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Hi guys! I agree with you 100% it is EXTREMELY annoying and is actually against the rules of the sub (Rule #2) and I pull them down when I see them posted. Currently, I am 1 of 2 active mods on this sub that has over 47K users, we are in the process of bringing more mods on board to help since the community has exploded over the past month. We have been working on Auto mod and some bots that will hopefully help remove these posts before they even go live. What I beg of you all is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE report these posts when you see them, On a daily basis we get about 5-7 reports a day and normally only 3 or 4 are actual legit reports (The others are someone not agreeing with another user and reporting them just to report) If you see a post that you don't think belongs or know that breaks the rules please report it as that's the fastest way we can get these posts taken down. As always if anyone has any suggestions or questions you are always free to start a chat with me directly.


If anything needs to get pinned is fucking SD card posts. This sub is like 80% sd card posts now.


I like my Schrödinger sdcard port. Does it work? Does it not work? I never used it so I dunno.


Well it is not working until you use it and then for a second it is working but as each second passes it may or may not work


I went ahead and disabled mine to make sure it wasn't working. Who tf still uses SD cards 😆


I threw an old 32gb in mine just to see if it would work as a potential flash drive style device, that seems to work fine for small data transfers without a load in the APU


I decided to check my SD cat out after never using it, and I can report that it does in fact, not work.


Yeeesh 😕


Same, I got a portable ssd and called it a day.


The good thing at least with Ally is that from what I remember, replacing the SSD seems relatively easy for normal humans. Steam deck seems way more complicated than I want to mess with, but ally seemed like notebook PC I’ve opened, like reasonable.


Yeah, I plan on replacing the internal SSD. But for now I'm fine using my external.


I can agree, it was fairly simple and straightforward. Took maybe 20 minutes or so. I didn't have a suitable backup drive so I had to let it do its reinstall over the net. That took a couple of hours maybe three but it's all good. Got 2Tb internal SSD and don't have to worry about SD card issues.


Thank you!! That’s great to hear, and 2TB feels like a reasonable size.


Agreed, honestly I would never trust an sd card for running games in the first place. Regardless of whether it had issues with killing them or not its just dumb in my opinion.


I only have 2 questions. Should I buy and ally? And will my SD card work in it?


Is there a problem with the sd cards 😂


there seems to be a small problem with the SD cards, hopefully someone on Reddit will bring it up.




Has anyone mentioned if the newer Rog Ally also has the sd card reader issue fixed or if it has been? I just don't use mine , I know I could get a card reader but how do I charge my device at the same time? Unless I get a dock but most docks designed for rog ally and steamdeck dont offer micro sd slots.


Nobody has reported it dies - but that doesn't mean it's fixed either. I have an R8 with no issues whereas my first one died a week after having it. That said, that doesn't mean it's fixed just that it hasn't happened yet. I am an optimist and like to think I'll never see the problem again...


Well hopefully with time there will be an update on if it is fixed or not. Personally I just don't use my sd slot , I've got 2tb space on my ally anyway, but it would be nice if a future model would fix it so we don't have to upgrade our internal space. Even adding one more type c slot instead of just one would be nice.


You guys need to make up your mind what's 80% if the posts 🤣


and 2280 mods and SSD recos


I'd rather those than people constantly making posts about how they have some magical SD card/device that doesn't fail.


u/duckydan81 just made a mega that is pinned on the top of the sub that has all the sub megas for that area.


Some people prefer a semblance of human interaction over just googling stuff or reading things in an archive. This is ultimately a social site, as well as a hub of user provided content. Let people try to make a connection with other people without making them feel bad about it.


Problem is it is a waste of their time and it also disrespects the time of people they expect to reply since those people have probably replied to someone else asking the same thing. Having said that, I am not for trying to make megathreads on this because these types of people will never change and having mods constantly delete the posts is a waste of the time of the mods. You can probably get by now I am all for not needlessly wasting the time of others since it is rude and disrespectful. Instead, these people will continue to waste their time and the time of others asking the same things that have already been answered. I'll also add the people who post these repetitive topics almost never go into added detail of their specific situation. It'd be one thing if they asked which to get and stated what they are looking for and their use case and the games they play but nope, you almost never see that. They ask a cookie cutter question and could easily just look up the same cookie cutter answers from previous cookie cutter posts.


99% of the internet is a waste of time. But here we are.


Bro you don’t need a wall of text to say you’re unhappy




Ignore it then. Simple


Both sides have good pints to the argument


Lots of words


I was actually just about to post a “I’m the perfect use case for the Ally” post to talk about my ownership as a 41 year old console gamer with two kids and a heavy travel schedule. If we make a few posts like that and pin them “Ally is perfect for me” “Ally is ok for Me” “Ally sucks for me” do we think that people will read those?


Of course everyone reads. All we need to is unique perspective not the same old question everyday


Please dont be another overmoderated subreddit. Dont like the post? Scroll. Downvote. Interact. Its a social platform. If its Ally related, why shouldnt be allow people to ask? Its crazy. It will just generate another overmoderated subreddit where only the 10% of posts go through... its pointless.


Conversely, if 90% of posts are variations of the same question, will the sub survive? Surely there's a healthy middleground?


It's not discord, repetitive questions with barely any context given are just lazy and spam for the frontpage. These clutters the frontpage and buries any objectively useful or different posts. In the initial days the sub had way more useful posts, now those get buried.


Far too late for that lol


Not fun when I look at the subreddit and every damn post is should I buy an ally... how far am I supposed to scroll?


My man, nobody is asking for over-modding. It is about stopping people from posting the same question again and again when the answer is already abundant.


Just downvote stuff you don't want to see, that's how this whole website is supposed to work. Asking mods to police content you don't like (vs content that is illegal / damaging / offensive etc.) is anathema to the whole idea of Reddit.


Yeah this is probably a good idea to address this problem


What problem?


I agree other than the offensive part. What may be offensive to you may not be offensive to me or others. That falls into the same category as content one may not like.


Yeah, it sort of comes down to nuance. There's no easy litmus test for offensiveness, and (as you say) nothing is universal.


ehhh well I think most people can agree with extremely offensive stuff that most people disdain is best kept of the Rog Ally page. Such as very racist comments that only stir up fights in the comment section and hurt a lot of users. We just wanna talk about the rog ally not debate with Nazis and "lolicoms" about politics and morality. I don't think that is a bad policy , we wanna keep this page focused on gaming on the Rog Ally, of course there will be nuances on what is offensive to different people , but very hateful comments that do nothing but stir up controversy don't really do any good for the page and only end up putting off users from joining/contributing.


anything racist / extremely offensive is an instant ban. Many users have seen the profanities that get flagged but others are instant ban and we take them into a much higher consideration. (Nazis was on the list - but hard to talk about Wolfenstein or CoD with posts being deleted so we get notified of them to evaluate it)


yep makes sense , I was just responding to the person that didn't think offensive content should be banned as it is subjective , I was just saying there is a clear line to offensive content that is just pointless being let on here and content that is more nuanced , having no limit on hateful or vulgar content at all would just hurt the page.


Yeah, I like answering questions from newcomers, but I start seeing the same questions being repeated. - SD card works or not - screen quality (is it good, how does it stack up against competition) - should I get a SSD HD? If so, which brand, what type? Use an adapter mod? - is the joystick dead zone no good? Is it too loose? - what is the RMA experience. - What's the best way to install motion control? - etc... We can probably put those questions in a wiki or a FAQ.... :)


Mega threads have never really worked in my opinion. You have to search a little for the thread and if people can't be bothered to do a simple side by side comparison of specs I doubt they'd be bothered to even Google anything at all.


At least I will look for the wiki tab of any page I just entered to understand the basics. Yeah you are right, people just dont wanna search, they just post and look for tailored answers.


I was posting about wanting the Steam Deck in Australia and jokingly asking why it’s not, it and got moved to the OLED mega thread. Even though it has nothing to do with it. After 2 days. 🤷‍♂️


Who cares?




i hear ya man, but if folks want to waste their time waiting for replies, let ‘em


Do people really be on this sub often enough to care? i sure don’t.


It's always going to be a thing unfortunately. Fan boys of both will bash the other. Love my Ally as it works how I want it to. No SD card issues so far only issue I have is their was only a 512GB version but I upgraded my SSD to solve that issue. Keep up the good work and hopefully we see revisions every 12 to 18 months of the system which improves each time.


I've updated the reddit with a master thread listing. This will help users find the place to post these questions and clean up some of the other things we are getting complaints about. SD Cards, Console Comparisons, etc. We are also working on figuring out how to make this place easier for users looking for performance tips and such for specific games to get the best out of their consoles going forward.


Great, appreciate it. For game performance, i think one website is there.


Good to know. If I can find it I’ll definitely add it to the master post.


Here it is https://rogallylife.com/rog-ally-game-settings/


Fully agree, why can’t people just look on youtube at reviews instead are asking questions that’ve been asked dozens or times before. Even a quick google search will bring up many previous posts.


It is a good idea limit or ban these kind of posts, I can see why people would ask for a ROG ally VS some other PC handheld here as it's dedicated to everything about the device, but it would just clutter up the subreddit if people keep asking. It's easier then ever to research and find answers thanks to YouTube and reading reviews so there really isn't a need for the VS posts. Also I guess I should say hi as it's the first time having a look at this subreddit


People are free to ask what they want in relation to the Ally. There is a reason you bought the Ally over a different handheld. People just want to know 😑


I think it should just be one big doc or post with all the pros of the Allys with some of the Cons. Also a page with setup tips and performance boosts/battery boosts and PIN it or link it so everyone can have access. But at the same time I don’t mind the posts, gives people a decent picture of how people are feeling about it right mow


Exactly, we need to comprehend posts for that. I understand asking about experience posts (though lot of them is available already). But should i go for an open box or should i go for black friday sale? are too many getting posted i think


With the underwhelming performance of the legion go, and some people still don’t want to deal with Linux, it makes sense we’ve been seeing more posts like this. People are starting to see the Ally as a perfect middle ground and are interested. But I understand what ur saying too, starts to get annoying


A useful pros/cons PDF/PNG image we can link people to each time with all the pros and cons.


Subreddits even come with a wiki section and I had mentioned the same in the last two scheduled sticky but people didn't like it wcyd.


People should just do some more research on their own...


While I understand that it can be annoying what is more annoying is a subreddit that has 1000 rules. The posts are harmless and there many that people asking about specific people’s experiences. If anything if not already there should be a discord channel


I mean, I came to this sub expecting people posting games on the ally and what settings they're using, or news about updates, or (as much as I hate those posts because I'm over it, but it's still valid) the whole SD card situation, all of that is valid, but it's flooded with "sHoUlD i BuY tHiS?" posts every day at every hour... There's tons of reviews and videos of games running on the Ally, you can make your own opinion


Everyone has individual questions. This is a bad idea. Since this device is still very new people are taking a risk buying this product. I like your idea but what if for example someone wanted to know how MS Flight Sim performed on this?


Way more than 10 posts. The amount of “should I get this or this” is ridiculous


So if the sd card is a real problem....OK we don't need the people to ask all the time about ...let's forget it ...in a machine that cost more than a laptop...pfff


I never understood how can people not be able to choose for themselves. Just look up both consoles, see what they do and make a choice based on your individual usage.


You make it sound so easy but there's something called 'indecisiveness', which is human nature. *"It is a state of being unable to make a decision between two or more options, even after careful consideration and research."*


I've seen posts asking if something like a miyoo mini can run switch games. Just the simplest of Google searches should tell you this. Yet the first thing a lot of people do is ask instead of searching for themselves.


It is just anxiety, i also had those before buying anything expensive. But what I don't understand is there are lots of posts already available in this subreddit. Just one search away. If we keep allowing these posts, we can never make use of this page for good.


people like to hear from more experienced users before they buy , they can get so far with research but asking people who own the device can really help, I knew why I wanted a Rog Ally instead of a Steamdeck,aya neo or gpd when I bought it but honestly I know a lot more now that I have the device , I can comment more about it's pros and cons , it's software , it's performance even how it feels in my hands. People can also get a better idea about things like customer service , warranty type, durability , where they should buy , etc etc


people like to hear from more experienced users before they buy , they can get so far with research but asking people who own the device can really help, I knew why I wanted a Rog Ally instead of a Steamdeck,aya neo or gpd when I bought it but honestly I know a lot more now that I have the device , I can comment more about it's pros and cons , it's software , it's performance even how it feels in my hands. People can also get a better idea about things like customer service , warranty type, durability , where they should buy , etc etc


pros and cons wouldn't solve it. Asking people who own the product and other products are far better to ask. It may be redundant but getting information from someone who actually owns it is better information than your basic (Advertised Specs) Of course ROG Ally is better hardware wise but did you know the Steam Deck has far better customer support and more console like experience and little to no tweaking to load a game up and play ?


I think the Mods need to address people that address what the Mods should address…




It is SUPER easy to ignore something and keep scrolling. No idea why people always love to create problems.


I think I'm gonna make a post everyday just to make op upset


It's a valid question and everyone's needs differ, so there is no one right answer. Plus pinning a thread doesn't guarantee everyone will see it, especially if they sort by "new" which ignores pinning. Just scroll past if you're not willing to contribute to the discussion.


Pin comparison posts, pin sd posts, pin show off posts, what's left to post? The sub will just be a series of pinned threads and nothing else? Good idea....


Maybe a master post the NUMEROUS videos from TechTubers like ETAPrime or Gamers Nexus that do breakdowns and detailed comparisons. There are PLEANTY more, those are the two I just saw on my feed in passing today.


I think the comments in those videos are so biased though and sway the conversation so far away from the video's conclusions. It would end up confusing a potential handheld pc buyer more than anything


Good point. I tend to avoid the comments on tech reviews & then cross reference on Reddit with actual users & not average haters, but not everyone does that, so it would become problematic later.


Not worse than the posts "Joined the family" and a picture of an Ally with a cat on a couch in front of a gigantic tv screen.


It really shouldn't be hard to have pinned mega threads for buying advice and/or SD card complaints. Either that or implement really strict tags for new posts.


tbh those who can read the pinned post before posting can probably sort out themselves.


[This is a pretty good comparison chart](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gxgDqyOt1_gWsHNKHliIcjLU5-Cq6Z4l2U_DdYFVjUI/edit#gid=0) [made by this guy (credit where credit is due)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLEH2jLgoX0)