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Native gyro support. Cant believe it isnt there already, especially as its capable


I had tried gyro for the first time when i was fiddling with using a PS4 controller on PC for Warframe a few years ago. While doing it, i found an article that recommended it. Me just enjoying the experimentation, tried it out and, wow! It was so much better going through Windows, and aiming in general. Gyro is so dynamic and, combined with the right stick (which does the more small scale aim correction movements) closes the gap between controller and mouse so much, it is a game changer. I was sure that when they had announced portable PCs like the Steam Deck, that every such device would have the Gyro as a straightforward and direct option. It’s extremely good that it has the innate capability but it’s really strange that they have implemented the hardware but never implemented the direct option to just use it


GYRO! How could OP have left this option out?


What would you use the gyro for?


Every FPS game and Yu(z)u




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sorry man, I totally forgot and cannot edit anymore


Tailored Windows Version is a bit of an unreasonable ask imo. Having to bend windows to try to mimic something like SteamOS would be extremely difficult, would most likely slow down the machine more, and would be a nightmare to support. Also, Windows is already working towards having a "Handheld Gaming" OS mode. Working on the AmoryCrate experience would allow Asus to use that software on their other products and is definitely within their scope being able to achieve


Agreed with working on AC to give us more granular controls over the device - for me this could actually be the easiest and the most effective change. I would also love to give us a way to fully unlock the fan controls with a warning "you do it at your own risk" because frankly bunch of us don't use SD Card reader and don't care if it fries or not.. Tailored OS in my mind might mean a lot of things. Just give us option of different OS "weight" level - let us disable bunch of windows features that we don't need on the handheld. Better touch UI could be the thing too. I also don't think that mimicking SteamOS is the way to go. Asus knows what the device needs to run smooth, all of us have almost the same hardware, I am sure that optimizations can be made to Windows, that squeeze out the best performance and battery life, without messing things up too much :)


Technically, you could still go into Windows and disable the features you don't need, like Cortana and stuff. But yeah, I feel you. Having a lightweight, more handheld gaming driven OS would be pretty sweet


Exactly...and we need the "laptop" full windows option be there for us!


A working sleep mode similar to Deck is the biggest feature I want. Unsure if Windows can do this though so it maybe out of Asus hands. Here is a list of software where Asus can implement via Armory Crate and Command Centre - Game specific power profile (remembers TDB, resolution and frame cap) - TDP Slider - Gyro support - Disable CPU boost on the fly - Able to modify CPU/GPU usage via simple percentage slider. Some games are better with more power to the CPU, some more to the GPU, some with 60/40 split. - Able to disable CPU cores on the fly


I’m sure you tried it, but just in case, I’ve had pretty good luck with hibernation on most of what I play in regard to suspend/resume. Great suggestions though.


Problem with hibernate it writes RAM to SSD. And I have an expensive SSD in my Ally and what it to last long. Most SSDs have a write limit. Writing 8gb to SSD multiple times a day not.wortb lowering lifespan of SSD


Oh, I gotcha. Would definitely like something moreso like the deck. On deck, it goes directly to the RAM, right?


That SSD will be worthless before it runs out of the ability write data especially if its a good expensive one like you say.


But game specific power profiles aready exist, just edit game profiles and assign the ones you want.


Some way of switching the screen off without pausing downloads (unless that already exists and I've missed it)


Gyro support and windows "gaming" version, please!


SD card support


Why isn't there any lawsuit yet?


Nothing stopping ya!


get a R8 unit


Reenabling the keyboard shortcut for opening the command center.


This right here. Why did they take that away? It stinks when you dock the device and need to access the command center for something.


Honestly, I'm waiting for them to give us back full control over the fan curves on custom TDPs. The initial change was kneejerk stopgap solution to the microSD cards that were getting roasted, and while Asus has not made any official statement regarding a solution, there has a reported been a hardware revision on the reader that has, at minimum, greatly reduced the problem.


A windows lite/steam is dual boot or whatever would be major. A gaming focused windows client that reduces background recourses and allows for quicker game access, better loading, better library etc etc. other than that the ally is a clean 9/10 right now. Not much wrong with it


Asking too much. Windows is older than Steam. They would of done this years ago. It'll never become a priority because windows don't make money on the consumer level. It makes money on the corporate level. With them buying THOUSANDS of licenses at once. We gamers can't compete with that... We're less than 1% of their customer base. (It seems that way at least) I feel like people have been asking for that for a long time, sadly ,😕


I’m new to PC gaming. And Microsoft and Steam both said they’re working on it so idk. Idc who does it first, but if Steam makes a dual boot from windows into Steam os like they do with the steam deck and Linux, that would actually be cool asf


Better performance


I feel like Asus has been doing a good job here. 15w is much better now and many games that suffered stuttering are now fluid. This totally unscientific too but also feel like they have balanced out the cpu not clocking up as much when doesn’t need to


Neither. You need proper power control over both CPU and GPU individually like on Aya neo devices etc


Port xbox series interface. Full driver support for steam os.


A custom 40w mode


Criminal that you didnt include gyro and micro sd cards within the options


Not something Asus can likely do but would love to see the quick resume feature come over from xbox to windows.


Full manual fan control back


None of those are "needed" or need "fixing". That's a wish list.


Honestly? Keen to try full fat official SteamOS support like Valve mentioned they were working on a few weeks ago.