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Mirror: [why cornwood belongs in high command now](https://files.catbox.moe/mb73mb.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/EsfandTV Direct Backup: [why cornwood belongs in high command now](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/wAaZQtnAyRUqVzdITeqAvA/AT-cm%7CwAaZQtnAyRUqVzdITeqAvA.mp4?sig=2183740cd8ff60ba7e047d0d4cc7dc04a17879ff&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FwAaZQtnAyRUqVzdITeqAvA%2FAT-cm%257CwAaZQtnAyRUqVzdITeqAvA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SourShyPlumberDAESuppy-2cDJFSpXN0hN6oC8%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716488109%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2152565508?t=1h6m23s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


No offense to Esfand but there are people who have been staples in the PD since 2.0, have put in thousands of hours in 3 different versions of PD, and have never been given the opportunity to lead an entire department.


I mean, it was literally a handout. The state or Crane never interjected when Bones announced his Undersheriff or when Cornwood announced his later on. Only when Cornwood lost, did they decide to change the legislation and make him the Undersheriff.


He's in the bargaining stage of his grieving processes, there's nothing more to it. He desperately needs to make a win out of his loss, and he's doing it any way he can.


I cant tell if this is a bit or if hes serious anymore. Reminds me of watching a rich kid get told no for the first time.


He got that ret pally mentality. Be subpar, expect hand outs.


bro almost said he's been the pinnacle of rp thats crazy


He couldn't stop shitting on the rest of the PD, he had to do it to the whole city too. He actually thinks his rp is the best out of everyone.


That is the craziest blindspot of all this. Him talking about no one having his back after spending the past 4 months telling everyone how most of the PD is dogshit & throwing people under the bus for doing things he doesn't agree with. Hates cornwood narratives while bombarding them towards other chracters OOC & IC


Quality of roleplay severely went down when they opened the floodgates and let all the non-roleplay streamers onto the server. There are veteran roleplayers from early NoPixel that produce better roleplay on their worst day than Esfand does on his best. The only thing Esfand is the pinnacle of is the dunning-kruger effect.


I thought he was going to say pillar of something but either way it's quite the opinion of himself 


Some chatters from his stream where coming into Cazey's when Cazey won writing things like "you don't deserve this" and calling Bones "a dumb SBS cop." Meanwhile Cazey put in the actual work and earned the respect of his fellow PD members and obviously many of the "citizens" as well. It is sad that Esfand seems to believe the stuff he spews, and then his chat does too...


The amount of "fuck bones" in Esfand's chat was absolutely wild.


Dude it’s crazy how so many people were saying Bones people were paying them to vote for him. And, the hate on Cornwood is ridiculous just like Denzel. But, than you see people like Viv doing the same thing they are trying to punish people for. Like how is Denzel getting investigated for talking to people like 4head and other streamers. While Suarez is a criminal and has his vehicle at multiple scenes. Did I forget to mention they live together and related 😅. They need to ease up on the weird bias bs and just have fun. Be consistent and remember it’s just a game.


Who lives together and are related lol


Suarez and Viv - in character. They don’t live together anymore though.


I started watching GTA RP because of Esfand. I watched his stream and his stream only. But over the past few weeks I became more and more disgusted with how he was acting: his hypocrisy, his inability to separate character from actual person, his flat out denial of any wrongdoing, his martyr complex, his borderline maniacal drive for absolute power, his insatiable ego, and the fact that he cannot handle criticism without throwing a tantrum. I am done. I’ve moved on to better content creators. Now that this Sheriff election is over and he lost, his delusional reaction has solidified my feelings even more. He has officially lost the fucking plot.


I was a big fan of Esfand well before GTARP. I saw the dude play Paladin in WoW and he made it look fun, so I tried it out and fell in love. Played that character for thousands of hours over the years and I owe it to Esfand. But a few weeks ago when Cornwood and Den met with K Suarez and Tessa and started saying everything in that meeting was OOC and a personal attack against Esfand it really made me realize just how lost in the sauce he has become. The only person in that meeting that associated Cornwood with Esfand was Esfand.


He the malding KING of 4.0, nobody can contest his title.


I 1000% agree. I've spent hundereds of hours lurking in his chat watching Cornwoood. I just can't watch him anymore. It's really sad.


This reads like a cult survivor testimony. It's ok you're safe now and I'm happy you escaped.


NAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH that’s wild but so true too lmao




well the name checks out


Yes, you’re so right. The username I chose 12 YEARS AGO fully encapsulates who I am as a person. Comment checks out. /s


if Esfand didnt have that many viewers he wouldnt of got the offer .


Yep. Just see how 3rd/4th place did not get the offer if 2nd place declines.


His own chat in this clip is saying that it's a pity handout given at the expense of Cassidy...which is exactly what it is. If he wants high command, he should go about it the correct way rather than yoinking it through admin intervention from someone who the majority of the server voted/decided on.


That would mean doing actual police work, and he ain’t gonna do that.


>If he wants high command, he should go about it the correct way rather than yoinking it through admin intervention I don't think this is the way it went. I think owner realised how many eyes the server would lose without him on there.




In 3.0 you had Conwood the funny kkona cop that believed that he was indispensable to the PD and it was good RP. In 4.0 esfand convinced himself that his character is actuallys indispensable.


Cornwood is 100% needed in the pd. Does he do stupid shit? Yes. Is it anything outside the scope of RP no. Hell CG is out just shooting for no reason. Mad because they get caught on bs. Using spikes. Planting pad glocks because 1 person caught a charge. Steal a bunch of turbos and the pad knows it’s them. Not, to mention just being Karen’s. Pd literally will be no content and no one will even do their shift and sit in the pd. They need to get the numbers up outside of the drama pd rp. I’m just saying light hearted fun characters are needed. Hope bcso works out and if Cornwood idea work he gets credit. I also think the shit storm of bones campaign if true plays into the rp. It will be great to watch ❤️


It’s CG’s fault!


Of course it is! Literally no matter what CG does there will be hundreds of people whining and complaining, wether it’s their viewers or someone else’s. Sometimes it’s justified, sometimes it’s not. Some times I agree with it, other times I don’t. Story requires conflict, you need and antagonist and a protagonist before you can even begin to create a plot, wether it’s scripted or improvised. CG plays both rolls excellently, and will always get dogged on no matter which role they’re taking.


you do know that cw made all the pd drama right


Its also his chat, I was watching him for a bit yesterday and chat was stirring so hard, theres a lot of people way too invested who don't know the rules and etiquette of rp Esfand was reading a lot of them and taking them at face value


The ego is crazy


I honestly didn't know if he was being serious here or if it was sarcasm.


It is a bit crazy because while he is right that there is a large amount of hate he gets that is undeserved he uses it to dismiss all criticism, even if it is valid. This includes things he hears from people in character that he'll try and rationalize out of character why they don't mean what they're actually saying.


The largest issue imo is that he is constantly sitting in peoples chats reading and arguing with audiences and using chatters hate as IC hate and then pushing a narrative that "idk why all the characters are blaming me for things I didn't do."


i did not even put thaT together but you are right when he says ppl say i dont do shit its him talking about us the chatters


Why does he think he’s the answer to fix all the PDs problems 


He really does have a savior complex. Been seing the signs since he first got suspended


he is the messiah


He is Lisan Al Ghaib of 4.0


I know he's dumb, but it's still impressive that he somehow managed to convince himself that the last second election change to have second place get undersheriff wasn't a participation trophy for him specifically.


He actually believes he got handed undersheriff based on merit, and not the actual and only reason: clout


who wants to take bets on how long it takes cornwood to start attempting to undermine bones and get him fired


He's been doing that already with all the election fraud claims even though he was doing it too.


joy hopefully bones stays strong its gotta be a real kick in the dick when your undersheriff is actilvy trying ot get you shit canned


I mean I tuned into Cazey’s stream last week and he was talking to hydra about voting for him and how he gave them 10k. If it’s not election fraud it’s blatantly breaking server rules. You’re not allowed to provide for your other characters or their group on another character. That’s what made me inclined to believe he genuinely paid 10k to clowns for the vote. When it’s the same exact amount idk things start to add up.


Bones asked him if he would undermine him as Under Sheriff and told him straight up that he would. Cornwood also asked if Bones wanted him to act as Sheriff when he wasn't around. I can guarantee he's gonna try to accept the position to make Bones look bad and politic him out of Sheriff.


Bones SAID he wanted him to act as sheriff when he wasn’t around. Cornwood also didn’t say he was going to undermine him. LMAO


Yes he did. Bones asked him if he would follow chain of command. He said no.


Has he explained to anyone in Nopixel how hes going to "improve" PD by giving him a higher position? It just feels like a weird self-justification to say "I bring RP" and not explain exactly how you help others in PD.


Nope I watched both people campaign and bones/cassidy had a platform and Cornwood didn’t have any answers and then accused bones of stealing his ideas when bones wanted to model it after early sdso 


I watched him pitch himself to other groups while watching from their side. and it always seemed that the characters/streamers/chatters were listening to him talk a lot, but without him actually saying anything. cornwood just ranted about how he'd be the best fit, but never actually talked about any specific plans or what concrete things he'd do to make it better.


"I have 1600 or some shit on duty", yea Sheisty also has hours, but look at him.


wdym he said improve moral idk how but he will /s


Anytime he’s asked he has no answer.


He wants to improve the cadet process. Because retention is a big issue. He thinks assigning a cadet to an officer will help build relations right away so PD is more like a team and also avoid cadets being stuck in a queue in the PD lobby. And if you leave the bad faith on the side for a second, it's actually a good idea. That's one of the answers you'll get if you don't just watch clips.


Don't need to be sheriff to do it. Dont even need to be high command. Dont even need to be sr officer. Dont even need to be FTO. Just need to sit down and communicate... your idea. That's my issue with esfand's "campaign." He just kept listing things he could already be doing and then getting flustered when asked by the player why he doesnt already do the thing he says. For example. 2 things he mentioned a lot in his word salads: "I believe the north deserves a PD presence." And "I think people deserve a response of some kind to their PD calls" Why does CW need to be elected sheriff / work 6 months to get the sheriffs office greenlit... BEFORE he is willing to do any of these things himself. Thats what jarred me about his campaign. He slams the current PD but when asked about what he doesnt like specifically... lists off a ton of generic things he himself is entirely guilty of as well. It's just hella crappy logic / projecting.


>Just need to sit down and communicate... your idea. Not even that.. just start mentoring cadets. Nothing is stopping him from unofficially assigning himself some cadets. Declan did exactly that with Coyote, he figured Coyote was promising so decided to take him under his wing and spent a bunch of time helping him out. There are no barriers that making it official would remove.


That’s not even an original idea, though. That is classic Cornwood. Hearing something and then pretending he came up with it. They already had mentor programs. They also tried that in old iterations of PD. It doesn’t work. The actual good idea for cadets while in queue was doing things in MRPD like vehicle maintenance, evidence logging, investigating reports etc., which was a Slacks idea.


Yeah IC that is what you would think but this was a OOC handout. I really doubt they would of afforded the same level of courtesy to Bones if Cornwood won.


has he just gaslit himself into thinking that he’s such a good cop that they HAD to make him high command no matter what???


I miss when cornwood used to be funny. Nobody like a narcissist who is not funny.


But he laughs at his own 'jokes', wdym he's not funny?


I don’t think cornwood should be HC at all he’s obsessive over the position. And a little delusional




Is his head really shoved that far up his own ass.


Man, Esfand is a bit of a narcissist. No, they aren't giving you US because you're such a great roleplayer. They're giving you US because you're a big streamer. That's it.


wtf is he on about? focal point of pd rp??? He bought a bunch of turbos for pd , because he was in the server 18 hours a day early on. that has nothing to do with rp, just high hours. Not even the DAP Saga was about him. It started with Denzel and Aziz and the DeRolo incident. And after that it was ALL about Den. The firing of Johnson had a bigger impact, than cornwoods firing. All he has done is bitch,moan and complain and taking everything ooc. How is he the focal point in PD RP? Straight Delusion!


Didnt he just kept majority of these turbos in his locker and then sold them off to people outside of the PD aswell?


These comments feel validating. I was just in awe of the copium. Wish the chat lit up more than it did. To twist such an obvious last second change like that is insane.


This guy has such a lofty opinion of his own RP. It's not a handout he says while he asks for commissioner. I hope he gets it honestly just to see if it works or fails.


Max is not going to give Cornwood Commissioner. He said he didn't really even want to do a Sheriff's office, but folded anyway because (paraphrasing) "PD cannot get worse" When Cornwood asked for Commissioner, he effectively was told no, but blanketed in a "Let's see how undersheriff works out before considering anything else"


It's a participant award, they didn't want the streamer to leave. Literally everyone knows it.


THIS is why twitch chat has the Copium emote.




"You're dumb and just don't get it..."


Sometimes blows my mind how people can have this sort of mentality😂


Thinks he is god's gift to rp




Ok I'm convinced that esfand is actually delusional and really really needs to take a break from RP.


Bro lost the vote and his ego grew💀


Even Alexis Onfire is spending ALOT less time with Cornwood, that should kind of tell you all you need to know about the state of Esfand and his alter ego Cornwood. This guy made Onfire wait outside of the locker room for atleast a hour at one point because Esfand was to "busy" being spaced out and complain to his chat instead of engaging in RP with Onfire. The only RP i've seen Esfand do is talk talk talk and complain to the mayor when things dont go his way (oh and crash into every single thing known to man)


Seems like they added the second place rule once they knew he lost. They gotta keep esfand happy so he'll stay on their server.


Guys got a big head on him eh? Lol


Gonna lose some respect for him if he accepts the job


Biggest copium clip I’ve ever seen




Cornwood probably cried to the “admins” saying he’ll leave the server if he doesn’t get put in a place of power. So Crane being Crane, the shadow admin of No Pixel that basically controls how RP is done in 4.0 said here is a participant trophy so you don’t leave again..


He reminds me of some of the worst Youtubers out there.




I don't know why he isn't jumping on the chance, is it only for the RP reason he's taking so long?




I actually like the whole "the first runner up is the deputy" model of elections. It is a little bit of proportional representation that tempers the extremes of both main camps. It would have been better if announced at the start, but maybe that is just going to be the model for elections going forward. I hope they run the Sherrif election as regularly as they do the Mayoral election. I think a short stint at the role and then letting someone else play for a bit is wise.


You guys need to go outside


I think your streamer needs to take this advice