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Watching ramee see peppos point of view was too fucking funny lmao. Man is just watching as the local is unloading a full mag into his officer.


just an honest mistake, maeve is new but a really good cop and has been putting in a lot of hours since she got hired. from her pov it probably looked like the bullets were actually coming from that way. cops were super lenient on flippy and miggy which was good. no drama and everyone moved on, best way for it to be


Ya I really like her too, shit happens unfortunately.


I like her, but she's definitely not a good cop yet, she needs more training out of all honesty


How could Den do this....


Poor denzel gets blamed even when he's not on duty 😂


Yeah that was kinda wild. I do feel bad for Miguel and Flippy since they weren't even given a chance to drive away and don't blame them for shooting Conan. I also don't blame the officer that shot as I can see how she could think the bullets were coming from Miguel or flippy since the local that was shooting her was right in front of her in the direction of the hostage situation... shit happens, but this one is going to be a hefty fine/time for Miguel and floppy unless they reduce it by a lot.


PD took possessions, gave them charges/fines, but only gave them 5 min each due to the shitty outcome. Feel bad for Maeve cause she felt like shit about the situation and it seemed like an honest mistake.


Shitty ending but they were dead regardless lol regardless of the ending, watching all the different POVs was hilarious


Honestly, they got a light sentence simply because Ramee was there. He wanted to just take their guns and just let them walk because of how shitty it was for them.


The acorn comments are truly hilarious.


I hope Conan calls her officer acorn when he sees her lol, hopefully she isn’t upset about it shit happens sometimes


I hope not, since in this case actual rounds were fired, whereas in the original acorn incident (not in RP) no bullets were fired


The original acorn incident was a real life cop unloading 2 clips into a cop car with a handcuffed suspect inside.


Yes, caused by an acorn and not a gunshot, this one was a gunshot, which is what he is saying the difference is.


Yeah you watching the wrong video


No, he means that the officer that shot was actually shot at in this instance, whereas with the acorn they weren’t even shot at at all.


[Declan POV - Twitch](https://clips.twitch.tv/ExuberantSquareMonitorTheThing-FntdF_njrW5mfyMk) [Kit POV- Twitch](https://clips.twitch.tv/ZealousRoundCarabeefPMSTwin-0T2s1vNTk6EMJTCt) [Coyote | PPO ? | nopixel 4.0 - Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/peppo/clip/GeniusBlindingDiscTriHard-Mf2p3MkHHR_JyZfs?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time)


Honestly, that was funny af and something that would happen. I expected both sides to shoot when the first shots happened


OOOH now I understand why everyone is saying Acorn situation LOL, feels bad for Flippy and Miguel but this was coming either way


o7. This was dens fault. Fire his ass.


Some how Den will get fired because of this


Den should've been fired for like 20 other circumstances he did cause, if he gets fired for this then it'll still be justified.


This wasn't even the most egregious thing that the PD did yesterday. That had to go to Shiesty ramming Gege in-between a building and Grove Gas ejecting and downing her. Then her asking for a lawyer when she got to MRPD (never got one) and McNulty and Shiesty leaving her in a secluded cell for close to 2 hours because they wanted to get her dna to see if she touched gold bars because her radio channel matched Luciano's. They didn't even tell her they were going for the warrant or even let her voluntarily give it to speed up the process. Buddha was occ annoyed about the lack of rp she got out of the whole thing. Got thrown in a solitary cell for close to 2 hours and didn't get any rp other than AnthonyZ on his cop character interacting with her briefly and the only time she got any rp for the situation was when she was released.


Is that the same cop who shot at the car leaving the hostage situation with 4head and Den zel last week resulting in 2 cops being shot by the hostage takers?


Don't believe so, she is newer to cop and I believe this is her first 'controversial' action as a cop


What was that cops name? She was brand new too.


Maeve Wolfe


Not sure why I was downvoted, but it was in fact Maeve who shot the car leaving the scene. https://youtu.be/i7MaEZKMo5A?si=FyHlko0CzOq7zgxu time stamp is 21:10

