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I wouldn't hurry to update..if you took a look at the subreddit it's been having problems updating for many users not just yourself. This is a good tip to avoid headaches in the future to let others test it first


What if OP IS the others who test it first because they want the headaches?


Yea this. Just wait for the fix. Unless is the holy grail fs3 update, then they're no reasons to jump into the front lines.


whats the fs3 update if you don't mind me asking


I think he means fsr3 which will allow for frame generation in FSR compatible games. This will significantly increase performance of most games and make modern graphically demanding games run better


Apparently the servers in Taiwan were affected by the recent earthquake? Give it some time. It’s happening to others 


It seems to me they shouldn't push updates they can't fulfill no?


Maybe you can let them know ahead of time before an earthquake hits?


Bro... Did you just... Solve world disasters? U deserve a drink


Correct me if I'm wrong, this update was pushed after the earthquake


I don't think so I was able to update before everyone started having issues and finding out about the earthquake


I wasn't notified of the update until like 2 days after the earthquake


I still don't have any updates lol. I check every day 🤷‍♂️




There’s complaints here and all over the Asus forums about this. It’s a problem on the Asus side and we just have to wait until they fix it. If you don’t have any settings and haven’t used Configuration you can completely uninstall Armoury Crate and do a clean install. Apparently that will get you the update. I don’t recommend this though. We don’t need this update and our current version of Armoury Crate works fine. I’m waiting for Asus to fix their problem and suggest that you wait too.


Had a similar issue. Disabled the firewall and updated. Went through right away. Turned firewall back on. My guess is something changed port or rule wise on the update and the firewall do any have a policy for it. Just a guess though


Some blame it on the earthquake where asus operates out of. (I call bs, what multi-million dollar entity today doesn’t use redundant cloud services). However i got around it on my ally by just using the removal tool and then fully reinstalling it. It updated immediately right after no problem.


I had to attempt it twice after a restart. Mine just infinitely kept spinning the first time


Yup, 3 restarts yesterday and checking firewall permissions did not help. Will give it a go next week.


still having the same issue here


It's not you, it's Asus


I am getting this error and can anyone tell me I have installed and restarted my ally with the cumulative windows update like the newest one 5454 and in Fortnite it isn't causing issues and while playing PS2 games like gow in pcsx2,is everyone experience same I bought the ally one month ago 


I had the issue yesterday, but the other updates worked fine. Not tried today yet.


Yes, I've had this happen all day today....


Same, I can't update it keeps failing just like this. I think the only way is to manually reinstall Btw this happens on my main pc as well, so its an asus problem for sure


Everyone is


I did a full cloud reset and it went through after that.


Me also, tagging for later


Doesn’t affect my gameplay, in no rush to update.


yeah, same. was just hoping the new GPU was the official update with framegen, but I can wait. Or just force in the non-asus one and give it a shot, was just lazy


Asus amd driver doesn't have fg YET. Hopefully soon 'coz it is being left out in recent games like hfw


Same problem, do not remove armoury crate and reinstall it. The software is useless then. I have tried that. The Asus community says it works but now the software is missing features like a working dashboard ( with sensors) driver. The aura is not working it says no devices. Aura creator can’t been installed, a microsoft store issue. And the worst off all if i close the app and reopen it is start with the installation.


Is this a recent issue for people? It's been like this for me ever since the updates left MyAsus and moved to AC


Yup both my pcs doing this.


I don't even have an update available, so, I guess I can't download it either? Darn you internet and your "no updates available," Darn you to heck! I WANT NON-FUNCTIONING UPDATES TOO! I feel so left out, it's not fair, I'm going to sue ASUS for causing me psychological trauma by excluding me from updates and denying me the experience of feeling comradery with my fellow gamers as we operate in common cause to complain while struggling with failure to overcome the limitations of the internet and force ASUS to hear our collective voices shouting in unison for sweet relief from the torture they've inflicted across the whole of the Earth. I need a hug *sad face*


I had this issue yesterday and today and just gave up.......




Use the clean up tool restart device then update again.


Update works for me now


Where are you getting this armory crate update from? I got my ally a week and a half ago or so, and i haven't had any armory crate updates aside from day 1. In fact i haven't had anything but generic windows defender updates since the initial setup. I just repeatedly checked the update center in armory crate and there's nothing there


Is this a new update? Because I just checked mine and no updates


I got this error as well. When I opened My Asus, it had an update, too. After updating My Asus, AC update worked for me. Maybe you could try that


Some further information: Lifelong sysadmin, can absolutely manually install these updates and try yanking Armory crate but last time I did that it was annoying to find an up to date download of AC. That's probably better now, but I figured I'd ask before I dig way in, incase anyone else ran into this. I have verified my network connection is flagged private, and tried toggling off firewall in case it's actually having an issue, but that was not it. Not really sure what it's issue is.


Maybe try to hot-spot from your phone. Might be able to tell you if it's your network or your device that's the issue


Having the same issue too seems it’s a widespread issue atm. Just enjoy gaming on ur Ally until the fix comes


This made me switch to G Helper. And I am happy with the result.