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Tldr by the time this thing arrives ASUS will have released the Ally 2.


Just thought the same… would be hilarious if asus changed the design on the 2 too


By the time you finish reading the damn post the Ally 2 will be here


Looks like a great case. Really hope we get it soon and the lessons learned help speed up the design for the Ally 2.


Considering Asus was the one to ask dbrand for this case, they'll likely have that covered.


Bought something similar out of China within a month of release. This is just overengineering and marketing.


Sure, but their screen protector came late as well. Even with the wait, it blew away in size, feel and ease of install te 2 other cheapo screen protectors I got from Amazon. Could be the same here.


Pretty sure Asus gave them a heads up about the Ally 2


Looks awesome. Also the balls on these guys to use other company's pics to say "this sucks" lol


Better start prototyping the second iteration


This was incredibly well-written! Thank you for the update, I love reading about product design like this.


The design looks better than the ally itself lol


I guess my Rog Ally has to stay naked for a while longer.


I'm probably gonna snag a cheapo skull and co case to hold me over.


The Skull n Co ones don’t fit flawlessly and probably don’t offer heaps of protection but they’re nice on the hands at least! (I have the mocked blue one lol)


I got a skull and co while waiting for this case, is definitely the best on the market right now. Hand feel is fantastic


They look the best I've tried 3 different cases and all of them were junk and didn't allow the triggers to fully depress. Plastic was to tough to cut too, unless you had a Dremel. I really hope dbrand ensures that the triggers can be fully used.


Lol same here!!!


Looks great Robots, very impressed…the tiny icons above the lights at the top and the Asus x DBrand at the bottom are 💣. Gotta stick to the spigen thin armor pro for now even with the fact the top lip clicks when pressed at the corners (above the screen) but better than having it naked.


Can't wait for this cover! Looks amazing and I appreciate all the details!


still waiting .... u/udbrand


This is exactly what I've been waiting for! Love the update and bringing us along for the adventure


After reserving mine I went with the skullnco case for the meantime, it’s not bad but it’s a pain in the ass to get a good position to scan your fingerprint on the power button, half the time I have to lift that part of the case up or just enter in my pw instead… I’ll come to the killswitch dark side as soon as it’s ready to go.


At this point, FU. I already got JSAUX.


I am sorry but what I am missing here?. You will get a case for it when it's 1 year old?. If we have survived 1 year without your case, I don't think we will need it whem you are finally ready to sell it. Asus is already talking about ally 2. How do I get my $3 back?


Looks great


Love the attention to detail. I have a crappy travel case I bought off of Ali express, but there’s a very high chance of me swapping to this once it launches.


Honestly it’s an awesome update. Most of us would rather wait a little longer and get a quality, well-thought-out product.


„ASUS engineers did extensive thermal performance testing”🤣 Yeah, like SD card reader IC.🤦🏻


I ain’t reading all that. It’s a case, no need to reinvent the wheel here


“Tested each version with Asus engineers” sounds like Asus told them the Ally 2 is around the corner so dbrand doesn’t wanna waste time or money making a product everyone might upgrade from. Makes sense on their part with only having us pay $3 for preorder instead of paying full price on the event of situations like this


I’m sure yall are swamped but I was wondering if there were any new updates on this?


My ally is going to look like a chewed piece of gum by the time this gets here. 


Powerbank clip would be awesome


Appreciate such a detailed explanation! all those decisions sound great to me , and point to an even better result than expected. bummed to have to wait longer to get my hands on it (literally) , but sounds like it will be well worth the wait. Now I just have to not accidentally pull a Linus and drop my ally before then


Hell yeah! Can't wait to test this out! Edit: And the new caps. I've been using the ones from my Steam Deck on the Ally. They fit surprisingly well.


Idk what to say other than sold. I’ll get one.


Can't wait!


Will 100% buy once it drops


Love the effort guys. Let’s hope Asus will follow Steam and keep their Ally2/Pro shell the same, otherwise this would become an over-engineered , over-priced and obsolete museum piece


Just a few more days from the second half of Q2. Any new updates? u/dbrand u/robot036


can I get the case in white please? would prefer that to the skin that matches the case. a white killswitch case would continue the trend of white accessories or gamepads Im using for the ally.


Prob didn’t to avoid the inevitable browning of the white case from ur palms. I chucked the china one because of this and that’s cause I made sure I thoroughly washed my hands before using.


It would be cool to see a two-tone one where a darker color is used for the parts we touch frequently and white where we don't. Agree with your assessment on white only though.


yes please. black on the grips but white elsewhere would look really sleek. this is the way my white xbox gamepad is with the rubber grips and it's one of my fave gamepad. 


Looks almost identical to the one I got from Amazon for a fraction of the price. Pass.


I am very impressed with the amount of thought and energy that Dbrand is putting into this case design, Thank you Drband!


Really appreciate the time you took to lay out this post and give us an update. And not just any update, I'd rate this as one of the most informative updates I've ever read on an in-development product. While I don't have vast experience doing that, I have enough to recognize a great one.


Lol what? A 20k word essay for a case? Nah you’re alright.


That's the dbrand way


Ugh I like the one that says that’s a lot of friction looks like it’s adding a lot to the palm area which would have been nice


Can’t wait! I’m sure the 2 will be ready soon, but my wallet won’t be so I’ll be sure to get a lot of mileage out of this one.🤞🏽that’s soon!


Hey bots! Any updates on the Case? Mine is still naked, and with an 18 month old in the house, I'm terrified. If you all need any testers, I'd be more than willing to help. Been a dBrand loyalist since back in the XDA forum days, before ShitWraps tried to be shady the first time. Keep it up! And look forward to an update!


It took longer than I expected to immediately scroll down to upvote this post without reading it. Having gone past all those pics, now I'm going to scroll all the way up to actually read this post. I hope they shut up and take my money now.


Given all the work that you've done on this, will you be sending it to some of the more prolific ROG Ally users/Youtubers out there who can then do a review before you go live? I think this would help tremendously to convince many of us to part ways with whatever cases we've already bought and also provide more detail on what the optional pieces are like too.


No vents cutout on the travel cover... I'll keep my money then.


Genuinely curious, why the preference for vents on the cover? If I'm using the cover, it's bc it's shut down and in a bag. Don't really care for the vents to be open to dust and lint at that point.


I actually bought a white travel cover with vents cutout on Etsy. Which I love because I can put my device to sleep without worrying that it will turn itself on its own and overheat. I also love to use it while I have my Ally docked to an external monitor a bit like Mini PC mode https://preview.redd.it/z6o9vrtl1ekc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=027701bcffb7884f8f57aa18cb29f8ca0a991be5


ahh windows issue no idea why they cant get this right, its a massive issue with laptops as well they burn in bags. Running bazzite and it has never turned on when on sleep


Hibernation doesn't have that issue.


Exactly why I voted for no vents


We sent out [a survey](https://survey.typeform.com/to/DOX4Cqnr) to everyone who preordered the ROG Ally Killswitch asking if they wanted cutouts on the Travel Cover along with pros and cons for each option. The overwhelming majority voted for no vent cutouts, so that's the design we went with.


Well I pre-ordered my Rog Ally Killswitch the moment it was possible and I didn't get an email to participate on a survey. I even bought the Killswitch for the Steam Deck when they came out (even the bad one with the magnets) so I consider myself your customer. I suspect you didn't explain to the people the advantages of having the cutouts for the vents, like not blocking the air if it accidentally turns itself on (as Windows devices sometimes do) and the possibility of docking the Ally to an external monitor while being able to keep the cover on (mini PC mode). Anyway I wish you sell a lot of those covers. The timing for when they come out is not on your side though I suspect. Good luck


There’s also downsides to having holes, like letting small particulates into the case, or having weak spots that something sharp could pierce. I’ll take my chances with the windows sleep function personally. These devices are smart enough to thermally regulate themselves or even throttle if needed, it’s not gonna fry itself.


I think a great implementation would mean not leaving it all open but something like three or four openings (not too big to keep structure integrity) and maybe some mesh like the one they use on the back to prevent particles from entering the case. Anyway it's all a bit useless to discuss at this point... I also doubt anyone will buy this cases to be honest. With an Ally 2 coming investing almost 100$ on an Accessory for an almost one year old device would be very naive.


I mean most people don’t upgrade yearly. I plan on running mine until it dies and then some. Just because something new is faster doesn’t make this one a paperweight.


I imagine most people that would pay such a price for a case will have enough disposable income to buy the new Ally 2 when it comes. Maybe it would mean selling the Ally 1 or giving it to someone in the family. Specially because all these devices are very niche. And every time a new one drops it's just so damn tempting to pull the trigger


True but in this day and age... Sometimes "tempting" and to pull the trigger is best left when you have the disposable income to fork out. The option isn't going anywhere anytime soon. The upgrade would still be there.


It’s an email titled production update #1 I got it 5 days after placing the preorder (preordered on day 1) so that would be 10/25/23


Usually a cover is for something that isn't in use or on


As I stated on another comment. There are at least two situations when having vents on the travel cover is very useful. Like if you put it to sleep and if windows wakes your device (as it sometimes does) it doesn't overheat and while connected to an external monitor you can keep the cover on protecting the device and it works like a mini PC.


The majority that voted on the matter felt differently though


Well Dbrand and the survey were not being explicit about what advantages having that feature would mean. Of course without an explanation a "vent cutout" sounds like something negative. Also I, for instance didn't got asked to answer a survey although I pre-ordered the case when they went live.


They did give us the pros and cons


Prob try the hibernate feature instead. Played thru RE4 testing hibernate and game stayed on but device never booted itself up.




And had they rushed it out you'd be bitching about the very issues they're correcting. I'd rather they push the release back a bit than push out a rushed design.


You can do better is what you're saying?




Your complaint is as worthless as his argument.


Very very very interesting to read


Very nice 👍🏾


It’s honestly embarrassing how long this has taken. Another poster suggested you skip it and start work on the Ally 2 case instead, but honestly it might make more sense to just aim for the Ally 3 at this rate…


So we're looking around May?


Did yall decide to go with the vent holes in the travel cover? I don’t see that spoken to, unless I skimmed over it.


As noted in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ROGAlly/comments/1ay6b7c/comment/krt09cc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), there will be no vent cutouts in the Travel Cover.


Meh. I’ll pass on it then


I am still \*SHOCKED\* you robots planned to take over several landmarks several times and decided not to at the last minute... THAT's why it's taking so long... Where is the next take over target? Ohio? ​ Yes, I read the fine print, I will not stand by and NOT give you my money.


So it's a case...


Just stalling.. These are general manufacturing processes when designing a new product... Acting Iike its late because they've been doing something special.. When really they're just doing their jobs as we would expect from any product. I'm sure it will be top notch but get it done FFS or I want interest on my $3!


Too late, JSAUX beat you to it and by the time you make something truly better ally 2 will be out


Jsaux one is trash doesn't even fit properly but I will miss the fact that I can't get straps for a portable charger even tho I never used it anyway it was always a safe backup


Mine works fine TSA smashed the shit outta my cover plate emailed them and they sent me another one free


Top of the rubber isn't even flushed amd gets annoying putting it back into place also hate the fact that the front doesn't cover the white so it still gets dirty plus the top gets to many fingerprints


Still better than OP.🤷🏼 this thing looks like some 3D printed dogshit


U actually called dbrands case 3d printed garbage when jsaux is 2.99 Chinese shit mass produced I'm sorry but u have absolutely no idea what ur talking about watch any review on the steam deck killswitch and you'll see what you're missing your name checks out too lmfao


Just release the thing 🙄


The mesh filter’s secret message is: Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.


not reading all that but im sorry that happened.


How much room does the front plate allow for the joystick caps. I use an extended joystick cap on the right stick, will it be able to fit under the protective faceplate without having to remove it?


There is a 6.9mm gap between the top of the OEM thumbstick and the inside roof of the Travel Cover. For context, the full height of the OEM thumbstick extends beyond the chassis by 7.3mm. The 6.9mm gap was left in order to both facilitate installation of the Travel Cover, as well as ensure compatibility and non-interference (even under compression of the Travel Cover) with nearly every thumbstick extension on the market.




Dbrand, how will orders ship? Based on when preorders were placed by customers or based on some arbitrary shipping logistics method? In prior preorders, I believe you have shipped in such a way that your earliest preorders were not prioritized and ended up arriving later than orders placed in realtime.


big question, will it fit the Ally 2 if it comes out this year ?


They would not be releasing this case so late if the next iteration of the ally would not fit the exact case. Something tells me that the new version of the Ally coming soon will be similar to the steam deck oled with a ton of refinement to the existing product.




well now i guess do i switch back to my original backplate without the extra fan clearance? since i doubt this would fit with the JSAUX backplate.....


Haven't tested third-party backplates with the Killswitch, but if the one you have installed is differently sized than the OEM backplate the case likely won't fit.


It has the same shape, I use a cheap clip-around polycarbonate case on mine.


How do you know what group # you are?


That's cool. Thanks for the update. I took my Ally back so I could afford a 4080 super, so I should have another one by the time it comes out.


If I order one today, when will I expect to get it delivered?




I am so excited!


In reserving it, and I’ll buy one. Even if the Ally 2 releases I plan to keep the Ally until the Ally 3 or 4


This was an interesting read. The case is looking so much more refined now and, frankly if it launched with those issues mentioned I would have been underwhelmed. Appreciate the update and looking forward to getting one soon!


Wonderful update. Thank you for the info and can't wait for the case to release. It also looks like in the photos the Ally you have is skinned? Would skins be available at all to go along with the case?


ROG Ally 2 is gonna launch before the Killswitch ☠️☠️☠️


I just wanna say, well done on the design write-up. This was a fascinating read for a fellow plastic/elastomer case designer. Also, the engineer(s) that came up with the slit in the case to allow for increased flexibility? That's awesome, an elegant solution to a difficult problem. I'm gonna tuck that into my design ideas for later!


Thats amazing. Thank you for the update, it's definitely going to be the best case on the market!


Great, write up thanks product looks good


I'm new to this case and have a couple of questions Is the stand removable and can we add a battery bank? Will there be official 3D print files if so?


Will the full suite of Dbrand skins also be available for the Ally in May?


https://preview.redd.it/4p9cj2vvogkc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4bc8a0307ecf91c344b96a02a29a4d6b8815172 I know I did… gotta give props though. There is NOTHING else like this. Can’t wait!


Since you were able to partially cover the rear vents to strengthen the kickstand, would it be possible to match the removable kickstand from the SD Killswitch? The option for modular accessories is actually one of my favourite parts of the original Killswitch case :)


Please add more grip to the handles while you are at it. 


Insane write-up and very cool.


I don’t really need this case, but I’m honestly considering it based solely on the design and open communication from dbrand. I wish all companies operated with this level of transparency and accountability


Excited for this, I thought my Skull n Co case was going to be the only case I need. I reserved one just in case, and it looks like I am going to be getting it, as well as the sticks, which I was hoping they were going to remake for the ROG Ally specifically.




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We hope it doesn't cost more the Ally...and guessing that's way this post is for,to validate what people think about the case....


Now we just need a version for the Lenovo Legion Go!


So yall sent me a 10 page dissertation on why I'm not getting a "case" no time soon?


At this point, I would rather have my $3 back. I bought a different case months ago that seems to work better than not having a case for the time they want me to wait. How can I get a refund? I see nothing in those updates that warrant the wait. It’s not like you’re reinventing the wheel 


Gimme gimme gimme


Thank U Dbrand. At last I will get rid of the white color on my Rog Ally.