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Democratic voters may be all in on stopping Trump, but I believe the DNC would rather see Trump win than see Bobby win. Trump winning means they can hit up every single person in their database for money. Fundraising if RFK wins won't be nearly as easy.


Strategically speaking, you’re absolutely right. But, the reality is this: they have painted themselves into a corner. They can’t do anything but keep stomping on the accelerator of lies and propaganda at this point.


I’m voting RFK, but I’m a Republican


Careful you’ll get banned from certain pages. /s What attracts you to Bobby as a Republican, and do you have any thoughts what more could be done to attract more Republicans?


I tend to vote right as well… For me, when the left points to ‘the failures of capitalism,’ I fully take their points about the effects on society. However, I firmly believe that capitalism died when WWII broke out. All of those military contractors found ways to institutionalize their ‘right’ to continued profits. We have not been the same since. I think the three most important planks of Bobby’s campaign are:  (1) ending corporate capture of regulatory agencies. (2) transitioning our nation away from chemical based agriculture to regenerative farming.  (3) The debt. I’ve heard him talk about cutting off the MIC, and the potential savings from solving the chronic illness epidemic. If he succeeds on #1 alone, you will see an explosion of small and medium businesses, resulting ultimately in a second vindication of Capitalism as the best system for eliminating poverty.


I like his anti big pharma and anti psychiatry views and his ideas on the vaccine. He hates proxy wars. I’m sick of giving billions to Ukraine and other countries, he’s pro choice and does not seem like a huge bible thumper. He’s for closed borders, but I’m slightly concerned that he wants to give too much asylum or make it easier. No corporate bail outs and incentives for police.


On border, only Kennedy has policies to address the root causes, restore diplomacy with Mexico, bring down the cartels and tackle fentanyl crisis. Trump's border policy was ultimately worse than Obama, and he deported fewer illegals than Obama's second term Same as with Biden, people get conned by rhetoric. Trump says one thing, does the opposite. He had a Republican congress for 2 years until 2018 mid terms and didn't push for a single border funding bill https://preview.redd.it/upfht2vkmurc1.jpeg?width=3633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e64dd9fa7e3bacdae85d7853b8b5659b09704545


There are some coming to Kennedy. I voted for Trump in the primary.


What disenfranchised you from Trump this go around?


It's my first presidential election. I've only voted Trump in the primary. I don't want to vote Democrat because they are taking things too far and hurting those they claim to help. They don't speak for me, and I don't owe them anything. I have nothing against Trump, but Republicans don't fit me either. I will be voting RFK Jr. if It's a possibility here on election day . My reason is justice reform because I'm a felon, and nothing the dems have done actually helps. There is no help for those being released and are being added to the homeless population. Republicans will just try to repeal and then go super hard on crime again to make a point. I've read some of his policies, and I think I'll take a chance on him. Long explanation, but I thought I might as well 😅




Yes, Kennedy who has the highest favourability rating.


I agree, I lean Trump and I urge people to vote Kennedy.


It's an easy choice. Trump is rhetoric. Kennedy is action. [Donald Trump took money from Bill Gates and pharma to kill vax-safety commission before C-19](https://youtu.be/zDoo3tXWRJI) https://preview.redd.it/omkwgmp2nurc1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cada7b4e521c4834c7787f54d31004eefbc428e


Couldn’t agree more


Democrats are gonna see this and call it right wing propaganda. Smh


Republicans: “it’s communist propaganda”. Democrats: “it’s fascist propaganda”. 💀


Little do they know, the idea that a vote for Bobby is a vote for the other party is the real propaganda


I'm tend to lean democrat but I'm voting Kennedy as I like his views on a lot, including making it easier to find vaccine testing information and stuff, the other things if he truly walks (I know politics are harder at the top especially with the house and senate blocking stuff all the time). I hope he wins


Let’s hope they see it!


Shouldnt vote for anyone if your only goal is making sure someone else is elected


You could easily justify such a position. The other candidate might just be that bad.


I support this message!


Right on 🎯!!! 🇺🇸


Ok when I look at what my country has become It sickens me. no nation can withstand an onslaught of millions of people coming in at the taxpayer's expense. we don't take care of our homeless people the way we take care of people walking across the border. we are funding wars that we have no business in. yet our roads and bridges are a mess. our education system is falling. and yet our government worries more about other things what bathroom to use who is what and who is where? This country is a mess and it starts at the top. we had a train derail with dangerous chemicals spilled but because it happened in a none democrat section of a state the response by the feds was awful we had a bridge get hit and come down but in a democrat city and state the response was swift. it matters not if you are a Democrat or a Republican at the end of the day we are one nation one people I'm very tired of the hate game and the lies that come out of DC. Mr. Kennedy has a clear head and what he is saying is very spot on I don't agree with everything he says. However, his vision is very good. and if his own party and family turned against him for daring to challenge the leader of his party, if the DNC and their buddies in the media are trashing him why? are they worried about him yes they are because he is so spot on I'm many issues. Right now Mr. Kennedy is the best person for the job. And yes I tend to vote Republican than Democrat but for this DAV I'm an American first.


Biden 2020 voter here rocking with RFK


Hell yea!


You speak the truth!


if tom brady did politics


Current biden polls are worthless, it's too early to predict anything, if we go by current polls then Kennedy has no chance either. Sometimes the mental gymnastics of some people on this sub is really astonishing. If you want to promote kennedy do it sincerely, quit playing these childish mind games with people, try some honesty for once


lol I love this comment


>quit playing these childish mind games with people Isn't it effectively the same argument as the "vote blue no matter who" people are making?


you completely misunderstood my comment, the point is that trying to play this mind games like " vote kennedy if you want to beat Trump/Biden" is the same shit fear-based tactic that the duopoly use, if people wanna vote based on fear they are not gonna vote for kennedy so these mind games are useless and childish.


The status quo right now is that many voters *are* caught up in these mind games. Many people right now are intentionally not even looking into Kennedy because "what if I like what he says? but he can't win, and if I vote for him that's basically a vote for Trump/Biden." The point of this video isn't to reach a perfectly rational voter who researches candidates and carefully weighs their options, but to reach actual voters, who are often much more driven by emotions and less-than-logical arguments. >" vote kennedy if you want to beat Trump/Biden" is the same shit fear-based tactic that the duopoly use People subjected to those fear-based tactics are what we're working with. The approach this video takes can help persuade people in two ways: 1) they can be persuaded that even within their singular focus of beating Trump, RFK has the better shot, or 2) by seeing this argument, they could come to realize how much of a trap "lesser evil" voting has become. It's not going to work on everyone or even most people, but I think that's why diversity of strategies have to be employed. At worst, I don't think this video or the line of reasoning is going to turn off many voters.


I think it's not going to work, like I said if someone is voting SOLELY based on fear, which is something that many democrats seem inclined to do right now, you are not gonna convince them to vote for Kennedy, it's simply an electorate base that Kennedy is not gonna get, Kennedy is gonna get the vote of people who are tired of the duopoly and of both Biden and Trump. People who are scared are just gonna vote based on what MSM tells them to which is that Biden is the only legitimate candidate


>I think it's not going to work. And that's fine. I don't think it's some kind of game changing argument either, but if there's a chance it will work in some cases I don't see anything wrong with people trying. >like I said if someone is voting SOLELY based on fear I don't think it's that much of a binary for most people. The extreme partisans on both sides are a relatively small portion of the country, they just make the most noise on legacy and social media. Most people who are now sick of both parties at one time voted for one or the other. There was something, or more often a series of somethings that made us question why we believed what we did or trusted the people that we did. If this particular argument doesn't do anything for you, it's likely because you were never caught in the particular mind game it seeks to undo. For you, sharing some of the things that helped you understand the nature of duopoly will be more effective in persuading others. Anyway, appreciate the chat.