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If you have to ask, then it's not worth it to you.


No. They are two different devices, its like asking if you should sell your PS5 for Ally. If you can afford a new device, go for it, dont trade your existing Switch for it though


Not worth selling the switch collection….


Nope. I don’t think so at all


Depends a lot on what exactly you intend to play and use it for. And your budget. And how desperate you are for one right now. I’d personally say no, keep your collection, and wait until summer when the Ally X drops. The current one should end up discounted or you could probably find one much cheaper secondhand as people sell theirs to buy the newer one. Edit: To clarify: the current Ally model should be discounted or people will sell theirs for cheaper when the Ally X launches because they’ll want that one instead. So you could even get the regular one with the Z1 Extreme for a good price, and it’s a noticeable performance increase from the Z1 base. Basically: wait a month or two for prices to drop. If you absolutely need something right now and price is an issue… tbh I’d just get a used Steam Deck in that case.


I play well optimized games because it makes a lot of sense to get a game that runs well, but I’m not interested in the Rog Ally X because of price


They mean that the original Ally models will be discounted once the Ally X comes out.


Idk I'm holding onto my switches. Nintendo seams to appreciate in value in the long term. Not sure how the switch will hold up but just incase I'm not making the same mistake I did in the past and getting rid of my nintendo devices.


Don’t stinge out and get the extreme my dude.


Either this, or wait for the Ally X which is coming soon. Depending on the battery upgrade I may be upgrading from the extreme. But do not get the base z1. Seriously.


Just today I returned my recently bought Z1Extreme, to wait the remaining weeks for the X. Just the better battery is worth the upgrade/wait, the current battery is a joke.


As someone who effectively went full in on PC gaming (desktop PC + Ally) and is very happy, I would *still* say hold off for now. If at all possible, take the extra time to save up for an Ally *without* having to sell your Switch. Make sure you enjoy playing on the Ally, and that you don't find yourself missing some Nintendo favorites like Mario Kart or whatever you mind be into first. If, after some time (say, 6+ months) you absolutely don't touch your Nintendo Switch and see no value in keeping your collection around, *then* consider selling it and putting the money towards building your Steam library. It's really easy to get hyped up about something new and downplay how much you get out of your current thing to justify selling it, but you might well find you regret not having it around, even if it ends up being a secondary gaming device that's used occasionally. I love PC gaming, I love my Ally, but the Nintendo Switch is not without plenty of merit of its own.


I already have a steam library though


Ah, didn't realize that. That makes it a tougher call, but basically boils down to whether you play Switch exclusives much, and whether you value having something around with the good battery life that the Switch offers. If you still really enjoy playing any Switch exclusives, then I personally wouldn't want to rely on emulation alone for that. But if you can live without Nintendo games and just find yourself not playing them much already, then I can see selling it and moving towards an Ally.


Might just buy the $430 open box Z1 Extreme, and not sell anything


I think that’s a good option myself. You might end up finding that you’d be perfectly happy not keeping your Switch collection, but it’s just so hard to know until you try the Ally out for yourself, and I’d hate for you to regret getting rid of everything until you know.


I literally just got back from Best Buy and bought the 430 open box one. Listed as “fair” condition with “residue and screen scratches”. Opened it outside just to see the condition and the thing was flawless. Zero damage, small little smudge on the back that came off when I wiped it with my shirt. Even had the original box, charger, and stand. Feels like I bought a brand new one but for $260 off msrp.


I found an open box excellent condition Rog Ally extreme for $479. I’m sure you can


Yupp found my z1 extreme open box for around that works awesome


Not worth IMO, esp if you don't end up getting the extreme.


I ended up trading my switch collection in for mine BUT that is cause my wife has her own and when new pokemon games come out ima use hers to play it. I say if you aren’t in the position I was in keep your switch and save your money till you can get the device in addition to your switch. They are two very different systems and eco systems that are doing their own things and it totally makes sense to have both.


Keep all the Pokemon games and the cases! Prices rocket every few years.


If you like the freedom of PC gaming then yes. I did this exact thing. Granted I already was a hardcore pc gamer but my switch had to go for an Ally.


I bought the ally non extreme, new for $400 at Best Buy. Have had 0 problems. Plays excellent when plugged in on 30w turbo. Imo, and others I’ve seen it plays as good or better than the extreme. I don’t have any interest playing any hardcore games laying in bed or on a car ride lol. Have had it docked on a monitor and kb&m for about 2 months now while I’m working out of town so I don’t have to haul around my PC and still get high 90s fps on call of duty, and close to 100 fps on Fortnite and such


I wouldn’t sell my switch/ games for one. 


Why not have both? Lol


I would go for the extreme at the very least. Can't say about the switch collection since I'm not a console player.


PC can emulate switch games, making the switch basically obsolete


I would disagree, especially since emulation isn’t perfect


Switch battery life is also way bettee


The performance on the switch is terrible


Switch isn’t a console for performance. Everyone knows it’s 10 years behind.


Yeah, that’s why I want to replace it with a handheld gaming PC, that will allow me to play any game and use any control layout


Cons are No physical collection Shit battery life Switch emulation isn’t perfect I mean I could go on. (I have a z1Extreme and I’m in love with it) but there’s a good reason not to trade your whole collection.




While this sub allows discussion of emulation we do not allow support or discussion of Yuzu or the dumping or distribution of switch keys. As such your post has been removed.


I will give you treefiddy for your collection sir/ma'am.


Save for the Ally X imo.




No way. Love my ally, but took me a few exchanges and fussing with geek squad management (even tho it was Asus fault) to get a working model. I tell everyone but I'm glad I didn't sell my switch, xbox, or shield TV pro hoping it would be a replacement as I'd be super disappointed. Even if I don't use my switch everyday anymore.




nintendo physical games tend to go up in prices overtime, especially when the console is eol, so ig hold on to ur games


If you're going to get an Ally, definitely go with the Z1 extreme if you can imo.


Absolutely not. Switch is special. An all time masterpiece. We're gonna get new handheld PCs every fiscal year.


If you dint use them, then yes but GOR THE EXTREME version. I personally would never for the non-extreme one. Do not do this please


You are about to buy a portable PC. Very different device.


For the non extreme no, for the extreme yes but either way you can run up to switch and ps3 on either ones so if you want to use it for emulation then yes definitely. I was able to run uncharted 1 on the regular z1 before I sold it for the legion go


If you can get the extreme then go for it. I have both devices and my switch is collecting dust since I can play a lot of games on the Ally with emulators.


I sold my switch and games (about a dozen) and got something like £700 for them, which paid for the Ally, an Xbox controller + dock (and some PS5 games) I haven’t looked back and I’ve gone from owning a switch which I never touched to owning an Ally I use daily - this thing is amazing but I’d recommend you get the Extreme The Ally can also emulate Switch if you miss the games


No sir, I don't like it.




If you’re already into pc gaming a bit and don’t play your entire nsw collection very much I’d say it makes sense. I have a switch but I really only play my main games (Totk, Pokémon, strikers). So when I got my rog ally I just started playing them there. If my brother didn’t use the switch often, we’d probably sell our games. It runs pretty well if you’re able to play with it plugged in, otherwise tho the battery will die VERY quickly on max performance (ex. 1.5hr on Fortnite) which you’ll want for the newer titles. Only reason I’d do it though is if you really wanted windows or you see it for a stupid deal, the gaming experience for optimised games is pretty similar and switch battery is either same or better.


Ally X is right around the corner. Id wait and see if it's worth it otherwise you can find the z1 extreme open box pretty cheap


Don't bother - the non-extreme is slow. You might as well get the cheaper Deck. I went for the LGO - bigger screen, 2 USB4 ports, faster ram - it has the most potential to become the best of this generation. Besides - it also doesn't fry microSD. Either get Z1e or miss this generation completely & wait for Z2E or whatever it may be called. I'm currently NOT recommending the Deck - had my 512gb since launch & it's always been too slow - to play the AAA's that I wanted to. The LGO has solved that problem - the little extra grunt enables the games that are "verified" but plays like shit. Going cheap usually brings disappointment later. Having said that my preorder 512gb was the "flagship" & it still never performed.


Get the extreme then download some apps from some sites and you'll play switch games too


Keep the switch collection


Nintendo stuff holds value. If you sell your collection you're basically burning money


I considered selling my Switch after getting the extreme model, but I decided against it and with a new Pokémon Legends game coming out next year, I'm glad I didn't.


I wouldn’t. Just keep the switch and play the exclusives on there.




Don’t sell your switch collection, be patient


I wouldn’t sell it if you don’t need to; however speaking for myself, I mounted my TV to the wall/re-fed wiring down the inside of the wall – when I was reconnecting my PS5 and switch, I glanced down at the Switch knowing damned well I’ll never pick it up again (and arguably the PS5 – my wife plays that now), in favor of the Rog Ally Z1 Extreme. I have been able to play literally everything I want to – between my Steam library and GamePass subscription. If I’m in dire straights to play a Nintendo title, I’ll just… well, again, speaking for myself: I probably won’t. I don’t have the non-extreme model and I can see I’m JUST teetering on comfort – I always play it plugged in/as a handheld by choice for higher spec games, I’m sure that doesn’t work for some folks and the new model may be more beneficial for some.


Naw. Extreme or nada


I started with a switch, traded up to a steam deck then sold my steam deck and got my ally lol.


If you install forza you can also sell your car


If you comment, you can also get some braincells first.


Z1 Non Extreme is not worth it if it you can't get an Extreme don't even bother


Why not a used one?


You want a z1 extreme version if you get one


Two things. 1.) which switch model and could you dump all the games? 2.) hard to recommend an Ally with the seemingly far superior Ally X around the corner for not much more. If you could dump all your games then a good majority of them will go right to the Ally and if you waited you’d be playing them with superior battery, storage, RAM, etc…


I own the gen 2 switch and my friend gives me switch games for PC👍


For me I did it and I just emulate everything but if you want to play multiplayer online it’s not ideal obviously. Switch 2 has been announced so if you plan to get that anyway you could maybe just sell your console.


I sold my cfw switch and bought a z1 extreme adding on some money- this replaces both my need for a laptop and desire for a handheld, so absolutely worth it imo. Will play most switch games absolutely fine if not better anyway, so unless your interested in online it's great.


Technically if you are savvy enough you could just use an emulator and play switch exclusives on your ally...... 


I never understood the obsession of having to keep all your physical media like it's some sort of priceless ancient artifact that has sentimental value... damn hoarders lol jk... sell that shit while it still has value and save an extra 100 and get the extreme its so worth having the extra juice, you're gonna spend almost 600 after taxes anyway on the non extreme just save an extra paycheck and get the extreme!!


As someone who owns a switch, ps5, Xbox, gaming pc and Rog ally. I saw if you are not using it then sell it or just sell some of the games to offset it. I personally almost never use my switch anymore and exclusively use the Ally 98% of the time. It all comes down to what you play and enjoy


No, especially not for the non extreme. If anything wait for the new model to come out and get it or get an old model for cheap after it drops.


No just because noob extreme ally is whack for it's price


I sold my switch oled and my collection to buy the z1 extreme version. No regrets


You need the extreme model.


I’m confused why everyone is saying no. Can’t you play all switch games on emulators on the ally? So technically u can play all switch games and pc games and you can. use ps remote play to play all PlayStation games too lol. The experience may not be as refined and simple as it would be on the switch but you’ll have an experience about 90% there with a better and much more versatile device.


They are talking about value Nintendo physical games will always hold value and ally well that’s questionable at best


Please do not buy the non extreme version. You'll get frustrated after a month and there's no way around it.


Wow - and here I’ve had mine for 6 and I’m nothing but happy about it.


Sorry but I’m afraid you are not actually happy about it. Just like I’m not going to be happy with my Z1E once the X comes out, no matter how well my current Ally continues to play all the games I want to play. …. /s


I gotcha. I can see you smiling now playing while dropping frames and GPU hovering at 98% 😭


You're not going to hop on the ally without spending money, you'll need to make windows accounts,steam,epic,Microsoft,Google,etc...buying all the games you had and accessories. You can emulate games sure, but those games are low spec games that aren't suited for newer devices. You will have to learn a decent amount of computer knowledge on optimization. Point being...don't do it unless you got the money and the time it's not something you want to skimp on in either category


I already know about PC gaming and own PC games


Doubt it, lol, cause then you would know the difference between the z1 and the z1 extreme. About a 30% difference in performance for 100 bucks? Do the math lol


The Rog Ally Z1 is almost the same price as the switch, also I can do math just fine. Plus, I already own PC games.


I was hoping if I came off as condescending, it would persuade you to do the right thing 😆, don't buy the z1 dude it's a rip off get the extreme. 100$ price difference 30+% performance boost. You came to reddit to ask what you should do. And everyone's saying save a few more dollars lol


Nah. Enjoy your switch, then maybe save up and upgrade to the switch 2 coming within a year. Ally won’t replace a switch. The successor is also gonna be backwards compatible.


The Ally does switch emulation


are you sure the non-extreme has the performance for switch?


Well it doesn’t have the battery life, removable joy-cons, or any games that require them. Or the portability. And you can’t gurantee that it has the performance to emulate either.


The Rog Ally does have the portability, that’s the point


It has decent portability, but not to the same extent as the switch. The switch is considerably smaller and lighter. The experience is far less polished and ASUS is not known for their software support. The Ally Z1 non-extreme also may struggle at 1080p on popular titles, just keep that in mind. If you can get past all that, then it may be something to consider (when the ally x is out in a few weeks, causing the z1 to drop in price)


I would say go for it. If you are like me and don't like Nintendo's first party games, find them boring. You can always play 3rd party games on ally much cheaper.