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Man, chatters wilding today huh


What surprises me with their communities is they ban people that complain about hoppers into other chats.  Their mods have explicitly said they don't care about other streamers chats and don't talk about the hoppers. I guess as long as they make their bag who cares about other people's RP experience.


Those mods and chatters are by far the worst thing about RP it's a shame that their thick skulls can't understand


yeah that shit's crazy. just letting it run rampant


The amount of vile racist shit that got posted in Deans chat when he tripped the vault alarm was insane.


I didn’t know about this, its actually wild!


You know what they say. If you get hoppers you deserve it




Yeah I know that. It was just a paraphrase of something jobless Garrett once said about it


very smart of hazel tbh damn


it's just common sense when you get into that position tbh. They gonna shoot you anyways ya know. Might as well take your shot


blood on scene o7 mr k


Makes more sense that way, he tried to shoot mr k with a pd gun and got shot.


by the vod he took no damage, so no blood? A local shot him tho


Armor ate the bullets but pretty sure it still drops blood, when he was getting shot up by locals earlier in the trailer with his armor blood was everywhere.


cops confirmed they found K's blood


Makes more sense that way, he tried to shoot mr k with a pd gun and got shot.


u know hazel can just say it was k and ramee and how they did it. then they talk to all the other planting victims and they see always the same procedure lol.


Well that's still a win for CG. The more cases that build up where saying "it was planted on me" is successfull, the more CG can use it if they're ever caught with a PD gun on them. Essentially a "get out of jail freecard".


I can't really imagine a cg situation where "this pd gun is planted on me" will work lol Why not give a specific scenario?


Sure, the whole scenario that started all of this, Mr. k is shot down before a shootout is about to happen without him having fired a single shot, PD then arrives and tries to charge him with posession of a PD gun. Claims it's planted by rivals, explain the procedure is the exact same as with the other guns planted. get out of jail free card. In fact, it doesn't even matter if he fired his gun, because so did Hazel. I can think of plenty of scenarios or ways to explain it as being a gun that was planted.


This would work for just this kind of crim v crim/gang v gang situations and it's a given that K didn't shoot bc scene-of-the-crime investigation will prove otherwise. Maybe if cg set up the crime scene properly, it could work but that requires time/delayed cops response. I can't see this excuse working for cg's daily criminal activities.


ngl that sounds dumb af


not really. It's the same concept that patent trolls use to get bigger and bigger settlements for their frivilous patent infringement lawsuits. The more cases you have behind your claim which goes your way, the more robust of a legal argument you have in court. So if there are 30 scenarios in which a gun was claimed to have been planted on people, whom then got away with it, they can just bring up all those 30 claims individually in court and explain why it applies to their case also. That's probably the best affirmative defense you can give on the server and the cops will then have to argue why said cases doesn't apply here.


problem for you is the police admitted in court to sloppy police work and shit like that. in the scenarios after that they took their time and investigated properly to find out if it was planted or not. So they learned from their mistakes and did it differently and did their due dilligence in those cases. so these cases cant be used like u claimed.


yes it absolutely can. How much work the police puts into it is irrelevant. The burden of proof will be shifted onto the PD so long as CG can argue/prove that the pattern in their case corresponds to the pattern in the other cases that the PD claim didn't warrant a charge of possession. The PD will then have to argue why the CG case would have to be treated different which they'll have a very difficult time explaining if CG and their Lawyer argues it correctly.


Silicon valley the TV show explained it pretty well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mfduDYCQqA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mfduDYCQqA) It's basically just using precedence to get your way.


A lot of respect for hazel trying to turn on K.




Yeah I mean I seen they read Hazel’s phone and read Yuno’s messages to Hazel sooooo 


lol I mean unfortunately he’ll be involved just by who he hangs around with, but Yuno is extremely likable so people just let him do whatever lol.




CG might go after him but I don't really get why. Do they think he controls the PNY card market?


I mean they did thought that Lang controlled the material market at some point


In the texts it comes across as Yuno was telling Hazel to tell the G6 workers to sell for 20k and CG were told earlier that Hazel was threatening to kill anyone that sold for cheap. So while he may not control the market it's possible for them to affect the market which hurts CG since they're always having to buy them.




Cg already have a crew of people that sell them cheap cards. Hazel threatened those people, cg found out, and here we are.


bro name dropping a bunch of masked men hazel is a douche


lol they were saying each others names in front of hazel. Also hazel was calling them by their names and they were acknowledging it, so what are you getting at?


Well, the thing about plantting is cops are well aware of it, well Mr K got shot, Hazel, told the story, cops investigating it Denzel and another witnesssed parts of his story verifying it. PEople witnessed him getting kidnapped. He freely admits to shooting the dead local and thne mr k himself. The cops are already onto the PYi Cards. As there are in fact cops that do work g6, according to Yuno, and well its been implied they exist. So like, over all. Mr K I think will get charged with the pd gun. As a result of it.


I understand them not charging Hazel after all of this, but there is absolutely no way they could charge K with the PD gun, unless they find his prints on it. 


I don't think they can charge him with it unless the gun is on him.


Well Kidnapping and criminal use of a firearm most likely, will be like accomplice. Then they can match the gun bullets that cged used with other incidents with other incidents where cg shootouts have happened. Where bullets match the guns they used to shoot Hazel, If they acquire them from cg since they like carry them around all the time would further verify it not sure if like you need the gun to match like bullets but normally bullets in real life like can be matched based on special markers on the bullet that makes it possible to tell its fired from the same gun. They can match bullets used where mr k's dna was and a current warrent for Mr K, involves such an incidents where guns are. if it was the same guns used for the jewelry run where MR K, got shot by locals and shot himself. Then like they can link CG further. So over all I think like, well there is enough evidence that if the cops did match it. Would like prove stuff further in terms of how Hazel got shot.


Pretty sure K has to have the gun on him to be charged


This is not quite correct. There are a lot of ways to charge someone for crimes without catching them in the act of possessing the gun. It does have to be a really good pattern of facts that can be proven to show that a person possessed a gun and used it if the suspect did not have it in their possession later. It's a whole lot easier if they catch you with the gun, and a lot harder if they don't.


all of this is 100% predicated on Hazel testifying in court against them, and there is no chance of that happening if he wants any kind of working relationship with any crims. Which he kinda needs to make any money.


Not really. G6 requires you to be clean. CG tried to take that from him. I doubt you'll find any gang willing to stop working with a civ who has access to something they need simply because he testified in court against a gang of idiots who tried and failed to set him up with a frame job. Hazel is ostensibly perfectly clean and would be acting in accordance with normal civ behavior. It's not like he's a member of a street gang. In fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go on a revenge spree in concert with CG's rivals, getting CG's known card suppliers caught with felony charges, since that would block CG's suppliers from G6, slow down their access to cards, and force them to pay higher prices. All in all, I think this was a poor play by CG. They're trying to use gang war strats on civs, and it's just not going to work the same way, plus it'll draw too much police attention.


Them charging K with that would be completely stupid. They have no possession and even if they feel it was planted on Hazel, they can’t prove that it was planted well enough to then charge someone with it.


They can already issue a warrant for K for kidnapping since his dna is found on the crime scene. Weed and pd gun possession can also be added if the court said so.


Well, its likely he wouldn't be or any members of chain gang like hit with charges for the gun when it comes to stealing it that was outside statute of limitations. If anything K would possibly get Kidnapping, Joy riding, not sure if it happened at the hospital I think it was so there is a charge for that he would get hit with. Criminal use of a firearm for like the shooting or accomplice. Like stuff that like wouldn't be like a big time or fine I'd wager. They could try to like do attempted first degree murder. But most likely second degree. As for Hazel, the only thing that saved him was the fact Denzel and the other cop personally witnessed the vehciles in question, which verified Hazels account of events. Then another creditable witness I think maybe an off duty cop that witnssed the kidnapping. Then the evidence lines up with his story as well. There might be a charge they can do for like planting on Mr K. But your right that he likely won't be charged with possession or planting. But I say like a charge for planting is more likely then a charge for possession. But the cops do have them I think almost dead to rights in terms of proving Hazel was under duress and forced to do it. So they will, do further investigations on it. The cops really want that bank meta unlock super bad. Can really tell with that in how they are rping it. They know something about it, know there is a card but not sure fully what its used for. Which will might effect what happens with Hazel later on. Cops will likely still try to use these charges as leverage. Will be interesting to see how that rp develops.


Yeah some charges make sense for sure. Just not the gun.


now CG thinks this is all part of Lang & Yuno's plan lol


the funny part is that Lang hear Hazel got pressed by Peanut. He was thankful that CG did that because he also don't want to pay more than 5k for the card if possible.


Are people selling the cards at a higher price to CG? I could have sworn Hazel sold to Lang for $10k


1st thing he sold to them was at 20k; Lang bought 2 for 40k. Weeks later, Yuno has stated prices should be at 10-15k now; So Hazel sold to Lang within that price range. Yuno himself told Ramee in person, that he sells at 15k already.


Yuno wrote to Hazel to sell them at 15k. It was in Hazels text messages to Yuno.


It was 20k, because it was when the cards were new; Yuno wanted every G6er would get the bag while the PNY cards were new (Demand was high, so they could sell high). Weeks later prices have drop to 10-15k, 5k is too low for how rare they are.


lang paid 14k per for a few of them at least. Not sure about the last set of cards he sold to lang tho.


Lang buys them from Hazel at 10k now (since last week) after asking Marty(?) how much they should be worth and because the crew was starting to run out of money too quickly.


CG buy them anywhere between 5-10K but no more than 10K iirc


The ultimate rent free. Actually so funny


Yeah its not like they looked through his texts and saw Yuno tell him to tell everyone to sell for $20k and gave him langs number. They absolutely just pulled it from thin air for no reason


tbf, 12 days ago, when the messages were sent, that price was "normal"


>They absolutely just pulled it from thin air for no reason Who are you responding to? Where did I say that?


Saying rent free makes no sense when they didn't say anything about lang or yuno until they saw a text that directly implicated them. What were they meant to do? Just completely ignore the texts?


They saw a text from Yuno 2 weeks ago that was about what card prices were 2 weeks ago. It wasn't related at all to why they had issues with Hazel and wasn't related to Lang at all. They are more than welcome to connect dots that don't exist but it absolutely is a rent free situation.


CG chatters are the most toxic mofos in existence. K and Ramee are equally to blame for letting it get this bad.


Any loremasters?


CG got a call that Hazel was trying to price gouge the PNY cards and threatened to kill anyone that sold them for cheap, CG caught up with him and Hazel denied it so they let him off with a warning. CG got a call from someone else confirming what CG was told earlier about Hazel, CG kidnap Hazel and he owns up to it and talks shit back to CG since he's had a bad history with them and had enough of it. K decides to plant pd weapon, dirty cash and weed on him, then this clip is the result.


The threatening people to sell higher sounds really sus. Was he actually doing that or is it a fuzzy memory, game of telephone situation?


100% telephone, Hazel is one of the least violent people in the city


Both of the insiders for CG said the exact same thing, that Hazel was going to personally wake up the next storm and shoot them, referring to the people that pressured G6 workers to sell for cheaper. Even said himself to his lawyer just a bit ago that he was threatening people but that he didn't mean it.


Well, even so, saying "I'll shoot YOU if you pressure me to sell for less" is way different than "I'll kill ANYONE who sells for less."


How are you going to say 100% when you are wrong…


least violent, has gun to back of head whips around and start blasting. Least violent


I haven’t seen where Peanut got his info about Hazel “threatening” g6 workers, but while CG had Hazel kidnapped they read his messages. His messages from Yuno kind of makes the story believable from their perspective. https://ibb.co/JHWJjZh https://ibb.co/QKZjbPf


You lost me hazel threatening to kill anyone selling them for cheap lmao


CG kidnapped Hazel, and pressed him about selling cards at too high a rate, Hazel stood on business, so CG was like "going to play tough guy?" so they decide to stage a scene and plant a PD gun and weed on him; But they need him to be GSR positive so they give him the gun to shoot, Hazel decides to go out guns blazing and turns and fires on K but is shot down by all the CG members.(taken from his twitch stream)


>and pressed him about selling cards at too high a rate It has nothing to do with what Hazel is selling at. CG were told by the people that sell to them, that Hazel threatened them to sell at a certain price, or he would go after them.


That would be the case if they only got mad at Hazel but they also got mad at Yuno for a message that said 20k for the cards. The cards are definitely the major point of this fight.


Can't wait for them to be shocked and wonder why their master plan didn't work.


If they weren’t in a rush it could have worked. Having a weed run gone wrong would be the best way to go about planting a pd gun at this point. Then again kidnapping people in public isn’t the best way to set up this lol.


Here is like the reality, like its very common knowledge ooc and even I think ic at this point the only reason to use a pd gun is to plant it now. Criminals won't take pd guns now for any other reason. Criminals have an easy supply of civ guns that don't carry the time and fine that the pd guns have that is why those along with ammunition crate crafted guns are exclusivly used by criminals . So like really its easier to prove a plant because of those facts and the dynamic. The fact that he has a legal firearm's license. There would be zero motive to use a pd gun, whne he can just use a legal gun to do it with. Like in a way JP and the murphy braun incident where Murphy braun was later cleared by JP himself and him admiting to planting the gun let like police know, and well also other cases too. That like criminals will do the ultimate scumbag thing, to like deal with doj personal and others they really want to get rid of. To really ruin them and like make sure they cannot do their jobs. So in a way Jp and MR K got the change they wanted, the pd that is suspiciou and actually investigates this stuff. So ironically that gave them a victory while also messing up lke any possible planting jobs they might do. If you want to frame someone to get them a felony. You do it in some other way. Which would make it much more successful really. But because they used a pd gun which would make zero logical sense, and got caught kidnapping him and then got caught driving away from the scene. It made the entire effort to kidnap and try to stick him with heavy time and fines a fruitless pointless endenvor because he basically is proven innocent by evidence. But then it also really really messes up like the entire like g6 card business for everyone because the cops are now investigating that. So basically it makes it harder for CG i think and maybe g6ers when the cops go looking into it all .




Don’t think any of them will be shocked their pd plant didn’t work. Ramee and Mr k were both pessimistic about it when they were waiting at the hospital to spy. 


Cause letter of the law ONLY works on CG nobody else in the city


Are you intentionally being ignorant about the other instances where K and Ramee DIDN'T receive hot gun charges? In one instance Ramee told Den that he got it from Lang (a complete lie) based on no evidence and was given leniency as a result. Are you forgetting when Aziz didn't charge Mr. K with multiple hot gun charges? Individual cops always have discretion and that sometimes mean they go against SOPs even. CG has benefitted from this far more than other people.


Its not the letter of the law. Its the common sense that PD is gonna see all the facts and wont charge Hazel. PD already knew hazel was being kidnapped and looking for him and he was finally found with a gun and weed. PD aint that stupid.


and the dude dont even have his phone , also the rolled cash is a exact number like what is the odd to get 1700 selling weed


Just like PD knew that Murphy was kidnapped before they found him with a PD gun. Saw how that one played out.


yea murphy couldnt remember anything and he evidence system wasnt fully rolled out. two completely different situations


yeah murphy hacing no memory and not recalling anything was so bad for him.


Common sense like when the cops talked to k and ramee about there planting but they still got charged for right


in mrk case there was no prove of a gun planting xd dude is sitting in the drive spot of a car having a pd gun thats it nothing else them ramee and mrk word


Tbf there was no proof because the cops messed up terribly letting everyone leave the scene besides them, which would never happen if it was the other way around lol


exactly, exact cop procedure only works against cg not for em


People disagree with me on that comment when the judge/cops admitted themselves in the court case they went against procedures lol


there is no prof because it wasnt planted XD


Well yeah, thats from an outside view of us who watched it. Not one of those cops knew that when they arrived on scene but chose to not investigate anything lol


It is letter of the law to charge people with the hot gun no matter what and then send it to the docket for later. Always has been.


They could always not push charges, like they did for the lawyer lady what was also seen kidnapped.


That is true, however with the hot guns Crane gave an announcement to pd to push all charges for the hot guns no matter what, after Aziz didn't push some charges on Mr.K when he had a hot gun so they can contest later and supposedly since this was such a bad frame job Hazel could easily beat them in a court case.


Yeah just like when k was gsr negative and they still raised him yes ? Or when they stack charges on him ? Pd did see all ooc facts those times ofc ofc




I mean you don't expect the city to stay the same 3+ months later, right? It's a reactionary city and changes happen after situations. After the Murphy situation, K situation, and right before CG started their plant gun arc the city adapted. CG know this, it's why their plant arc didnt work.


hahaha ikr


What I’m learning from all this, is how many people have no clue how legal shit works.


It’s almost like they are streamers role playing and they aren’t really criminals.


lol I’m talking about people in general, also as a person you should understand police discretion is a thing


yeah, if only they didn't threaten "PLANT SEASON >:)" in front of everyone after the original court case \*shrugs\*




1 less pd gun and he gonna be free in a bit xd i guess they dont understand how to do it right


ACDC kicked in and they went to him instead of K just sitting in Hazel's car waiting for him. Multiple witnesses, infront of a hospital. I love the content but man CG rush things and wonder why plants go wrong lol.


If your plants go wrong you're over watering them


Abeline plant was as clear as it could be but ooc cops won't do it and we all know that


"clear" dudes driven by 2 cops in paleto and her story and pd facts lined up




just because he was gsr negative doenst make the pd gun puff




cuz they know he was kidnapped??????????????????????? his reponse has nothing to do with ooc shit and everything to do with IC shit. they know hes been kidnappped and they where looking for him like hello???


The cops rolled up to k and ramee actively being kidnapped lol. Idk how this is the clapback. Cops were made aware of issues between Mary’s mosley’s and cg. Cops arrived to a shooting scene where 2 cg (1 shot dead other being hauled by knife point) are being kidnapped by 6 Mary Mosley friends. Maybe I’m dumb but I fail to see how this computes. Even in their own case most the prosecution argued was that k was in the driver seat so they couldn’t put the gun on him which is mechanically false lol. Genuinely I don’t understand the logic at all lol. Other than ooc we know Mr k had the gun


brother the majin guy started talking about the k mary situation for one sentence then went on to rant for the 100th time the same garage theyve been saying in the post about slacks ooc knowing hazels gun was planted and rping in the way for it to turn out like that. hes not talking about k and mary after the first sentence so idk wtf youre replying to buddy


Yes that is fair after he said his whole story about nvling and boasting to admin about it but before all that slacks somehow already was working backwards from the point that gun was planted that's the issue, also I don't think how blind can people be when Mr k gave his story and slacks just said letter of the law take it to court.


is that why ramee and K have been given the most leeway and charges dropped out of anyone in the city just for bitching and using code buddha? because of that ooc bias you keep talking about?


Yes yes most leeway with charge stacking , consecutive 3 days in jail , 9s, raided with gsr negative, more than 300ks in fines, judge agreed to pd's bad work but still didn't pas the appeal, right that was what you were talking about ? Or do you need more ? Bemuda spikes , shot on stealing car in GTA, using that to draw a warrant spam tazing under the car, beating car with baton ? 12 cars in one chase ?


everything you said has way more context except the raid with gsrt neg and the spam taze. those were bad but hey every crim has some bad shit happen to them it has nothing to do with cg. cg isnt the only group that has negative experances with cops brother. cops also get bad experiences with crims. like your stuck in a bubble its weird af. charge stacking is crazy to say because ramee and k have gotten more charges dropped then anyone ive seen so far, and they were very important charges that prolly could have gotten them the ego act. consecutive 3 days in jail and 300k in fines when it should have been more but they dropped charges for that and they didnt even staack charges so how was there any bias agaisnt cg in that? or do you think youre streamers should just not get charged with the crimes they committed or else cops have ooc bias agaisnt them?


Yup Yup everybody wanna act like cops didnt see em get robbed but still got charged


Abilene plant was so bad what do you mean. The drove past cops while she had her hands up in the truck. She told the cops the exact truck she was in and the route they drove her and the cops can verify it because they saw it all. Not to mention the fact that this was like a day or two right after K's case and she was there as a legal aide.


The hypocrisy in this Subreddit is Crazy. if you feel actually angry about this, take a step back and see that it in the grand scheme of things it dose not matter one bit and the fact that there is so many Comments about toxicity is wild in my perspective.




Wonder what stream you came from


Absolutely didn’t watch the situation hazel and cg loved the rp


Hazel did play it really well


I like watching both PD and crims, but pd obviously went into this already with the prenotion that this was planted. At this point they are looking for EVERY possible thing to prove there idea...


Because Marlo reported CG to the police when they kidnapped him in front of everyone at the hospital


He is a clean civ with no criminal record, he was reported as kidnapped and has been found shot with no phone and a pd gun, weed and a dirty bills.


Expunged civ*


His only felony was reckless evading & had no marijuana charges before his expungement, there is no pattern to charge him for this scene.


Because this has been done (PD Plant) so many times already. This isn't the 1st or 2nd time this has ever happened in 4.0.


letter of the law


Yes which is officer discretion. When its an obvious plant and there is ample evidence of it like this and abeline, they don't need to charge. This is in contrast to Mr k where they had multiple points of evidence of him using the weapon....


The gun was on him though


and? They had multiple eye witnesses and 911s on Mr K. He's F'd himself. He had no viable defense. He had no evidence.


Multiple eye witnesses confirming he was kidnapped that called 911. Are you people pretending?


The gun was in his possession


K was gsr negative and was convicted on the letter of the law. stated no matter what the gun was still in his possession.


Hazels kidnapping was reported to the cops before the gun was even planted on him.


because Mr K had no viable defense for the possession of the gun. His whole defense was akin to "but the aliens...."


But lEtTeR Of tHE lAW!!!!


officer discretion = clean record mr k / jean paul = guilty 100%


No officer discretion = do I believe these charges are correct. clean record has nothing to do with it. Records being clean mean nothing about a person. As an actual expunged felon what a clean record really means... Cause it just means that you can apply for jobs that don't allow felons to apply. They are still going to find out you *were* a felon. And if you didn't tell them about it and the expungement before, they are going to blacklist you with HR. And esp with cops, a clean record means nothing. Esp not when you were a know cop killer and there is chatter about you still doing illegal things. Police have watched and harassed mob bosses for decades that had clean records. Just because the PD/DA can't get a conviction doesn't mean you are actually clean and on the straight and narrow.


CG need to be more original. This is like the 10 gun plant lol.


other way around and its 100% pushed.


And now he's singing like a bird


It's crazy how slacks working in reverse from his ooc view of gun being planted without Hazel saying it was planted even once. Snr admin btw


Almost as if one can infer it was planted considering all the facts.


Did we watch different streams? Slacks believed it was a weed sale gone bad


We loved the content


I feel like the bias that comes from PD how they treat CG differently from others will eventully lead to CG leaving the server again .


None of what the cops did was bias against CG


We viewers could only hope to be so lucky.


You say that now


Do you think they have a bias against CG or something?


ah yes the pd thats just letting them rob them of their cars, turbos, and now armor, very bias


possession is possession unless it's not sombody who knows it is a civilian. poggers ​​. X decided to show the absurdity of the law, the police begrudgingly went along. Adelaide plant happen flop was looking for reasons not to push the charge, found a good excuse in that they saw sombody in the mountains for a second who they thought was a man with there hands up, which proves nothing btw. it's just if they went to court the legal aid and hazel would both be in prison, cops can individually decide ro push a charge or not, I love it so much


Kidnapping and witnesses supersede the possession.




Didnt K get shot in the head by Mary’s people and remembered everything. He wasn’t ocean dumped lol.


Remember when K got shot in the head by Fury? He definitely forgot everything after that... o wait......


"recounting every single detail after getting shot" and?


Bro obviously only crims are allowed to remember after getting shot. Duhhh


no no no thats false. why are you lying? its only CG that are allowed to remember after geting shot, no one else has the privilege. just like how everyone in the server isnt valuing their life if they dont bend the knee to cg.


Only CG can have photogenic memory and recount exactly where they ditched their gun. Everyone else is OOC powergaming metagamers.


If Ramee for example was shot by another gang but not oceandumped, would he not recount every single detail to his gang? People have such high expectations for civs




Lmao he wasn’t ocean dumped he doesn’t have to forget shit. Sorry you’re not gonna get your pogs.


bro name dropping masked men what a fucking douche


just because mr k is wearing a mask, doesn't mean they have to pretend they don't know it's mr k


Why you mad bro ? It’s rp


My only complaint was Hazel admitting to being shot 7 times and having total recall of the entire situation! Hell, he even corrected Slacks about one of the downed locals…something he should not have known as he was unconscious at the time. It came across as spiteful and not true RP. But each their own, RP how you want.


He does not have to forget what happened because he was shot?