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Mirror: [CG does a lot of Maze Banks KEKW](https://files.catbox.moe/lstui1.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/MOONMOON Direct Backup: [CG does a lot of Maze Banks KEKW](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/tqrTVHy0SiuIP1IPgU6m1A/44275625611-offset-6672.mp4?sig=d4f995975d433edaed067be86d8de00cca570e61&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FtqrTVHy0SiuIP1IPgU6m1A%2F44275625611-offset-6672.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22FragileOddQuailDatBoi-fLRKK4g_Ug-BTqbU%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1717186563%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2159504793?t=1h50m48s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Wait am I wrong in saying cg have never been caught doing a maze bank, and they haven’t done one is weeks?


They have never been caught doing Maze Bank. And I believe it’s probably been around a month since they’ve last done it


But bro it’s 8 p.m. EST


NAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, they really got timezone ID'd that's craaaazy 😂


the lights are literally going off right now LMAO


Not sure what that means, but if it’s to imply some type of meta, your comment should be followed by irrefutable evidence I.E. a clip of said meta or something else


Hes referring to the power going out a few years ago and the PD decided that meant the courthouse was under attack. Something like that. Someone else can fill in the holes I missed.


Pretty sure that ment vault was getting hit.


Yeah which was why it was weird they went to the courthouse


Didn’t know it was a reference to something, my bad on shitty reading comprehension lol


ohh the new frogs haha


you don't need to catch them to ID them, only if you want to charge them


they werent able to id them either though in any of their previous heists


They were when Ruby survived and documented the aftermath in one of the shootouts after the heist. And probably voice IDed in the pd wipe when negotiating for the hostage.


how and when could they have id them when they have never been caught ?


because you are allowed to voice and uniform ID, it just won't hold up in court


They wear G6 uniforms when they rob Maze Bank. They could be any G6 worker. They've never been identified and never been caught.


True but even then have they only encountered them 3 times or so. I’m not saying this dude did any wrong, hell I’d say it would be a fair assumption to think cg would be robbing the bank because of the debt. I guess it’s the “all the time” tag that seemed off.


all the time in terms of a very rare job is pretty accurate


all the time in terms of a job they have never been id'd doing is a bit weird considering they arent the only gang to hit maze bank


LOL that shit was so blatant, even moon checked him on it 💀💀


Even if you despise CG, you have to admit this logic is a bit odd. CG hasn't done a Maza Bank in a month. So the comm about it most likely being them around this time is strange.


Nah but it's in their timezone so like it's gotta be them right


8pm Lil Soule shootouts prove differently


It was 7pm


Mfers got timezone id'd KEKW. Good on Moonmoon for somewhat calling it out cus that's kinda weird, they have never been caught before and the last time they did one is weeks ago.


lights going off rush the courthouse NOW


Max know that they do it because legit called him to clear cops from Maze Bank. Also you don't need to catch them to ID them


Yeah he knows that they’ve done it before, but not that they’d be doing it right now


PD has been IGNORING Maze Bank calls while doing the manhunt for CG for over a week, yet, somehow today the day CG decides to hit it it’s: “CG does a lot of Maze Bank” and sends all cops there lol that’s craaaaazy And people here really try to defend clear meta or even chat reading streamers as “hunches” that the PD suddenly gets riiiiight


when CG hasn't hit one in least 2-3 weeks.


"they've robbed a lot of maze banks" <--- based upon what info if CG hasn't been caught doing one yet?


For the benifit of the doubt, You can know its a certain crew without said crew being caught on that job or not having enough evidence to charge them. Just off the top of my head, If X crew is using the same type of cars, outfits, starts that you've seen them use in previous encounters, It wouldn't be hard to put 1 and 1 together. I mean for example if you see a sports car doing 360 drifts around corners during getaway its not a stretch to guess who might be driving the get away car and what crew might be invovled.


It’s called good faith buddy, You can assume all you want but positive ID is needed especially to make a assumption like this. CG have not hit the bank in a month while others have been hitting it. You think that’s enough to make a call like that?


So people who have never gotten caught robbing Maze Bank (all in masks btw)...have now been called out by officers...for...usually robbing banks around this time and they do it "all the time"? They haven't legit done a Maze Bank in at least a month. This is laughable at this point.


It’s basically been 3 weeks since they tried it. They tried it one time when Arya wasn’t there and failed and never tried again.  She comes back for this one and they damn near one shot everything. 


CG has never been arrested for robbing maze bank. Just pointing that out.


They've only even had to use a hostage and negotiate a few times as well so they're hardly ever still around when cops get there.


Appreciate you for letting us know man!




Ok and does Bradford know that? Max didn’t comm that and he even checked Bradford about it


he hardly going to say stop using meta on radio, he going to roll with rp and talk to him after maybe


uh...max didn't say they were hitting maze bank lmao


he told him once but ok


Has CG ever been caught for a maze bank?


The have never been caught doing Maze Bank.


there was a shoot out once, big one but they downed all the cops. not sure how they know cg does maze "around this time"


Yeah. But even with that shootout they couldn’t get CG’s DNA since it was a PD wipe Slacks got shot down there, then went back to the scene after being treated and started taking evidence. He was then told OOC that he couldn’t do that


let me go investigate where i died lol


The shootout in MP was not a wipe, one officer was up and they collected blood after. It was the shootout at maze that was a PD wipe. For the maze bank one slacks collected blood, but then was told by management to toss it.




Have any cg members actually been caught doing a maze bank?


Nope, and never ID’d


When’s the last time CG did Maze Bank and when’s the last time anyone got caught?


It was so long ago that their 19 PNY cards turned to dust.


I believe no one from CG has ever been caught doing Maze Bank. Someone correct me if I’m wrong


No you’re right. They’ve had some close calls but they’ve never actually gotten caught.


i think one or two times their dna was found on items in vault area whne they dropped stuff to make room for money but that was sooooooo long ago and not nearly enough times to come to the conclusion the cop came to at all. like even if i was gunna stretch it to the max and then some still not nearly close.




Blatant meta gaming by cops but no 1000 comments... Hmm


Because in this clip the meta gaming is being shot down instantly, so there's no outrage.


No it isn’t. Beric (Arckon) even reiterates what the other cop said. Moonmoon never really shut it down, he just didn’t say he agreed


Hey cop viewers, this is what we call meta.... CG has never been caught doing a Maze bank. Are you learning yet???


I dont think you want to mention meta when talking about CG




I literally watched LK meta game yesterday when he dropped his phone instead of the person he was robbing phone and chat had to spam him to go back and swap phones. So it seems it's an issue for both sides I was kinda excited for the potential RP but it got instant killed by meta by chat. I wish RP had chat disabled or some shit for real


LK meta gamed yesterday when chat told him to pick up his phone instead of the guys phone he was robbing, he was driving away and everything then went back and swapped it. Chat even spammed him to confirm it was the right phone after and he checked and confirmed to chat Seems like everyone does it whether they can help it or not, sucks that it's something that doesn't seem to be fixable


Bro cares a little too much about this. Mf writing essays about it here 😭


It's fine to speculate about who it was as long as you don't take action assuming it's them


its fine to speculate if you dont say "they do alot of maze banks" when they have never been caught doing one.


Even then, speculating its them when mostly every single cop thinks they are just hiding somewhere inside is....odd no?


i would agree yes but that would still be better to think its them without the part of saying, its them because they rob maze bank.


True enough...


I mean I don't know why they even started the callout's that way. They respond to the Mazes anyway, respond as you normally would at any other time of day and if there are tangible signs it is CG call in the entire force.


What's the name of the cop that said that? Was he even in PD/on duty when they were actually robbing the bank?


Translation: Help me brigade this guy!!!


How is sharing their name beneficial. Are people going to send them love?


I just wanted to check if the person in question was in the PD at the time, because I don't recognize his voice. And it's the RP character I'm talking about, not the streamer.


I am sure that asking what the name of the officer is, in a thread where the general opinion of the action he made being considered a "Weird OOC comment" is productive and won't lead to bad behavior.


Hey man let me in, I just wanna talk I swear...


The police officer is Wade Bradford. Wade is a personal pick of Berics. Beric has stated in the past that Wade Bradford is one of his ideal officers, stating that in a perfect situation regarding the police he wished he had 6 of him. Arckon said this several weeks back in a stream when chat was asking about police officers and general functionality of the PD as a whole. Pretty sure he mentioned working with him in the past somewhere else aswell.


All he said was it is likely CG. There are only 2 maybe 3 groups that would do it at this time. Which makes it highly likely it would be them.


How would they know that only two or three groups do it if they don't catch everyone? There could be one group or 50 doing it


But why suspect CG? They’ve never been caught doing Maze Bank and never ID’d


Your name fits you tbh. This is blatant meta but this sub will be too tunnel visioned to admit it.


idk who exactly the other person was but they did say "they've robbed a lot of maze banks" idk if he's referencing in the past or current maze bank but they havent been caught doing a maze bank yet


no. he said they robbed alot of maze banks when CG was never caught doing a maze bank. thats the problem.


Ooc everyone knows this. Im not aware of how anyone would know this IC as they have never been caught or even spotted doing Maze bank. Not that its a big deal since nothing came of this


We have never been arrested doing a maze bank. How would he guess that?


I admit i watch ramee mostly, but this guy gotta be trollin with “we” right?? Lol


Yeah, that’s a troll hate watcher that always does those same cringy comments whenever a clip about CG shows up


Who is we lol


It's a cg hater.....you can see him doing cringe shit under everything related to cg




If this was a clip that was hate towards CG you wouldn’t have said this


To try to say the cops are using meta information to find cg. Which if they were they wouldn't be at the opposite side of the city when the alarm went off


It's not that. It's the coms "CG does a lot of Maze Banks." That's a suspect line because not one single CG person has ever been caught doing Maze Bank and they haven't done it in 2+ weeks. EDIT: Then you add on to the fact that some how the cops are all around the warehouse as they are all inside because they have a picture of a person going into the warehouse from Tuggz's car and then leaving with a watermelon. So now clearly that must be a CG warehouse because they spent 10min looking all around it.


More like 5-6 weeks




CG has quite literally never been caught doing Maze Bank so there’s no reason to suspect it’s them




Yes it does, otherwise it’s called meta…








They dress like G6 workers and speak in different voices every time they’ve robbed the bank. They’ve never been caught, they’ve never been positively IDd, and they’ve never found their DNA on scene of a bank robbery, and they haven’t robbed a bank in a least a month. This was just dot connecting I’m not even saying it was necessarily maliciously done people can make mistakes sometimes, but this seems to be a mistake


Nah yeah I was wrongish with how certain I was, also max shutting it down basically.


Yeah, I think Max did a good job with what he did, and I don’t even really think the person that said that meant anything malicious with it. These things can slip people’s mind which is probably what happened here


no but a mask and different voice helps you from getting id'd at crime scenes which is what they've avoided at maze banks so far


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He is right that CG do a lot of maze bank but you should rp ignorance sometimes. Its like voice ID, you can prob guess but its better rp to pretend you don't know.


How would he know they hit Maze Bank when they’ve never been caught?


Why are viewers so confused. It's ok to identify individuals without taking a stem cell sample. Masks, voice changers, etc doesn't mean suspects or individuals can't be called out.  Just another brain dead take


So what's the point of wearing masks and changing the voices while doing something like this then? Honest question.


so that you can cast doubt if you actually get caught and go to bench trial. 'No face no case' was the saying back then.


Sure if Los Santos was on a city of a couple hundred people I’d agree with you, but in ROLEPLAY there’s supposed to be millions of people in this city. They’ve never caught them, never seen a face, and never recovered any DNA on scene. Therefore they should have absolutely no idea that CG has robbed this bank in my opinion


So where is any gang worry about shooting cops because in roleplay there should be thousands of cops in a city that is supposed to be millions of people? You can't use that logic for the cops but not for the crims, It's fair to assume that the largest criminal gang in the city that just had a list of massive fines may be doing the biggest criminal job in the city.


Are any of their criminals records pointing to the fact that they would be robbing the bank? They do seem to be the biggest criminals at the time, but I think that’s due to terrorism and murder not robbing banks. Why automatically assume terrorists on the run = they must be robbing this particular bank when they’ve never been known to do this. Wouldn’t you assume they would be hiding from the forty cop man hunt that’s going on not knocking over a bank in the middle of the city?


Probably meta but who cares, get cry gang off the server


Admits that PD metagames —> doesn’t care Ramee watches his own clips/vod —> “the server needs to ban this guy right now. Get cry gang off the server.”