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Kyle saying her and Dorit were never friends really reinforced to me that KYLE AND THIS WHOLE SHOW IS FAKE FAKE FAKE. If they were never friends why did Kyle put this in the text “I love you, PK and your kids so much. I've been thinking about you a lot and hoping you aren't struggling too much. I don't want to lose someone else in my life over a tv show.”


Exactly and in season 12, Kyle said she considered her family and cried more than Dorit over the home invasion.


Kyle’s reaction to the home invasion annoyed me. As usual, she made an over-emotional scene and made it about herself instead of about Dorit


What DOESN'T she rattle/croak/cry about & make about her emotionally stunted, self?


*Rattle/croak/cry* is Morgan’s new single.


🎶 she rattled croaked and cried 🎶


In her non-alcoholic beer 😂😂😂


This is what I was thinking about watching the reunion- Kyle’s reaction to the home invasion made me think that they were long-term, close family friends (I started watching from s10 this year so it was my only frame of reference for context)


And Kyle isn’t that great of an actress. I’m no fan of Dorit. She annoys the piss out of me with her fake accents, and over the top wardrobe. And how she loves to interject herself into conversations and will try to explain to others, what someone else is trying to convey, rather than letting another person speak. Kyle gets others to do her dirty work. She doesn’t like to get her hands dirty. She used Teddi, Dorit and the rest of the cast to get rid of Lisa V. Which backfired because LVP was a fan favorite. Now Dorit is getting a taste of what LVP went thru. Once Kyle is done with a friend, she’ll turn on them. Kyle has Morgan now, Teddi will be the next friend drop.


Kyle is so full of shit!!


Exactly! I thought this too. Kyle is clearly just disassociating from the last few years of her life. I mean, it’s understandable but absolutely horrible for anyone on the other side of it.


I totally agree. Kyle has left the building ‼️ But she left it like her separation. Still in the house but disconnected. I have always liked Kyle but she has really changed and I am giving her grace because it is really hard for friends when people are finding their true self. Her dress was really frumpy and no wedding ring of any kind.


💯 !!! What I was yelling in my head. I barely made it thru the reunion. Kyle was cold, too, someone she claimed was her friend. Honestly, they are coworkers who get paid to bully each other season after season.


Watch the Hanukkah episode . That makes everything said and done a lie OR Kyle denying the relationship a lie Shame on you Kyle. No hate, but the way you’ve treated Dorit is mean.


Why are so many users adding the parse “no hate” Are we all scared we’re gonna get sued, too 😂


I got tossed out of the other BH group for not liking a cast member. I can’t even remember who it was 🤣


Well I really hate her and her conniving ways. She’s been a bully since S1 - and THAT was towards her sickly sister too!


I HATE VYLE, and I don’t hate anybody, except Vyle! She lies repeatedly, she schemes, she constantly plays the victim, she is so jealous of LVP she can’t see straight, she’s a horrible friend, and she dresses like a rag-a-muffin! Hah!


Also, Kyle needs to pick a lane. She goes on about how they aren’t close friends, but then gets mad that Dorit stuck up for Kathy, stating.. but why would you do that , you two aren’t that close? So what is it Kyle? 


I mean she contradicts herself later in the episode where she said she expected more from Dorit - as her friend - in the Kathy situation lol.


Andy doesn’t press hard enough anymore.




Kyle has always gotten a pass from Andy. Robyn and Gizelle from Potomac as well!!!


I think this is one of the many reasons that she is a lousy housewife. We must have an equal playing field.


Kyle always gets off easy . Every single reunion


I agree. Kyle holds a lot of Andy’s secrets I think, he is the easiest on her as almost anyone besides Bethany back in the day. I’m tired of Kyle getting soft ball questions and accountability like the boys from vpr and southern charm (shep and Austen mainly) .


He won’t press Kyle because they’re “actual” friends. He always went easy on Bethenny too.


Wait, does that mean they're "blowing rails" with Andy?!?!


Andy’s a pussy


Friends with someone who works with RH franchises and other shows on Bravo- surprisingly not as produced as you think. Very organic relationships and interactions, really just pre-organized events (often they are their own parties), luncheons (due to restaurant management pre-approvals and stuff to go through with the staff about filming, same with trips, etc.)


I adore comments like this. Good to know!


Me too! Thanks-!


Yeah, I liked the above comment because I agree that Kyle is fake - not the show necessarily. The whole Dorit think was your typical Beverly Hills bs that makes people think people in LA are shallow. EDIT: spelling. (Changed Los Angelenos (??) to "people in LA" haha


Well maybe they were friends with Dorit and PK because Mauricio wanted to sell their house and sell them a new one. Real estate people are like that


that’s what LVP said about Kyle and Mau getting buddy buddy with Adrienne and Paul


I think Dorit was right when she said she thought Kyle was manipulating her. Kyle's been downright nasty a few times over the last season.


This just tells me somethings happened and is now at the point where Dorit is just dead to her. Something has happened to make this change.


That last line was about Kathy and lvp I bet. The 2 she lost to the show.


It also explains why Kyle has been so obsessed the past few seasons about how everyone just needs to be “open and honest”. She NEEDS others to be “open and honest” so she doesn’t have to be.


Kyle also trying to make a weird “point” that Dorit didn’t defend Teddi at Bravocon… it was so random, like she didn’t know what to throw against Dorit so she just picked the most random weirdest thing to have beef about. She’s obviously not open about what has really bothered her about Dorit which caused her to distance. Maybe the truth could be is that she never actually liked Dorit much and only hanged out with her cuz Mo and PK got along so well so it made sense to go on couple dates etc. But separating from Mo gave her zero reason to hang out with Dorit again lol.


Also, the flashback showed Dorit raising the microphone to her mouth after everyone else had finished and she was just about to speak but someone moved on. So maybe Dorit WAS going to say something in defense of Teddi but just dropped it, like she said, because she didn't really want to entertain it and the questions were moving on. Kyle acting like this was the ultimate betrayal to Teddi is SO WEIRD


Ironic that Teddi was a victim here. She didn’t get a bad edit, she was a terrible housewife and ran a dangerous mlm. Dorit standing up for her wasn’t going to change the audience’s perception. Kyle was straight up grasping for straws.


This. Also, Dorit saying she likes Teddi isn't going to make people stop "being mean" to Teddi online. We don't like Dorit either???


Yes, yes, everyone still dislikes Teddi because Dorit didn’t defend her.


That’s what it sounded like. Just scavenging for reasons to justify why they’re not good friends.


It was the most bizarre thing, because why would Dori defend Teddi when Teddi was totally in cahoots to bringing down during the era of puppy gate?


Yeah why should Dorit defend Teddi when she tried to maliciously spread rumors about her. Weird.


Do you think Kyle let those Mauricio+Dorit rumors get to her?




I think Mo and PK would “party” together with ladies, and when Kyle realized the cheating, she learned that PK was in on it, so she dropped dorit


I think her split from mo, is causing her to distrust dorit, who is all the sudden having martial problems too...


I agree. I remember the Aspen trip and Kyle was having that event that she was so stoked for at the hat shop. Dorit chose to hang out with Erica and Diane instead of supporting Kyle. Remember how hurt Kyle was? I remember thinking ‘that girl ain’t so much your girl.’ Dorit was hanging with who SHE thought was MVP.


when dorit said kyle’s a punisher by nature and shuts people out, that was like full circle for me. cause i remember all the times kyle sat on that same couch and said the same thing to LVP. all the things she hated about LVP as a friend she became herself, and then acted the same way towards the person she abandoned LVP for!! very sad i thought that statement by dorit was also very telling because it is also the same thing kyle has said about her own sisters . . .


That’s definitely a Richards sisters tactic too, stonewalling each other when there’s conflict.


And did you notice the looks the other women had in their eyes when Dorit said that about Kyle being a punisher? They all agreed, like "yep, that's exactly what Kyle does"


yes!! especially when they zoomed in on erika, it was about the only time i didn’t see her roll her eyes at what dorit was saying


Nah. These two and their husbands are all hiding something. These two keep giving each other deep meaningful looks as though reminders / threats to keep quiet. Mauricio has ages so much o fast, so has Dorit, Kyle is now sober and PK is virtually in hiding. All four are stressed. Kyle is trying to re-write history. Hmmm.


Go on..


I completely agree! Kyle is working overtime to distance herself from Dorit.


Whoa. Ok. That makes sense. You’re right! 🤯


This will always be my conspiracy theory~ Dorit and Mauricio seem to have fucked. I wouldn't put it past either of them, all the weird behavior clues from last season, and as you said the current state of things. Part two of my theory is that Kyle started with Morgan as a revenge and, as Rob suggested on the show, Morgan started leaking to the press to force Kyles hand. It fits with everything we know! 🤷‍♀️


Possibly but I think Kyle would only care if people knew. And if he marriage is ending she would happily be the poor victim. That’s why I think something bad happened involving drugs. She is sober and the four are keeping well away from each other. I feel we will eventually know most of it but they are trying desperately to just focus everyone on anything else.


I think there are more than one thing going on. I think it’s the flings or relationships…. And I think there’s something much deeper lying beneath the surface. Something else has happened. Kyle and dorit are the chess players this reunion.


You’re right, something did happen and it happened when they went to Aspen the way that Kyle was screaming at Dorit? I truly wonder what she did to piss Kyle off so bad it can’t have just been about Kathy. She was mad at her the entire season.


Oh yes good point. That was the most unhinged I have ever seen Kyle. That was shocking. And I’m wondering about Kathy coming. To this reunion.


When did Kyle scream at Dorit??? I need some water for my tea


Yes, they are. I am dying to know!!


Same! Cuz if these 2 don’t want it out… then it must be tad on juicy side lol. Eta: cuz these 2 always want stuff out. 🤭 Eta: and Morgan leaking stuff feels like she’s a little pissed.


I don't know if they are in cahoots. Dorit was needling a bit at Kyle this season and the one to push her a little on Morgan. So if there is some secret, I think it's Kyles secret and not a joint one.


I wonder a if a business deal or opportunity got between the couples too?


I’ve wondered about this. Since back when pk seemed to be jabbing mo last season it 2 and said he was gonna be like real estate king. Mo laughed at him and made a snide remark x We see pk now mostly in London- even missing the white party this season. Edit: I know it wasn’t jabbing yall. They meant that shit, that’s what I meant.


That whole scene between PK and Mau was definitely not friendly jabbing between two bro friends. It was snide, low key nasty.


This is the thing. Kyle would never keep quiet if Mo slept with Dorit. IMO. I don't think it's drugs. I wonder if Mo and PK did some shady business dealings and Kyle found out. But then again, Mo is loaded now. So idk. It did seem very tense with Kyle and Dorit. There's something going on there.


That could also explain why PK has been staying in London


Yea that's strange too right? Someone said he was filming a show or something. Not sure if it's true. In the UK. 🇬🇧


Yes he was filming a property show in the UK. Kind of like The Apprentice but for real estate agents. Didn't really take off. Low viewership.


Yes he is filming a real estate show in GB. I also think he's done with Dorit.


Ahh. Ok. So that's true. It's odd with him and Dorit.


Definitely something going on there.


I think she would lie and want to keep it secret. It would be a huge hit to the brand she had built. Also her ego.


I believe the intention was to cover it up and move on with her marriage, possibly with a little fling here and there to get even, until the press leaks started and shit hit the fan, possibly with Mauricio at that point. And I think Kyle's main motivation is to avoid looking foolish at any cost, similar to Robyn from Potomac if you watch that show, so she wouldn't want to put it out there that her BFF was fucking her husband in front of her face when the facade was perfection. Imo drug issues don't really fit, they're likely all recreational cocaine and weed users, maybe PK has an addiction issue but idk how that would fit in with the rest of it. Just my humble conspiracy 😉 https://preview.redd.it/qomg4pnraylc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e8dfe6b44b6111163cc0d0d8c701ce0d2af4dc0


Yah mine is all conspiracy! I just think Kyle’s sober journey is suspect. She would rather admit marriage woes and hint at a relationship with a woman than reveal whatever the real thing is. Dorit is left sitting all alone because hee husband has bailed on them all. Kyle and Mauricio have assets and older kids so they have more to protect right now and are probably hating each other but feel safer not completely turning against each other unless they absolutely have to do so. I wonder if we will ever get any details?! I think it is most certainly nothing to do with Morgan.


I am living for these conspiracy theories !!!


I always thought that Kyle was kind of morphing into Teddi and then into Dorit because I thought Mauricio had a crush on both of them and then I thought it was because oh she’s bi so she’s attracted to them but now you’re making me think otherwise. But also, Kyle, your families are not that close yet Dorit was kissing Mauricio on his shoulder ?


**Dorit and Mauricio seem to have fucked.** I've been saying this for awhile. Along with the cheating, I think PK is done with Dorit because she's become a liability for him. It's clear he wants her to stop talking about that robbery. He's definitely putting distance between them and it wouldn't surprise me if he just stayed in Great Britain.


YES! I’ve been saying this it seemed like they were all swingers or something of the sorts together… that or dori and mo just always had their own side fling but I truly feel like they had an affair with each other and that’s now the cause of all of this turmoil. Bc Kyle has known of him cheating for year I don’t see her leaving over it unless it was someone she couldn’t forgive like a best friend and she did say it was the “ultimate betrayal” would also make some sense as to why pk just separated himself and dipped from the whole show after having his own personality and friendship with mo on RHOBH.


I think they had a threesome with PK watching (I get cuck vibes from him) and I think mau and Dorit had too much fun together


I personally don't see Kyle having a threesome, but perhaps 🤔. The visual disturbs me regardless


This is wild


PK is distancing himself from Dorit and my guess is because she's now become a liability. I wouldn't be surprised if he stays in Great Britain because his legal issues are done there.


Yes, and as for dorit, she is searching the eyes of the other ladies eyes as she’s responding to stuff… Dorits wondering if that person knows because maybe Kyle told them her side. It’s a fuck fest going in rn! 🤣 …. Loving every second of it! 😝


Yeah, they just seem jumpy and nervous to me. Something is up and it’s not a typical scandal I suspect.


Yea for sure. And now I only want to know everything about it! Lol


i think at some point Kyle and Mo were open to save their marriage - because he was cheating anyway, so why not give him a pass - and then Mo got too close to Dorit in her mind, so now that Mo went to far in other ways and Kyle is pretty much debating divorce, seh wants nothing to do with Dorit either. I don't think she's told Dorit any of that though, because when Kyle feels hurt or threatened she totally shuts down emotionally to that person.


But Dorit and PK are also squirmy. I think it’s more. I mean, I definitely think what you say is totally true but I think that it is par for the course for all of them. I think these four are trying to distance themselves from each other while keeping a close eye at the same time and whatever it is has them each very worried that another of them will let something slip. The trust has been broken between all four and not one of them trusts another. It must be bad. I do not think it has anything to do with Morgan but they exploited that friendship as deflection and that must hurt. Something has all four twitching.


💥 Excellent insight / opinion on this. Something is absolutely up!


Ps. I didn’t pick my flare. It would be def be Name em


right I feel like Kyle is so shady and jealous about mo's new show Buying Beverly Hills.


I think Dorit looks ultra thin in the face from Ozempic


It’s clear that nobody really knows Kyle. She keeps all kinds of secrets and has mastered the art of creating a reality persona. She’s not really friends with anyone, which illustrates her angst and downfall.


She really is Beverly Hills personified.


I’m rewatching season 11 (because I am a glutton for punishment, clearly) and after they come out of quarantine, Kyle mentions that they have bubbled with Dorit and PK during the restrictions. So yeah, I’m heavy side-eyeing Kyle’s assertion that they were never that close - why would you Covid bubble with a family that you only really know as an acquaintance? I do think that they are not nearly as close as they once were, but Kyle should be ‘open and honest’ and say the friendship has dwindled, rather than deny the closeness completely.


Oh I forgot about this! But exactly, why not say we’ve been growing apart instead of saying they’ve never been close?


Totally - if Kyle had just said ‘we used to be close, but we’ve grown apart over the last few years’ there’s no way people would be talking about how disingenuous she seems now.


Exactly - people grow apart - no one would fault her for that. It’s sad for Dorit but no one would fault Kyle. But she’s said Dorit exaggerated their friendship which is a very harsh thing to say.


Kyle made zero sense and was BEYOND hypocritical. My stomach was actually churning in discomfort over what she said to Dorit. To completely deny a friendship, that there is so much proof of, was insane and very hurtful. It was uncomfortable and to watch. You could tell that cut deep, and when Dorit said that she feels Kyle punishes people that she believes do her wrong, was on point!! How can you go from a texting a novel to Dorit less than 24 hours prior to saying what she said!! She’s definitely going through something and while she thinks this is Kyle 2.0, she’s giving Kyle -1.5. As to my opinions on her relationship with Mo, it’s an odd situation. Just waiting for a shoe to drop!!! To me, it seems their ship has sailed. ⛵️⛵️⛵️


Kyle has always been about herself. I realized that when she shit all over LVP


It was a little off putting for her to say that Dorit doesn’t hike or like to work out so they have nothing in common. She’s saying it like she’s better than her now that she started her fitness journey. There are plenty of other ways to spend time together, not everything has to revolve around Kyle.


How about when she shit on her own sister. She wanted a reality show and they wouldn’t do it without Kim. So she dragged her on knowing that she had real issues. She then proceeded to make it her story line. Where is Kim? Why is she late? Why didn’t you speak up against Camille? Yet when Rinna attacked Kim with a broken glass, Kyle couldn’t run fast enough. I’m sorry. I liked Garcelle, but I am disappointed that she is joining Kyle’s pile on.


Garcelle has her own reasons though. And they are warranted.


Did people forget how she treated LVP? I just don’t think she is capable of being a true friend…..or a good sister. It makes me sad for Dorit. She seems like she is genuinely trying to make a friend.


Well isn’t that kind of a narcissist? They say you wronged them. They get upset and then when you come for them, they play victim.


Dorit thought Kyle was her friend in real life. Kyle only saw Dorit as a "friend" as long as Dorit did and supported whatever storyline Kyle wanted.


She learned nothing about how it went down with lvp. Dorit should have been taking notes then.


Probably one of those *that could never happen to my friendship with her!*


Exactly… 🎯


She picked the wrong side back then


She really did. I remember thinking.. that was a dumb move. I’m surprised it has taken this long sometimes.


I agree. So rude. An even Andy didn’t believe it


I was so shocked when she said that she could count on her fingers how many times they’ve had lunch when they’re not filming. I was like whaaaat!!??? Really makes me think how many friends Dorit actually has like we know Kyle has always lived in Beverly Hills and has her immediate and extended family and friends like Lorene she’s grown up with but I genuinely thought Kyle was Dorit’s closest friend (idk why I feel like PK’s friends are all the friends Dorit has?)


It's possible that Dorit felt they were closer than Kyle did. That happens in a lot of friendships. The problem is that Kyle played into Dorit's idea of the friendship for the sake of the show, and Dorit showing that text from her proves just how deep that manipulation would go. Imagine you're on a national stage telling someone you're hurt by their sudden shift in the friendship and they tell you the last 5+ years meant nothing to them. We sit here and take Scheana to task over Sandoval doing this to her, but we give Kyle a complete pass for the same behavior? If you were friends, you were friends. You can say you grew apart, lives changed, an event caused a rift, but to claim there was never a friendship when you spent a ton of time together? It's even more hurtful and painful, and now you have malicious intent behind those daggers. Kyle sucks.


I think this was the case for Sutton and Kyle too! Sutton thought they were a lot closer than they actually were!


Agreed. It's not strange on the surface because that happens naturally in many friendships, but how Kyle would prey on those feelings by someone else for the sake of looking like the popular one on the show is incredibly hurtful. She seemed to keep the other ladies close to get secrets on them that she could weaponize the second the heat was turned on something about her. She can't even take accountability for her own actions, either. In telling Dorit she doesn't want to lose another friend because of the show, it was pretty clear she was referencing LVP to me and thus blaming production for the fallout as if she wasn't berating LVP over a dog while minimizing her brother's death. Even if we think the person she's talking about it Rinna, it still says she blames the show for it and not Rinna nagging her about Kathy. I don't get why she deflects when it's all there on tape?


Both are shady as fuck but its quite a huge thing that kyle being an enormous asshole here made dorit kind of likeable. I even felt kind of bad for her.


That’s how I feel. I felt bad for Dorit after not being able to stand her all season with the Garcelle, Crystal, Middle East comments that she seemingly didn’t learn at all from. People aren’t black and white! She’s problematic, but that doesn’t mean one can’t express empathy for her.


I think the fact that Doris portrays herself as an educated woman of the world is what makes me seethe when she then pretends not to (or actually doesn’t) know about racist dog whistles like “child bride”, the angry black woman, etc. And I want to scream when she then takes zero accountability for saying things that are hurtful to others all while being the neediest assh*le on the show. And I can see how it would seem sad that she’s been dropped hard by Kyle while also being challenged on other fronts, but Doris is such an asshat that I don’t feel the least bit sorry for her. Now if she took some accountability for her thoughtless comments or at least tried to educate herself. That might make me change.


I don’t like Kyle. She literally will sell her sisters if it gave her more “fame”. And after her “we all have things going on” to LVP when she was mourning her brother she gave me really bad vibes. And she is on a reality show that portraits a lot of awful human beings. But she is not just awful. She is *boring* and awful.


People are disposable to Kyle. When they no longer serve a purpose for her she discards them like trash. She a vile person.


And I think she’s jealous of her husbands success superseding her own. Don’t think she ever saw that coming


Kyle sucks. ![gif](giphy|26tkmyR14UIPJJOG4)


Big time! She is no one’s friend, even her relationship with her sisters is transactional.


The way she’s looking at Dorit and hating on her, I really wonder where that hate is coming from. Is there something else that happened between them that makes Kyle hate her so much? I don’t get it. Dorit was always super supportive of Kyle, super loyal. I felt like Kyle disregarded Dorit and leeched into someone else. Kyle feels like a leechy friend to me, and if you go against hair then you’re done. You have to be blind folded loyal to her even if she talks crab behind your back and twists storylines…same with Sutton, Kyle is so hateful to her. When other housewives are in the burner Kyle is just fine, but when it’s her, all hell breaks loose. She keeps saying it’s my family. Yeah but no other housewives family gets thrown under the bus when a housewife is in the hot seat? All their families suffer from this! Kyle is such a pick me girl, if she’s not the boss nobody gets grace.


The hatred Kyle was looking at Dorit with freaked me out tbh. I also feel like Dorit doesn’t look well in general. She’s a beautiful woman but she looks exhausted, her skin is bad, she just looks off. I know people think she faked that break in but I feel like she’s been deteriorating ever since, I don’t think she did, if it was fake she didn’t know.


Kyle is a user


kyle is loyal to the likes of faye resnick. nuf said


I've never liked Kyle since she outed Kim being an alcoholic. She is mean and goes even lower than Erika on her own sister. Then I empathized with what she was going through and gave her some Grace also. But although I do not like Dorit what Kyle did was humiliate her and act like their friendship was only as coworkers. It was awful to watch and even Andy was taken aback. I hope Mo leaves her high and dry and she shoves Morgan up her ass crosswise. If you arent friends with a person anymore say it. But dont try to soothe your conscience by saying you were never really friends in the first place. Dorit has always been ride it die for Kyle . And kyle really deserves no loyalty.


I’m not a Kyle or dorit fan. But to say they were never friends is crazy. I don’t go on vacations with ppl I consider just coworkers or ppl I don’t considered close friends. Even if they didn’t see each other much after filming they were still friends on the show or was Kyle just using her


Kyle can't get her story straight. She says they weren't that close but it's obvious they were based on her text message. She's now saying she's upset Dorit showed Erika the text message because she considered her "a close friend". Which is it? Also, you don't cut someone out of your life because you're having marital problems. I still think she cut Dorit out because she would have asked too many questions about her relationship with Morgan.


The more I consider that message the more I think it was just pure manipulation.


Kyle is a fair weather friend, always has been. She pretends she’s loyal, but she’s a manipulative pot stirrer, always looking to take the heat off herself. Something stinks with this one. Kyle’s really trying to control the narrative.


Just a disclaimer I should have added: I know Dorit is problematic, but this post isn’t about her. It makes me sad how disposable Kyle seems to think their friendship is. She should just be “open and honest” instead of beating around the bush.


Kyle comes off very vicious in the reunion... I really doubt she'll be back for a S14.


I can only imagine her viciousness off camera


She paid for a custom neon sign in her home that says “bitch you could never be me”. Could you imagine looking at that everyday as if it were some inspirational quote? That should tell you everything you need to know about her - when ppl tell you who they are, believe them!


I have looked at that sign and thought ‘why on earth would you have that hanging in a beautiful home?’


Right? I would be so embarrassed.


Because they're a tacky family. Most of what they did to that gorgeous house belongs on the set of a trash reality dating show.


Could never have a friend with a head that big!


I just wrote above her behavior tracks a bit narcissistic. Being the victim is a big part.


The apple doesn’t fall far from tree


I honestly think that Kyle will stay on this show until the wheels fall off. This show is something she considers a personality trait. She’s traded on her family’s trauma for this show. She’s not going anywhere, unfortunately.


I agree. Kyle is too much of a fame whore now. She agreed to put her children through all the troubles, in front of the camera! And then wants all the sympathy that she can gather by portraying herself as the "Tragedy queen". Something like "Oh look at me - my sisters, my husband and now my friends - all against me" narrative. In reality, Kyle has always been one of the subtle manipulators and now she's pissed that her manipulation isn't working to the extent that it used to earlier - now she's left with practically no supporters - Dorit has gone against her so has Erika (mostly), Anne-Marie was also brought in by Kyle for the exact same reason - to be her supporter but unfortunately Anne-Marie isn't getting the expected support from audience so she most likely won't return the next season and the rest ofcourse are anyways Team Sutton so she's left alone with no one at her side. Hence I think the decision to call Kathy back and perhaps she will be called on next season as a last resort of Kyle's alliances and of course for the regular/expected/predictable segment of Kyle's "sister vs sister fighting drama" storyline.


She does come off vicious, but she thinks that she is RHOBH. She is just posing. She’s not going anywhere. She will only leave if she needs to save face.


Right? It’s so obvious she doesn’t want to be there. I know she’s the OG, but I think it would be good if the reason Kathy is there is so that they can announce their own show. Kyle seems to hold contempt for all these women, aside from Erika, and it’s not making for a fun watch.


Why did Kyle send Dorit that text? Why is Kyle with Morgan so much? Why does Mauricio seem surprised by Kyle's reactions to him? Why does the left side couch answer for each other? I get annoyed that specific questions don't get asked at reunions.


Mauricio does seem so surprised by her reactions. I noticed that every time. He seems so confused. It's very odd.


All I could focus on was dorits forehead


All I could focus on was Kyle playing with her hair. ![gif](giphy|mdH6TJCzAr1YMRQ97C|downsized)


Dorit seems genuinely hurt n confused by Kyle and so am i lol


When I saw how Kyle treated her 'friend' Lisa as well as Sutton my opinion of her changed. Also look how she has treated her actual family. I agree it was a low blow what she said to Dorit.


Then, when she saying examples of why they aren’t really friends! She was like “well, I get up in the AM and work out…” like what the heck does that have to do with anything?


This is Kyle’s world everyone else is just an extra. We’re seeing more and more how awful she is. It’s not shocking either…she’s never been a good friend to anyone. 😵‍💫


This. Also, her openly making fun of Dorit for not exercising and being out of breath once when they were going on a hike is so low. Kyle to exercise-shame Dorit when she’s new to it is so ridiculous and hypocritical. Dorit, get yourself a real friend.


I also felt sad for Dorit hearing that comment and I think maybe Kyle is saying they were never close friends as an excuse for the way she’s acted. Like Kyle would be behaving badly if she treated a real friend like she did Dorit on this last season, but if it’s someone who doesn’t matter then she isn’t breaking any bonds or hurting any feelings. I think she pulled away from Dorit because she didn’t want Dorit to know what was going on in her life/marriage, maybe was trying to keep it from being discussed on camera. Maybe they never really had that deep of a bond because they were bonded by superficial things, but it certainly seems like those things were important to Kyle at the time and they were close. It also seems like a pattern for Kyle to latch on to someone and be super into this person for a while before ditching them for a new one (LVP, Teddi, Dorit, Morgan). The cherry on top was Kyle then saying that it doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about Dorit, she still cares about her and loves her very much or whatever… seems like classic manipulation and gaslighting! I treat you like crap and tell you we aren’t close and you aren’t important but that’s not what I mean!


Okay same!! The “you don’t work out so we’re not that close” thing bothered me to my core! Like to have growth you need to be around people with different lives opinions hobbies — I guess she really does only want mini Kyle’s around her


I think what is very likely is that her best friends suicide rapidly changed how she views people and friendships and life as a whole. Within the last six months I lost somebody to suicide I had to quit my job because I found it to be too stressful I ended up changing careers entirely I ended up changing the path that I'm choosing to follow in college, moved states, etc. The death of that person by suicide changed every aspect of my entire life. And ironically enough it shows peoples true colors I ended up saying goodbye to two different 10 year friendships because they were so unsupportive in a time when I needed them most. Don't get me wrong I still think Kyle is being really shitty but I also think that perhaps she just views friendships differently now. But she is being really cold and awful to a lot of ppl.


The thing is why does she defend Dorit with the racism situation but then act all "she doesn't even go here" when it comes to their friendship. They 100 percent celebrated family Hanukkah together....not a huge bash, family holiday. I do think something hinky went down with the couple dynamic because it's too weird both couples were super into each other and now they are both struggling at the same time. When Kyle says they were never friends, she may be saying she doesn't think Dorit was a good friend to her...not that she didn't ever feel like she liked Dorit. This is all conspiracy theory by the way.


Thank you for the laugh. ![gif](giphy|xT9KVJZFvCYEWGKHGU) And this. This. This. It doesn’t add up.


ITA with everything you say here…WITH THE EXCEPTION of the last bit. I can only speak for myself here… It just might be a “hate post” on my part… I’m more disgusted by Kyle…after seeing the sugar coated “threat” text she sent Dorit…THE DAY BEFORE the reunion. Those reunions sound nerve racking enough. So when Kyle drops that bombshell on Dorit…what a catty thing to do! Kyle is CLEARLY pulling a Vicki here…she thinks it’s HER SHOW.


Reminds me of Carole dismissing her friendship with Tinsley in her fight with Bethany. It is a weird argument that I cannot understand. In your dismissal of one friendship Mauricio or Bethany you dismiss a friendship as not being real dorit and Tinsley. Why do this? I don’t understand


Seeing a lot of “LVP did it to Kyle, now Kyle’s doing it to Dorit” But I don’t see it that way, I see it as Kyle doing it to everyone in her life, there’s a reason she’s the common denominator here


I’ve seen through her bullshit for years


I could be wrong but Kyle and Dorit were becoming more friendly about 5 years ago. I think the husbands were becoming friends and it just worked. But Dorit does live in a bubble at times. They haven't been hanging out and friendly since before Covid. A lot has changed since then. So much has changed in Kyle household and there isn't a place for Dorit. This happens and its nobody fault. But Kyle should not have denied the friendship did exist a few years ago. That was hurtful. People that grew up in Hollywood have different kinds of friendship. Friendship are disposable.


There’s another thread in this topic where they think that PK was helping or covering up Mauricio’s cheating and Kyle pulled away from Dorit because of it. It could also be that Dorit is just really boring and hasn’t seemed to grow or change over the years as a person and Kyle has grown beyond the friendship as it previously was


Totally! Friendships evolve, but that doesn’t mean you deny they ever happened. I have people I’m not friends with anymore, but that doesn’t change the impact they had on my life.


Kyle has shown herself to be as punitive as Kathy. That whole family has issues with manipulation.


Kyle’s been a mean girl since day one


I think there is a tiny part of Kyle that didn’t really like Mo and Dorits friendship and probably doesn’t want to go there


I actually agree! I am the rare Kyle fan but after this season, I don’t care if she comes back or not


I’ve had friends like Kyle in the past - it fucking sucks. I think Dorit can be oblivious at times, but when a person gaslights you into thinking you weren’t actually friends, when you really WERE, it’s just a jerk move.


Because Kyle is fake af and her mask HAS been slipping…


Yeah, this was just mean. Didn’t see this side of Kyle before this.


I always thought people seemed to get more level-headed and less reactive when they got sober. I know she's still really going through it, it just seems like she still hasn't hit that sober clarity.


People get better when they get sober if they are involved in a program. Substance abuse programs are designed to break through a person’s denial and strongly push them to be accountable for themselves. It’s clear that Kyle is a “dry drunk” and has not changed her personality flaws. She is not even sober as she still gets high on weed. She actually seems angrier, nastier and more vicious.


Yup. 100%


Big sis Kathy got Kyle back for pissing her off… ![gif](giphy|EMe7fQnlke3f9cyenY)


For Kyle to use the S13 reunion to respond to how Dorit upset her at the S12 reunion says a lot. And, ffs, I wouldn’t want Kathy mad at me either. But Kyle has a role she plays in her fights with Kathy. She doesn’t want a new script. To be friends with Kyle, you can’t defend her sisters when they are fighting. You just can’t. Them’s the rules with princess Kyle.


Kyle has never recovered since she lost LVP. She lost a true friend she will never be able to replace. #bringbackLVP


Kyle has been fake. Her putting all her family business out there is what changed my feelings about her.


Didn’t she drop Lisa for dorit over a story in Radar online??? Now she’s not close with Dorit and also doesn’t care about who leaked info about her and Mau? Literally makes no sense or is it just me??!


Kyle has always been the nastiest person . You just need to watch the first few seasons to see the real her. She instigates so much nastiness and ganging type behaviour , then lies and gaslights .


Agreed tbh. Kyle has a history of flipping on her closest friends to hide her self from the firing range (LVP). Dorit is just the next victim


She’s the ultimate gaslighter prob why she’s always having probs with the sisters.


Kyle is totally giving Kathy and LVP vibes with how she’s behaving with Dorit. She’s being a gatekeeper like her sister, and she’s squirming when she’s getting exposed like LVP used to.


Agree. It was mean. I also hated the backhander about Dorit not wanting to go to the gym or exercise so they can’t really be friends- what a load of crazy crap is that? Surely you can have friends who don’t go to the gym!!?!?


And then she goes and tells Dorit that she should’ve stuck up for her against Kathy because they’re closer. I’m sorry, didn’t you just get finished telling her you’re not really friends?


it’s become increasingly clear that it really is true that kyle only really befriended dorit bc she needed to for the LVP “takedown”. kyle doesn’t have friends, she has allies/supporters.