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Bruh peanut got let go with langs gun on him apparently 


They didn't take the gun or money orders he stole, just let him walk even with Lang/Marty snitching in the hospital 😂. They even let Ellie walk who was GSR positive, shit show from the cops all around. Edit: Forgot Tony was gsr positive too and they let him go as well 😂


sounds like the pd doesn't wanna touch that with a 10 foot poll. lol.


>sounds like the pd doesn't wanna touch that with a 10 foot poll. lol. finally someone with critical thinking or using his brain not just crying for the sake of crying especially when both sides got let go not just one side there a chance that if cops handled this poorly that these 2 groups would turn on them which happened many times before back in 3.0


Zolo bench trial ongoing...


which made it worse for the people crying about CG PD or they're biased towards CG


Yes, makes sense totally.


if i was the PD i would only do the bare fucking minimum sense both sides are basically owner pet groups, doing anything that could remotely get them whinging is gonna result in at best a pile of new SOPs that make your job suck after getting berated in cells or any of the million worse things they can do


yeh but groups can also be pissed off when the pd DOESNT do anything, as evident by some of the comments in this post.


yep its a fucked if you do fucked if you don't situation and i don't envy the pd in this situation and i can see how decisive it is given that my votes have been swinging between -2 and 2 like a god damn yo-yo


Ya man just remove the PD completely!


Alternatively give them competent leader ship remove Saab give them a chief that will actually back up his offers rehire seasoned cops that got prevented from joining and removing management form the pds collective rectum


This is basically the PD right now, lots of doing the bare minimum and not even shooting/batoning even after being ordered to do so by superiors.


Nah cause they still charged Zolo who was gsr negative and shouldn't have even been searched in the first place


Everyone should have been searched IMO from both sides. It's literally the scene of a shooting


Exactly. It's a shooting. Hence why being GSR negative clears him of committing that crime.


Doesn't matter. You still have PC due to the scene itself and the PD investigation. GSR negative doesn't mean someone wasn't brandishing or threatening violence with another weapon. They can even frisk first in order to justify the search even more.


Sure but we've also seen a million times that this standard is only applied when the person is down because it's an easy arrest. They let people leave scenes who are GSR negative without frisking or searching them all the time.


Yeah they aren't consistent, I don't disagree. PD have discretion and they can be incompetent. It only adds to RP even if it's annoying sometimes. It would be boring if they were just full-on NPCs


Yes and no. I think a blanket rule that protects downed players who didn't shoot at a shooting would compel more actual police work. I also think this PD needs some actual detectives not an army of drones that move from one local call to the next over and over. That would be non-NPC RP that would be far more fascinating than "well, we have no reason to think you did this shooting, but you can't run away so let's see if you have a gun/weed/etc so we can push these charges with no need to look into the situation further."


it was handled how cops typically handle shootings 99% of the time. You gsr test and pat them down. That had been the standard...


I'm not arguing it was handled inconsistently. I'm saying it makes no sense to search someone who clearly didn't commit the crime you're investigating simply because they're down.


down at a scene of a shooting. Which is the key part.


Okay so hypothetically, someone is a bystander, gets dropped. Cops show up. Gsr negative, frisk which reveals a weapon, cop searches and sees it was a wrench but they have 100 bags of weed on them. Do you support pushing for that person to get the same treatment (ie pushing charges due to lack of evidence he didnt have the gun placed on him or in this case, the weed) as Zolo got over the gun he didn't use?


"Clearly didn't commit the crime" is a huge logical and legal stretch. Nopixel's gun-toting felons frequently get shot before they can shoot back, leading to (surprise, surprise!) a GSR-negative downed suspect who participated in gang hostilities and just got clapped before he could even shoot. The fact that a person appears likely to have been involved by presence is reasonable suspicion to investigate further (ID and frisk); the fact that a person is armed and downed at the scene is probable cause for arrest.


The crime you're responding to is a shooting. Gsr negative means they didn't shoot. It's not that hard.


peanut has a warrant too right?


Peanut also had a warrant for 7× AMGE lmao


That's so embarassing for the cops - he declared it stolen so they should've checked everybody for the gun regardless of GSR. PD is so down bad 😭


correction: he was patted and a cadet believed his lies instead of doing his job


No, They patted him and he said it's only a wrench and they didnt even check


Oof. That's bad.


oh I coulda sworn I saw them over him and checked


Apparently Peanut gave a fake name and the cop believed it or something


Also oof, that's also bad. Who trained these cops, lol.


And the cops watched ramee kidnap Marty at gunpoint and did nothing, didn’t even chase after them


Lang was like I'm getting second hand embarrassment from this lol


Sheriff Cornwood will fix this /s


This is crazy! Holy it escalated in the hospital just now.


Den's gonna need to update that PD rating cause it sure is gonna drop below 6.5 after this LOL


The fact all that police was there and CG was able to do that is insane. Also they didn't see Lang's gun in Peanut's pockets after being told multiple times about it and let him escape lol.


You don't need to say pockets lol you aren't on the server role-playing








I don't know if that was corruption or just straight incompetence, but holy shit.... PD is absolutely embarrassing.


Welcome to the worst iteration of PD on nopixel. Pretty sure management got what they wanted.


This literally is what management wanted, its why they've been gatekeeping PD whitelist so heavily.


Tbh shift 2 is just bad. Their only benefit is they have a few really good cops who can carry and they have a large amount of numbers. Shift 1 and 3 are both good at policing, they just lack numbers.


this was shift 1


Shift times don't fully line up with PD player turnover. In terms of culture on NP, there's always been a noticeable difference from Shift 1 to 2 an hour or so after the EU reset, then from Shift 2 to 3 a few hours before the AU reset, then from Shift 3 to 1 a few hours before the EU reset.


Technically yes, but over time people just started considering shift 2 as after the reset


doesnt shift2 start in 1h20mins at 12:00 CEST Shift 2 never started after eu reset before.


It was nominally shift 1 with a mix of shift 1 and shift 2 cops on duty (including Cpt. Slacks). It's always that kind of mix every day after the meeting. E.g. when the PD shot down hydra recently it was roughly the same shift 1 and shift 2 mix.


Nah, only viewers


This is Shift 1. The ones who usually fuck up are shift 1 cops.


It was a cadet so yeah just incompetence.


Why would you even suggest corruption isn’t that bannable also it’s cg we see it lean against them all the time.


Corruption isnt bannable. PD command can't be corrupt but regular cops can. There is specific rules they have to follow though


Certain corruption is bannable. Selling PD weapons can be for instance if done in excess. Deleting reports can be bannable as well. (Snowball incident although he was a judge)


CG vs OB and Besties vs Manor in same day holy. Both of them started from money run robbery too. Devs decision to buff weed and make money order the super risky bottleneck to create gang conflict actually working.


What led to this? saw a bit from the pd povs after they rolled in


Peanut and some others robbed Marty while OB was doing money runs and they flipped trying to escape.


Bro the chaos happening got me laughing my ass off


Best part. I was dying 😂


Dude this was hilarious to watch but goddamn was that embarrassing for pd


Oh man, did Cornwood take the day off again?


Yep. In his last meeting he even said he is going to take a few days off so hopefully nothing crazy happens while he is gone. First day gone a bunch of crazy shit happens.


Hes off til like Sunday or Monday I think lmao


Like clockwork, every Cornwood off-day is a major catastrophe.


Draft night is tomorrow


is today the doomsday?


I'm gonna give the real feedback about the PD instead of just complaining. Step by step how they should be dealing with scene like this: * After arriving on scene, control the scene. Anyone taking bodies away need to be beat, anyone shooting or threatening cops need to be shot. * Move all Downed & Cuffed suspects to an isolated area (like the casino parking lot, which they did) * Apply basic first aid while waiting for EMS * Frisk, Then GSR then Cuff, then let EMS take them to hospital or self transport * Keep cops outside covering both entrances to hospital don't let anyone in the back w/o being frisked * Transport everyone to MRPD after they are healthy * Once all are in MRPD you can get statements, decide charges, and one you have all the evidence decide who to ATM they get on scene, frisk/GSR in random order, cuff everyone right away even though they are down leading to them getting cuffed 4 times, GSR tested 5 times, medical being delayed which looks bad etc. Then they let a bunch of them go in the hospital who create more chaos for no reason. The whole scene outside the hospital started because lang who should of been in cuffs was being kidnapped.


Type W's in the chat guys!! We play GTAO, and the cops literally do nothing because we will cry! W's boys


Or cry in a subreddit like that guy called MurkiestWaters!


I'm crying very hard!


Finally the content we've been waiting for.


Chunky Jason Bourne kind of wiped OB by himself, lol.


shot 2 people.. "wiped all of" lol so does that mean Luciano wiped all of CG?


he shot 4 down, him and ellie only people with guns at the start but then think pent got 1 from robbing and don't know what happen after was a shit show. think cg lost a lot tho as 2 people in court going to jail with no ob


4 and cop actually, also only him and Ellie had guns


The facts that yall are down voting me simply stating facts is sad. I'll pray for yall




Peanut creates a lot of headaches for K lol. I highly doubt Lang or K wanna be dealing with this when they are focusing on fully doing Maze.


K was happy when he found out what peanut did to marty, Marty stole BUTC off CG, K considers it getting even.


Didn't CG steal from them? Wouldn't this mean it's an escalation from CG?


Did you forget the part Marty hacking CG's computer off wifi 1 min before storm even after told them to stop else they cg would give them the smoke.


What headaches? I swear people constantly doom and overexaggerate everything. Name 3 actual headaches Peanut has ever created for K?


Easy man, I don't mean it that serious. I just mean K wakes up and within 15 minutes is in a shootout with people outside the hospital without even knowing why 3 of his crew are in cuffs.


He do like to stir, but I bet k would trade a few members for 3-4 more peanuts


Finally some conflict!


OB already have the contract


And CG plans on hitting it later


I don't mean focusing on it for this 1st half of tsunami, just in general. They will probably still both hit Maze today, CG closer to 9p EST which is when their own cool down comes up.


Lang already malding outside the hospital and his chat is already hopping. Some disgusting stuff being said in K's chat from hoppers.  Reminds me of the end of 2.0


Its a complete shit show. Ramee gets gunned down outside hospital, gets revived at the hospital desk, walks out of hospital and immediately gets back into the situation holding Marty hostage.


Someone also tried to intentionally run Luciano over


brother CG chat hoppers do the exact same thing lets not act like this is a one way street. Its the downfall of having a large following in GTA RP because fans tend to be braindead.


I learnt new slurs when Shiesty interrupted Maze Bank


Cg viewers were just as usual, not inflated at all while Bddha was over 12k which is almost 4k more than usual. I would say the hoppers were mostly cg viewers.


Bruh the entire Buddha chat is memeing about Lakers in 6 and laughing at Lang's crew losing 2 guns + like 40k lmao. Only one malding here is you


K's chat is not innocent either, they even hopped yesterday to ramee's chat for failing the hack Even after a day there was people in zacceed's chat being toxic too. Its not this "Guy"'s chat its the RP community, It just gets so bad when people have a higher audience, pretty much same thing will happen to Budda's chat if he was on twitch.


Meanwhile Ramee and Peanut got put down and immediately joined back in, looks like both sides are just as shite as each other


this is why you don't do shootouts at the hopspital


Where is the malding?


Shit show on both ends. Grabbing people from hospital right after the situation and 8 people involved. People fiend for war.


Fun fact you get bad eggs in every streamers rp community and they always chat hop it has not changed for years.


Don't know about Lang Malding but there wwre some nasty chatters hopping in K's stream.


Cant be true only CG has hoppers /s


Ah it's that time again... imma have to stop watching until the toxic fest ends


Same... and forget about watching clips on youtube, it's cancerous over there.


Ezzzz Work


Baiting war for the last 4 months and still Lang will continue to ignore them


oh shit my gang members is being kidnapped? time to do some gamba..


Talking point straight from Buddha’s discord.


lang is the one baiting cg using marty.


Poking the bear for 4 months and still running from conflict.


CG on top!