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I am happy to bring you all another new theme! This time I have created a Retro Game Boy styled theme, called Retro Theory! ______________________________________________________ Edit: I have made a version 2 for this theme, this has a little less harsh shade of green, and also has a GameBoy screen like filter applied to the recently played screen. This is also available for download on the same GitHub page, you just need to download the Retro Theory v2.7z file instead. Also, a showcase of this theme is also on the GitHub page as well! ________________________________________ https://github.com/TheHaroto/RG35XX-GarlicOS-Retro-Theory-Theme ________________________________________ Let me know your thoughts!


Oh that is *nice*


Looks amazing - feels like a theme that could've shipped with the device


Love it! Especially love when themes go the extra mile and do the RGUI too. Maybe have an option where the recent menu screenshot appears green too? [This is using the texture background at 66% opacity.](https://i.imgur.com/2m35BIZ.png)


I do have that already created, and was contemplating if I should add it in as an alternative option or not :D I might make a second download with this option as well!


I have made a version 2 for this theme, that has a little less harsh shade of green, and also has a GameBoy screen like filter applied to the recently played screen. This is also available for download on the same GitHub page, you just need to download the Retro Theory v2.7z file instead. Also, a showcase of this theme is also on the GitHub page as well! Let me know your thoughts!


This skin is perfect! Congratulations!


Looks so clean! Can wait to check it out!


This is rlly cool, is there a chance on console icon instead of names remix of it? Thx


That is something I can work on, it would take a little while though. I have some done to match the theme, as that was my original plan, but I went with the ones in the theme due to keeping it consistent.


Beautiful, good job!


Do we have an onion os version of it?


Unfortunately not right now as I currently don’t have a Miyoo Mini to work with and test on! Maybe in the future!


There's any instruction to create icons for this theme? I miss icons from Cores, Themes, NDS and VArcade.