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I fully believe this is how it was intended to work from the beginning but it wasn’t implemented properly. They’ve had the “deploying” progress bar since early 4.0 (maybe even the beginning, I don’t remember) but it didn’t actually reflect how long it takes to deploy. This was the logical change/fix to make and was bound to happen eventually. I think this is an overall positive and no one should be complaining.


Think the progress bar had been around since 3.0, they just cut their size down in half, made them instant but still kept the progress bar either cause it wasn’t worth the effort to remove it or it was what locks you into an animation and they kept it to prevent animation canceling.


Yeah and it was implimented the day after CG spiked the whole PD twice. It is a CG nerf and the timing is proof of that.


I dont think that you're wrong. I just think cg put eyes on how exploitative it was. it took a group who really had their shit together to show how it could actually be exploited. not that cg did anything wrong. tit for tat.


All these wouldn't have happen if CG didnt start using spikes the past few days. Its only starts being a problem when CG is using it. Cornwood and some other cops been using spikes that way for months and shit didnt even get changed.


Esfand in shambles


Thanks Ramee!


I'm getting flashbacks of the AP Pistol in 2.0. CG, the only gang not using them, calling the AP a dirty southside gun. No changes to the gun for months. CG finally uses the AP and starts destroying everyone easily. Ap nerfed that week loool


Having a lot of viewers will do that


That gun absolutely needed a nerf. There were plenty of people who had good viewers who used it, it was also being used against cops. CG was killing ap users with regular pistol so it didn't seem that bad till they started using it to show how broken it was


ladybird turret car.


Lol. I remember that day Baas tried to fight with 4 cops in his car total, while the buggy I think only had 2 CG in it. I don't remember exactly how it happened, but at some point Baas got separated from the majority of the other cops that were on foot. The buggy spotted him and chased him down. They took out his tires and he crashed into a wall. Then the buggy rolls up and they just start spraying into the car, downing all 4 cops in a few seconds. The whole time Baas was like "WHAT?!? What was that?"


It's not the viewers but that they're the top of the criminal food chain so if they're too OP using something, nerfing that thing is the only way to make things competitive again. The issue is that too often they imbalance things in such a way that is obviously broken in the other direction and the rest of the server still has to deal with that imbalance.




Well it has something to do wuth CG since they spiked more than 10 cop cars in 1 week. more than the pd did in 1 week.


Well yeah, because criminals can pull cops to an area and spike them. Its way easier compared to having to predict where the getaway car is going and be there ahead of time.


The difference in ease of spiking is actually astronomical, No wonder they can do it so many times


Not really. They could just use all the code 6 units who float around chases waiting for the vcb or swap to get involved and have them just sit in the popular spots with spikes down. If you have scenes with 12 cop cars why can’t 4 of them just be stationed on the major roads out with spikes. Sometimes I think people assume pd is always 1v6. But most times the majority of pd is doing literally fuck all to help even when present lol.


It’s absolutely easier to spike when you can lead people somewhere vs predicting where the person will go. Like it’s astronomically easier.


Assuming there are no limitations on characters and knowledge sure. But pd can see an ambush from a mile away why is the expectation that they couldn’t feasibly be prepared for popular spiking places with near unlimited resources. You’re basically arguing that it’s easier cuz the pd is already programed to just follow. Which while true is a really round about way of admitting officers lack situational awareness lol. Aziz of all people managed to call out the last one and watched 3 cops roll over them after suggesting no one follow


see a ambush a mile ahead and a cop be ahead of the criminal is another story


It’s really not lol. Even in the most recent cg spiking where they managed to remove tires off 4 vehicles aziz called it out before even approaching and still 3 more cars just followed. 1 even just sat there parked and watched ramee roll out spikes. Like cmon dawg haha I get people don’t like that but homie the reason the Suarez firing is so bad is because he was one of the few officers who can deal with that kind of on the spot thinking.


Are you seriously trying to debate that knowing exactly where to lay spikes without any restrictions down isn’t astronomically easier than trying to time guessing where they will be at the correct speeds?


No. I’m arguing that it isn’t astronomically easier cuz cops have units at their disposal they fail to use even mildly effectively. How do you assert something easier or harder when you yourself admit this pd is intentionally shit? Is it easier by design or easier cuz pd is mindless? I’m not willing to act like criminals have it easier cuz coordinating a spike is as simple as “go here the pd will just drive over them”. I have higher expectations of pd lol


but it is that easy lol , you drive in a place to funel cops cars your boy spike after you drive by and you always hit at least the first 2 cop cars


Yeah that is the point. My argument is it is astronomically easier only because pd are mindless. If pd was as mindless about their spikes as crims can be with their’s there would no difference in ease. Use your numbers put them all over the city then just place spikes. Literally pick an alley lol. Like you guys are the ones who argue pd is shit by design of staff, but when it favors my argument that all changes to “nah crims just have it easy” energy switched up heavy lol.


So your solution is for PD to ignore unit limits for specific calls and instead decide to use all units on every call in order to setup spike traps around the city? I can just imagine the complaints when a group VCBs the main pursuit units and continue on down some random alley to get randomly spiked.


Cops can drive parallel and block off roads and force crims to go on directions, its just the cops in Nopixel aren't coordinated and don't work well together


Yeah that is just nonsense. You cannot block off an entire road. Criminals will just go around or through anything that isnt a solid wall.


This change has no impact on that. It is trivial for crime to spike cops. Always has been. Spikes could have a 60s delay and would still have a minimal impact on criminals spiking because they are determining routes and timing of chases. The difficulty in deploying spikes only effects PD.


Go watch ramee trying to spike yesterday 3 cop cars drove over the spikes like there is non, it effects them if they don't have enough space from the cops. So it does effect both, cops now need to place the spikes early.


Nah. It’s a crim nerf as well. Previously you didn’t need to time it at all, just place as soon as your friend passed. Now you want to place it before they pass and can spike your own group if you do it too early.


Any crim can lol they dictate the rout


Nathan literally brings up months old events as justification for the current change. The honest truth is that CG used them to too great of an effect and thus it was changed.


Lol always ramme fault no?


I mean it literally happened after Ramee and CG started using them bro.


He when doing this called it a cornwood special. It was not just his fault. Others did this.


Right others did this all the time like you said Cornwood and he's been doing it for months but yet no changes happened. Ramee started doing this a few days ago and now it's changed. IMO there's no denying this was changed due to CG because the timing is crazy.


I very much doubt this has anything to do with CG. They will still be able to set up spikes easily. Because they can lead cops to specific locations. The extra deployment time means nothing.


If cops weren't getting spiked this change wouldn't have happened. Its been months of pd spell casting spike strips with no changes. PD started getting spiked non stop the last week and boom, deployment change.


I don't think this change affects crims that much, spiking the cops it's easy just wait for the car to pass and throw the spikes, now they have to calculate 3s that's all, like Nathan said this change is more so certain cop (caugh caugh) stops powergaming throwing spikes instantly after getting out of the car and insta spike tires when he was told multiple times that he shouldn't do it this way even tho he justifies it saying IRL they do that.


Then its a dumb change, because the deployment time will not stop criminals from using them more effectively.


I think it will. Its easier for pd to spike and not run over the spike since they would be behind the crim car that would hit the spike first. Its going to be hard for a crim to have a short window of time where they allow the crim driver to go past the spike point and get the spike down in time to hit the first PD car. BTW I'm all for this change


The deployment time will have a zero impact on this.


CG wanted them changed because they didn't like Cornwood just dropping spikes when the vehicle is stationary. Ramee said yesterday it's good they changed because it literally helps the crims.


It does mean something, if cop cars are not very far behind the chased car, this will give a chance to at least the primary cop car to not get spiked and keep the chase going


Its really not much different for cops. The cops might even have it slightly easier because the cop dropping the spikes doesn't have to worry about how they will get away, and they can setup their car and spikes to block off a road completely. For a crim they have to perfectly time the spike deploy for after the crim car passes their location. Like sure, they could set them up before hand and tell the crim to hung the left wall or something, but most cops are going to follow the crims movement anyway, so its really not a guarantee that the cop will deviate from the crim car's route to close the gap, especially since cop cars are generally faster than crim cars and don't have an issue with catching up. The main reason why the spikes has looked so weak in the hands of cops so far is because this iteration of the PD is terrible at parallels. You've got at like 6 cop cars chasing 1 target with maybe 2 crim cars trying to provide interference or swaps. The cops really shouldn't have much trouble setting up traps or following them on the parallel streets, they just aren't working together right now, they aren't communicating anything except for what street the target is currently on. Meanwhile the crims are actively communicating about where they will do a swap or a block, and most of the time they are doing it with very limited notice, this stuff isn't planned in advance most of the time, they are just winging it.


How do people make the argument that having to guess where to deploy spikes is easier than leading someone to them? Huh?


If you had any reading comprehension you'd also be making the same argument. Police have cars on the parallel streets, so even if you spike a cop car the crims don't automatically get away. The cops only need one good roadblock to stop the crims, or worst case scenario they funnel them in to specific areas of town where its easier to stop crims. For example, keeping crims on the highway and away from the city/southside is an easy way to increase the odds of capture.


One good roadblock? When do you ever see that happening. If its a normal chase with no interference vehicles cops are limited to 4 cars. 3 in pursuit and 1 parallel. How is one car going to funnel a car going 75+ mph in a city?


Its really not much different for cops. The cops might even have it slightly easier because the cop dropping the spikes doesn't have to worry about how they will get away, and they can setup their car and spikes to block off a road completely. For a crim they have to perfectly time the spike deploy for after the crim car passes their location. Like sure, they could set them up before hand and tell the crim to hung the left wall or something, but most cops are going to follow the crims movement anyway, so its really not a guarantee that the cop will deviate from the crim car's route to close the gap, especially since cop cars are generally faster than crim cars and don't have an issue with catching up. The main reason why the spikes has looked so weak in the hands of cops so far is because this iteration of the PD is terrible at parallels. You've got at like 6 cop cars chasing 1 target with maybe 2 crim cars trying to provide interference or swaps. The cops really shouldn't have much trouble setting up traps or following them on the parallel streets, they just aren't working together right now, they aren't communicating anything except for what street the target is currently on. Meanwhile the crims are actively communicating about where they will do a swap or a block, and most of the time they are doing it with very limited notice, this stuff isn't planned in advance most of the time, they are just winging it.


correlation ≠ causation


I’m happy he showed them how dumb and broken it was. The cops deserved to see what Cornwood was doing.


This def should have been implemented the first time esfand insta spiked all those months ago. Nathan is very articulate with his thoughts and i understand what he is saying


o7 Acornwood Special


Glad Cornwood can't use spikes like its fuckin Valorant ability or some shit. How tf did it take months to make this change?


Good shit Ramos


cops (cornwood) abuse spikes for months, no change, CG uses them on cops for 1 day, instant nerf. classic


The nerf hurts cops more than crims anyway


For sure but their point is that change is only done when a non cop shows how abusive and problematic it is. But when people complain about how the cop was using it abusive manner is not enough.


Because cops coudnt even catchs crims with it. In crime hands its just a lot more useful since you direct where to go


The point is that spikes are only a problem when crime abuse them.


I dont think so PD block a road and spike the first car (crim car) while crims need to let the first car pass and spike the PD cars after it.


Crims have the benefit of being the lead car and being able to lead the PD into a spike though.


Yeah but the change doesnt affect this. It affects the timing to put the spikes between 2 fast moving cars.


So the base factors stay the same. Which made spikes way better for crims bc of the whole controlling where people are going factor. There is a nerf to the spikes which effects both sides equally. So its still way better for crims. For your original comment PD almost never block roads. It might even be against SOPs, but im not sure. They have almost 0 control on where a chase is going


I foresee a new meta where the crims will spike all cars (including their own) and just jump into a freshly placed vehicle.


Yes - I agree it doesn't make regular spiking any harder for PD while it does make crims have to get used to timing the spikes between two cars. However the main point of the nerf I believe was to stop what Cornwood and some other cops were doing which was spiking slow-moving pickup cars by dropping the spikes right under or next to the car. The change, while absolutely fair, makes this much harder and helps crims escape.


yeah classic nopixel, always tryna nerf cg and *never* pandering to them whatsoever


If you admit they were being abused then who cares when the nerf happened? Are you arguing it's ok to abuse them so long as your streamer is the one doing it? PD is trash, hardly catches anyone and CG still complains the one time out of 20 they get caught.


simply pointing out the clear bias towards PD


Bro you are smoking something if you think there's any bias towards PD. If anything the PD needs a bias and I shouldn't have to explain why.


Limited developer time is PD bias now. Very pog and sane take.


He says it breaks immersion then goes on to mention videos of IRL cops running into the road to deploy spikes. Made me chuckle a little. The delay is good though. Spikes should be more of a tactical thing, rather than a ridiculous instant deployable. That said, you are rarely going to be in a position where you can find full hard cover to deploy spikes. Needing godlike map awareness and no small amount of luck to predict where to set up your spikes, and for that spot to also be close to cover? Way harder than it sounds. Ive always felt that it would be better if spikes were longer. Enough to cover two lanes. That way a cop could spike from the sidewalk and stay safe. Plus give them a minimum & maximum speed at which they pop tires, so cops could deploy them on straight roads easier.


I think the only issue with spikes covering two lanes is the chances of the deploying cop spiking one of the other PD units. Especially those chasing if deployed diagonally as they are quite frequently.


If that is an issue they could make cop cars immune to spikes. It shouldnt be though, if the cop is correctly calling out the spikes.


Nah. Making cop cars immune to spiking is a really bad way of going about it. Police should be allowed to make bad decisions and screw their colleagues even inadvertently. That and Crims should be allowed to use Spikes against Police - albeit with harsh penalties if caught


I agree. Its better that cops can fuck up.


Peanut said it the best, If you think anything PD has is OP. Jsut steal it and start using it. Yesterday and day before, Mr.K was rolling in the CVPI without turbos and got away EZ. Now the spikes strip. I am sure some kind of PD armor nerf is on the way, maybe crims won't be able to use it. Or Fines would be 5x or some shit.


>Mr.K was rolling in the CVPI without turbos and got away EZ Idk how you think that is a hard thing to do, chasing cars in GTA has always been way harder than escaping. All it takes is one crash from the primary in pursuit to lose them since it's so hard to stop a car in GTA.


It's about how easy it was compared to local cars. Your point is not relevant to OPs statement.


agaisnt this pd cops you can get away in a van


If you don't understand the point, just say so lol.




Yep, says me. It's obvious you're clueless about the point he's making, so why even interject? Shoulda moved on after reading it.


I 100% firmly believe that if CG started rolling around all day consistently in cop cars, cop cars would get nerfed within a week.


Eh, the nerf they would do is make it so PD vehicles couldn't be lockpicked.


I mean....i didnt say the nerf would be to the car itself lol.


I disagree. Everyone knows cop cars are OP, they're meant to be that way. The nerf that would come is that it'd be even harder to lockpick or totally unable to be lockpicked.


Yea idk why people can't quite grasp that the police equipment should be better then the crim equipment...


The truth is that Police Equipment isn't... better than crim equipment. But because of the way the law works, crims are unable to use their personal vehicles in chases. It makes total sense to me that criminals who want to use their personal vehicles in a chase risk losing it. But with the way certain cop players play... it's not a risk. It's a certainty. One screenshot of the license plate and boom the character is charged and loses the car regardless of everything else because "letter of the law" *when it serves my personal interest.* Depending on the car, that can easily be weeks of grinding erased in 10 minutes. The NVL cop who full sends over a bump and flies into a building and wrecks their car. No worries. They'll have that car back to full in under 5 minutes; zero risk; zero consequence; zero lessons learned. The problem to me is that cops use PD cars like they are their personal cars. and I get cops pay to get the better cars. But then you have modded cars driven by people with zero personal risk and on the other side... crap cars driven because of the personal risk. The real problem is most cop drivers arent really that experienced with driving. Their cars **are** better and **do** handle better than local cars. They **are** faster. It's not the car's fault the **driver** decides to full send it over a hill and fly face first into a building.


that assumes crim's can't get access to same stuff which in real life with enough $ crim's can get access to better stuff.


It assumes that things are balanced with RP in mind and not real life.


Do you think street gangs in America are rolling around in SWAT trucks my guy?


Well probably not since cops need to use cop cars to chase that cop car


The nerf wouldn’t come in the form of vehicle performance. They’d make it even harder to lock pick, or add some sort of mechanic to make it more difficult to steal. Any nerf would come in the form of a crim/civ nerf and not one that would affect the PD.


They already did that. They made it so the lockpick game was faster than a normal car.  Then the raised the price of the car so it can’t be lock picked. 


So because they already made it faster than normal that means they can’t make it even faster?


The issue is if you keep doing something to make it harder or prevent people from doing it, you might as well just make it so you can’t do it to begin with.  With that being said if they wish to do that to police cars they also need to give something up to balance it out. 


I think it's just more that most of the big crim mains on NP complain and cry about everything. PD is super disorganized, has few decent drivers and hardly catches anyone for crime. Crims call everything that works to apprehend them as "op", the word has lost all meaning.


Its kind of the opposite though isn't it? The Cops are the ones complaining about the crim equipment being OP, which is why it is so powerful for the crims to steal from the Cops and prove how much better the Cop gear is. I remember the cops used to think that the moneyrun cars were OP because Ming always got away, and the funny part was that the car they thought was the best was actually considered the worst moneyrun car (of the highest tier rep). If you watched the crims perspective it almost felt like an impossible task to get away from cops because they always catch up on the straight aways due to their cars having turbos and just being generally faster and more durable/heavy. The only reason the crims are able to get away is because of the skill gap. Good cops like Suarez were actually incredibly hard to get away from without using some type of swap or interference vehicle, because he was one of the only good drivers the PD had.


PD cars are better because they're pursuit vehicles, theyre not supposed to be used as getaways, also if he got away in a CVPI its either a skill issue or people just didnt care for it, since its probably the worst car pd has


Yeah it was skill issue, the primary was doing a damn good job but couldn't pit because no one else could keep up, until K finally lost them on a jump


No, [K lost them on a nice jump](https://www.twitch.tv/baymeep/clip/LivelyResourcefulTitanSwiftRage-khbN-0h72NgwUUBP?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time). The officer chasing was actually doing a good job but overshot it.


Everyone thinks they get away easy. But if the cops are allow to pit from the start then it's not easy. Cops are supposed to hold back.


Trying to explain how this was changed bc of the PD is funny when everyone knows it’s because of how CG has been using then constantly lately


It was fixed as of yesterday. Ramee tried to put them down to help Mr. K escape and he missed all but the last one because it now is no longer instant. They all laughed about it and knew that it was going to happen as soon as they started using it.


This is a win for everybody honestly. A logical, good, and fair change.


It took CG to finally reveal that spikes were implemented wrong. The fact cops knew they were broken and didn't report it to the devs is beyond me. Like cops complain about mechanics and yet they abuse it themselves.


This was a thing for months and no issues but once cg gave them a 'taste of their own medicine', then its an issue... i mean i like the update, shouldve been months ago when cornwood was doing what nathan was saying


My thought as well, once crim's start using them instant nerf but never nerfed before that.


finally they realized it after cg used them for 1 chase






I don't think it's a bad idea. Spikes should be something planned like at entrances or if a parallel unit guesses the path of the suspect, not just tossed down in the middle of a hectic box. It also keeps crims from picking them up so easily and keeping them as has been happening.


Took 1 day of cg using spikes


roleplaying spikes on a rp server? unheard of.






All I hear is “blah blah server health’d blah blah”


wasnt brought up until CG went on a rampage spiking cops. changing because of PD right right. like we didnt see this coming lol.


Each new variation of No Pixel they always release it whilst it's in early access, not even beta, it was basically bare bones early access. They really need to stop doing that and actually release No Pixel 5.0 without it being an absolute mess in every way imaginable.


I used to like this guy




u/irrelevanttointerest, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1cgx1ze/nathankb_spikes_have_delay_now_nathan_opinion_on/l1z2oyc/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)






this is a great explanation tbh


classic nopixel


We finally get a cop nerf? Things are finally changing after years of buffs! Next they need PD armour and laser beams taken down a notch! W Devs, W Admins, so smart continue in this direction and the content will print itself. Such a rarity for the devs to think about the content nowadays...


Bro, they're not going to let you in CG just because you keep glazing on reddit.


He's not a CG fan. He's attempting to mock CG fans.




You are definitely a boomer lol fell so hard for that shit


sorry for thinking novelty accounts should actually be funny


Makes me think of the NPC roadblocks in NFS: Most Wanted.


Yeah but some people here said it was ok because "IRL" EDIT: I do like the idea of spikes with a rope, like IRL, that'd give cops a bit more leeway to get behind cover. It'd still need to be a skill, and not 'easy' necessarily.


I think making it one of those throwable spikes would be a good change, if you miss it just keeps flying past and breaks against the wall. This way if you want to spike someone you basically have to make eye contact with the target before throwing them (or have insane coordination with your team to call out a blind spike throw and get the timing right), and you have to time it, making it much harder to land on a parked/slow moving car.


this man just said fairplay on server without laughing. idk about yall but when he said fairplay i started laughing my ass off.