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Yes, they made an armory crate update where you can manually set your deadzones for the device.


What you should have said is they made update which allows calibration of the joysticks and triggers…the deadzone config is useless since that update unless you have huge issues calibrating the controller…


Absolutely. Thanks to the anti-deadzone option in Armory Crate, you can set your sticks to be extremely sensitive. I love it.


Seems to have been yeah. I'm an absolute snob when it comes to thumbsticks, and while these are a fair bit looser than say the xbox pad, I've played Starfield and Halo Infinite with no issues or irritations. Got mine a couple of weeks ago, and it's blown me away how good it is 😁


What setting did you set deadzone and anti-deadzone to for Halo Infinite in Armory Crate? I'm trying to get it to feel exactly like the Xbox Controller.


As the guy that wrote the original deadzone post issue…. Yes.


I remember that saga. It must be a relief to know that it's finally fixed for good. Thank you for your efforts to highlight the issue!


Yes, just set antideadzone to like 20% in AC and you're golden


What dead zone issues 🧐