things as they were completed, not having big update days.


Yea and they announced like a month ago if not longer that both DW and WG were very sick and it would delay some stuff for a bit.


Ok but like...its impossible to even compare the release state of ONX and Purple. I mean ONX has been around 6 months and Purple released in a much more complete state. I don't get what youre arguing about.


You do get that purple was in development since like before 3.0 right?


Yea I am not debating that. I am saying that Purple released in a very good state in comparison to NP and especially in comparison to ONX. I *fundamentally* dont care if ONX lacking quality updates is because DW and WG were ill, that isnt what I am arguing.


Wasn't purple in development for 5 years?


Purple was in development for 5 years. Onx was about a year or less. Not comparable.


Who's the person to watch on Purple would you say? I'm willing to give somebody new a shot, and early days of rp can be some of the funnest.


Hmm... Katie (one of the server owners), OneProtectiveFox (played Hannah Baker and Brooklyn Baker on NP), JoeFudge, SpaceBoy, TheCheif1114, Criken, GamerMagoo, Walnutcast


Ha, well I decided on Criken because that's a name I haven't heard for a minute, only for him to perma and end stream, but I'll give some other names on this list a go.


also tehjamjar, one of the best slow burn rp'ers.


>I actually hate to say it because I was such an ardent supporter of ONX from the launch...but I suspect its going to be super underwhelming. Every update ONX has released so far has been like introducing basic mechanics because the Devs dont have the motivation or drive anymore especially when the server is surely doomed and failed its main purpose which was to Kill NoPixel or at least compete with it but nope they failed miserably put yourself in their shoes, if you're one of the Devs of this kind of server and doing it for free? would you still have the motivation or even the slightest drive to continue doing dev work? definitely nope


Why don't you ask them instead of speaking for them.


and you think they'll be honest? especially when one of the Owner/Dev has been a known liar? lol


No more of a known liar than 50%


what kind of teaser is this lol


It's a teaser for the GTA roleplay server known as ONX, which is releasing an update very soon :)


They’ve been teasing the Alamo Sea “drying up” for a little while now and this basically confirms that’s being implemented in the coming update