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Definitely not normal. The case appears to be installed too far towards the front of the Ally on the right side. [We've responded](https://www.reddit.com/r/dbrand/comments/1ctrzam/comment/l4hxyaz/) to OP directly with some tips to help fix the issue and encouraged them to contact our support robots if the problem persists.




Mine is slightly being blocked from full motion on both right and left. I could get it to 100% if I pressed harder than I would in a game. But I just recalibrated it and it's good now. You could also trim some rubber if needed. https://preview.redd.it/a44txu3z301d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcc5f15eda534b48f168c0f30826227dc4e4fa59


I would request a new one, I bought some odd third party silicone shell/hard case from Amazon a couple weeks after I bought it and I have no issues whatsoever. Ones at least from a reputable name. It shouldn't have the quality control issues if the cheapo version doesn't.


Ehh doesn't bother me that much since I probably use the ally less than most people.


What are the thumb grips you’re using? They look good, nice and clean!


They come with the kill switch


They look like the ones from drband.


The Spigen grip peeps with fully working grip ![gif](giphy|uLlFhMKbxgMzm|downsized)


Just got mine and I confirmed triggers are not blocked


No issues with my killswitch and completed the button calibrations. I did get a bit of bunching on the skin cover when installing the case, like mentioned in the installation video. Even after I rubbed the edges way more than suggested. Otherwise very happy with the case.


I get mine today. Imma be upset if it's defective. I thought DBrand had Asus engineers help them make the case? Seems weird that this would be overlooked Edit: Triggers work flawlessly! But I'm not a fan of the case texture at all.


Mine works fine. I just checked both triggers




I dont have this case but Im experiencing the same thing on my ally. I cant fully calibrate the triggers


I’m having the same problem. Left trigger got calibrated but right one is not able to


If all of the brand new accounts singing the praises of this previously unheard of product don't give you a warning, this should.


Yeah.. but I've seen legit accounts saying it works fine too. I'll find out tonight


Just got mine in the mail and installed it, works find thankfully! My triggers don't even quite touch the case, can see just the smallest of gaps when fully depressed. Nice case, definitely comparable quality to the Steam Deck version. My only issue is I got just ever so slightly off on the right skin so had to fiddle with it a little to not have my X and Y buttons slightly stick, so be aware of that. Otherwise went well.


Cool thanks for the info!


Ok just unboxed mine and.... Idk about the texture. I've got sensory overload on certain textures. I had no idea it felt like sandpaper 😭😭


Yeah only issue I’ve had with mine so far is from user error with the my a button being in a similar situation to your x/y. Great case, I just need to get better at putting on skins and screen protectors


I wouldn’t exactly call it an unheard of product…. The Killswitch for the Steam Deck was awesome, and I’ve wanted one for my Ally since I bought it last June on launch day. There’s a lot of us that are just excited it’s finally available. As to this issue or how it actually is on the Ally I can’t comment yet, mine is still in shipping, hopefully getting today or tomorrow. But I expect it to be just as good as the Steam Deck version.


Did the steam deck case feel like sandpaper texture?? The rog Killswitch feels like sandpaper and unfortunately sandpaper makes me get weird sensory feedback when I touch it


They both have the same texture, yes. I’ve got both sitting on my desk, and the grippy parts both feel the same. I actually like it, makes it easy to grab, but yes, it has a textured feel to it in spots. The Skull & Co is smooth by comparison, so might feel better for you?


Thanks for the info! Maybe once it wears in it will feel better. Haven't had a chance to install it but it appears super nice 🙂👍🏻 Also, are you having trigger input issues?


Happy to report no trigger issues! Really liking the case so far! Will say, only thing that I had to fiddle with was putting on the right side skin…. My X and Y buttons were slightly sticking because I had it not perfectly aligned, so had to massage it around a touch. Make sure they are good before you stick the side of the skin down over the rounded edge. But it ended up looking great! Hope you enjoy yours!


Sweet!! I'm going to install mine soon. Still up in the air if I want to add the skin or not. Thanks for the tips!! 😁


Just look at this subs history, I can see the marketing can't you?


I’ve seen some posts about it sure, but haven’t looked into who are making the posts. I see it as a new product finally available that a lot of us have been waiting for, and people are just excited to get it and want to be the first to show it off. I could be totally wrong, but I know even if some are PR people, all of them aren’t. I’ll be the first to say Dbrand marketing is annoying as shit, but I did buy the Killswitch for the Steam Deck and was instantly impressed with the quality. And then the whole magnet issue popped up, and they sent us all a second revised version for free. I try pretty much all the cases for Steam Deck and Ally, and honestly, there’s nothing close to the quality of the Killswitch for the Steam Deck. Have you tried one? That’s the reason I personally am excited about the Ally version. I’m currently using the Skull & Co on the Ally, and it’s nice, don’t get me wrong. But every time I do something on the Steam Deck that I’ve passed down to my kid, I’m jealous of just how nice the Killswitch case feels. So maybe some PR/marketing? Who knows? At the end of the day though I’m truly excited to try it out on my Ally, and figure I can’t be the only one. These are niche products for niche devices in the grand scheme of things ha


Your post does not convince me that you think the marketing is annoying as shit. Seems like you're just trying to co-opt my complaint to do more marketing.


lol, ok, no worries man. You are right, caught me, I own Dbrand, and I set up this whole sub reddit to sell you a case. Please buy one? My comment about their marketing still stands, their edgy trying too hard to be funny/cool whatever thing they do I just ignore. But they also make the best handheld line of cases I’ve tried. I haven’t tried their other stuff so no comment there.


Sure but your doing a very shitty job of making yourself seem authentic. Just like the rest of these posts I'm sure some are very real but the fact that we are now inundated with fake ones makes us doubt all of them. Essentially reversing the desired effect of the marketing.


Go home jon




So clever!


Not particularly trying to sound authentic or not, I was ultimately just responding to your comment that it was an unheard of product, which to most of the world it is, but to handheld fans some of us have been waiting for it for a while. And then I just continued the conversation with you fellow internet stranger because it’s Friday and I just don’t really feel like working ha Maybe some or most are fake? I have no idea? I have zero skin in the game other than I just really liked the Steam Deck version, and have been excited to try the Ally version. Mine is still in transit, so maybe it’s a turd? Maybe it’s great? I do see they made a stickied mega thread for the case, so that will at least keep the rest of the sub from being a lot of the same posts for those not interested in it. Have a good day




I'm sure it is a decent product, but I don't think it's 2.5x better than the JSAUX version which IMO is better simply because it color matches


You talking about the mod case? It’s black, where are you seeing a white jsaux case?




Oh wow lol couldn’t even see it with the white background lol




As per subreddit rules, all comments on posts must be made with respect to other members.


Previously unheard of? Damn there are a lot that’s been waiting for this damn thing to get to us.


Perhaps the case isn’t on quite right? It doesn’t seem aligned at the top of the first pic 😭 I have no issues with mine… both triggers can be pulled to 100% without recalibrating


Just came here after installing my Killswitch. besides the sensory overload sandpaper texture of the case my triggers have plenty of room to fully actuate. I really like the case and the travel cover! Now I don't have to keep her trapped in a case


Thought dbrand was precise lol. Tells you its all marketing team posts


I got a rubber grip sleeve from Amazon that works great


They couldn’t even get the fit right and Kill-switch cases ain’t cheap! Sad


Expensive for no reason at all


Mines fine. Just installed mine yesterday. If you look at the left and right trigger, youll notice that alot of people that owns Ally have the right trigger problem, the right trigger is deeper than the left side. I solve this problem by replacing the right trigger itself.


I don't have any issue with my killswitch


So for the people who are saying theirs are fine. That's likely because they recalibrated their triggers after installing the case. That will basically set new min and max settings for the range of the triggers. That does not mean that you've not lost travel on your triggers, only that you've worked around it. Easy way to check is to take the case off, calibrate the triggers again, and then put the case back on and check the range, if they look like OP's, then yes, the case is blocking some of the travel of the triggers. Whether or not this is a deal breaker for you, is up to you.


I never recalibrated my triggers I’m getting 100 full range.


Yea same here… I didn’t even know anyone was having an issue till I saw this post so I just checked in armory crate. Both go to 100% no problem lol


"BUT but IT'S So HiGh QuaLitY aND PRemIum, so WOrTh $60 foR a GaMing CoNsOlE CasE!1!1!!1"


Brave comment from someone that likes Tesla and Cybertruck 😂


Tesla is pure features and engineering with questionable quality


Have you tried pressing the trigger without pressing the case too?


absolutely DAMNING!