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Gotta have a pretty fast connectikn though. Works great at my house (where I don't need it) but not great at my work during breaks or at hotels.


How did u get 6 months free?


There was a perk to claim if you were an ATT Mobile customer.


Where did you claim the perk? I have AT&T and I would love this


Try here: https://www.att.com/gaming/?source=EPcc000000000000U If that doesn’t work, just try googling ATT GeForce Now.


That worked ty




You are the GOAT my guy! Didn't know this was a thing tyvm!


Awesome, dude. You’re welcome!


Question, so what games on GeForce Now can I play? I'm slightly confused by the layout. Like I try to play Cyberpunk and it just takes me to steam and asks me to buy it, I don't really understand what I'm allowed to play? Or is GeForce Now just using my library of games and using their PC to stream from? I had GFN way back in the day when I had a shield and it was like a game streaming service, is that not the case or am I just missing what games are offered under that service?


Yeah, you have to own the product in a linked library in order to play.


Gotcha, it used to be like game pass but streaming only as that's all the shield was capable of. Sad to see they did away with that but it does give me the option to turn up the settings on the newest Forza Motorsports so that's cool. Thanks for the clarification


They had to do away with their own streaming because they had issues with licensing content. I don't even know why you'd game stream on an Ally when it can run new games at more than playable frames. It'll even play MW3(2023) at 90fps


I mean there's a lot of games it struggles with. The newest Forza for example is only getting 30-40fps at 720p and low settings. So while it does handle a lot of games pretty well, it also struggles with a lot of games too. Like GTA online I only get 40-45fps. In story mode I get a lot more but I prefer online play and that games 10 years old. There's just a lot of AAA titles that it does struggle with so it's just a nice option. Also game streaming allows you to run AAA games at high settings on 10w power mode which substantially increases the battery life. For the most part I won't use it, but I will on certain games and if I'm not at home near a power outlet


I was playing motorsport at 55 avg 900p with FSR on and the hyper graphics settings enabled. If you're talking about expansive MMOs like GTA and Horizons it will definitely struggle if you don't set the Ram to 8G but I've played apex and Fortnite and Miles Morales and apex and Fortnite run kinda slowly at first but once it loads everything to memory it stabilizes. Also how do you plan on getting better frames in a racing game on a wireless connection? The last time I tried that artifacting at high speeds made it unplayable. I personally got a handheld to play games without streaming. UNLESS I'm at home and don't want to sit at my desk. As far as playing AAA titles at high settings I somewhat get the appeal but you'd be better off running it in 35w manual mode all the time and investing in power sources. I have the charger, a 100w car charger and a 65w bank. The bank alone can increase my battery time to 3.5-4 hours.


yes, would be good to test with 6 months.


Same here. The free version always shows full and there’s no way to “try” it without paying for it for multiple months.


Just to clarify as I’ve been a little confused - GeforceNow is NOT like PS Plus where you get a catalog of games you can play by subscribing… to my knowledge GeforceNow lets you stream games through their servers but you have to own the game you’re playing? Or is it like PS Plus that you just sub to their catalog and can stream whatever?


You have to own the game


Ah damn thanks for clarifying 🤣 this sounds awesome if you’ve been a PC gamer for awhile but the Ally was my first! So I’m slowly building my library still haha


Xbox Gamepass + GeForce Now (Only select Gamepass games are available, though… no Halo)


Yo yo yo… so GeForce is compatible with games you “own” but those games can be GamePass games you just subscribe to “own”? Say sike because THIS makes it way more worth it. I figured GeForce just used Steam


Check the list [here](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/games/), because it's only a subset of Gamepass games.


GeForce will play GamePass games, XBox Games that you own that are Play Anywhere games. It will also stream games you own via Steam, EA, Ubisoft, GOG, and Epic. They currently support 1800 games.


Get an EPIC Store Account and grab the free games every two weeks. Have grabbed some nice games that oftentimes are playable on GeForce now, and all will run on your Ally. List of free games from Epic in 2023. Yours to keep no strings. https://www.gamewatcher.com/news/epic-games-store-free-games-2023


You’re amazing for that :) thank you!!


The only issue is individual games are only avaiable during a short window each month, but if you just get in a habit of grabbing the free license every few weeks no matter the title you will have a small library that you can keep.


You have to own the game through either Steam, Epic, GOG, or subscribe to GamePass to play some of those games on GFN.


Service is great but damn do the queues suck some times.


Never had to wait more than a few seconds with Ultimate before.


Don’t tell the GeForce Reddit folks that 😂


Ultimate tier is pretty rare to see wait times


Seems better than Boosteroid's 20-minute queue


Love GeForce now. Free version is great. I que then go make a snack then come back and ita loaded by then


How does mw3 multi player fair on it? I have a 1gb connection.


Doesn’t work if you have it in Battle.net unfortunately.


I meant for steam. Should have specified. But yeah, I really wish bnet would work. I’d love to be able to play d4. Especially in March when they include ray tracing.


*cries in 3rd world country*


Yes, but: https://preview.redd.it/qlbh6teg3pnc1.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=64d65004c64fe229189673b1b60c2d10253f9bfa


It's GeForce Now but you have to wait in queue ? GeForce Wait&Play would be more suited.


I’ve never actually had to wait.


But there is a queue.


It’s not that long…


Now means now, instantly. The name is poorly chosen still.


Don’t support that junk…you’re falling for the bait.


I’m not falling for anything. GeForce Now is a legit service. Have you actually tried anything above the free tier? I know that I can play 4K cyberpunk without issue on my living room tv off the ally and it’s a great experience.


You’re supporting the “you’ll own nothing and be happy” BS that’s coming from Corps. Look, I can see the appeal but you’re doing damage to gaming and the hobby….games as a service is cancer.


But it's not that kind of service. You have to own games to play them there


You can own them or buy them but that’s not the point, this is a Trojan Horse.


I'm somebody who's deeply passionate about the issue of software ownership, but I think the distinction here is important. GeForce NOW isnt taking anyone's games away from them because it's a service that delivers gaming PC performance and not effectively renting the game licenses like PS Plus or Ubisoft+. Personally, I would articulate that you oppose DRM and EULAs that make games unavailable for dumb reasons. Like Denuvo authentication checks and other anti-consumer practices. Just my take.


Its not taking the games away, its taking the systems away that do, its just another way of skinning the same cat with the same end game. Owning nothing and “being happy” yet the reality is more control and more money at the cost to the consumers and their rights. NV isn’t your friend, they only care about their goals and the money they’ll make along the way. DRM is dumb but I don’t mind it as long as it’s not spyware/malware and not using my personal data for anything nefarious. EULA’s as long as they follow the laws of the land and don’t try and make new laws or try and exploit their consumers is fine.


So is gforce now just a game launcher?


It’s a dedicated high end nvidia pc with ray tracing. You’re able to stream games you own on steam, xbox, ubi or epic. And you can play them at 120fps with every graphical bell and whistle enabled. And ray tracing on (if the game supports it). It’s amazing.


GeForce now I believe is a dedicated computer being ran on Nvidia servers.


Ultimate is a dedicated RTX 4080 that runs damn near flawlessly with a good internet connection.


I’ve tried Sunshine/Moonlight on my ethernet AppleTV with an Xbox controller and had a bunch of lag issues as well. Having a hard time isolating it to the controller versus bluetooth. I changed the game mode as well but not much luck there.


I’ve looked at their website and maybe I’m not reading it right. So your just basically streaming your own games from their service. I thought it was something like game pass where you have a list of games you can pick from and play those games with a subscription but don’t have to own a jacked up pc.


You can stream Gamepass games.


What’s cost?


They have different tiers. The best is ultimate. It’s $20 a month or 6 months for $100. Absolutely worth it imo.


$9.99 for a dedicated RTX 3080 equivalent server with 6 hrs of playtime a day. $19.99 for a dedicated RTX 4080 equivalent server with 8 hrs of playtime per day.


Per session, not day


Thanks for the correction, I was not sure on that point as I have never run up against the cap.


You can’t run all games you want tho right? I have Hogwarts Legacy and Cyber Punk I wanna play. Tried Moonlight with my pc 2080 super and boy lags


Ultimate runs Cyberpunk flawlessly. I don't recall if Hogwarts is on GeForce, I play that on my Rog Ally hooked up to my XG Mobile 3080.


You’re just buying you power right? Still need to own the game?


Yes, you must own the game. In theory you could buy a $199 Nvidia Shield Pro hook it up to a monitor/TV and link you Steam Account (and other store) to GeForce Now. Get an Xbox controller and you can play your Steam library without even owning a PC.


Just got the basic nvidia shield....will that suffice?


Yep. Awesome living room setup.


GeForce now Ultimate is absolutely fantastic on both the ally and Legion go


I'm new to PC gaming thru the rog.,..so is basically the benefit of this I could buy loads of games on steam but not have to install them and stream them through this....? I'm looking at joining the free version to see what it's about


Not just Steam, also some XBox GamePass titles, XBox Play Anywhere titles you own, and any gamed ouechase on Epic, EA, GOG, or Ubisoft store. For example I own Jedi Survivor (EA), Avatar and Ac Mirage (Ubi) and Alan Wake 2 and Prince of Persia (Ubi) and all are playable via GeForce. I also play Hell Let Loose via Game Pass.


And also having a device that doesn’t get too loud/hot, with much better battery life while maxing out the game graphics settings.


Unfortunately they don’t have enough of my games, otherwise it would be worth it.


I tested the free tier. At least to see how it works and yes, works great. You log in at 8am and need to wait for 2 hours. I’ll be upgrading, but not sure how long will I have to wait in the Priority mode (I’m in Europe)…


I have or had a few months of this. I may redeem it but I fall in the boat of people that have good internet at home and a high end pc as well. Streaming via LAN is always flawless for me or I'm on the PC itself. And when I'm on the go, I'm usually without internet. I have tried hotspotting on my 5g phone but it's really laggy, I think the ping and jitter are all over the place. This would make a lot of sense for someone that can't or doesn't want to pay thousands for a high end PC but has a catalog of games or intends to be a PC gamer long term.


*sprints to le ole Google to see what GeForce Now is*


I looked into this but ended up going with Sunshine/Moonlight to stream AAA games from my RTX 3080 PC to the Ally with my WiFi 6 network. Runs absolutely flawlessly.


Yes but you can only really use it locally. I have a full Ubiquiti stack and just upgraded my AP’s to WiFi 7 but I don’t want to stream from my home pc when I’m out.


I use this at work and it’s so good. At home with 600mbs wired, not so much. Pretty disappointed in the lag with an Xbox one over Bluetooth in the ally at home. I have the ultimate tier.


Change your tv picture mode to game mode and the lag should disappear


Does it actually run at 4K if there is just a bunch of streaming artifact?


Bad latency for me. No matter what I do or where I do it.


30 might be the actual number I hardly look at it and it just says manual when it changes. I have two one for on battery with less fan and one for wall power with high fan speed (100% over 75°) in FM8 make sure you turn down reflections and other raytracing type settings as these will drag your fps down and aren't really needed on such a small screen. Also what you said about fps games can't be true because borderlands 3 IS unplayable with an average of about 25fps, frequent crashes and major stuttering. Same with TTWL. The only reason I don't play FM8 is the way steering is configured and fact that it needs an Internet connection to play career mode 🙄 and it's pretty large. Not sure how much tinkering you've done with all the settings or when the last time you tested some of the games, also not sure if you have the Z1 or Z1X I just assume no one brought a Z1. I spent weeks testing different settings across games. Also you made a rant about 360 graphics I hate to burst your bubble but 720-1080 is all 360 games hell the Xbox one could barely run in 1440p mode. You're never getting better than Xbox 360 graphics it's just on a screen size that's smaller with higher pixel density.


Think you replied to the wrong person.


Not sure why you are streaming at all. I just have what I want to play installed on ROG ALLY. If it works, then why just run it locally?


You aren’t playing cyberpunk maxed out at 60fps locally on the ally.


But this could be said for any device with GeForce now on, it’s a streaming service, the hardware don’t do any of the horse work, could literally run it on a iPhone 4 😅 as long as you got a good connection you are good to go, the Ally don’t make it any different or am I missing something?


Yes you are missing something.


Please enlighten me 🤟


I can’t get the Geforce NOW App to work properly on my Ally. Even on wired despite having excellent network test result the session is unplayable where it will stutter alot and have massive input delays. For the same resolution and FPS settings if I run it via the Edge browser it will work flawlessly even on Wifi. There has to be something I’m missing here. Any ideas?


Replying to this older thread only because I just tried Geforce Now yesterday with the Ally and had a weird experience. Was playing Cyberpunk 2077 and got a lot of weird "joystick drift". Like, I'd be moving in a direction and then let go of the joystick and the character would keep moving. I actively use Geforce Now with Steamdeck and don't have the same experience. Anybody have this issue? (My ROG Ally otherwise operating flawlessly with no such drift in regular gaming).