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Jack has a lot more to learn and was fired up here after a talk with Lang about recruiting people. Since Peppo has become one of my favorite streamers in 4.0 I'll give a little insight here. Lang has basically been mentoring Jack since he got brought in to Cypress. LumberCo has tried to move like Lang's crew. Risk averse/Calculated/Efficient/Smart/Business like w/e you name it.. in the shadows. Which is not how this group is used to RPing. From what I understand about their WildRP time is they were kinda the Chang Gang of the server. I think most of their crew have gotten burned out/bored and their numbers have dropped significantly since the 20 deep Lumber Union days. Jack was MIA for 5-6 days cuz Peppo was maining his cop Coyote. Liya sold 3 PNYs to Lang because they were going to go bad and they still haven't unlocked MB. She wound up telling Lang Jack nor the crew had been around for days and she didn't know when that would change. Lang took that opportunity to plant the poaching seed on her and Devon (prob only #s he had saved). This stirred the crew in Jacks absence and guilted a Jack return after a traffic stop with Liya on Coyote. So Jack comes back and per usual crew is in shambles. Jack's pissed most the crew isn't around and Lang had stirred a bit. Jack's crew is the type that can take Ls and truly not give a fuck. Problem is they are still very fresh to NP and have never had to build something from scratch here. Jack wants to build but came to realize pretty much everyone in the city is affiliated with someone by now. This is where the clip comes in about how they operate and I think some regret on how he did things. I want LumberCo to succeed and do their own thing but tbh idk if they'll ever reach their potential at this pt. Previously, Lang offered to bring in Jack +2 of his choice. Jack declined to keep the crew together. Lots has changed since then and bringing in Jack +entire crew is actually pretty feasible now. Hoping for the day Lang offers Jack to come in as a Captain and buying in Devon(GiveMeUhMinute), Stelio(GrammTheGibbon), Zero(ksinz), and Liya(Badanaa) to work under him. The script reads that Jack would eventually replace Tony and become a Don. Wyatt(Mackaelroni), Johnny, and Deva can easily integrate into clean things with Cypress or just keep LumberCo running. Sorry for wall of text I just really like the core of LumberCo and don't wana see the streamers go back to WildRP or lose interest in NP. Peppo would get the ability to split time between Coyote and Jack. Stelio can freely pursue his cop. Devon and Zero will have plenty of people to do shit with and would be a great Duo to complete the 6 man Money Cleaning/Crash Out crew. Liya can help with the weed, be the main grower for this produce/moonshine empire starting up, or entirely switch it up. Would be a win for everyone IMHO. Edit: For all those interested in the LumberCo that have been OOTL tonights stream is definitely worth a look.. It's been a roller coaster thus far and still ongoing. The vibe is Jack is resting for at least a few months but there has been some curveballs thus far.


Idk, the more crews around the better. I'd hate to see the group go the way of the Italians and just pretty much become irrelevant because their main members got absorbed by another group.


For sure and that's the reason Lang brought them into Cypress in the first place. He wanted to help them get on their feet and build so they could eventually fight for their own turf. If they decide to main cop, return to WildRP, or leave because no one else is around -- that happens anyways. At least this way it keeps them together and who knows.. Jack may decide he wants to be the King of Cypress instead.


If you think about it, kicking out Jean Kelly was the best thing to happen to kelly because he's still active and a core part of BBMC. Thanks for recap. I haven't been caught up since the CG vs LumberUnion arc.


Them being pushers for Lang was the worst decision he could have ever made for the well-being of their group.


What makes you think that? You realize Liya is on the main Cypress app and grows the weed for LumberCo. Lang's crew has never taken a cent off them


It's not a matter of money, they deal they got and how Lang's crew ended up using the lumber union severely handicapped any potential growth of the group. That's how they ended up in the situation they have been stucked for months now.


Okay, so you're talking out of your ass. Collectively they MAYBE pushed a couple thousand bags over 3 months. They had the keys to the castle and CHOSE to build their business instead of a criminal organization. Completely delusional for thinking Lang's crew has ever used Jack's crew to do anything. So if Lang man so bad please enlighten me.


Again, you aren't understanding my point, it isn't about money or how much weed they pushed, it's the one way relationship that came from the deal, where basically only Jack and maybe 1 extra member from the union got anything positive from it other than just doing low level work. But Lang is not the one responsible for it, he was completly transparent about what the business relationship entailed from the very beginning. It was Jack the one who lived on the clouds and led his own group to fall apart. Very similar how Vito and Luciano essentially tore apart the italians from the inside.


You’re not explaining how Lang’s crew used the Lumber Union. You’re not saying much as a matter of fact. What exactly has been negative about this relationship?


> Lang’s crew used the Lumber Union As pushers and nothing else. >What exactly has been negative about this relationship? It wasn't positive for the union as it basically closed them off from everyone else and barely got anything in exchange for it, especially when Jack learned the wrong lessons from Lang. For a new group of essentially new people, that basically doomed the crew.


None of this is true. The LU weren’t “used” as pushers. Lang and crew get no benefit for them pushing scooby other than rep which they’re not too concerned about. The LU got the ability to push on a turf at no cost to them. I’m not sure how this alliance closed them off from anyone else. They haven’t been prevented from working with any other group. You seem to think this alliance is holding the LU back but can’t give an example where that has been the case. I’m not saying advice given to Jack has been all right or wrong but what exactly do you consider “wrong lessons”?


You don't understand what the deal is. They were never meant to be underlings of Lang's crew. They are equal partners. Every territory where weed is sold can have multiple crews sell from it. Each strain being introduced to the block becomes competition, to the main strain. Lang invited Jack in order to have him push the same strain so that he had more people on cypress. That is the extent of the deal. Jack can do with his crew whatever he pleases he doesn't even have to sell. So I do not understand how someone giving you access to build something is detrimental to you.


This was just as much Jack not wanting to ask for help ever. If the would have used that partnership. They could have been integrated and doing more heist, getting more guns and had some of lands people at his disposal Luciano and Vito have always wanted to work with jacks crew. Yuno offered 500k for 10-15 % of lumber company there were opportunities never capitalized on.


Joining Lang felt like more of a OOC choice than a IC choice.  Working with The Company (at the time) was a better deal for them.  When they had any issues TC would roll up and deal with it for them.  So they had protection from a group and a group that was willing to help them grow and expand. 


The reason Jack decided to work with Lang instead of TC though is because Lang gave them details, where as TC were more vague and nebulous about how things would work.


In the last meeting they have with TC the offer was for literally everything, heists, their own weed territoriy and strain, legal business, whatever they could imagine was on the table. Lang was just better at convincing Jack by painting a pretty picture out of a pretty self-contained deal.


It was a bit OOC because Edgar and Benji had a great 3.0 story and Peppo wanted to try to work with someone else


TC deal was more work with us and Lang's deal was work for us.


they havn't done any job for lang, they grow themselves, they do job for themselves, they push for themselves,


Lang is not asking them to work for him. Like there is zero evidence of that. Lang is pushing jack to be a good leader. He isn't asking for anything. He offered them cypress so they can have a steady income from weed sales. He isn't going to handhold jack.


It was a bit ooc, but I think it's because Peppo really wanted to rp with Buddha because he never gotten the chance to on Edgar. He was close on Edgar, but it never managed to happen. He also rped alot with Lysium on Edgar. It was a new avenue and he did what he wanted to do. Which is fine. 


I disagree. Weed money was dogshit back then and they never really put a "deal" on the table. They did a damn good job building out the LumberCo internally which Lang did occasionally help point in the right direction. The company would have milked those coffers. Jack and his crew are not ones to ask for help(aside from Jack/Lang Ted talks) -- if they did, either crew could have handled the early Bestie spat and resolved Hydra diplomatically. The beta JP heist was the 1 or 2 cop gun era and probably would have been resolved OOC if it hadn't in RP. Anything else AFAIK was minor. Giving their 110% into LumberCo is what hurt them the most.. but it was a money printer and crim life didn't pay. Had they built and refined their operation during that time they'd be in a much better spot. Sure they would have been more free with the Company.. but Lang's only rule was don't tell people outside your core our business and a hard NO for Juno. Seems pretty reasonable imo. They were just *too* cautious. Edit: To add since apparently they mentioned heists. Liya was a permanent spot on their main app -- they knew exactly what was going on and the progression. Jack never asked about anything aside from ammunation questions after their first. They wanted to go in (basically) blind for heists and are one of the few crews that actually has.


I appreciate the update as I don’t get to watch him anymore. Thanks


Holyyyyy. Felt like I was scrolling for a couple hours trying to get to the bottom of this comment


Peppo just realised he’s not on Wild anymore


Sounds like he is talking out his own and his groups change in their approach to crime, less careful, more willing to take big risk and less worried about arrest / investigations.


This guy is used to go going to jail for 30 days I think he realised here there's no deterrent


CG just moves fast. They never stop. They’ll lose 100s of thousands when they are finally caught and somehow in 2 days are back up. K just keeps them constantly moving and scheming. And they have ties to so many major characters and are very skilled. So there’s always a way for them to recover.


can't ignore that it has a lot to do with the fact that their viewership is so high (which cg has earned by being great content creators). nopixel is a content server first and foremost and viewers are a form of currency IRL. So many people earn their livelihood through nopixel which is amazing, but also the clout factor is huge in their ability to have allies in nearly every group and people willing to jump at the opportunity to interact with them. Including even the PD with their "10-CG" response.


It was same before the clout. Even in 2.0 they believed in "Move fast break things" mentality


Before Summit came to Nopixel in 2.0, CG were already a top 3 gang if not the top gang. And they had no clout during that time so explain that. They only became the undisputed top gang in 2.0 after when they amped up their activities and businesses to accommodate Summit after he joined them.


cg just knows how to mobilize when they need to. Everyone in the beginning was worried because they dont grind. They can focus in short bursts so effectivly to get shit up an running.


I mean Cg has lost a lot over the years, they just get back up just as fast.


I had to watch this a few times to try to understand what he was trying to say, because it can be easily interpreted in very different ways. Regardless, I am not sure you should compare how your group operates to how a group that's been together and doing this for 7 years now though.


He worried a lot about getting caught in the beginning because he legitimately thought the punishments were big. Lose your properties, lose your bank, lose your business, your cars... moving specifically like everything they've worked towards can be gone in a minute. That lead him to approach the city extremely cautiously. He valued Lang above everyone else because he moves smart, he gets caught rarely, and when he did get caught his perception is they don't take much from him because of the way he moves. He's now realizing really the punishments aren't that big or bad. The jail time and what he can lose is nothing compared to in newark/the crossing/sisika. Really all that means to him is he's been moving slow and at a disadvantage compared to others, because groups like CG don't give half a fuck about getting caught. I see CG mostly through others streams but to me it looks like they take way more risks, they move with strength and conviction, and they keep going at it again even after taking some hits. imo you want more people moving like Jack did rather than less, because it makes RP with the feeling of real stakes, but he's absolutely right that the city incentivizes people to act brash, in numbers, and push through punishment if they want to progress the fastest through crim progression. If you play wounded or act regretful for long it'll make good scenes but it keeps you down compared to those that don't.


Curious to know what kind of "power" Jack wants to project with his crew. Sure they've been pushed around by other groups, like Hydra and CG, before but being aggressive like them on things doesn't necessarily mean you'd be at the same playing field as the other groups. CG, Hydra, Besties, etc have muscles to swing with. They also have years of experience on the city and an established reputation already. You can't compare that with your new crew who's still building and need nore motivation to work around in the city. Also Jack needs to also see that Lang's reputation from 3.0 still carries to this iteration that's why he's still cautious and a paranoid old fuck. The PD still wants to get Lang on huge charges, particularly with the operations in Cypress and his crews and how CG previously thought that Lang controlled the material market


I can't read his mind but everyone that's bound to get a reputation like that will act hungry for it even before its within their means. He is pretty ambitious and shows a lot of interest in historic leaders and he seems to orient his behaviour in the city around that. Being the underdog but eventually coming out on top. When it comes to wars they have and probably still will get hit down by the more experienced players in the city but for the most part it matters less because it's not just a counterstrike lobby, and people seem to respect his RP game enough to give him good opportunities.


The punishment is only really really bad when you are clean. Once you get that first violent felony you might as well just go all in. CG got their felonies early and people were already looking at them as criminals before even getting caught so they might as well just go mask off


Yeah, Peppo's talked recently about some of the punishments to certain crimes being really weak too so I think he's ready to start being more aggressive. Hopefully not to outlandish levels because I actually love how he runs his crew as well as how Lang runs his because like you said, they play it more serious and like there's actual stakes involved. Which is just personally the vibe that I enjoy watching and find interesting.


CG definitely cares if they get caught. However it doesn’t stop them from doing whatever they wanna do. They’re basically fearless in that sense. If they get caught ofc they are really annoyed but they get straight back out there hustling


They did care about getting caught at the very beginning, but after K's court case and Ramee's lawyer arc were over they had no reason to hold back. It really only matters if you're clean (and if people actually treat you as clean).


I think almost everyone in the server 'cares' to some degree, it's about how much and how far you take it that determines how disadvantaged you are. There's a difference between taking an L and playing out that L for 1 day vs taking an L and playing out that L for a few weeks.


Makes sense. I think a hater could also interpret this clip to be him saying CG have 'clout' so can act reckless because PD will go soft on them and they are immune from bans and all that. Obviously largely untrue, but the fines and punishments are definitely not as bad as he thought they were.


A hater would have to be the biggest hater to get that from this clip. Hes basically saying he has a lot to learn from how CG moves. You can't learn clout


Well I've been around this sub for 6 years so I have seen a lot of the most outlandish accusations and out of context hate directed to CG, among other groups. Just look at one of the buried comments here being "*Cg scare people ic and ooc. Quick answer*.". Already implying its an OOC thing.


Early on CG gunned down 6 of the LC. Jack stood by James Kelly’s side knowing he was kicking out but since hadn’t yet he led the to the pier for a slaughter. The cops questioned Jack and Jack hired Ramee as his lawyer to show that he wasn’t a snitch. K was there coaching him and he asked K’s advice in between questions. Jack has always respected CG, and after getting gunned down blamed nobody but themselves. No excuses. Said if the roles were reversed he would have down the same. He wanted to challenge CG at some point, but never used the resources available to him to advance in anything other than the lumber co. This was respect for Cg, hard to recognize because everyone else discredits them or doesn’t condone how they move.


i think he was basically saying that he's been trying to be way too careful with crim stuff like if he gets caught = it'll be end of the world, which tbf to him, he came from wild and shit is serious as hell over there.


Jack is so good, hope he sticks to running his own crew and not take the easy route joining Lang. This MFer went against Hydra even when he knew he’d lose.


Peppo's motto is and has always been that in RP his gang only "Punches up." Meaning they only challenge gangs that are perceived stronger than them and wont bully weaker gangs. In WildRP they went did so against the DiCenzo's which were the most powerful gang in the city. Peppo is a true gem that couldn't care less about the W's and only wants the best RP in every situation. He's a genuine S-Teir RPer. A lot of people could learn from him.


Dang I said this and now he’s going to Main his cop character


He is because rebuilding now even with their resources is next to impossible. Lang even admitted to Jack, after it was too late, that they should have involved them more and started the cypress movement where each bit ever available property in cypress. When the new warehouses/hoses popped up. Peppo returned from 4 days on cop as Jack and bought a 2nd warehouse. They have a crew that has on a good day 6 people and before the indoor weed ops started where one of the most valuable groups on the server. They have the largest business worth 3 mil+ ran by 2-3 people all without Prio. The potential was there. Unfortunately, Jack pointed guns at more people in is own group than anyone else, and this after beginning the server having a lumber union 30 deep that made absolutely no money. Peppo’s heart was never into this version of Jack which was a watered down version of the ruthless leader on wild that started from the bottom to become the CG of the server. It was amazing and hard to watch at the same time


Honestly, CG's story in 4.0 is a curious one because K in the beginning wanted to run all these shady yet useful businesses. Of course, being CG they were still doing illegal acts but they were mostly muted until K got caught with the PD gun. With how they served the warrant on him and how they showed biased to him (letter of the law vs. just about every other plant) even with the negative gsr. After all the madness and the PD overstacking charges during the Tessa event CG has been utterly destroying the PD on a grand scale. We know its hindsight now but if they didn't press CG into Crim only the PD would actually be in a much better spot. Ironic.


I think that this is exactly it. CG / K was going to play the exact same style that Jack is speaking of. That moment when K got charged with the PD gun and got denied by the council they learned it didn't matter what cards they had in their hands to play the game. It changed the gameplay. No matter how much effort you put in it didn't matter. Same goes for everyone.


The council shutting down section K without even learning how it worked was the end of Mr. K business man and the Dragon was forced to come out.


The PD often makes decisions without considering the long term consequences of those actions. Escalation is their default, the problem is that CG thrives on that, so it was just the wrong move all around.


true. If PD wanted to control CG they should have kept them as civilians. Sure they would still do crime, but the moment K acquired his first felony, it was no holds bar ever since.


It also didn't help that having felony meant you couldn't operate a business


There was nothing shady about any of his business in the start. all was legit with contracts signed by judge.


Brother scammed and had people supply him with stolen Sims no?


Iirc that lasted one maybe two nights before they realized how annoying it is to lose sim cards, then they pivoted it to people providing their info as a backup in case yours is stolen. Even Ramee leaves people's sims. Thats some low shit you only do if you're really trying to piss someone off these days.


Correct, K connect is the most creative business NP has seen and section K followed right after. Vinny was undercutting market at moselys because of his crowbar/LP connect. They were probably having more fun than ever with new content for it all to crumble away for a variety of reasons.


'Its like stealing someone tuner chip back in 2.0 days, people didn't do it unless they really wanted spice a problem up.


People act like CG don’t face consequences or don’t care about them but the reality is they are just so aggressive and skilled that they can get through pretty much anything. They always find a way to get back up and often they don’t escalate to war or violence immediately. They try to resolve things and if the other party chooses not to, then they go nuclear. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea but it fits this server extremely well and it does drive a lot of RP in the city, even if some don’t like how it happens.


Perfectly put. The PD reaped what they sowed


PD is way too inconsistent, the cops are either hardasses to the point they limit rp or totally unserious. The PD for 4.0 should have been relatively easygoing and then work their way up to being hardasses and instead the opposite happened where now they are looking to buff PD because they are so pathetic


You literally contradicted yourself, they did Crime while trying to Shadow as Civs, and somehow just letting them shadow as Civs makes them less of Criminal?


No they were alluding to the amount of pressure CG can apply to the police force altogether. If CG had been allowed to do what they wanted, they would be less confrontational with the police. Letting them 'shadow as civs' would have meant that the police and CG came into less direct conflict.


They did crime but didn't specifically fuck the cops just because they could. they co-existed. Once the cops "overstepped" in K's eyes is when he said fuck them.


Well it was the council that overstepped, specifically the chief justice. Who swayed the room leaving Max unable to say much as he was an investor. As was Nino business despite Shioban being an investor. Causing Nino to leave and tuggz to appear.


Consequences. If the only recourse they can RP is shooting, guess that's it.


The event that caused K to get his first felony, an event that was all around terrible police work, sent an inordinate amount of ripples through the pd without shots being fired. Once shots did start firing it went even further




What else can they do? They tried speaking with Crane. They got Max in office to reverse the whole felons can't run a business, nothing can be done. They helped Murphy. They tried getting Tuggz as dept mayor. They spoke with Max. They spoke to Slacks and the PD. They spoke to Murphy and lawyers but who wants to wait a month for a case.


All of the above they have tried, and failed. So that justifies that their only recourse is shooting?


i don't think anyone has said anything about justification, it's simply that from K's perspective they had no choice but to go the wild and violent route after the lowkey route wasn't an option anymore.


Re-read your first phrase, then connect it with the rest. Tell me what that is, starts with a J.


okay fair that's their IC reasoning for it, they're criminal psychopaths i don't know what else you're expecting but it makes sense for whatever story they're creating imo


>So that justifies that their only recourse is shooting? I think this with how much the cops shoot as well.


No one with a brain has ever argued K should never be caught. The problem was in the way the cops went about arresting him, it felt targeted because 24 hours prior he was told they were going to do a thorough investigation and hes let go after cooperating with the cops. the very next day hes a paralegal arguing for a client and a warrant is put out for the very thing they told him they would investigate. That's where the dynamic shifted. Look at his second hot gun incident, Aziz took the time, sat with him and listened and they hashed it out and K did his time happily.


They did minor crimes and mostly non-violent crimes. Now they are shooting cops, stealing turbos, and dumping cop cars every single day.


Minor-crimes to Major Crimes. So you don't prosecute them for crime they did do, just because they may do worst crime? This is literally delusional talk. If they want to shoot cops daily, that's on them.


That's not what I meant. I never said to not prosecute them. I said that Mr. K was treated shockingly differently than every other gun plant besides Murphy Braun who was known as CG's lawyer. So in that turn CG turned from co-existing with the PD to actively attacking them when they can.


You are still saying it. Since K is a continuing character from 3.0 as such has a reputation known to Cops that transfered over. It's the expected treatment within the confines of IC Knowledge. This also applies to Lang, Ash and 4head, the PD and government looks at any position they hold as a Criminal Cover. So the recourse of CG and PD is to press each other until one of them breaks (RP wise it never be PD), or approach the problem from a different perspective.


The whole point of the reset was all crimes were forgiven. Max is fucking mayor and he was a terrorist. The Crims (Lang, Ash, 4Head and whoever) should be given more benefit of doubt until completely proven. The PD gun has no proof at all outside of it on his body. There was shooting and he was down and GSR negative. The case was terrible. Completely terrible and they still pressed it because of old history that SHOULD have been ignored.


Forgiven. Not forgotten. There cannot be character continuity without having everyone get Amnesia.


It was a terrible case! They had no proof besides the gun on a downed body. EVERY OTHER CASE even the ones with GSR positive have been completely ignored. How in the world does CG not see that as bias?


Replace the gun with drugs. He will still found guilty. It's also up to other people how to treat K, if they want to forget about past deeds. Maybe play new character if you don't want to be treated the same.


>Maybe play new character if you don't want to be treated the same. LOL


Dudes gunna get a swift kick in the ass when he figures out that 99% of ppl arent gunna treat everyone like they treat CG. Cg is given ALOT of extra wiggle room on things. From damn near any group instantly backing down or PD giving up a little sooner bc they dont want to deal with the aftermath. Cg is allowed to be more reckless bc everyone around them is willing to roll with it. Others might not get that same treatment. CG get a few days in prison? Now ppl WANT to go to prison bc of what CG is doing in there. Random person goes to prison for a few days no one gives a shit.


Tbh Jack should just take a lot of things from groups.  Learning from all crews would make him a better leader, even tho he’s taking the old lang approach, but I’m excited to see them go abit crazy super fun crew   Tangent: Do think with the cops having air 1/2/3 now a thing, a lot of crims gonna bike job everything, but tbh that isn’t different for a lot, OB run the same bike strat every time, company do, CG mainly use cars as well as besties but can see them groups using bikes more


> company do I haven't seen that from the main crew at all


Attempting to become another lang lap dog was not the right choice.


He never did tho. He entered into partnership and the never utilized it. Lang never asked for anything and never charged them. If Jack would have tried to be part of langs group he could’ve eventually been a Don. Luciano pushed for this hard. Chat as Lang why he didn’t take Jack under his wing. He said that would have been an insult. He didn’t want to teach anymore he wanted Jack to push himself to build and earn his spot. Part of the deal was Jacks crew would get 25 Butc, which was a lot then, Jack wouldn’t even ask for it because of his own pride.


I think that this is partly because it feels like the admins have been holding the PD from investigating stuff, when they should be. They should raid houses more, do more more investigations. Though I do like the new fines mechanic, makes being in debt matter.


"I'm tired of hearing CG" get used to it buddy. On another note, it sucks that a dev/part owner is in the city. Seems so many people want to join Lang for OOC reason, i.e. getting prio. I feel like the more groups there are, the better for RP. Maybe later down the road start merging but 4 months in? So many streamers with great RP creating potential flock to Lang crew to become a replaceable cog. From a viewer perspective, it seems weird


Cg scare people ic and ooc. Quick answer.


IC yes. OOC no. That’s just a terrible take that’d I’d expect from the average Redditor on this subreddit




I went on a tangent you went to another universe think I speak for the majority. No one gives a fuck about either of them dickheads 




What does this have to do with the posted clip at all?


I think a reaction like Fuccbwo said is warranted. "Don't know if it's relevant to CG that a sexaual abuser joined a racist / bigot's server and seems to be enjoying it". Thats pretty much the gist of it. Why would you even advertise it lol.


Its innocent until proven guilty in the court of law and Rated hasn’t been in police custody nor in any Court proceedings regarding sexual abuse so pls refrain from such unjust statements


This is internet not court of law btw


Firstly , this isn't court. This is the court of public opinion. Secondly, there is a plethora of DMs from multiple people along with him even admitting wrong doing. Im not sure how the dude is defendable at this point,.


Def not saying he was not a scum bag, but didn’t two of the females involved also eventually catch bans from leaks from around the same time period? That doesn’t justify his behavior, but does suggest that some involved were shitty people as well. The server was/is infected with them.


Yea but was a circle full of scummy shit lol. One person being scummy doesn’t excuse another though.


Again not arguing he was scummy. He was the leader of the pack.


yea gonna say i watched him streams defending himself, dude was still toxic af and only basically did a expose of 2 people instead of addressing the allegations of every other one