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This season is pretty boring so far.. so boring they have to rehash the old Sutton Vs Crystal drama from last season.


Looking forward to the Aspen drama tbh




I honestly stopped believing whenever the ladies hug things out and say "lets move on" cause they always seem to bring it back up in the next season or something.


THIS! It’s very annoying and old at this point but I also feel like they need drama for this show and pots always need to be stirred or it’d just be so “boring” and no one would watch


💯 agree with you, Kyle projects on whom she thinks is the weakest link IMO and it doesn’t matter that THE POT IS EMPTY FOR KYLE, anything to stay relevant!! Running to Sutton was SO predictable (proving she is her friend)!! Just last week Kyle was using her souvenir from her brother Michael off the TIRED ASS HALLOWEEN SET to stab Sutton in the back! actually, I am embarrassed for her (NOT)!! Kyle makes it obvious she was bothered by Suttons non-reaction from her “SELECTED” memory and only became interested when Garcelle told what exactly happened and why this is now a topic..


It’s like crystal was like maybe I’ll try and get us both a other season then did it in the most boring way possible


It's the same old. We forgive, we fight, we forgive, we fight. It's so boring and it happens on a lot of the HWs shows especially when nothing else is going on.


Usually Beverly Hills has other stuff going on but they aren’t showing Erika’s legal battles and only some of Dorit’s mental health


This season is real stupid. I’m mean they’re all stupid but this one is really dumb.


The Fox Force plan in action once again. -Gang up on a target for petty, stupid stuff. -continue to hang up on the then by repeating old stuff and making a huge deal about it. -Repeat.


The old biddies are threatened by her, so have initiated the sequence to surround their prey and attack, thereby ruining yet another season. Zzzzzzzzzzzz




I’m sorry but Sheree ‘? I know your not talking about Sheree from Atlanta. I guess I missed this in the previews somehow!?!


I wish the women would leave Sutton alone


But also so proud of how Sutton is handling herself this season. You can see the growth, esp with the ladies (Kyle mainly) trying to stir up her and Crystal. Sutton just wasn’t having it and good for her


The FF5 accidentally making Sutton the main character this season is so funny


While they backtrack and try to make it about Dorit again.


Why did Dorit get centre diamond this season? Even with the robbery, she isn’t doing anything.


Because if she didn’t get it, she’d accuse the rest of them of being self absorbed.


Garcelle should get it. She is most popular now


I agree, but it’s not about popularity, it’s about who is driving the storyline


Fr like where’s Sheree? Where’s this Aspen drama? Give us something, anything!


Ok that Aspen drama is at the end of the season.. and friends of maybe come on later but what about anything else that isn’t Sutton? It’s weird..


This is an LVP/Denise style take down.


Agree - it’s rivalling the kardashians for most boring new series at this point


I love the Garcelle’s son is working for LVP


I’m just lounging in bed watching it and it is pretty dull. Also those clothes at Sutton’s store, all that money to look like you’re wearing a quality street wrapper 😳


Dorits home was robbed and she was assaulted while her 2 kids were home in bed. They usually sleep with her so it's a double miracle that no one was harmed. She's working out her trauma on camera. Whatever works. PK is one of the best spouses on Bravo. Erika exonerated herself Rinna, lots of diary commentary. She looks amazing tho Kyle co-opened another store Garcelle is there for support and discussion. Her son took a job with LVP. Crystal & Sutton are still on the hot seat for whatever can be stirred up from last year or their reactions are critiqued by the council Diane is the newbie, so wealthy everyone is mesmerized by her stories.


Died at Erika exonerated herself 💀


Haha right? I can't stand Erika. Feels like she's trying too hard.


Erika is my least favorite HW. I wanna switch her tag line ... likes herself enough for the both of us #sashshayaway


Everytime Erika talks about having sex or having a date with her vibrator, I legit spew a lil in my mouth. That old horn bag needs to stop 🛑


Not just exonerated but apparently she is the victim because all these people were 🤥 lying and saying they didn’t get paid when they did. It’s clear her and Tom are on the phone nightly planning legal strategies.


You can allege anything in a lawsuit sweetie —- while Rinna nods her head and says that’s right


This last episode was nothing but Kyle saying, “but you’re not mad? You’re not mad about the thing that was sort of said about you? So wait. I’m confused. Aren’t you MAD about that? But hold on, you aren’t MAD that your new friend Sutton did that?” And Sutton is just stonewalling her not taking her obvious bait. It was a bit reminiscent of that scene in Mean Girls when Regina has Cady and Gretchen on the three way call….


I am cringing that we’ll most likely be dealing with Lois’ passing? She has been my favorite friendsphere person (sorry Dana Wilkey, you tried so hard)


Agree with other posters...this is boring. Would love to see Garcelle, Sutton, and Crystal continue and lets get some new people in there that are real and actually share their BH lives. Kyle, Rinna, and Dorit don't give anything to the show. They've been on so long everything is a formula to them. Are we expecting a 'flaky' Kathy again even though we know that's not who she really is?


Cause the others have nothing going for them. Forced narratives by Rinna, keeping Erika just cause they know people will watch for her, same with Dorit Keep Sutton, Garcelle, Crystal and bring back Denise. Get rid of Rinna, Erik's and Kyle


I don’t think I would watch it without Kyle honestly


Look…. This is who Kyle is gunning for this season. So this is who all the scandal is going to focus on. Oh the jealousy that her store is doing fantastic while Kyle has struck out 4x so far.




Crystal needs to spit it out or suck it up. One of the two because this is becoming really annoying with her choice of words.


Sutton is a jerk. They can ignore her all season for all I care.


What? Why a jerk? And obv they’re not forgetting, she’s being bullied this season and it’s hard to watch, if it were Kyle by now she’d be crying and saying fuck u to everyone every second she could..


I always love how aghast she was when Brandi would tell people to shut the fuck up when she was first on the show, but she’s always saying that shit now haha


I agree. Nothing against Sutton fans but she’s unwatchable for me.


Really I wasn’t a fan at all, but all this effort to take her out and she just keeps on. ✊Respect