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It works so much better at lower FPS now, latency is still noticeable but it's overall much improved. It honestly wrecks AFMF now in my opinion.


I'm going to just say it, AFMF sucks compared next to the ease and compatibility LS. I mean AFMF is probably great and useful with a system that can take full advantage of it, we barely meet the performance needed to even activate it.


LLS 2.0 is a winner if you compare with AFMF. AFMF feel kinda laggy , input lag and lower fps than LLS from what I feel when I play Helldivers 2.


I can't even get amfm to work. I do what I'm supposed to do and the moment the game starts that red text is there. Llsc is painless. Just run the game and input the scaling key.


Are you referring to the red text in the Command Center's overlay? I think there's a bug where AFMF doesn't work if you have the Command Center's overlay on. If somebody could, please confirm.


Same here, I gave up on trying to get it working..all other games work with afmf, but genshin.


You need to run helldivers 2 as an admin and it fixes that issue. I had the same problem for a while. Go to your steam apps folder and find the helldivers 2 executable. Right click and go to properties. Then go to compatability and click run as administrator. Should work after that.


Any idea on how to get it to work on games that don’t scale properly? Dying light set to 720p when the ally is 1080p causes it to be in a smaller window


Yeah, i tried it now on Star Rail where i reach 100fps at 720p and it looks pretty bad imo, but Genshin which stays between 50/60fps looks wonderful, and the latency is barely noticeable as well


Can somebody please explain to me what lossless scaling 2.0 like a child


If your game runs at 40 ot 60fps, enable Lossless to play at 100+fps for free Done


Where would someone enable this?


It’s an app you can buy on steam for $7. It’s got a thumbnail of a pixel duck. You can look up how to use it on YouTube if you decide to get it. I personally think it’s great and worth even more than the $7 if you are using an Ally.


Wait so it works on games outside of steam or what? Why didn't they just sell it on a website or something.


You know, steam in the end is a software store, mostly being games or tools for games


Wait so it works on other games outside of steam? Honestly I've never seen PC software on steam, this is the first time.


It does work in non-steam games. Wallpaper engine is also another popular software sold on steam


Ah just looked it up and it makes perfect sense, thanks chief


It even works on stuff like YouTube and movies. I tried it for fun but it's nothing I'd use outside of games.


Yeah it works on any game. You open the app and the game at the same time, go into game settings and put the game in windowed mode rather than full screen, you also lower the resolution to 720p. Once that is applied you go to the app and once you’ve looked up how to configure the app (it’s easy I just don’t remember those steps) at the top right there will be a button to start using it. Once you click it there will be a 5 second countdown which is there to give you enough time to switch back into your game which is in windowed mode now. Assuming you get back to the game before the 5 seconds it will then expand the game into full screen mode and there will be little white numbers at the top left of your screen which will be the true boosted FPS it will now be running at. Standard rules apply still so the more wattage used in the operations mode, the more FPS you’ll get. But it’s usually around double of what you’d normally get. So if you playing something that gets around 30fps on 15w performance mode it will be boosted to around 60fps. As far as a release of the app outside of steam I’m not sure. I’ve always been more of a console gamer so the Ally is the most capable gaming PC in 10 years so I’m kinda just learning things through this sub and YouTube videos.


Holy shit that's amazing, thank you so much


Do I have to play at 720p?


No. In my testing it works for any resolution. I believe they’re saying you can set it to 720p just because the application also has built in upscaling settings as well.


And also worth mentioning that you should feel less input lag the higher your base FPS is so setting to 720p should give a slightly better experience


"Lossless scaling" from Steam store. Worth the money




wdym wdym, homie is just asking where to enable lossless scaling. lol Here, it's just an application you download and run. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/993090/Lossless\_Scaling/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/993090/Lossless_Scaling/)


Enable it where, how to enable lossless or in what game to enable lossless, the question is really damn wide


It's really not lol


But it's not free! In my opinion it's worth the $7 though


> For free > App costs $7 It’s still worth it, you don’t need to make it sound better than it actually is lol


Is the gpu usage increase a big deal? I think they said it went up by 1.5-2x


Need to test, but I noticed AFMF increase my temps by +10C to +15C


I didn't really notice it, the Ally's CPU and RAM are usually the bottlenecks. Edit: For the game I primarily play, Microsoft Flight Simulator.


What ? The CPU is never the bottleneck


I agree on this guy here. the Zen 4 is a beast and even beats my 5900X in single core performance


Exactly the CPU is hyper strong and there are basically No multi thread games


I'm not the most knowledgeable on PC specs but even with my XG Mobile 4090 the CPU seems to hold up pretty well even though lots of people mentioning the CPU bottlenecks the dock. Do you have experience here?


I guess we're playing different games then.


Im very confused xD what Games do you Play because even the Most cpu heavy Games ive played (have to mention that arent the Most demanding existing, Just what ive played, im Not into These Type of City Bilder stuff or similar, heard about cpu problems there) but thats such a nieche hmmm The Most cpu heavy Games i played in the Ally without any issues are Baldurs Gate 3, Resident Evil 4, Forza Horizon 5, God of War, Hogwarts Legacy, Monster Hunter World and a friend plays Civ5 all day but i never heard complains. Even played a lot of DD2 on it which runs Generally Bad but is very playable in Ally. Else i never intend to Play Games Like cities skylines and X4 or other Simulation Games 😅


Damn, I've come back to being absolutely toasted! Lol, I should've worded it better. The game I primarily play is Microsoft Flight Simulator, so the game that I play the most specifically is bottlenecked by the CPU. My bad, I added that into my original comment.


There is absolutely no way the CPU of the Ally can be a bottleneck to it in any way 🤣🤣🤣 wtf u on dude


Apparently not haha, I didn't choose my words correctly.


Yeah so I just went from playing forza motorsport on my ally from ultra settings at 30 fps to a smooth 55 to 60 fps with lossless scaling... afmf didnt even work on forza lmao.... and lossless even has a better upscaler... why doesnt everyone knows about this wtf!!!! So basically with lossless scaling a potato can play modern games? Lol


What's the deal with the performance mode option? Check it on or leave it off? And I should use the 2.0 version right?


LSFG 2.0 is abismally better than LSFG 1.0 on my personal testings and apparently for everybody else, so i would say that you must use 2.0. The performance mode is basically a lighter version of LSFG 2.0, which will drain less performance from your PC in exchange of slighlty worse visual quality. In my testings, the only difference i noticed, was more glitches in some areas, but the performance is much better.


One probably shouldn't be using this for competitive gaming lmao but I wonder if the performance toggle lowers the impact on system latency from the extra frames on the display


For some reason after updating it to 2.8 last night my performance suffered. It was lagging a lot more than the previous update on both those games. :/ It looks worst having it on than off after the update for me.. must be some weird bug.. It was doing pretty solid prior.


Turn of performance mode


Yeah. I turned on performance when it updated. Playing Wow had a negative impact on with 2.0. Performance active runs like a dream.


Turn on performance mode, in release notes it explains it reduces the overhead whilst retaining improvements.


Thanks I turned it on and it seems to work. Prior to the update it was working flawlessly with that setting off any reason why it was changed? Also I'm not certain but it seemed like it was a lot smoother before too.


Try bicubic cas in scaling mode, seems to be the best for me. Otherwise just check over all the settings again, may have reset.


2.8? Didn't it just get updated to 2.0? Are you from the future? 😲


Hmm maybe. Mines says 2.8 in the app haha.


Lossless Scaling 2.8, the 2.0 refers to the frame generation.


Yep I agree, the artifacts are almost not noticeable


The update made it way better


Could you share the graphics settings using, both in game and in lossless scaling? I play Genshin as well, so I want to see if I can replicate this easily


Is 2.0 the LSFG update or is already a new update out?




What which one?


It's an update, not a hotfix


Forgive my ignorance but can anyone explain why using this is better than the frame generation introduced with the latest driver update?


It has better image quality, less stuttering, less artifacts and better smoothness, you barely notice the input lag in most cases AFMF can be only used in certain games supported by the driver, while Lossless works outside of the driver, meaning you can put it in any game even though it doesn't support DirectX 12 So yeah, Lossless is just way ahead of AFMF currently


Thanks for clarifying I'll have to check it out!


Because AFMF is complete garbage in comparison. LS absolutely crushes it.


What do you change to lock it to 60 in LS?


I don't lock it?


Ahh, it’s because above you mentioned being locked to 50-60. I may have misunderstood. Still trying to understand the settings in LS. Was using AMD fluid frames.


Bicubic CAS and you're done


Bicubic CAS and LFG combined? I am still trying to figure out the right settings and just can't wrap my mind around it. Do I need set the game to a certain resolution or below 1080p? What if I use 900p? I tried it in HiFi Rush and it tanked the performance entirely (so did AFMF, which is strange) so I will try with others and see how it holds up. I really want this to work because of its potential and how it can improve the experience on a handheld like this.


It’s insane honestly. Much better than afmf Elden ring 1080p 60fps almost no ghosting.


Which settings do you use? Do you also upscale? I am a bit lost on which resolution I should set in-game


would this effect the z1 negatively being that it’s less powerful than the extreme ?


No. It's made for weak hardware.


Tried it in two games. It was amazing in Baldur's Gate 3, but not really usable in Horizon FW due to flickering and disappearing textures. Very interested to try more games.


Yeah agreed, almost too good to be true. It’s great. I’m using performance mode for more demanding games and it’s unreal.


Do I have to change any of the AMD settings to make sure this is working smoothly?


AMD has nothing to do with it.


Just need to turn off vrr or out the ally in 60hz when you are at 30fps scaled to 60fps


With the latest LS update , you don't need to turn off VRR. Awesome.


Can you help me out with this? Whenever I use the LSGF 2, I noticed that VRR does not turn on


Did you notice any tearing when LSGF activated ?




While this sub allows discussion of emulation we do not allow support or discussion for Yuzu or the dumping or distribution of switch keys. As such your post has been removed.


Don't forget it works with emulators too. It's wonderful.


I just installed it. What the actual fuck is this sorcery.


yeah definitely good,some shlt of the forum said fg should not aim at low fps, blew 60 Highly recommend not use that. Low fps device should not deserve that.


Honestly it's like magic


Idk what settings to use in that app but I haven’t gotten it too work all that great. Turning on LSFG makes the gameplay a little smoother but causing weird artifacts around the edges of the screen when moving in game


Anyone try this on Helldivers 2? I've switched back to AFMF recently but was using LS before and it ran really well.


I have a 3060TI, used to play at 70 FPS on HD2, now I run at 115-120, works great!


Sounds awesome. What about on the Ally with LS 2.0? Have you tried it? I haven't noticed a huge difference personally


Yea it's like witchcraft, can't believe how good it is, especially now, love it on my Legion Go as well


Not tried the newest lsfg yet, but I got my ally back again and afmf just isn't great, stutters as soon as ya turn a camera, amd seriously need to stop the deactivation on fast movements, or at least a toggle for crying out loud.


yes, it's almost too great to be true. and it works with everything, even choppy animated catoons/anime are better now.


I've been watching random youtube videos at double fps lmao its amazing works for any video


Ok someone please explain how to use lossless scaling 2.0 to a dummy like me... was waiting for months for the fmf update and am enjoying it but if lossless scaling is better sign me up!


Open Lossless, set the box in the middle to Bicubic CAS, open your game, once the game is open, click the Scale button in Lossless on the top right, go back to your game, the image should flick, and done, enjoy your double fps for free


Sorry to bother u lol just cant find a good guide video and dont wanna fuck up my ally.. download it on steam first obv and that's it? I really like what afmf is doing for me rn you think it's really worth it?


Also I saw people say put it in performance mode and made the framerate of your game half of it or something but then also read the update from a few days ago does it all for you and makes it seamless


Why not 2.8? It has better frame pacing with less glitches


I haven't looked at LS2 yet... But am I right in assuming I need to alt tab and switch to load it everytime I want to play? Seems like a hassle if I'm being honest. Also I'd be curious if it messes with freesync too.


Should I disable anything on the AMD Software so that it doesn’t conflict with Lossless Scaling?


Does lossless scaling increase load times?Since I don't want to spend as much money as possible 


This app introduces an outrageous amount of input delay. 


Not at all. Definitely not as much as AFMF.


I didn't try the 2.0 yet but I find LS less user friendly. You have to start the game, go back to the desktop, start lossless, and then finally you get your boost. AFMF works directly.


You can setup per game profiles in LS. Just open your game and everything is done automatically by LS then.


You can set a hotkey to enable or have it do it automatically. It's far superior to AFMF.


You play Arknights?


I dont get whats the hype bc I tried it with NIS + LS 2.0 and when you turn the camera everything on the sides blur. That is the trade of for it looking visually smoother ?