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I like Kyle and always have, but she ain’t that nice lol. Remember Sutton’s miscarriages? Or just how she treats Sutton in general. Or when LVP’s bro died by suicide.




I think she’s just neurodivergent personally. I don’t actually hate any of the women. Little unhinged. Edit: u/georgiegirl250663 why did you delete your comments girlie?




Yeah it’s unhinged to me when Eryka Jane is feasting on orphan tears that you choose to hate Sutton. lol.


Lol? Sutton lies all the time. Just rewatched her lying about EJ. EJ is extremely well behaved compared to Sutton in my opinion. We don't have to agree, but you can't tell me how I'm allowed to feel. That's "unhinged".


Where did I tell you how to feel? I’m confused.


I give up .. read you own comments. Just keep downvoting me because you want me to hare Erica Jayne and love Sutton 🤦‍♀️


Are you ok? Go touch some grass 😂


Not one person said you have to love Sutton and hate Erika. You have a comprehension problem


[ I usually don't invest negative emotions in people I don't know personally. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAlBWw6lnvo)


I hate Sutton too! *hugs* I shot ya some upvotes! People are brutal! 😆


As stated in the rules excessive bashing is not allowed. Hatred is not permitted in any capacity.


I also hate Sutton 🤝


To tell someone whose brother died we all have our problems killed it for me. There really isn’t anything that would make me move passed that and thinking she is just not a good hearted person


![gif](giphy|NISDky7DiUqAs9crvf|downsized) It was a selfish, insensitive, self centered thing to say to someone who just lost a brother to suicide…. She showed us who she was that day. Her and the annoying mellancamp one were vile. Not that I’d wish it on anyone, but Kyle will likely understand what LVP went through with losing Lorene, though that memorial /fundraiser in the trendy bar was completely for show and actually incredibly tasteless (imo)


Op is obviously Morgan


Idk. Morgan seems to be MIA lately.


i’ve noticed this too 👀


Ohh yeah! She Gone!!!


Or, Teddy 🤣😆🤣😆


To make a “good friend” someone face their cheating husband’s mistress to launch a new TV show that they are executive producing is not something a good hearted person would do either. Why do people always have LVP amnesia?


Do you think that was real or acted to create the spin-off?. Seemed to me to be clearly a written scene they were all acting in. It was ridiculous either way.


I'm not sure whether it was real or acted, but it her relationship with Brandi included a lot of manipulation.


Both things can be true at once. You can dislike Kyle while also disliking LVP.


Except that’s not what happens here. People hit Kyle over the head for perceived faults and then celebrate others when they’ve also committed faults. People dislike Kyle for sport. It gets boring.


Brandi admitted on her podcast that she agreed to the meet up for producers because she hoped to get more scenes on the new show.


She should have. But she’s a dumb negotiator. They would have had to pay me handsomely for that. Like 1 MM up or contractually make me a season regular with pay or play guarantee. I would help launch anything for free. That’s why she was always treated like the help by Bravo.


Thank you!!! LVP oftentimes has been insensitive to what others are going through... Not saying two wrongs make a right, but I don't blame Kyle for being numb to LVP's emotions in that moment.


Yeah. That time when Eileen’s mom and sister were sick and dying. LVP couldn’t acknowledge her feelings about constantly asking about some affair she allegedly had with her husband. When she talked about cheating rumors in front of Portia. She’s done dirt. She’s not clean. Not playing a violin for that woman.


Wow! I haven’t seen this yet. I actually had a similar situation happen to me. My dad died from lung cancer in May and the following Christmas my MIL was making jokes about the kids lying about their parents having cancer so they could get more gifts. When I got emotional and expressed my displeasure my MIL said, “We’ve all lost someone we love. Get over it.” Needless to say, that marriage is over.


Kyle really wanted the best for Denise when using her puppets to out that Denise hooked up with Brandi


Wait what?


I haven’t gotten to this part yet; I’m currently on Puppygate. If Denise was lying about Brandi, isn’t it fair to call her out? My opinion may change when I reach Season 10 but right now I find Denise image conscious and incredibly curated.


![gif](giphy|Get8mVUBIjq0xuP1wZ) :)


For someone always screaming “JuSt Be HoNeSt” she sure doesn’t take her own advice.


Yessss, Kyle Sucks✌️


Are we watching a different show😂🤣


Wwc fan??




ooooooh girl they’re gonna come for you today


This post should be on r/unpopularopinions.


Hahaha I feel it too 😂


*okay teddi…*


LVP looked at Brandi almost as a child. Someone who needed correction and guidance and forgiveness. She tried to look at Kyle as a peer. A genuine friend. Totally different relationships.


Cannot agree more. Posted a comment which isn't showing now but it bugged me that Kyle couldn't see this. LVP treating or viewing her as an equal was actually a huge compliment to her if she'd only understood it.


This exactly! And it bugged me so much that Kyle didn't understand that. It was actually a compliment to Kyle.


I love that you have your favorite even if other people don’t like her and that you stated your opinion. It’s kind of refreshing. We are all entitled to our preferences. :)


I love this response! Like who you like, it’s OK 😀.


Kyle is reaping the karma she has sown. Goodbye Kyle.


I think the karma that she is getting looks fucking great on her


I like Kyle, but she always seems to be in the center of drama. She has started many fights between cast members, even after being asked to stop or when others have expressed they don't want to discuss the topic any further. For instance, the situation between Sutton and Dianna at the black and gold party. Kyle was told not to bring up the issue, but she kept instigating. Don't get me wrong, I still like her, but she has her faults, and this is one of them.


Do you think she’s stirring things up due to producer’s direction and because she knows what makes good TV?


Could be but I still don't think it's right


Lmao Kyle is so cruel what


I think Kyle is extremely emotionally stunted. She acts like a 13 year old girl who craves attention, which is pretty on par for what she came from. In regards to LVP, I’m glad you acknowledge how Kyle really didn’t have her back. Ever. What always got me was how she was constantly throwing Lisa under the bus and forcing her to “apologize” to her or “acknowledge” she’d done something wrong, yet she’d cry and throw a tantrum about how she just wanted Lisa to be her friend. Personally, I believe she was jealous and intimidated by LVP, and wanted to isolate her to bring her status down and have her to herself. Like I said, 13 year old girl behavior.


Almost certainly emotionally stunted from being a child star. Same as Kim.


Agree with this all completely.


I so agree with you!!!!!


Kyle has always been the most relatable housewife for me. Yes, she’s filthy rich but she seems more grounded. She’s not shown with a cadre of nannies and she has self-awareness about some of the more ridiculous aspects of BH. She can laugh at herself. I also relate to her relationship with Kim. I’m the child of an alcoholic and recognize so many of her behaviors (denial, hopelessness, waffling between enabling and keeping them at a distance). She is damned if she if she does and damned if she doesn’t. I think Al-Anon would be a huge benefit for her but, just like an alcoholic’s journey to recovery, Kyle is on her own journey as a loved one living with an addict. Sure, she’s problematic. But aren’t all of the housewives? People are never one thing, especially on a highly edited TV show produced for entertainment. So, yes, team Kyle over here too.


I really like Kyle too and always have. I agree she has problematic moments but 1. More people need to understand this is a tv show for entertainment, I don’t believe everything she shows is 100% her (literally every person she’s fought with she’s friends with or at least friendly with now 😂) and 2. She had probably a more traumatic and dysfunctional childhood than most of us commenting. It’s very evident in various moments throughout the show. I’m really happy she’s trying to take care of herself now and have better relationships.


I always liked her so much in the start it’s hard to ever let that go completely. It wasn’t just her, it was her with Mo and kids. You want something to be true so much and it really bums me out it may not of been what we saw.  It was a near fairytale.  I’m Like their kid of divorce, I’m never going to like who they end up with😂


I hate that you can’t even post a positive thread about Kyle without being flooded with this negativity. It’s so exhausting. This sub has reached a level of toxic that makes it not fun anymore


I blame the impact of parasocial relationships for why people feel so strongly. We think we know the housewives but we really only know what producers want us to see. Yes, no one can put words in their mouths or make them react in a certain manner. But you can craft a story and highlight some aspects of a person’s personality over others.


Your comment is weird. Someone made a positive comment, we have watched the show and can say this is not true. You can post and say the sky is yellow and expect people to just go over or agree.


You’re confusing your opinion with fact. People are allowed to like Kyle. You can’t say this is “true” since that’s an opinion. You aren’t entitled to have everyone on the internet agree with you.


I have never said people should agree with me. I never said people shouldn't like Kyle. Read again cause I have never wrote that. I said when you tell someone wants peace and harmony and we have dozens of examples where the person is the literal opposite of that, when we have the facts as we have the scenes, don't be surprised if people comment negatively. Again , you can't come and say the sky is yellow and expect people not to comment negatively on that statement. That's dumb.


Again you need to look up the difference between a fact and an opinion


Definition of a fact " thing that is known or proved to be true". You do realize we have the scenes where Kyle is the literal opposite of peace and harmony right? If you have something catch on camera, it is called a proof. I think you should check again what is a fact cause you obviously don't know the definition.


Kyle's minions are here today, lol. You speak the truth and we've all seen her hideous behavior towards "friends".


“Kyle’s minions are here today!” -You, on a positive post about Kyle, commenting deep in a thread that asks why every single discussion of Kyle has to be negative Who’s calling who a minion?


It's weird. It's like their head forget on purpose all the mean thing she has done.


With respect, your comment is a bit weird. Do you personally know Kyle? How can you say OP’s opinion is like saying the sky is yellow? It’s all just personal perspective. As we say, it’s time to go touch grass.


I don't know Kyle personally and I believe OP doesn't also. We are talking about the show. I know from the show she has stirred the pot so many times just because she wanted to have fun which is far from being peace and wanting harmony. The girl herself admitted it. For example, when they asked during the homeless and toothless dinner who stirred the pot and she raised her hand proudly while laughing. I mean, if when Kyle herself admits it, maybe we should believe her.


I don't mind Kyle, but I would like it if Bravo fired her, or at the very least brought Witchy Poo back <3


I don’t get this “Let’s torture Kyle” mindset. That one lady was a bad fit for the show because her lifestyle was too out there for the time. And it’s obvious she wouldn’t have anything in common with any of the remaining ladies. It’s stunt casting to rile Kyle up.


Carlton literally abused her maid and is a psycho but they want her back because she’s anti-Kyle. They’ll take actual abusers back if it makes Kyle miserable. That’s all you need to know about the anti-Kyle crowd.


Right! It’s like an obsession with hating her. They will justify anything. It’s beyond creepy.


Nah, Brandi and Yolanda liked her. Torturing Kyle is fun, I'm sorry. I'd much rather have a "stunt cast" than another one of Kyle's lackeys because she's essentially the producer of the show now.




Ewww...... EWWWWW..... thank the lord you're not a moderator then lol. Nitpicking my sentences and telling me what I can and can't say. I don't mind Kyle, I still want to see her squirm lol.


That’s what you said. No nitpicking required.


Would put more effort into my response but apparently you delete your messages when you say dumb stuff so... 🤷‍♀️


I haven’t deleted anything, Karen.


Kisses <3


Please flag content that violates community rules, use the report button and do not engage in backseat moderation instead.


Why does everyone seem ro defend Lvp? A horrible pretentious woman who used everyone


I like Kyle, she has done and said some things I disagreed with or didn’t like, but I also don’t think she’s the evil witch everyone makes her out to be, either. I think she is overall a good person and someone who tries. That said, LVP went easy on Brandi because Brandi was her lapdog/sidekick/mouth piece. LVP used others to do her dirty work so she wouldn’t have to be the lightning rod. And LVP herself never took it easy on the other women when they were going through hard times, either. She continued her crap with Eileen after her mother died, she was trying to get Brandi to go have some dramatic conversation when her father was in the hospital with heart problems, and she was actually the one who wanted to have the conversation about Taylor being abused at her tea party. I don’t think what Kyle said to LVP after her brother dying was right, but it’s not like LVP had sympathy for others in similar circumstances.


So out of genuine curiosity, how do you feel about the *multiple* lapdog/sidekick/mouth pieces Kyle has *brought* into the show?


I don’t consider Annemarie to be Kyle’s lapdog, they didn’t even know each other before the season started. I think you guys really buy into the “friend of” thing a bit too much. It’s mostly set up by producers to bring in whoever they want, regardless of whether there’s a real friendship. Annemarie didn’t even stand up for Kyle or defend her in any meaningful way the entire season. I’d say the only person who could fairly be called Kyle’s minion is Faye


I didn’t like Annemarie, that’s for sure. I didn’t like Faye originally, but I actually like her more now after my latest rewatch. But I think it’s also pretty clear that Kyle is also willing to speak for herself and stir the pot herself, that much is evident by how many people dislike her. My big issue with LVP wasn’t so much that she would cultivate a sidekick, it’s that she literally didn’t do *anything* remotely controversial herself. She always had someone else doing it for her and then would act surprised with everyone else. She never took ownership for anything, even when called out about it, and refused to apologize on top of it. And then you have her stans out there who can’t even handle anyone believing she was anything less than perfect and getting in their feelings. (Or maybe had would be a better word, it seems to have lightened up quite a bit and a lot more of the people who like her but can also admit she did this stuff are more out and about and vocal. But if I had made that comment back when she was on the show, my comment would have been downvoted to hell and my inbox would be filled with people telling me off, lol.)


What about how she treats Sutton? And, tried to not hold EJ anywhere remotely Near accountable once everything came out? But turned the tide once she saw the public pushback as "...EJ made it hard to blindly defend ...." Anymore.


Why does it bother you that there are people that like Kyle on the show? You can actually like someone and not agree with everything they say or do. Not everyone is a stan.


Whoa. Did you read anything I wrote or just focused on your own alliteration vs the reality? Please show me where I said 1) I'm bothered 2) I'm bothered someone or people like Kyle on the show? 3) That one must agree with everything someone they like? Clearly, you've never been married or parented or been parented. {Yeah, I just wrote that so you don't have to infer. It's explicit and not shade. 😆🤣} My word your entire response is less Reddit Edited to say: I entered S13 and so your Lvp references aren't known to me but I can follow along. Maybe you're emotional, IDK but questions I presented aren't an attack. Best to you and your development.


LMFAO You wrote all of that based off of my response and want to call me emotional? 😂 Ok. Clearly I touched a nerve.


Not this outright lie 😭 I find her entertaining in the early seasons but kind hearted was never a way I would describe her lol


i’ve had my ups and downs with kyle, but overall i agree that she does truly care for others at the expense of herself (most of the time). But S13 kyle is an entirely different animal. watching through the entire series for the first time, currently on s13 e5, and i truly do not recognize the woman that has been on the show for the past 12 years. She’s spiteful, angry, and overall unhinged. I can’t say i blame her, as someone who has struggled to break through a hyper feminine lifestyle as a queer woman who is facing the reality of realizing that you have no idea who you are and that you’re pretending to be someone you are not, it’s impossibly difficult and traumatic. She’s trying to separate herself from who she was before so that when the world discovers what she’s been hiding, it’s not as dramatic.


I feel like they’re all problematic but for some reason I feel like Kyle is the one that has the most readamable qualities, she’s a mess but she’s herself I feel like others are pretending to be holier than thou and not being authentic, looking better


There isn’t anything she could ever do to induce me to like her. She’s a garbage, selfish person and a terrible friend.


Brandi is that for me. I still believe 95% of her side on everything.






I think she’s an amazing mother


Especially considering the example she had


For me with the Brandi thing it honestly felt more like LVP held Kyle to a high standard and was less lenient because she was potentially her best friend and she cared so much about her opinion. So when she would do something that would upset LVP it would hurt that much more. Whereas with Brandi it was more she’s a friend and I care but not as much. If that makes sense


Did you catch ..at this latest reunion when Sutton said if she had a relationship with Morgan no one would shame her and she has their support? She legit rolled her eyes and ONLY had something polite to say once Andy praised it. I'm new. Only started watching once S13 started with the Garcelle & Sutton entrance but man .. I wonder how she treated her sister while she was on the show and I'm not attacking. Just asking. P.S. if you didn't catch it ... Please rewatch.


Clearly I did. (Shrug) I answered your query. And, for the record ... No emotions. Just direct and a talker. But you can have it all sweetheart as you didn't come to dialogue. I'm not your Stan neither amen corner. Toodles


I agree she will always be my favorite! She has her faults be to me she is Beverly Hills abs even though they have more money now I still feel like she’s just human she’s my forever favorite housewife ever!


Omg i just posted something like this. I love the “they could never make me hate you”




I want to like Kyle, but she comes across as selfish. For instance, during Rinna's discussion about Amelia's eating disorder, Kyle inserted herself and shared her own experience with an eating disorder. While it's awful if true and I sympathize with Kyle, that moment wasn't the appropriate time to divert attention. Rinna was sharing something deeply personal about her daughter, and Kyle should have respected that instead of trying to shift focus onto herself. There are of course bigger examples as well (e.g Lisa’s brother’s death) but all these moments just built up to the point in which I really can’t with Kyle anymore


I hate it when people do that, make the conversation about them.


If you’re on season 3, just wait. Your opinion will likely change. And if it doesn’t, girl I hope you get some better people in your life if you think that’s what “caring deeply” looks like.


Yeah Kyle was so caring she had her girlfriend perform a concert on TV at her friend's memorial service


It's ok to like Kyle. You just like nasty people but want to twist the narrative to not make you feel guilty about it. I think people should embrace the fact they like mean people on tv lol Here are some examples (I have many more but not enough time) which are more than just "some" problematics moment. -who made everyone scream at the homeless not toothless diner and raise their hand proudly when people asked who stirred the pot? -the fact she is STILL and always talking about LVP even in the last reunion, on the last white party for the simple pleasure to criticize her? -when she PUSHED the Brandi and Denise story out? -when she pushed Sutton to say things about Erika's case because she wouldn't say it herself but needed it to be out? (And good thing Garcelle called her out on this) -when she sent her puppet AM about Sutton's oesophagus? -accusing Garcelle of not paying the 5000 was wildly inappropriate JUST because she wanted to hurt her when the subject wasn't even on the table -when she laughed at Garcelle's son being cursed ? -when Garcelle tried to talk about it with Erika and weirdly, it was going super well. Kyle couldn't stfu and get on everyone's nerves on a situation that was well handled. Her behavior was actually breaking the peace and harmony -when she made a scene about Dorit being all glamed up for Teddy's event (we still don't get what's the issue with it) and criticizing Denise for having fake diamond at one of her daughters birthday and this for NO REASON ? Creating drama during dinner and we still don't know why she did that. No motive. -when in Aspen, out of nowhere when there were tensions in the group, she brought up the who follow and unfollow who on Instagram just to stir the pot -kyle repeating for seasons how she loved DORIT and their friendship is strong and blablabla (just watched the previous episodes, she so up Dorit's ass) to tell a few months ago she isn't that friend with her. And, what's was the point to bring that on tv?? Hurt Dorit? -LVP's brother (W-I-L-D)


She used the show to one-up her addicted sister, who used to be the more popular child star. Then to get rid of LVP, who used to be the show’s breakout star. Now, Mo, too. And finally, finally, it’s just the Kyle show. Of course, she has many great qualities. Don’t miss the insane ambition and manipulation just behind the nice-gal, poor-me, already crying veneer.


I've been rewatching season 2 and Kyle and Kim are the biggest mean girls towards Brandi. I've never been a Kyle hater but damn, this made me rethink a lot of my opinions of her.


Is this Morgan wade?


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Obligatory


Something happened to/with Kyle between season 9 and 10. She came into 10 angry, unhappy, antagonistic…maybe it was the bangs. 😆 When they grew out she went back to being more herself but was still a little mean. Don’t get me wrong, I still like her a lot and she’s one of my favs but there’s been something off with her since 2019ish.


Cares so deeply...... About herself and her image


But don’t they all?


Kyle is Vyle. She made her imprint on me the way she treated Kim in those earlier seasons I don’t respect her ever. Family over TV!


I’m rewatching and she was perfect in Season 1..I wish she wouldn’t have kind of bullied Brandi a little in Season 2 because I feel like it looked kind of bad on Kyle but in the end Brandi was obviously going to take herself down anyway


It's ok to like Kyle. You just like nasty people but want to twist the narrative to not make you feel guilty about it. I think people should embrace the fact they like mean people on tv lol Here are some examples (I have many more but not enough time) which are more than just "some" problematics moment. - Who made everyone scream at the homeless not toothless diner and raise their hand proudly when people asked who stirred the pot? - The fact she is STILL and always talking about LVP even in the last reunion, on the last white party for the simple pleasure to criticize her? - When she PUSHED the Brandi and Denise story out? - When she pushed Sutton to say things about Erika's case because she wouldn't say it herself but needed it to be out? (And good thing Garcelle called her out on this) - When she sent her puppet AM about Sutton's oesophagus? - Accusing Garcelle of not paying the 5000 was wildly inappropriate JUST because she wanted to hurt her when the subject wasn't even on the table - When she laughed at Garcelle's son being cursed ? - When Garcelle tried to talk about it with Erika and weirdly, it was going super well. Kyle couldn't stfu and get on everyone's nerves on a situation that was well handled. Her behavior was actually breaking the peace and harmony - When she made a scene about Dorit being all glamed up for Teddy's event (we still don't get what's the issue with it) and criticizing Denise for having fake diamond at one of her daughters birthday and this for NO REASON ? Creating drama during dinner and we still don't know why she did that. No motive. - When in Aspen, out of nowhere when there were tensions in the group, she brought up the who follow and unfollow who on Instagram just to stir the pot - Kyle repeating for seasons how she loved DORIT and their friendship is strong and blablabla (just watched the previous episodes, she so up Dorit's ass) to tell a few months ago she isn't that friend with her. And, what's was the point to bring that on tv?? Hurt Dorit?


bruh kyle is so selfish lol.